Hello, do you know english translation of RockMan X7 for PC? On pc, game is only in korean, but some guys on this forum have ripped PS2 english files and insert in PC games, see here for more info http://twig.150m.com/
Can anyone make an Italian translation for RockMan X7 on PC?
Or I would like to know how translate RockMan X7 for PC in Italian, as have done they in English and Spanish, ripping PS2 version files. I'm interested only in text translation, not also audio, beacuse i like that in japanese. what files must i take from PS2 version?
EDIT: I need to know only what files I mmust take from Demo folder.
Edited by sigfried.m on October 10, 2008 at 22:01:57.
Topic: How make a Rockman X7 Pc translation , with ripped ps2 game files?