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Zero EXE's profile
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Zero EXE
Infected Data

25 December 2003 at 12:17 29 December 2006 at 3:12 Inactive 944 posts (0.5% of total, 0.1 posts by day) 42 topics (0.3% of total)
Personal information
Location: Neo Arcadian Ruins
Birthday: 4 March 1989
Bio: Is the world really round? I mean, if you take away all the trees and looked straight, you would see land forever, as if it is all flat? If the world is round, how could the Ocean possibly wrap around and cling to the Earth? When you turn a cup of water upside down, the water falls out. If the world keeps turning, and the Ocean clings to the Earth, then why the hell are we standing here? If we stay here, and the Earth is always turning, then when we end up on the bottom, wouldn\'t we fall off?

If you were to live forever, you would never die. In theory, you can never predict this. If you live forever, you would realize that someday you have to die. But how can you die, if you live forever? Forever is a very long time!

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