Hey Doc,
Is there a translation patch for MMX6, from Korean to English, somewhere?
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Hey Doc,
Is there a translation patch for MMX6, from Korean to English, somewhere?
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None that I'm aware of, either official or fan-made. Since few people even know that this game exists, I wouldn't count on seeing a translation any time soon.
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
Awwwww... *Zoidberg pout*
I hardly know anything about hacking, either. D:
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well i want translation of few verses into korean language so if you buddies could do then i shall be very thankful to you and i hope you will help me so if you could do then definitely i will share with you, thanks a lot in advance