So I've been playing for a bit and though I know this game's still in beta, here's what I think.
-The CP system looks like it replaces chip codes, and bigger chips take more CP to play. But it feels like I've got too much CP and can pretty much spam a full spread of chips each round. Maybe this can be reduced to a "chip slot" method, where maybe a Cannon costs one point, TankCannon costs 3, and Bass version whatever is 5, as an example. Then again, I don't know what's wrong with chip codes to begin with that needed replacing.
-There's no minigames in place to guard attacks, which I assume is a feature that wasn't put in yet to meet the April 1st deadline.
-The minigames for attacks feel too easy overall.
-Since there's no grid, stuff like WideSword is useless, and Swords are infinitely better than Cannons. Instead of a grid, maybe enemies could switch "ranges", and some chips only work on some ranges. Stuff like WideSword could hit all ranges, but have less damage to boot.
-I feel like I've got too much SP for my Navi, but again, number tweaking should fix that.
-For the moment, a simple function to explore the Internet would be cool. Make it like a dungeon crawl mode: as you go deeper, you can randomly unlock Zenny and chips, but have to fight battles, and you can't heal unless you jack out of the dungeon. Otherwise, grinding Zenny's going to take time.
-How about the ability to "jack in" at different locations on the board? Go to certain sections and "jack in" to see if you find a random prize for the day. The system sets it for that day on a random basis, and it's available to anyone, but you only get one.
I'm sure more will come up, but this is what I've got at the moment.