Originally posted by Mega X.exe
When you quoted another person, the quote included a link to the post that was being quoted.
That could be done without too much trouble. I considered it before, but I faced some issue when I thought about multiple posts quoting. What do you do in that situation: include a link with each quote? Provide a link for the first quoted post only? Something else?
If you think that simply using the first quoted post as the base for the link is an acceptable solution, I could easily add this as a feature.
Originally posted by RisingDragon
I've noticed that on other forums as well. Also I've noticed that some of these forums can also be coded to insert BBcode tags through button commands, (i.e. ctrl+i activates italics, ctrl+b activates bold, etc). That'd also be a neat feature to put into the site.
This is actually a bad thing, although it might not be as noticeable at first.
On my setup (the French build of Firefox 3), both Ctrl-i and Ctrl-b open up my bookmarks in the sidebar. If I create something to call the BBCode with those shortcuts, it will prevent me from being able to open that sidebar, and that could confused a user not expecting that behavior.
Even worse, the shortcuts change completely between each browser, language and operating system. While Ctrl-i isn't that important on my setup, it's possible that it's the option to reload the page for someone else. Using Ctrl-i, in that case, would prevent the user from being able to reload it's current page. Whatever overtakes an existing feature is usually not wanted.
With that said, I'm currently working on a new version of IOBoard, and I haven't set in stone yet the list of features that will be included. If there's something that you want to see added, and it isn't too massive of a change, then this is your chance!