Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
Originally posted by HighMaxOmega
Do you know how it would work, I mean, would they make a Wii Dance-pad or would they integrate the remote's motion technology? Both? Or will the mat be a remote add-on like the classic controller?
The article covers this: the game will include a standard DDR pad, just like all the other games in the series. However, it will also make use of the Wiimote and Nunchuk, requiring you to move your feet AND your hands to the beat of the music! It's nice to see them move farther than the standard game.
It's going to suck for Greasy fatties working out though when they have to use their hands also, either A. The controller is unusable afterwards because you can't even grip it without it slipping, or B. You can't grip it because it slipped out of some guys hand and shattered your TV.
"Hey dude check it out i'm using my hands also for DDR now, I happy I just had that greasy fried chicken*slip* Jesus Christ, not my flat panel!"