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The UltimaGaiden Project Leader
6 posts

Hi, my name's Paul, and this is my first post on this forum :P

Anyways, to find out more about me and this project, please just ask me.

The site's under major construction and we're not making any public releases of the project till sometimes in either december or early next year. :( Please don't make any complaints about what you see so far if you're not a part of a project. Complain once we're done with the work, and I'll actually listen to you. :mad:

Anyhow, the project's based on the Mega Man Classic and Mega Man X series. Currently, the project consists of 2 sub-projects which will be worked on at the same time. The two sub-projects are the game and movie project. They're both going to be completely 3D. (If you're wondering how I can be so sure, I'm the Cheif Digital Animator and the Project Organizer. :D )

Well, let me get straight to the point here... I currently have about 40 people involved in the project (some who are just completely lazy that they only put about 2 hours worth of effort in this project while a few others are starting to put in about 40 hours worth of effort). Unfortunately, we need more people, those who are willing to put a lot of time into this project in any way they can. :cute:

We dont need only experienced people or professionals. I'm training some of the artists already in the project who came to me with no experience what-so-ever. However, I will not train anybody in any other category than 3D Animation and 2D Animation and basic Music Composition with Fruity Loop Studios. The people who will need experience however are Programmers, voice actors and music composers. :hehe:

The main point of this post is to find anyone who is interested in being a Digital Animator/Artist in this project, which is a lot of work and takes up a lot of time, however - it is a great profession to be involved in and make your own portfolio with. :D

If you have any questions what-so-ever, please ask me here, even if the question is based from something from my own forum. :cute:

Edited by PJ125126888221 on December 4, 2006 at 6:36:28.

Zane Truesdale
Yu Grim Ravenface
180 posts

Hi and welcome to the board! I won't complain about you not posting an intro in the "Who Are You" thread because you have information in your post to make it worthy of another topic.

You're running a pretty interesting project there. Me and a couple other members to this board are running a project ourselves that involve the topic: "An RPG". If you want to know more, take a look at the RPG topic and another topic called "An RPG: A movie or show!" I hope you can join us. In return I'll do whatever I can to help you in your project though I have little knowledge of the X and Classic series of Megaman. The position I'd like would be giving ideas and sketching out some characters for you. (I'm terrible at shadowing though.) If you wish to see any of my drawings, take a look at the "My REAL Works" topic. If your interested in having me join your team, just give a PM.

I wish you luck in your project!

EDIT: PS: There's a Message Board for our project known as "Project Epsilon". Click on the image in my signature to access it.

Edited by Zane Truesdale on October 14, 2006 at 18:25:52.

Nightmares are dreams that need re-coding.

The UltimaGaiden Project Leader
6 posts

Definetly interesting. Yes I had made the post here because I'm mostly focusing on my project. I've been working on my project a roughly 110 hours weekly average including training others who require it for my project.

From my quick scan through your forum, you're making a site using Flash? My project is going to be a PS3 beta, although probably wont be official. I've already sent 3 (looooooooooooong) emails to capcom requesting permission to do this project and having it done professionally. Thing is, as a Digital Artist and a Mega Man fan, while trying to get revenge on Square for putting my previous project down, I plan on trying to make a small competition towards Final Fantasy 13's quality gameplay and graphics using Mega Man... However, I fear that we may not get far if Capcom puts us off for this, although we have a backup plan just in case, it'd ruin one of the major goals for this project.

Anyways, i'll stay short on the project here as you said there's another thread that may be good to place it.

Project Epsilon sounds flashy, I might take a more thorough look into it later :P Sounds interesting lol. First project I've noticed that caught my interest was the Mega Man Legends Expansion project, however... they're progressing slow. I'm kinda dissapointed in the low rates of Mega Man Legends fans without the motivation to work on something like that project. I am however, giving them my free-time support.

Zane Truesdale
Yu Grim Ravenface
180 posts

Well, apparently you have alot of time on your hands :P. <J/K> It seems your a little busy with other projects. I'd like to assist you by giving ideas for your story and maybe sketching out some origanol characters for your story. Remember, just because your branching something off another series doesn't mean you can't have a couple of your own characters in there.

If I do help, I'd probably be classified as one of your "lazy ones" because I log on at random times. (Sadly, there is no control over that because the administrator for the computer usually says I can't use it.) Therefore, I won't be able to post my work all that often. I might be gone for maybe half a year!

PS: The thread I mentioned is only really for Hellos and intros. I said I won't complain because you have other info in your post that makes it more than "Hellos" and "Introductions". So what your doing is perfectly fine.

Nightmares are dreams that need re-coding.

The UltimaGaiden Project Leader
6 posts

Originality is our goal actually, by trying to make the characters and environment look realistic. This is why we need a lot of Digital Artists.

We already have a story in mind, and we're still remodifying it as time goes on so we can keep within Capcom's story line without conflict. We also included a large number of fan characters due to the fact that we need more roles to be played out properly in the project. The game project is more likely going to be an RPG, however we are trying to make a new type of RPG engine, which will make the Game Project unique.

Sketchers we got, they're the animators. They are also Concept Artists but being an animator, that takes up a lot of time, so we can make use of concept artists preparing images to be imported into softwares like Maya so we can make a perfectly 3D model.

This project also requires more time than a lot of fan projects, as well as it is to be done much more professionally, even though it involves a lot of inexperienced people from the age of 14 to 38 so far.

However, we can make use of sketchers if they give us a lot of work and ideas in order to make characters look more realistic before we model. :P

Zane Truesdale
Yu Grim Ravenface
180 posts

You need all the help you can get, but then again too much help gets kind of annoying. :P

If you looked at my sketches in my topic: "My REAL Works" you'd know I'm only good for a rough idea for characters

Nightmares are dreams that need re-coding.

Goat Herder
-4276 post
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012

... and 18 more

I think what Zane is trying to say is that he's good at making concept art.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

The UltimaGaiden Project Leader
6 posts

Mega Man X Body Sketch
Mega Man X Arm Details Sketch
Mega Man X Legs Sketch
These are definetly old sketches that I have. This is kinda what he would be doing for sketches. I do have some concept arts but I cant release them to the public at this time (only has 1 concept art). Here's an example of somebody else's concept art they did for their model:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Anyways, those concept arts are what we're tracing in a 3D software so we can make a perfect model. The measurements of a concept art is near perfect while modeling, it will be exact.

Edited by PJ125126888221 on October 14, 2006 at 21:22:45.

Goat Herder
-4276 post
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012
Acquired on 2 April 2012

... and 18 more

The first example can't be found. But the rest of it looks great. The body, arm, and leg sketches reminded me of a Legends style of art.

"Why do you care that I care that you care enough to care that I care for caring?" "Conversation isn't your strong point, is it?"
"I worship the supreme comrade Cossack!"
"OugharagarraaahhHHH: When 'Ow' just won't cut it."

CAPCOM: We put the "No" in Innovation.

AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

Speaking of Legends-style, I know you from the Megaman Legends Station!

Erm, I still wish I could help, but I really don't have the kind of time to devote to such a project right now, I'm afraid.

Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:

DMN #007
1176 posts

Interesting. Sounds like you've got yourself a neat little project going, here. I don't really have the time to dedicate to helping you, but I'm interested in this "Fruity loop studio" thing you mentioned... what is it, specifically?

If you're curious as to why I ask, I've been wanting to compose some tunes I have rambling around in my head with some kind of program on my computer, but have yet to find such a thing...

Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

252 posts

Nice work there!I really like drawings!And are you really from the Legends station?

The UltimaGaiden Project Leader
6 posts

My apologies for not responding to some of your posts, I've been pretty busy with the project and the crew as well as college and life.

@AimMan / megaman x rocks!:
Yeah, I'm from MMLEx/MMLS, and I'm pretty much helping them out with the modeling and concept arts for their project. I'm trying to train someone to be a modeler to be exact while looking for concept artists for both projects.

Fruity Loops Studio is an audio composition software, and is one of my favorites to choose from besides Finale 2007. A great audio composition software is REASON but I dislike it's interface.


We're currently in need of artists who can decently draw anime. We're starting on the storyboard straight from the story we have completed and reviewed, and the storyboard reqquires quite a bit from 511 pages worth of reading.

We also are in need of artists for concept art right now as well, since we do not have enough to progress at a decent pace. While the programmers are studying and coming up with ideas and a library of sources, artists are currently in the works of the project while we're still in [pre-development] planning stage.

Artists are required to either have a digital tablet and adobe photoshop or a scanner, pencil and paper. Please email/message me in any way you'd prefer if you're interested.


Any requests may be asked here as I will provide what I can.

Again, my apologies for not returning to this forum. If I do not have an email notification active, it may take time for me to make my response. Sorry.