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Lil' metool
5 posts

ok guys i'm back and i have a kinda odd question is there a program or some way to convert ADS file format into wave sound so windows media player. please help me out.


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I can't say that I really know about this, I don't know much about Playstation file formats. Odds are that a converter software does exists, the catch is to find it.

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Lil' metool
5 posts

Ya that seems to be the problem i am having i know there should be a program that dose it in fact there has to be but only ppl i would know that has it would most likly be the develpers of the item.resaon i say this now is cuz i have look and looked on the net for hours and i found lots of potenitl programs that conerts tons of aduio files into deffanrt formats but none support a ADS file Format into a wav just can'nt find a solid program. So thx agein Dr. if anyone dose find one please post on this forum it will help lots of ppl later for later translations.