Hey I got REALY bored. So I wondered to myself can I make some custom Biometals and models. So I worked in paint for a couple of days and success. I made some cool new biometals and models. Plus I included the biometals models the game made.
I didnt include any model name with x cause I forgot to include.Ok by looking at them you should know who they represent but I will tell anyways.Below I say soul instead of cousniseness cause I dont know how to spell it well. And Im not looking in the dictionary for a word I dont know how to spell.
Biometal W, The biometal of science or evil which ever you prefer . Obviously Weils soul
Biometal M, the biometal of good. Mother elfs soul
Biometal E, the biometal of thunder or swords. Elpizos soul
Biometal G, the biometal of strength, Omegas first form, G coming from the letter g in omega
Biometal D, the biometal of power, Copy X's soul D standing fo double meaning double X
Biometal C, the biometal of humanity or weapons, Crafts soul
What do you guys think?
Edited by Glacierman on January 25, 2008 at 11:25:18.