Interordi's Lovable Jerk
26 May 2002 at 5:24
20 February 2023 at 23:36
4811 posts (2.5% of total, 0.6 posts by day)
63 topics (0.5% of total)
Location: Mt Fuji
Birthday: 26 October 1900
Bio: Break's bio was so cool I thought I'd borrow it.
Currently playing: Nothing, PRAISE JEEBUS
Favorite gameage: Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy (1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, Mystic Quest respectively), Megaman X (1, 2, 3, 5, 6), Tetris, Metroid, DragonQuest, Mario, Quest for Glory, Ogre Battle, Zelda, Harvest Moon, Burnout, Onimusha
Likes: My pals/buds/friends, strawberries, drawing, writing, courtesy
Dislikes: Fanboys, fangirls, wasting time, lamers, pretentious idiots
I'm always alive. Just doing stupid things. Stupid, stupid things