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Hats n' spirals
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Become Dr. Cossack's waifu
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Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 22 more

Welcome to Mafia.

~~ How Do I Play? ~~

Mafia is a game of strategy, survival, and deceit. Your goal is to stay alive as long as possible, while eliminating the other side. You have been given a role. All roles are secret (except for Mafias to each other). I strongly advise that you keep your role secret, because you have no idea who you can trust.

The game mechanics work as follows:

The game cycles between two phases-- the Day phase and the Night phase.

Day Phase

First, I will announce who died during the night, then the Day will begin. During the Day, all players will discuss among themselves (WITHIN the new day topic) who they should Lynch (kill/eliminate). Mafias will want to lynch all Townies, and Townies will want to lynch all Mafia players. In order to lynch someone, you must all come to a majority vote.

All votes must be in this format:

Lynch: Member

Obviously, the player who you want to lynch will replace "Member".

However, if you DO NOT wish to lynch anyone (due to insufficient evidence, etc.) then you will do this:

Lynch: No One

If there is a majority vote to lynch someone, then that player is dead, and CAN NOT talk about this game any more. He is DEAD. Dead people can not talk... unless they are revived. If a majority is not reached , then no one is lynched, and the game automatically goes to the Night Phase. Days last approx. 48 hrs. max.

~~ Night Phase ~~

You have all been given a role. Some of those roles have powers (cop, doctor, mafia), whereas some do not (townie). During the Night phases, depending on what role you have, you may use your power to kill, investigate, protect, etc. You may not talk during the Night Phase (inside or outside of the topic), unless you have a role that requires discussion within your group. If you would like to use your power, then you must tell me in a PM. There is a time limit for the Night Phases. You have approx. 24hrs max. to tell me what you would like to do. If I receive nothing from you, then nothing happens. After the time limit is up, then Day begins again and I announce in a new topic who died and how they died during that night phase.

~~ Rules ~~

-- No deleting posts.
-- No posting at night.
-- No talking outside of this topic (unless your role specifically states you can)
-- NO PMing other persons about your role, except Mafia to Mafia
-- No direct reposting of information that I give you outside of topic. (stuff like screenshots)
-- No spectator posts with content.
-- There may or may not be third parties with separate win conditions from the town/werewolves.
-- Don't try to cheat or break the game in any way. Use common sense.
-- PLAY TO WIN. Failure to at least put in an effort ruins the game for everyone else. Playing poorly is fine, and to an extent expected, but sabotaging your side deliberately or through massive apathy will get you modkilled.
-- You do not need to post "in character" or do anything special regarding flavor.
-- Days last approx. 48 hrs. max.
-- Nights last approx. 24 hrs. max.

The Town wins when there are no non-Town-aligned players left.

Mafia win when there are no Townies left, or when they put the game in a situation where that outcome is inevitable. Usually this occurs when they make up 50% or more of the remaining population.

~~ Roles ~~

Here are a few of the standard roles that everyone should be aware of:

Mafia -- They are the minority. They work together to kill everyone. They have the power (as a group) to kill one person every night.
Cop -- Townie that has the power to investigate a player's role or alignment once every night. They may or may not choose to share the information they get during the night. If an Investigator shares his information in the topic, then he will become a target for the Werewolves. An investigator can also use his information to role-claim, which could save him from a lynch.
Doctor -- Townie with the power to protect one person from death every night. They are not allowed to protect the same person more than twice.
Townie -- Player aligned with the Town. Has no special power.
Mayor -- Townie with the power to stop a lynching.

Signing up happens here
The game starts with the Night Phase, thus meaning a Townie gets killed right away.
Game starts when we have a few entrants.

List of Entrants
Game Moderator
- Teej

Edited by Teej on August 12, 2009 at 11:34:47.

Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Princess Celestia
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Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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... and 25 more

I didn't have time to read through this before, but I'm game. Get in here, people, and let's get this thing on the road!

Question: you mention werewolves twice. Where are those coming from?

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Hats n' spirals
2437 posts
Become Dr. Cossack's waifu
Acquired on 20 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 22 more

Originally posted by Dr. Cossack
I didn't have time to read through this before, but I'm game. Get in here, people, and let's get this thing on the road!

Question: you mention werewolves twice. Where are those coming from?

Copy/ pasted off the mafia wiki. There is no difference between werewolves/ mafia.

Considering the fact that very few people actively participate in the forums, odds are it will consist of default mafia members and everyone else as default townies.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Ooh, count me in.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Hats n' spirals
2437 posts
Become Dr. Cossack's waifu
Acquired on 20 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 22 more

We have two people. This idea is a bit dead, but I'm reviving it in case we still have anyone interested. I'd say 6 or so would make a decent game, and I'll have time off really soon to moderate the action.