Interordi Menu
1166 posts

Original Topic. Merge if you please. :D

Whether you've completed the challenge or not, please share.

Here's my top 6 Hardest game challenges:

6. Final Fantasy XII: Defeat Yiazmat, the boss with 50,000,000 + HP! (COMPLETED!!)

Considering I did it in one sitting (without leaving the battle field) I'd consider this the longest boss fight I've ever been up against. Took a good 2 hours and 45 minutes. Good riddance, Square Enix!

5. Mega Man Powered Up: Complete all 100 Challenges. (COMPLETED!!)

Many were tough, others were easy. What can I say? Looking back on it now, it wasn't sooo least I can say that now.

4. Mega Man Legends 2: 100 Questions in a row! (COMPLETED!!)

Okay, not really hard, just tedious. If you get one wrong, just ONE wrong, you start ALL OVER AGAIN! I have 2 double sided sheets of paper with various answers on it! You know when you're getting better at it when you can get the answers correct without even looking at the questions. Well, that's that.

3. Final Fantasy VII: Defeat Ruby Weapon and Emerald Weapon. (COMPLETED!!)

Some consider these two to be the hardest bosses in RPG history. I thought so too, but maybe it was because I wasn't nearly as good as I am now at gaming. Still, good times. Frankly, I'd like to give another crack at them with this strategy.

2. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars: 100 Super Jumps. (COMPLETED!!)

Ugh......just ugh...I still can't believe I did it three times, in three separate files let alone once in one file. My friend ejected the game while I was playing it as a joke and ended up erasing all of my files after I had completed this task earlier. You can tell from this statement, I was pissed. Aside from controlling my heart rate, maintaining steady breathing, and not blinking for an entire 1-2 minutes, this is still one of the hardest challenges ever, in my opinion because you can never really expect to do it. Just enjoy this great game, and have fun!

1. Mega Man Powered Up : Get 100.0% in New Style!(COMPLETED!!)

466 Stages down, 2 to go. I'll bet you can guess which ones they are. That's right. Fireman's Stage on Hard with Oilman and Copy Robot's Stage on Hard as Oilman. Oilman is a god-awful disgrace. He's an abomination to that game, and an insult to Mega Man. I'm sure I'll take care of this little nuisance sooner or later. I'll let you know if it unlocks anything, doubtful but, we can always hope. I don't think anybody has gotten 100% yet, so we'll just have to wait and see.


Who am I kidding? Getting 100% in MMPU New Style is much harder than doing 100 Super Jumps. Well...maybe just a little...

Also, come to think of it, Yiazmat was relatively easy in my opinion, considering I killed him on my first try. He can go down one on my list.


Finally beat Fireman on Hard Mode as Oilman. My hands are still shaking...

Just need to beat the Copy Robot Level, then I'll have 100.0% on New Style! Doubt it unlocks anything, but still...we'll see.


I did it. 100.0% in New Style Mode. Take that, Capcom!

Just as I thought, no unlockable in doing so.

Edited by Arkane on February 8, 2008 at 23:11:04.

Edited by Arkane on February 8, 2008 at 23:11:31.

is almost to Epsilon
804 posts

Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz: Clear all stages without continues to unlock bonus worlds!! (ALMOST COMPLETED!!)
There's always that one trick turn, bad ledge, Wiimote screw-up, or something completely unheard of to knock out all of your lives before you can finish the job.

MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge: Have your batteries live through Hackersnet!
This, if not the hardest, is the one that ticked me off the most. I was on a long road trip using the good ol' original GBA and I think Energizers. My folder was good, I could kill off any element with Bass, yada yada... at battle seventy-something my batteries died. I didn't say a word for the rest of the drive, just gave my GBA mean looks.

MegaMan: Powered UP: Get all the Construction Packs!! (Almost done!!)

This one ain't hard at all, but it's fun!
MegaMan Battle Network 6: Beat Gregar with only the MegaBuster (non-charged)!!(COMPLETED!!!!!)
Please don't tell me this took you over ten tries, please don't.

Mach Jentra: I heard you were dead.
Zero: You know me - never say 'die.'

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Five star all songs in game on expert mode (Guitar hero 2): (Not even close to fully beaten, I've gotten the first section but no more...)

And for that last one Highmax, I've done that twice... >_>

Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on May 21, 2007 at 14:07:17.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

1861 posts

Final Fantasy X
Dodge those lightning bolts. I didn't even bother, and skipped it. roofle.

haha. Arkane, hardcore gamer. I didn't kill Emerald or Ruby, or do the 100 questions from hell.


1166 posts

I remember the lightning bolt dodging! Yes, that too was a big pain. I can proudly say, I pulled that off. I got everyone's Ultimate Weapon in FFX, unsealed.

Another annoying challenge in that game was the Chocobo riding in the Calm Lands. When I finally did do it, it was a perfect run. It had to be. Didn't get hit by any balls and got around 15 ballons. I thought my game messed up, because the guy wasn't giving me the Sun Sigil. It wasn't until later I found out you have to quit from this mini-game altogether before he hands it over. So, guess what? Before I knew that, I reset the game and did it again.

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
-3258 post
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hanako Ikezawa
Hanako Ikezawa
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

God of War-Walk the balance beams of death in Hades.

Utter, utter hell. I hated this segment with a passion.

4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe
Five star all songs in game on expert mode (Guitar hero 2): (Not even close to fully beaten, I've gotten the first section but no more...)
Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on May 21, 2007 at 14:07:17.

If you're gonna talk about perfection in video games...
Get an 'S' on every song in a Elite Beat Agents.(100% complete)
It's not that hard in retropsect, now that I can pick up the game and clear everything with an 'S' on Hard Rock now. When you're leading up to it, it gets very frustrating.

Get an 'XS' on every operation [hard and extreme] in Trauma Center (18% complete)
I really do not know how I'm supposed to get an A, let alone an XS, on episode 6-4 where
Spoiler (click to toggle)
Derek has both Kyraki and Paraskevi directly in his heart.

Hell, I can barely pass that mission.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars: 100 Super Jumps. (Yeah, no way. 70% completed)
70 was an accomlishment. 100 would be a miracle.

Edited by MagimanV1.5 on May 23, 2007 at 14:06:25.

Edited by MagimanV1.5 on June 16, 2007 at 15:43:06.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

1166 posts

Originally posted by HighMaxOmega
MegaMan: Powered UP: Get all the Construction Packs!! (Almost done!!)

Which Pack Number are you referring to exactly? I could lend a hint.

You just reminded me...

6. Mega Man Powered Up : Get 100% in New Style!(99.5% COMPLETE!)

466 Stages down, 2 to go. I'll bet you can guess which ones they are. That's right. Fireman's Stage on Hard with Oilman and Copy Robot's Stage on Hard as Oilman. Oilman is a god-awful disgrace. He's an abomination to that game, and an insult to Mega Man. I'm sure I'll take care of this little nuisance sooner or later. I'll let you know if it unlocks anything, doubtful but, we can always hope. I don't think anybody has gotten 100% yet, so we'll just have to wait and see.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Try playing Halo on Legendary using only the Magnum, or Plasma pistol... >_<

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Arkane
Original Topic. Merge if you please. :D

Topics actually can't be merged anymore; this hasn't been possible since the change to IOBoard. In the future please just bump up the old topic instead of starting a new one if possible.

I could lock this topic and force you guys to continue discussion in the old topic if I wished, but I'm going to leave this open. People have already started discussing and by locking this one I kinda close the door on you to continue what you already got going here since I can't merge them together. If that feature is ever added again the two topics will likely be merged.


6. Final Fantasy XII: Defeat Yiazmat, the boss with 50,000,000 + HP! (COMPLETED!!)

Considering I did it in one sitting (without leaving the battle field) I'd consider this the longest boss fight I've ever been up against. Took a good 2 hours and 45 minutes. Good riddance, Square Enix!

I started fighting the Hell Wyrm but got bored because of it's high HP. I wouldn't even want to imagine Yiazmat. :lol:

1166 posts

I thought it was bad to bump old topics. But, since the merge function is no longer in play, I guess I made a bad move.

Oh well. This one's better anyways. :P

Also, yes, it was pretty boring. It got to the point that if you set up your Gambits just right, you could leave the room, come back some time later, and everyone would still be alive and Yiazmat with less HP. Of course, his strategy changes at certain intervals during the fight based on his remaining HP. All in all, Yiazmat will keep you company for the next couple of hours.

Or, I think you can leave anytime, just leave the room before he uses Renew on himself! If you leave before he can do this, his remaining HP should still be the same from when you last fought him. Leave, Save and return until you think your tolerance for boredom kicks in, then repeat.

Hats n' spirals
2437 posts
Become Dr. Cossack's waifu
Acquired on 20 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 22 more

Kingdom Hearts- Synthesize All Items! (Complete!)

WAY too time consuming. DAMN THOSE MYSTERY GOOS!

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
-3258 post
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hanako Ikezawa
Hanako Ikezawa
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

Originally posted by Arkane
I thought it was bad to bump old topics. But, since the merge function is no longer in play, I guess I made a bad move.

Oh well. This one's better anyways. :P

Also, yes, it was pretty boring. It got to the point that if you set up your Gambits just right, you could leave the room, come back some time later, and everyone would still be alive and Yiazmat with less HP. Of course, his strategy changes at certain intervals during the fight based on his remaining HP. All in all, Yiazmat will keep you company for the next couple of hours.

Or, I think you can leave anytime, just leave the room before he uses Renew on himself! If you leave before he can do this, his remaining HP should still be the same from when you last fought him. Leave, Save and return until you think your tolerance for boredom kicks in, then repeat.

Just like Town Portal in Diablo.

252 posts

Ultimate Spider-man:Johnny Storms Races(Trying to complete)
Hell,I completed just two races but hell i screw up at the 2nd race(the 1st orb that is)

Ultimate Spider-man:Chase Electro(Complete)
I hate this freaking chases,it took me 8-7 tries to catch Electro!(By using Venom)

Edited by megaman x rocks! on May 24, 2007 at 10:28:08.

-48 post

Resident Evil 4 Only standard pistol and knife on Professional COMPLETE Many have done it on standard, but on Pro?! It was hard, simply put. Some enemies you need to develop a stategy, while others is simply, run, shoot, run, shoot and so on. It was a tough task...but...I did it.


Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Arkane
I thought it was bad to bump old topics. But, since the merge function is no longer in play, I guess I made a bad move.

Oh well. This one's better anyways. :P

Bumping older topics is perfectly acceptable if you're adding something on topic. I can understand why one might think counter to this because this board has had a nasty infestation of backseat moderators in the past who jumped at members for bumping topics but I haven't seen that sort of behaviour around much lately.

I'd like to go after Yiazmat sometime but I'm not sure I'm up to a battle that takes hours and hours. I still have to get Zodiark and Ultima as well. Zodiark. Fucking Zodiark. :lol:

Phatman Dover
737 posts

Let's see.

1:Beating the first stage of Tyrant in RE1 with just a knife
Let's just say that a lot of cussing was done. Yeah. At least the second part was easy. Roffle.

2:Beating Resident Evil 4 in just under 3 hours, without the Broken Butterfly or special launcher
No cheat weapons either. Fresh from the start. I need to get out more often.

3:Killing Ultimate Weapon in FF7 ten levels before I was supposed to try and face him
Honestly this wasn't that hard. I just like to rub it in FF7 fans' faces.

4:Collecting all the items in Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Hard. HARD. Time consuming.

5:Beating House of the Dead 2 on two credits
If any of you scoff at me and say it's not hard, then you can take a flying you-know-what at the moon.

6:Managing to beat Halo's last stage on the hardest difficulty
Not so much the enemies as the time limit. Screw up slightly, even once, and you die. Horrifically.

7:Beating Dark Faltz in Phantasy Star with a low-level FONeweral
OH MY GOD THE BURNING. It was so very, very hard. But I lived to see another PSO.

8:Playing Quest64 and beating it, without cursing
If anyone's played Quest64, you know what an amazing miracle this is.

9:Playing ET The Extraterrestrial on the Atari and managing to get him out of a hole
*loud, angry screaming*

10:Making the high score in SCII at my arcade insanely impossible to beat
If you're wondering, I use Talim.

And that's some of my list. A lot of those I would love to try again. And others I wish the most horrible of fates.

Reality swirled in a wholly blue manner, revealing absolutely nothing of merit. Things flashed madly in and out of existence like some entirely other sort of phenomena. On a whim, Kurt Vonnegut imploded, taking a sizeable hunk of Massachusetts with him. However, seeing as Massachusetts wasn't entirely sure it existed, the chunk wasn't all that big.

252 posts

Here are others:

Unlock Ultraman Anphans by playing Survival mode with 10 characters
Do they want me to die or something??

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Originally posted by Phatman Dover
10:Making the high score in SCII at my arcade insanely impossible to beat
If you're wondering, I use Talim.

I was the top score for like a few hours, I used Ivy for no real reason. Then this kid came along and stomped me by a good amount...He was maybe 9 or 10...

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

7:Beating Dark Faltz in Phantasy Star with a low-level FONeweral
OH MY GOD THE BURNING. It was so very, very hard. But I lived to see another PSO.

I HATE THAT BOSS. I don't remember what ol X plays as (some magic user) but he and I went up against Falz in Very Hard, I was level 49 or 50..he's only around 35, and he's the healer so..yeah..have to keep him alive. So Faltz did his usual crap of trapping us inside of his first form (because he's an ass) but we killed him anyway, then we got his second form because I am a totally bitchin' HUcast with machineguns.

..then his third form showed up.

X: "I didn't know he had a third form in Very Hard?!"
Me: "AHHHHHHHHH" *running around in circles* "HOW DO I HIT HIM, DAMN"
X: *dies*
Me: "CRAP" *revives*
X: *dies*
Me: "CRAP" *revives*
X: "I can't withstand that attack obviously"
Me: "WOW RLY?" *running around in circles, eventually running out of Moon Atomizers and dying myself*
Me: "....god I dunno who I hate more, him or De La Rocha." (Yeah that's my nickname for De Rol Le or whatever his name is)

Regardless...X needs to level his character before we try THAT again. Ugh. I dunno what the minimum is for Ultimate but I'll definitely be there before him. Haha.

My difficult tasks have been in the Breath of Fire games. Killing a Berserkr, and an ArchMage in BoF 3. ArchMage of course being easier. Was grand when I finally did defeat a Berserkr at level 45 or so. I still haven't been able to get a Goo King Sword though....damned Goo Kings...

But I haven't been able to defeat Riders, or the Trean and Trunked groups in BoF 4... They drive me mad yeah, and I don't want to get through the game until I beat them..haha.

BoF 2 had the K. Sludges, which become easy of course as you level...and the N. Riders, which are easier than the K. Sludges.

I haven't even BOTHERED to attempt BoF 5's Kokon Horay...since I couldn't get through the game itself and had to do that restart crap, but I enjoy it.

Also, another challenge that I quite enjoyed (maybe because I'm a sadomasochist) was the Ancient Cave in Lufia II. 98 floors of pain.

Edited by HollowTorment on May 27, 2007 at 3:16:58.

1166 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
My difficult tasks have been in the Breath of Fire games. Killing a Berserkr, and an ArchMage in BoF 3. ArchMage of course being easier. Was grand when I finally did defeat a Berserkr at level 45 or so. I still haven't been able to get a Goo King Sword though....damned Goo Kings...

But I haven't been able to defeat Riders, or the Trean and Trunked groups in BoF 4... They drive me mad yeah, and I don't want to get through the game until I beat them..haha.
Edited by HollowTorment on May 27, 2007 at 3:16:58.

Guh. I remember those guys. I never beat ArchMage, but that Mind Sword...damn did I ever want to learn it. Berserker was a long battle...first time I'd ever chance Weretiger. Too bad I can't give this game another whirl, the disc got randomly cracked in the center while it was in the system or something. Weird.

BoF4, I beat the Rider(s), I found him easy. I remember the Trunk groups. I'm sure I had War Shout, Focus, Triple Strike, Mad Combo (the one where you input the commands as they appear) and ShadowWalk (the one that lets you hit critical every time). Those guys took me a couple of tries myself. Maybe I'll whip this one out again for good time's sake.

Never heard of this Goo King Sword. Is it any goood? (intentional ooos)

I remember having the Royal Sword with Ryu. Ah...good old fishing. God, I miss that game. :(

Edited by Arkane on May 26, 2007 at 16:59:19.

252 posts

God of war 2:Save the pegasus(Trying to complete)

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Originally posted by Arkane
Guh. I remember those guys. I never beat ArchMage, but that Mind Sword...damn did I ever want to learn it.

I thought Mind Sword was learned from a Master or such? I knew i had it before I got to ArchMage' least I think I did.

Berserker was a long battle...first time I'd ever chance Weretiger.

Yes, I used Weretiger and my favorite seemingly-useless move, Influence.

Too bad I can't give this game another whirl, the disc got randomly cracked in the center while it was in the system or something. Weird.

PSX's are all haunted and like randomly breaking things.

BoF4, I beat the Rider(s), I found him easy.

Maybe I was too low level or not using the right people in the front, but note I also want to steal the armor off him..

Never heard of this Goo King Sword. Is it any goood? (intentional ooos)

Best sword in the game, it's just a bitch to get. Have to steal a Green Apple off a King Goo, which enrages him to use VERY powerful attacks like Sirocco, then you have to kill him and hope he drops the sword. It's a pain.

Ah...good old fishing. God, I miss that game. :(

To be honest...I mainly liked fishing in BoF 4 and..while the game was awesome..the fishing was most entertaining!

1861 posts

5:Beating House of the Dead 2 on two credits
If any of you scoff at me and say it's not hard, then you can take a flying you-know-what at the moon.

EMPEROR FTW? Seriously tho. That's quite a feat.
rofl. The only House of the Dead i could beat on two credits was 4, but that's because life ups were like all over.
The Star should have been the last boss instead of The World :/
lmao, Arkane. I spent like a whole morning trying to get the Caldablahblah. I was always cutting it so close, and was like %$*@!
Sheeze. Can't find much things for console game challenges, i'm more of an arcade person...haha...


4th Cousin to Doc
874 posts

Originally posted by Phatman Dover
3:Killing Ultimate Weapon in FF7 ten levels before I was supposed to try and face him
Honestly this wasn't that hard. I just like to rub it in FF7 fans' faces.

It's not hard... what level are you "supposed" to face him at? [/quote]
Originally posted by Phatman Dover
5:Beating House of the Dead 2 on two credits
If any of you scoff at me and say it's not hard, then you can take a flying you-know-what at the moon.

I scoff at you for being so cheap that you get good enough to beat it on 2 credits.
Originally posted by Phatman Dover
8:Playing Quest64 and beating it, without cursing
If anyone's played Quest64, you know what an amazing miracle this is.

I refuse to belive that. No one, not even the pope, beats that game without cursing. No one. Although I doubt the pope would play Quest64 for more than 5 minutes.
Originally posted by Phatman Dover
9:Playing ET The Extraterrestrial on the Atari and managing to get him out of a hole
*loud, angry screaming*

It's funny, because the whole game revolves around falling in holes and looking around in them. You'd think you could kinda peek into the hole beforehand, but no.
Originally posted by Phatman Dover
10:Making the high score in SCII at my arcade insanely impossible to beat
If you're wondering, I use Talim.

Not hard. Or, at least, shouldn't be the 10th hardest thing you've accomplished.

Edited by MagimanV1.5 on June 16, 2007 at 15:55:40.

98% of teens have made a "98% of teens" Signature. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're the 2% that finds it stupid.

Pronounced Ee-vih-trahn
650 posts

1. Gee-tar Hero 2- Complete all Hard mode songs with Five stars. [Still attempting]

Okay, so I'm not so great at this game...but hey, I'm getting there. The eyeball guitar will be mine!

2. Dead Rising- Survive for 7 straight days in Infinity Mode [ohnoes]

This is -damn- hard. My best is currently 16 hours, and I'm not going at it again until I get the Real Mega Buster (my Megaman outfit is incomplete without it ;))

3. City of Villains- Get the Demolitionist/Master at Arms badges.[not goodly :(]

this is tough. I have to kill an Uber-Boss ten times, and set up 25 bombs in an alien-filled mothership raid.

4. BioShock- Successfully pre-order game. [completed!]


Edited by Evitron on August 6, 2007 at 0:21:49.

Or, the poster formerly known as Pri- I mean, rockmaniskool.

1050 posts

Ah... let's see...

Sonic Adventure DX - Getting 130 Emblems (INCOMPLETE):
Eh... I've got all of the emblems except for the Chao races and several of Sonic's A ranks.

Mischief Makers (N64) - Getting all Gold Gems (COMPLETE):
Took forever, because the last one requires an average of an A rank, and some of those levels were rather nasty...

Super Mario 64 - 120 Stars (COMPLETE): I dunno, I suppose it wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it did take me several years... (stupid stupid 100 coin stars...)

Mega Man Battle Network 6 - Finding that last stupid chip I needed (COMPLETE): Wasn't hard or anything, but as I had given the chip to a chip trader, I almost had a heart attack before I found another one.

Mole Mania - Getting perfects on every stage so that you can go to (and beat) the final world. (COMPLETE)

Eh... I don't really think those are the hardest things I've ever done, (except for Sonic, as I haven't done it yet), but these were just what came to mind.

~ Nothing is foolproof to a truly talented fool.

16 posts

Ninja Gaiden 3.

- The Invincible Sentinel

Wandering Returner
528 posts

The One Sin Returns in .Hack G.U. 2 (COMPLETE)
It returns as a level 100 with 8k hp. It's a good 45 minute fight. But nothing like Yiazmat!


Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

1.Megaman Star force: Defeat andromeda using the folder you star out with in the game. (Trying, probably hopelessly)... This is a hell of a lot of loud and angry screaming.

2.Major league Baseball 2K7: THrow a no-hitter on all-star difficulty (Completed) this required Roy Halladay and lots of energy drinks...

3.Star wars Knights of the old republic: Defeat Calo Nord in the cantina instead of later in the game. (Failed continually)...T_T

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.