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DMN #007
1176 posts


I've been such a patient little fanboy, and here it is! Finally! My chance to play my all-time favorite X-series character, EVER! *Squee!!!*

*Hugs his PSP*

Ah, man. Vile rocks so hard... And you nay-sayers said he'd never get his chance! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAH! I LAUGH AT YOU! :lol:

Anywho, this topic will be for all discussion of everything concerning Vile in Maverick-Hunter: X. Including Levels, stories, weapons, and of course... Vile himself. Xp


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The Third Commander
653 posts

I'd really like this game, but I just can't afford getting a PSP... I wish they'd release these porta-games on normal consoles too.. if it were also on PS2, I'd buy it.. Playing as Vile seems like it could be really cool.


The Helldragon
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And, of course, there is deliberation about the ZX series that the mystery Biometal is a Vile model. Which would rock.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Silly Flareman, no one has a PSP OR Maverick Hunter X!

Shirt Ninja
560 posts

I have the former, just not the latter XD.

So, Flare, I'm asking you're completely biased one-sided opinion here; is this game worth the buy?

And don't say "Yes, it has VILE! You must buy!" but as a whole, is the game worth it? I need to know, before I dish out the cash.

804 posts

we just ordered the game but i can only play it when i pass to 5th grade which will take a month :mad:

i'd love to see how Vile plays. he's one of my fav badguys in the X series.


2647 posts

Sure will be interesting playing as Vile and seeing the story from his point of view.

Oh, and Ray, I think you meant 11th. :P

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

804 posts

Originally posted by Morphman
Sure will be interesting playing as Vile and seeing the story from his point of view.

Oh, and Ray, I think you meant 11th. :P

fifth in our country so shut it, okay?
fifth after elementary school ofcourse :hehe:


DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
Silly Flareman, no one has a PSP OR Maverick Hunter X!

... Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa!!!

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were serious. XD

Originally posted by BassGospel
I have the former, just not the latter XD.

So, Flare, I'm asking you're completely biased one-sided opinion here; is this game worth the buy?

And don't say "Yes, it has VILE! You must buy!" but as a whole, is the game worth it? I need to know, before I dish out the cash.

As a whole? YES.

And I'm not saying that JUST for Vile, although he does make up a whole 50% of my positive feedback. The other 50% goes into how well the game was remade. Although a lot of the stages aren't EXACTLY as you remember them.

The only thing I DON'T like about Maverick Hunter X, is some of the remixed music. (Though, Eagle's remixed theme did NOT dissapoint. Oh, no. It did not indeed. 8D) It's also one of the major flaws in Vile Mode. The normal stage tunes in each of the 8 main stages are replaced with what I assume is Vile's custom theme, which, sadly, is vile. I believe my first reaction to it was something along the lines of, "Dear god... it sounds like an electric guitar with NAUSEA!"

The sigma stage tunes stay the same, though, luckily.

Anywho, as far as gameplay goes it's just as much fun as you remember the old version was. The only difference here is that Capcom put WAY more work into the storyline.

(Once you beat X-mode, you unlock the special "Day of Sigma" movie, which pretty much shows how things got started in the X series, what with Sigma finally going maverick and all. You get a glimpse of some of the boss characters before they were maverick, jus' chillin' out at hunter base. Pretty neat.)

Originally posted by Morphman
Sure will be interesting playing as Vile and seeing the story from his point of view.

Oh, and Ray, I think you meant 11th. :P

Both X AND Vile have conversations with the maverick bosses once you face them. Yes, Vile isn't just a freebie they threw in to attract more fans, he actually follows a storyline here.

Playing as vile, of course, is different from playing X.

Vile always has three different weapons on him at any given time. An Arm weapon, a Shoulder weapon (The cannon, yo.), and a Leg weapon. Using these weapons consumes energy from the single Weapon gauge next to Vile's health. However, the Gauge automatically starts replenishing itself when points are used up. So it's not a matter of having limited ammo, just that you have to make sure you have enough points in the gauge to make an attack. Wait for it to fill up completely if you have any doubts.

As you beat bosses, you gain access to new weapons. These weapons can be equipped on Vile's body parts (Arm/Shoulder/Leg) and have all manner of funky abilities. Some weapons home in, some punch through guards, some are slow and some are fast. Some have incredibly long range, some are so short it's pitiful. (Golden Right, but it totally pwns all other weapons in the damage department, yo!)

Of course, since the leg weapon uses up your O button, Vile cannot dash. This is made up for after you beat Storm Eagle. You get a special part called "Speed Devil", which basically increases the speed with which Vile runs, letting you jump farther, too, as a result. You'll also get a "Frozen Castle" from Chill Penguin which boosts your defense. But other than that, your main focus will be weapons.

Vile is fun in that you don't have to follow a set order in beating Mavericks, though they are weak to some weapons, mostly your fights will be based around picking weapons to beat enemies based on mobility, rather than sheer power.

Yes... I'm sorry, folks. Vile is about STRATEGY.

Spoiler (click to toggle)
Vile's final boss fight is not against Sigma, but rather the Maverick Hunting team of X and Zero! That's right, folks! Both of these heroes are yours for the taking-down! Not both at once, though. Remember the boss fight between the Anchus brothers in Zero-2? It'll be sort of like that. X and Zero will tag in and out amongst themselves to take turns at bashing your head in. Zero will mostly fire insta-charged shots that move slowly, and then thwart your attempts to jump over them by smacking into you as you're in mid-air. Sometimes with a flaming downward kick (Ala X8!). 80% of the time, X will appear with the rolling shield allready around him, thwarting normal attacks (Bring a weapon that punches through defenses! I always have the Egoistic Pill on me for this fight.), and he also mostly uses his buster. The two share a single life gauge, and once it gets down to a certain level they begin doing more complicated attacks. X will bring up the Storm Tornado and pull a Storm Owl on you, summoning vertical tornadoes in your general vicinity. And every now and then both X and Zero will appear for a team attack.

Anywho, survive this fight, and you've beaten Vile Mode!

Edited by FlareMan on May 17, 2006 at 11:40:55.

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The Helldragon
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That's a sweet final battle. Once more I hope there's a Vile model in ZX.

2647 posts

Originally posted by The Helldragon
That's a sweet final battle. Once more I hope there's a Vile model in ZX.

But then of course the Axl fanboys will start whining to have a model based on their favorite 'hero'.

All hail the Supreme Comrade Cossack!

Shirt Ninja
560 posts

Flare, I haven't played any X games below X7, so I can't judge stages OR music. But, since it gets such positive feedback, I'll give it a buy when I have the cash.

Axl fanboys/girls want their fav hero in a game? But alas! Axl himself is an X Fanboy! Yes, we know, mwahaha!

No, Axl's okay, he just pisses me off sometimes, especially X7.

But he is an X Fanboy XD

DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by BassGospel
Flare, I haven't played any X games below X7, so I can't judge stages OR music. But, since it gets such positive feedback, I'll give it a buy when I have the cash.

This is why I have an SNES Emulator. ^_^

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Glenn Magus Harvey
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*gives FlareMan an eletric guitar so he can play Vile's theme from MMX3*

Interesting idea it seems. I look forward to messing with it.

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DMN #007
1176 posts

Originally posted by Glenn Magus Harvey
*gives FlareMan an eletric guitar so he can play Vile's theme from MMX3*

Interesting idea it seems. I look forward to messing with it.

*Does so.*

Xp Not the best tune around, but it's better than this guitar-vomit Capcom tried to feed us this time around with Vile... *Waves MHX in the air.*

Edited by FlareMan on June 17, 2006 at 1:12:19.

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Slash Beast
Irken Invader
544 posts

I have Maverick Hunter X and the Vile mode is pretty sweet it feels good to play as something else than Megaman,Zero or Axl(hmph!) :mad: >.>
Cool final battle too,better than the original final batle I say.


Falcon armor
8 posts

a game were you can not only play as the good guy.Vile has cool stuff for weapons.

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Vile music is vile because he is vile. Good music is with x because he's a good guy.

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Meh, I didn't like the new tracks they composed for Vile. That's not a simple opinion of "wha wha, the old stuff is better": I like the other tunes they added to the soundtrack, such as the pre-boss theme. Vile's trashy rock themes, however, are simply boring.

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Giving Vile more than one song would have been a great idea. I'm not sure why Capcom didn't have it...
Other than that, Vile mode is excellent. I love that his ride mecha has a machine gun on it. X's version is a clumsy beast compared to it.