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Staff SorathePumpking
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Hey gang, resident axe-murderer here! I'm here to announce the public revelation of a project we'll be doing in the coming months; a massive and aggressive expansion and re-designing of Central, the server's main town.

Now, before I begin, I'd like to stress that no buildings of active members (Of at least a year) will be destroyed. We may, however, need to move several slightly to align to new street mapping.

Along with this, Doc will be implementing a new tram system throughout central to link the vast area together, the full scope of which can be seen in the following image:

[Quote][font=red]The current area of construction is completed, and thanks to the efforts of Septina and myself, the remaining area is also completed!

The terraforming stage of the Central Expansion is hereby finished, and with it my part in the project. From here on out, Dr. Cossack will be laying the roads throughout the areas, and plotting out the land. Please give him any help if he asks for it, and refrain from building in the expansion areas until this stage is complete.

I'd like to give a thank you to everyone who'se been involved so far and either helped out or donated, with a special thank you to Doorgunnerjgs and Septina, who, I can safely say, did a major portion of the work themselves. All of you guys are awesome, and we couldn't have gotten this done without you!

If you have any questions on what to do further, please direct them to Dr. Cossack- it's his show to run now!

-Note The wall around central isn't 100% done as of writing this message, as you can still see in some areas. I'll be completing that outside the parameters of the project going forward. MY WALL.


During this project, we (The Helpers) will be editing the terrain encircled in RED to be more suited for building, and easier transversing.

The area in WHITE we will be generally leaving alone, but asking player to move out of, and dissuading new players from going to.

The areas in BLUE have been terraformed to completion, HOWEVER they are not open for public building at this time.

The area highlighted in YELLOW is the area our project is currently working on. Instructions for said area will be posted in this thread and vocally on the server. Please do NOT start working on areas outside the yellow.

We will be bringing the general level of the land to around where it currently is, but making it more gentle and easier to build on. Do NOT flatten an area without instructions on the style to aim for.

In central, and scattered around the construction area, are small wishing-wells.


Said wells are used to collect excess materials, and donations from anyone willing.

Which brings me to my next point: If anyone would like to assist us in this undertaking, feel free to volunteer! Just leave any of us a message, or post here even, and we can outfit you with tools and directions on construction.

Likewise, if anyone has any questions or concerns, ask away here!

Happy Craftiiing~

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 27, 2013 at 22:20:40


Lil' metool
3 posts

i would like to help

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Welcome to the project, Muffins!


Staff SorathePumpking
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Notice to all; after speaking to doc about specifics of the flattening he wants, I've amended the original post to reflect the current action plan. Please make sure you re-read it all and act accordingly.


Lil' metool
1 post

can i help? ;)

130 posts

me and sep murdered trees today, i evened out that swamp area just south of central


Staff SorathePumpking
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Map has been updated with new Well locations.


Lead character
174 posts

Has someone already laid out the base of the new outer wall? What is it to be made of and how high. Don't get on often, but could help build the wall when I get a chance. Will also stockpile materials for it.

Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

Staff SorathePumpking
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Doing about 7 high, made of cobble. Half of it's already completed, just need to figure out the southern coastline; it's jam packed with people's buildings. We could definitely use the cobble though.


Lil' metool
5 posts

Sora, have you thought about adding districts to central as part of the renovation project? Like how actual cities are structured, as in having a residential district, business district, and a general farming area? I think this could be a way to make central unique on the server and make it stand out from all of the other towns that we have in the surrounding area.

Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Princess Celestia
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Lilly Satou
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This is pretty much what I've been working on within Central's current limits, and that I'm hoping to expand later on. Central currently has a distinct commercial district and a farming area. With more space, I'll be able to flesh out the concept by giving players more room to build various types of buildings.

In the same vein, I'd like some of those neighborhoods to have a different look from each other. The northern district's streets are lined with nether brick stairs instead of the sandstone used in the core area, I want to play around with that idea.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Don't argue insanity, I AM INSANITY!
30 posts

the cleanup map looked messy so i cleaned up a bit
also, you guys might wanna update the well picture to show the new XL size Sora asked for so i have draft one here

Stream I sometimes use

Lead character
174 posts

Doc/Sora. I've added wall from about -235,,40 SE to 9,,145. Let me know if you want it changed, heightened, modified in any way. If okay, should it go due south from 9,,145 and go around the island?


Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

130 posts

I left 5.5 chest of cobble in the donation house in central


Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

First post has been updated with a more-detailed map and key.

For the yellow area: In this area, we will be flattening the entirety to a height of Y=63. This will be the last area to be completely flattened. And exposed stone or other materials, please replace with dirt.

Thank you all for your help and donations so far! The project is starting to finally show some good progress!

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 8, 2013 at 6:48:01


Robot master
48 posts

cant you post new marching orders Sora. The land near the netherrack castle is clear and flat.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Won't be able to update the map or form a coherent thought until tonight, in the meantime, strip the White Island of torches. No questions~

EDIT: Two areas of the island go untouched, the catapult, and the lone house on the only peninsula. Strip torches from everything else. If anyone has spare dynamite, please chuck it into the main well.

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 12, 2013 at 16:16:43


Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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Quote from post #232690:
Originally posted by SoratheEliteOne
Strip light from everything else. If anyone has spare dynamite, please chuck it into the main well.

Actually, I'd agree to removing the torches but keeping the glowstone into position, especially on the streelights near that castle out west. The final effect could be pretty amusing!

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Marching orders edited to reflect the wishes of our overlord and god~

Will edit this post with the next set of orders


Lead character
174 posts

"Two areas of the island go untouched, the catapult, and the lone house on the only peninsula. Strip torches from everything else." I hope that is what you really meant. I have stripped all torches except in those areas AND in or on buildings/fences. I wasn't sure if those were to go away, too. Also, any caves/deep ravines were left alone. Let me know if you want all of them to go, too.

Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

Staff SorathePumpking
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Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Looks good to me door, thanks!

Map's been updated to show our new area. Now is where the fun starts, and we'll be experimenting on this plain. What we need to do first off, is cleanse the area of all unnaturalness - Random piles of cobble, strange dirt mounds, ect. We'll also be covering any random holes, strange pockets of water/sand, or exposed stone with dirt.

Once all that has been finished, we'll be terraforming this land. This differs from the last assignment as we won't be flattening it completely and totally.

Ultimately, we want to keep the natural look of the area, while bringing it down enough and taming the curves enough to build easily. Try to bring the area to a maximum height of Y=68 on the hills. Drag out slopes to get rid of their steepness, make curves in the landscape more fluent and unbroken; while avoiding long strips of straight edges, corners, perfect curves, or other unnatural shapes. This part will be difficult at first: We want to keep things looking natural as we artificially shape the land, as it were.

Please ask questions if you're unsure on anything, and make sure everyone working on this area has seen this post before they try to help.

Thank you all for your help and support thus far!

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 13, 2013 at 6:02:06


Lead character
174 posts

Area seems to be in pretty good shape now. Septina and I (and perhaps others) have Leveled, contoured and smoothed the river bank. Don't know if you want more or not. I'm done for awhile unless you have more you want done.

Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

Staff SorathePumpking
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Quote from post #232699:
Originally posted by SoratheEliteOne
Looks good to me door, thanks!

Map's been updated to show our new area. Now is where the fun starts, and we'll be experimenting on this plain. What we need to do first off, is cleanse the area of all unnaturalness - Random piles of cobble, strange dirt mounds, ect. We'll also be covering any random holes, strange pockets of water/sand, or exposed stone with dirt.

Once all that has been finished, we'll be terraforming this land. This differs from the last assignment as we won't be flattening it completely and totally.

Ultimately, we want to keep the natural look of the area, while bringing it down enough and taming the curves enough to build easily. Try to bring the area to a maximum height of Y=68 on the hills. Drag out slopes to get rid of their steepness, make curves in the landscape more fluent and unbroken; while avoiding long strips of straight edges, corners, perfect curves, or other unnatural shapes. This part will be difficult at first: We want to keep things looking natural as we artificially shape the land, as it were.

Please ask questions if you're unsure on anything, and make sure everyone working on this area has seen this post before they try to help.

Thank you all for your help and support thus far!

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 13, 2013 at 6:02:06
Quote from post #232712:
Originally posted by doorgunnerjgs
Area seems to be in pretty good shape now. Septina and I (and perhaps others) have Leveled, contoured and smoothed the river bank. Don't know if you want more or not. I'm done for awhile unless you have more you want done.

Map updated with a new area

Thanks door, and everyone else too! The outcome of the area was superb, to say the least!

Onto the next area, as there are no houses to avoid, the instructions are the same as last time, quoted here for reference. A smaller area, terraform this plot while we get the remainder of the spaces ready for you!

Keep up the good work, we're almost there!

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 17, 2013 at 13:40:17


Robot master
44 posts

As silly as it may sound, why don't you build a City Hall/Community Center that would rise above everything else in town? That would offer stunning views(and give a bit of direction)to new players. :cute:

Staff SorathePumpking
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Quote from post #232725:
Originally posted by LazyGamer
As silly as it may sound, why don't you build a City Hall/Community Center that would rise above everything else in town? That would offer stunning views(and give a bit of direction)to new players. :cute:

That'd be up to Doc really, he built the current Community Center, and Central ultimately belongs to him. I've been collaborating directly with him throughout most of the project


Staff Backer Doctacosa
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Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
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I'd need to consider this. It'd be hard to come up with a nice design that'd fit in, but the Community Center could use a overhaul. Maybe some sort of observation deck/tower could be integrated then, providing a view of the core areas.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Don't argue insanity, I AM INSANITY!
30 posts

I might have to try working on the comunity center, mabey give it some cool creeper windows or a creeper piston door

Stream I sometimes use

Lead character
174 posts

In the new areas, I have been doing the river banks at about a 2 to 1 slope. It looks like someone has changed them to 1 to 1 slope. Is that preferred? I thought we wanted gentle slopes. Let me know, please. I don't want to waste a bunch of effort or have someone else need to correct my areas.


Exodio's Dad (Salifax's Father)

Robot master
48 posts

Door, that might have been me who did that. I didn't know you went through and fixed them already. I was just getting a quick fix on the slope and filling in holes. Sorry if it was me.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Dunno who did the single step up, but continue with the two's. We want slopes to try and be as un-steep as possible. If someone comes in behind you and redoes the one-step again, let us know. In the meantime, spread the word

EDIT: Stupid page not loading new messages

Edited by SoratheEliteOne on November 19, 2013 at 8:32:46
