Stéphane Lemay
Creator of
Software developer
Speaks English / French
Québec, Canada

Hi! 👋 I'm Stéphane Lemay, creator of this website. Nice to meet you!
My specialties are oriented toward web development, online community platforms and game servers, but I've also touched many other technologies such as Big Data.
🍵 I'm fueled by tea, not coffee!
I developed a strong interest toward computing since elementary school, where I first discovered this technology. It grabbed my attention both on its own along with its applications and derived uses which are getting more and more integrated in our daily lives. I also developed a passion for online communities and their interactions, an endless source of inspiration.
My computer studies began with optional classes back in elementary and secondary school. At the CÉGEP de Saint-Jérôme, I began to study this domain seriously by eventually receiving my diploma in Computer Techniques. Later on, I moved on to the University de Montréal to get my Baccalaureate in Computer Science, which I obtained three years later.
Along with the needs created by my career and studies, I accomplished several projects related to computer science and software development in my free time. holds the majority of my web programming efforts and projects available to the public, along with many other of my computing-related projects. Some are also available as open source on my GitHub account.
I'm currently working as a full-time employee in software development for a company located in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Conding activity
This activity chart represents the number of Git commits I've completed on my various projects, per day, over the years. Each square represents a day; a darker color indicates more commits on that day.
This includes some projects not available to the public. Older projects are not always included.