Well it's not great, espeacially if people are insulting because of interest, looks, or just to make fights.
I just when through this, a chat room went out of control. It was one against two, then three, then four, even five. Just because one started a fight and blamed the victim and sent his lackies to help giving them false info. I stepped in to help, but it only got worse. Finally an op came in, they only yelled at us for flooding and the room was to be a civilized chat. The op was a friend of the people making the fights with anyone who came in, so he only yelled at us for flooding then stayed out of it. I stopped for he threatened to ban us, but the five kept going and the victim only could take it, they had no other choice. Of course they could leave, but some of us don't do that. Only because if we see them again, they'll pick on us for 'running away'. I asked the mod if this was acceptable in a pm, he only said that we could ignore them, again if we did we'd be picked on for taking the easy way out. So after a few minutes I just left after being bothered several times after staying out of the arguement. I only hope that it ends soon or a mod with some common sense ends it.
Topic: Have you ever been in a fight, and could do nothing to stop it.
Terrible feeling eh?