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Today I (re)introduce a server that was lost some time ago. The actual world is lost, but I've rebuilt the server so you can rebuild the world!

Some of you might have an idea of what this is if you were around awhile back, to those who never got to experience it keep reading.


A long while back I ran a "Cinema" server, which was run on 1.6.4 Forge, and had the mod "Web Displays" allowing users to browse the web and watch youtube/movies together INGAME. There were a couple of fancy theaters built and it was rather enjoyable until the HDD was lost in a thunderstorm. The PC was fine except for the HDD which means total loss of the world.

I've taken the time to regather and update the components and now I've relaunched the server with better hardware and more reliability. The new version is running on 1.7.10 Cauldron and has some of the plugins you know and love. So anything players make can be protected and the like.

Glorious! It sounds wonderful! How can we all engage in this lovely lost world?

Simple, for those who do not want to deal with installing Forge, loading mods, etc. You just want to play NAO. I've created a simple zip file for you found HERE. Credit for Minecraft Portable here.
All you have to do is download the file, it's a bit hefty at 300MBs, but it's a completely portable version of Minecraft (You can slap it on a USB stick and take it anywhere without worrying about installing ANYTHING). It even includes the latest version of Java so you need not worry about that. Unzip it and launch "minecraftp.exe", login, the profile is already setup with a forge 1.7.10, just hit play. The server is already listed in Multiplayer.

Short version: Unzip, launch minecraftp, login, play.

For those who know a bit more about forge, or already have it, the mod used is Web Displays and can be found HERE. Files and info can be found there, along with credits to the mod's creator. Server is


For now, the server is in CREATIVE mode, to help players get started building a city and a few cinemas. Please respect other player's builds and please try to connect up via roads, etc. Make people feel like they're going out to the movies! Upon request, an OP can protect your builds, as several normal plugins, such as worldguard, are loaded.

Information about the screens:

In the creative inventory, click the arrow for page 2 and click the web displays tab. Use the "Web Screen" block to build a 16:9 (16 wide, 9 tall) "screen". You can turn it on by right clicking it empty handed. The screen should turn white, hold sneak and right click again to open the URL box. You can type or paste a link into the box and hit OK to navigate there. I've built a screen visible from spawn for you to play with.

You right click on the screen to emulate mouse clicks to navigate. For text entry, such as searches and whatnot, there's a "Wireless Keyboard" and "Wireless Linker" in the inventory. Place a keyboard, then right click the screen, then keyboard with the linker. Afterwards, empty handed right click the text-entry box, then right click the keyboard. This will bind your keyboard and you can type normally, hit ESCAPE to unbind the keyboard. To turn off the screen, punch to break one of the screen blocks, then replace it. An old bug that I'm not sure if is still around: URLs over 64 characters would crash the screen and force a reboot, so be wary. I've not tested if this is still a problem.

More information can be found on the MOD page linked above. Youtube suggestion: Since fullscreen is NOT supported by tapping on the screen, to bypass this take the Youtube URL and modify it from say: and replace "watch?v=" "with embed/" resulting in and put that in the URL box. The video will be fullscreened.

I'm not completely sure how multiple screens will work if they're too close. So if you intend to use a screen while other people are on as well, I suggest making another cinema/theater about 100~150 blocks out just so the other screen is not loaded for you. Any other information feel free to ask here or catch me on IRC!

It seems java sometimes is prissy being used this way and wants to keep running after minecraft is closed. If you experience slowness or just want to check open Task Manager via Shift-Ctrl-Esc or Ctrl-Alt-Del and look for "javaw.exe" in the processes tab, highlight and hit "end process".

Edited by Masterlink on April 2, 2016 at 17:10:44

Attached image:

This my signature area... mine, yes.. so... stuff.

Lord of fire
15 posts

what about people on mac? (like me)


Backer Exodio
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Wait a minute.

I can make an in-game monitor that will play THE FORCE AWAKENS TRAILER??????????

Staff Backer Masterlink
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Josh: The mod used is windows only, the author lacks a mac to make it work there.

Exi: Yes, and potentially the whole movie. Doc and I have already watched Titan A.E. on mu together. 'Cause SPAAAAACE.

Edited by Masterlink on April 6, 2016 at 7:18:26

This my signature area... mine, yes.. so... stuff.

Backer Exodio
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I didn't break the screen.

Lord of fire
15 posts

well thats @#$?ing stupid. Why everyone hate mac? :( :(


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... and 25 more

It's not a matter of hate, it's development capability.

Local mods, especially something special like the ability to display a web browser's page in-game, needs to be coded and tested separately on each platform. Windows is usually covered because it's the most popular option by far, and Linux often has versions since it's a favorite of many coders. However, to be able to get a Mac version, one needs to have a Mac computer to work on. If you don't, it's simply not possible to create software for it... and many people aren't interested in purchasing a brand new computer just to release a program or two on it.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!

"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Backer Exodio
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Some initial findings:

- You can make a screen bigger than 16x9. However, it does tend to be choppy and lag when it is streaming youtube. My first attempt was around 40x30 and it hopped, skipped and jumped through The Force Awakens Trailer.

I've got it down to I think 21 x 13 or so and there's a little lag. Noticeable, but it's smooth enough to watch. Larger screens with a single webpage image on it are fine.

- Mikey had a small screen about 70 blocks from me and we were both testing at the same time with no deleterious effects. We haven't tested 2 screens in "turn on" distance of each other yet.

- I have a 2nd screen with a static image on it that it outside the activation radius of my main screen, but if I am between them, they are both active. I've had no issues running a video on my main screen while the static image is on the 2nd screen.

More as we test. I'll check the activation distance if I think about it tonight and see if it changes depending on how big the screen is.

Staff Backer Masterlink
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Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Quote from post #237004:
Originally posted by Exodio
Some initial findings:

- You can make a screen bigger than 16x9. However, it does tend to be choppy and lag when it is streaming youtube. My first attempt was around 40x30 and it hopped, skipped and jumped through The Force Awakens Trailer.

I've got it down to I think 21 x 13 or so and there's a little lag. Noticeable, but it's smooth enough to watch. Larger screens with a single webpage image on it are fine.

- Mikey had a small screen about 70 blocks from me and we were both testing at the same time with no deleterious effects. We haven't tested 2 screens in "turn on" distance of each other yet.

- I have a 2nd screen with a static image on it that it outside the activation radius of my main screen, but if I am between them, they are both active. I've had no issues running a video on my main screen while the static image is on the 2nd screen.

More as we test. I'll check the activation distance if I think about it tonight and see if it changes depending on how big the screen is.

Screen size doesn't HAVE to be 16x9, but it's the one that seems to work the best, you can have a minimum of 2x2. Naturally this causes a lot of scrolling and whatnot. The main issue I can think of with having two in the same loading zone, is if you both want to watch videos. You'd load and hear both of them if they're both loaded. Also think of it like having two different tabs open, having two within the loading distance puts more strain on the PC.

This my signature area... mine, yes.. so... stuff.

43 posts

My biggest problem is that a lot of video hosting sites use an HTML5 player which requires an /actual/ browser which the mod doesn't have. I don't know if there's a way to integrate this someway, but I think we should definitely look into something like that

Doc's my Mommy