Topic: Twelfth Anniversary!
Update by Dr. Cossack
Happy birthday to the Mega Man PC Website: Dr. Cossack's Lab, as the website is now 12 years old!
This year has been a difficult one for the Mega Man fanbase, with the cancellation of the long-awaited Mega Man Legends 3 and very little else to look forward to as far as game news go. At the very least, the Archie comic has entered it's second year and seems to be here to stay! Site-wise, I've added some months ago the Mega Man games list feature so you can keep track of the games you own and played. The large project is still underway, and I now target to release at least some parts of it this year.
An extended thanks goes to those who have been around for years, I don't think we'd have lasted this long without you! :-)
Long live the consortium!