6 June 2003 at 8:2116 September 2004 at 11:04 Inactive680 posts (0.4% of total, 0.1 posts by day)28 topics (0.2% of total)
Personal information
Location: Japan Birthday: 21 February 1989 Bio: I was made somewhat as a cross between Zero and Bass. I posess high intelligence as well as strength. Although, I do despise fighting. But I will fight if I have to. I am unique from other Reploids and Net Navis. I am the only one who is able to jack-out of the Cyber World and back in again from the Real World. I don\'t know it yet, but I posess an extraordinary power. That is why I am now on the run. I am currently helping a young woman named Ciel. She tells me that I am supposedly legendary. I am not convinced yet, but I will find out someday. Now, I\'m searching for Ciel. I have no idea what happened...all I know is, that she\'s at a place called Neo Arcadia. When I find her, I should be able to know who I really am, and what my purpose is...in other words, my true mission.