- Updated Sep 05 2019 - Removed Mabinogi; added the Console Gaming subsection; added RuneScape, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, and Love Nikki
As many of you are probably aware, a few of us have been endeavoring to expand Interordi's name across different gaming channels. The main goal of this thread is to provide important information on where to find us and how, along with a bit about the games to introduce prospective players to each one.
Games marked with an * may require an initial purchase and/or a subscription to related online services.
PC Gaming:
Console Gaming:
Mobile Gaming:
Contacting Off-Site Staff:
- You should be able to reach at least one of us via either the official off-site gaming Discord channel, the IRC, or Steam. Barring that, simply letting someone know you're looking for us should be enough to get things underway.
- Most if not all of the staff members listed for each game are available via multiple channels throughout the day. As we're all currently under EST, keep that in mind when you're looking for us from other timezones. (Here's lookin' at you, all you pesky west-coasters!)
- More often than not, you're going to be dealing primarily with me, MediaKlepto, as I'm around most often and am most easily contacted. Get used to my face, you'll be seeing it often, as much as you may hate it.
- Any and all of us, as well as fellow guild/clan/team members, will do our best to help you in any way we can; from explaining game mechanics to supplying you with what equipment we can. Going it on your own is obviously OK too, but never be afraid to ask for assistance.
- This thread is also a viable place to post any comments or questions, or to introduce yourself to other players by your in-game names for the games listed.
Keep In Mind:
- Each one of us has contacted Doc directly to formally request the use of the Interordi name in other forms. If there are any other games where players would be interested in expanding the IO network, it is required to discuss the situation with either one the staff listed on this thread or with Doc himself.
- As these games are not owned or maintained by Doc or anyone on staff here at IO, we really have little to no control on the people you may meet or interact with. You're at the mercy of the internet, so err on the side of caution in most cases!
- As with the above, we also have no control over the state of these games or how they're run. If something explodes, regardless of our know-how, we sadly cannot fix it a fair majority of the time. We can however attempt to point you in the right direction. It's what we're here for!
- Regarding the family-friend association primarily supported by the Creeper's Lab Minecraft server, censorship is not harshly maintained on these games, therefore most if not all of them carry a more PG-PG13 rating in terms of chat channels and content.
- Just as IO is a tightly-run ship here on the forums and the network of sites, it's just the same elsewhere. Any kind of antagonistic behavior, hate speech, or otherwise disruptive attitudes will be dealt with accordingly via any and all means at the disposal of the staff in-game.
Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 23:27:39