It's not a secret to any of the currently active oekaki members that the board's activity level is far from it's peak. I have a few ideas to explain that, but maybe you've got some ideas yourself, and I'd like to hear you out (yes, all two of you).
Much like the website as a whole, the fact that Capcom isn't giving that much attention to the Mega Man series has a clear effect on how many new members can be attracted, or how often past users think about returning here. Still, there's gotta be something more than that, as the message board is able to keep going nonetheless and the main website still attracts many people.
Now, I thought that the mini-contest idea would mix things up a bit, but while it does get current members to come back once in a while, it hasn't really had an effect on new registrations. The latest event attracted 3 contestants only, too. It seems easy enough: draw a valid picture during the month and get the chance to win 20$. Maybe it's not enough, or maybe the themes I'm picking are not that interesting.
So, is there a specific reason why you don't draw pictures or post comments more often than you do now? Do you just follow the trend and don't post since no one else posts? Do you prefer another board instead? If so, why? Is there some specific feature that IOekaki doesn't have that you'd really like to have? Is the presence of someone else keeping you away (doubtful, as there hasn't been anything controversial in months)? Are you simply tired of Mega Man?
I want to hear your thoughts on this, in order to improve and keep things interesting to everyone. Current members, potential new users, former visitors... Please, do speak up! If you're not comfortable with the idea of posting here for some reason, by all means, contact me privately and you'll have my full attention.
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)