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midicas's achievements

Creeper's Lab

Achievements earned while playing on the Minecraft server for the Creeper's Lab.

This page lists the 15 achievements that midicas collected in this category, and the 38 known to be in progress. Can you do better?

This player isn't currently ranked in the leaderboard.

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Welcome Aboard!
Join the server
Daytime Player
Be online for at least 24 hours
Radiation Glow
Place 10 glowstone blocks
Taking Aim
Fire 128 arrows using a bow
Kill 50 zombies
Die from falling 5 times
Burj Khalifa Fall
Get 828 points of falling damage
Frequent Visitor
Login at least 30 times
Wise Old One
Gain 5000 experience points in your lifetime
Tau'ri Travel
Travel through portals 100 times
Machine Gun
Fire 1000 arrows using a bow
Walk 42.195 meters
Nature's Attacker
Deal 1000 points of damage
Experienced One
Gain 500 experience points in your lifetime
Soylent Whatever
Die from poison damage
Night Time Player
Be online for at least 96 hours
Place 10.000 blocks
Shining Light
Place 64 glowstone blocks
Break 10.000 blocks
Kill 2 villagers
Walk 226.305 meters
Creeper Hugger
Die from 10 Creepers
Raccoon City
Kill 200 zombies
All Time Player
Be online for at least 10 days
Crimson Power
Place 2 stacks of redstone wire
Revolving Door
Login at least 200 times
Travel through a portal 500 times
Creeper Lover
Die from 20 Creepers
Place 1000 wheat seeds
Server Fixture
Be online for 20 days
Sweet Revenge
Kill 100 creepers
Fragile Strength
Collect a stack of obsidian
Kill 20 bats
Nature's Obliterator
Deal 50.000 points of damage
Turning You On
Place 5 stacks of redstone wire
Mommy, It Burns!
Take 100 points of damage from lava
Master Creator
Place 100.000 blocks
I've Covered Wars
Kill 1000 zombies
Master Destroyer
Break 100.000 blocks
Say 2000 words in chat
Signature Move
Place 100 signs on walls
Getting lost often?
Walk 2.400.000 meters
Egging the Chickens
Throw 500 eggs
Titanic Captain
Ride 10 kilometers in a boat
Weed Lover
Place 10.000 wheat seeds
Dry Dry Land
Pick up 200 units of regular sand from the ground
Chatty Mouth
Say 10.000 words in chat
Sign Me a Check, Will Ya?
Place 1000 signs on walls
Do you hear me now?
Say 50.000 words in chat
Pick up 2500 units of regular sand from the ground
Can't... Breathe...
Die five times by suffocation
Tough Love
Get kicked from the server