Topic: THE WORST GAME EVER FF6 is the best... it will kick FF7 and FF8 into the ground any day of the week. :P
4 April 2003 at 14:27
Topic: THE WORST GAME EVER Elevator Action... after watching a rather funny flash movie making fun of it... I released I was looking at the only reason the game could ever be fun... that make sense?
4 April 2003 at 3:11
Topic: how do i get an avatar? Comment cheerfully withdrawn... and it\'s still a good thing to check the local deli... avatars for sale or rent. :P
[Edited on 4-4-2003 by Vash]
3 April 2003 at 20:27
Topic: TopMan He\'s a guy with a friggin\' top... A FRIGGIN\' TOP! So nope.
[Edited on 4-4-2003 by Vash]
3 April 2003 at 16:35
16 December 2002 at 22:18
Topic: ROMS ROM\'s are bad... don\'t worry about \'em.
14 December 2002 at 20:21
Topic: Who are you? I never did declare a major in college... maybe I should give it a go.
30 November 2002 at 19:13
Topic: Who are you? [quote][i]Originally posted by EvangelionZero[/i]
Such hostility....... What crawled up your a$$ and died, or do you have a 56k or something, but even still it wasn\'t a pointless pic the president...
29 November 2002 at 1:00
Topic: Thanksgiving I\'m thankful I\'m not outrageously overweight... hell... today should be a day of mourning.
Thanksgiving = Fat Ass Americans
29 November 2002 at 0:47
22 November 2002 at 18:33
19 November 2002 at 16:06
Topic: Three wishes It\'s settled then... roadtrip it is. :lol:
17 November 2002 at 1:31
Topic: MOVIES That\'s \"The Two Towers,\" not \"The Twin Towers.\" :P
From the preview I saw of the new Star Trek movie... I\'d say it\'s looking very interesting. What I am looking forward to (and this should ...
13 November 2002 at 18:41
12 November 2002 at 23:34
Topic: Three wishes I. Wish unspeakable horrors to plague humanity.
II. Wish unmentionable things to befall humanity.
III. Wish for unthinkable things to happen to humanity.
In layman\'s terms... for everybody ...
12 November 2002 at 23:26
Topic: Something Scary... That link... was utterly stupid. I hope the author does humanity a favor and jams his damned hands into a meatgrinder. :rolleyes:
4 November 2002 at 1:54
Topic: Happy Birthday! The second decade (going on third)... it\'s about as good as it\'ll get, so enjoy it well (happy \"delayed reaction from me cause methinks I missed it\" birthday). ;)
14 October 2002 at 15:00
Topic: the simpson That flashing robot is poking fun at anime in general... not just Pokemon you nits. :rolleyes:
10 October 2002 at 14:27
Topic: Kingdom Hearts I\'m boycotting RPG\'s... hence I will not play Kingdom Heart\'s with green eggs and ham.
8 October 2002 at 19:30
Topic: It\'s snowing! I\'d be tempted to ask for snow, but somehow I think a blizzard would come of it (and then a LAN party would be scheduled on that very day... true story). No snow for Moe. :D
6 October 2002 at 2:59
Topic: It\'s snowing! Snow happens... I\'m sure it\'s just one of dem flukes. It\'ll melt, heatwave will follow, and then the biggest blizzard since the game company was formed (just making a weatherman prediction). :P
5 October 2002 at 14:45
Topic: Rinoman\'s academy of stupidity Does throwing one of dem red rubber balls (Grade shool... dodge ball... you know?) and bouncing it off a kid\'s head in front of a teacher count while laughing and saying I was gonna beat him up? :D
5 October 2002 at 4:54