I almost certainly would have gotten this, if I had a 3DS. Which I would already have, if the MML3 Prototype had come out. Eh, same old story, right?
Michael Jackson Hat
Get the Completionist achievementAcquired on 23 April 2011
Nintendo released today Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge on the 3DS eShop for the North American market. The first game on the GameBoy line brings along six stages, eight robot masters and the introduction of Enker. You can download it now for 3.99$.
The release of this game can only mean that it's four sequels will eventually follow suit. In the same pattern, the Rockman Complete Works titles have been made gradually available on the Playstation Network; while the original NES games are coming out one by one on the Wii's Virtual Console.
I almost certainly would have gotten this, if I had a 3DS. Which I would already have, if the MML3 Prototype had come out. Eh, same old story, right?