[quote]Originally posted by Juno
Okay, I\'m sure a few of you have realized that some times people, good people, bad people, even people you don\'t really take the time to pay attention to just up and leave. We don\'t ever find out why they\'re leaving...they just go.
I am writing this because a person on this board, I\'m not sure if all of you remember her (I bet prince5 does), her name was darkalchelmy001. She was a kool kid:) I liked her a lot. (Not in that way.) I PMed her just a day or so ago, here\'s the PMs:
Where have you been darkalchemy? I kinda miss havin you around:(
Sorry, Juno, but I\'m not going to be around anymore. I was just logging in to delete all my posts. I\'m sorry.
Now, I pose the question: Why are these people leaving?
If anyone has the answer to why someone, anyone left, please tell me.
And if you are leaving, please post why...I hate it when people leave--it makes me sad:cry:
[Edited on 21-2-2006 by Juno] [/quote]Sad. Was that somewhat directed in my case when I tried to leave? Nah..... even though you were BEGGING for me to stay. I think you might have had SOME feelings for her, but just didn\'t know it. Even though it was a painful memory for you, you should hold on to that message. Wow... I just HELPED someone.
Originally posted by Juno
Originally posted by Morphman
You know, there were times I thought: \"I\'m gonna leave and get going with other stuff.\"
...now I\'m addicted to chocolate...
Wha...?:conf: What did chocolate have to do with anything?
Anywho, I\'m glad you never left us Morphy:)
If you do, Morph, can I have your account?... and your freaky cat sig.. with text?
Originally posted by Mega X.exe
Who knows? It\'s not like they\'re dead or anything. They\'re just not here. Fact is, people leave and people come...you deal with it. Change can bring good too.
After all, if things never changed, I never would have met some of the most awesome people I know.
But anyway, I never really liked darkalchemy much, so, sorry but \"meh\".
Who knows? She may not even leave! I\'ve only managed to stay away from here once...for about two weeks. Not counting the great 6-month hiatus of \'03, of course.
That\'s enough, Mega.
Originally posted by FlareMan
I just pop in and out at random... I\'m never really gone, just... asleep. Xp
Not... funny.
1. Chocolate is like... like me. It is bound to take you over someday.
2. YET.
3. ~Morph~
Originally posted by Juno
Originally posted by Zane Truesdale
Hey guys. I won\'t be able to come as often as usual... if at all. Me and my brother [Goblin King] got into a fight and because of that, our mother is dissembling the computer. So, I\'m just gonna say goodbye, just in case I don\'t come here anymore.[/quote]
Please don\'t call this SPAM, I just thought it should be in the proper topic, and...I wanted to say this: \"I hope to see ya soon Zane... You shall be missed by not only myself:( Bye.\"
(I hate it when people leave:cry: )
[Edited on 23-2-2006 by Juno] [/quote]Hmph.. another one?
Originally posted by Morphman
Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by Samsara
Some good members have left. STZ (or gokgok), Rinoman, Fred, Hublo, even Make seems to be on more seldom than he used to be.
Hublo still connects once in a while.
Sometimes, it\'s not obvious that some members are still around if you never send them any messages. Try it sometime, you\'ll get your answer faster than you might expect.
Yes. A short while ago, I got a PM from Hublo. God, I was surprised. Asked me my MSN adress because he wanted to keep contact with \"the old members he knew from before\" or something close to that. >>
Me? \"Old member\"? HAH!
Not much older than me..
P.S. Doc? Can you fix the forum I screwed up?
[Edited on 25-2-2006 by Spider777]
[Edited on 25-2-2006 by Dr. Cossack]