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  • Updated Sep 05 2019 - Removed Mabinogi; added the Console Gaming subsection; added RuneScape, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, and Love Nikki

As many of you are probably aware, a few of us have been endeavoring to expand Interordi's name across different gaming channels. The main goal of this thread is to provide important information on where to find us and how, along with a bit about the games to introduce prospective players to each one.

Games marked with an * may require an initial purchase and/or a subscription to related online services.

PC Gaming:

Console Gaming:

Mobile Gaming:

Contacting Off-Site Staff:
  • You should be able to reach at least one of us via either the official off-site gaming Discord channel, the IRC, or Steam. Barring that, simply letting someone know you're looking for us should be enough to get things underway.

  • Most if not all of the staff members listed for each game are available via multiple channels throughout the day. As we're all currently under EST, keep that in mind when you're looking for us from other timezones. (Here's lookin' at you, all you pesky west-coasters!)

  • More often than not, you're going to be dealing primarily with me, MediaKlepto, as I'm around most often and am most easily contacted. Get used to my face, you'll be seeing it often, as much as you may hate it.

  • Any and all of us, as well as fellow guild/clan/team members, will do our best to help you in any way we can; from explaining game mechanics to supplying you with what equipment we can. Going it on your own is obviously OK too, but never be afraid to ask for assistance.

  • This thread is also a viable place to post any comments or questions, or to introduce yourself to other players by your in-game names for the games listed.

Keep In Mind:
  • Each one of us has contacted Doc directly to formally request the use of the Interordi name in other forms. If there are any other games where players would be interested in expanding the IO network, it is required to discuss the situation with either one the staff listed on this thread or with Doc himself.

  • As these games are not owned or maintained by Doc or anyone on staff here at IO, we really have little to no control on the people you may meet or interact with. You're at the mercy of the internet, so err on the side of caution in most cases!

  • As with the above, we also have no control over the state of these games or how they're run. If something explodes, regardless of our know-how, we sadly cannot fix it a fair majority of the time. We can however attempt to point you in the right direction. It's what we're here for!

  • Regarding the family-friend association primarily supported by the Creeper's Lab Minecraft server, censorship is not harshly maintained on these games, therefore most if not all of them carry a more PG-PG13 rating in terms of chat channels and content.

  • Just as IO is a tightly-run ship here on the forums and the network of sites, it's just the same elsewhere. Any kind of antagonistic behavior, hate speech, or otherwise disruptive attitudes will be dealt with accordingly via any and all means at the disposal of the staff in-game.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 23:27:39

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PC, mobile cross-compatible

Homeworld: w60
Clan: Harconan

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Please be aware that while the game itself is free2play, most content (including skills, areas, quests, and items) is subscription-based. Along with access to the entire gameworld, you'll also be granted daily bonuses, freebies from the cash shop each month, and other extras. There is plenty of content to satisfy a casual player without the need to subscribe, but should your interests lie deeper in the world and its lore, a monthly subscription is required. Pricing starts at $10.99 USD for 30 days, with lower prices for multi-month packages. There are also occasionally bundles with Twitch Prime, and Premier Club sales.

  • Please also be aware that RuneScape features a disable-able language filter! If you choose to toggle it off, you're going to see some rather colorful language a fair amount of the time!

  • RuneScape is an MMORPG created and maintained by the UK-based developer Jagex. Almost anyone who has spent any amount of time on the internet since it's launch in early 2001 has heard of - if not played - RuneScape. To this day it remains one of the most popular MMORPGs, featuring in the Guinness World Records as the largest and most frequently updated MMORPG in the world.

  • Currently RuneScape operates in two distinct fashions: As the more modern RuneScape 3, and as Old School RuneScape from which it evolved. While both games are popular, there is a very clear divide across the community as to which is "better". Though this debate is largely subjective, both versions (which are wholly separate from one another in terms of content) have their merits and their faults. The original version of the game, RuneScape Classic was shut down in August of 2018 due to mounting issues with the game's upkeep.

  • As is common with most any MMO, RS is the classic grind; based around leveling your skills from 1-99 using various training methods, all the while following the RPG aspect of an adventurer wrought with hardships and triumphs throughout multiple Ages, overarching storylines, and a dense lore that you may even recognize from your time on Creeper's Lab!

  • There are currently 27 distinct skills to work on, which every character has access to (free2play accounts to a lesser degree). These range from combat skills like Defense and Prayer, gathering skills like Fishing and Woodcutting, artisan skills like Smithing and Runecrafting, and finally support skills like Agility and Thieving. There are a multitude of ways to train each one, and activities to grant you bonuses and other ways to play with every skill.

  • Combat and skilling is as mindless or as strategic as you make it. You can fully sustain yourself by catching and cooking your own food and making your own armor (even going so far as to indulge in the game's Iron Man mode which disallows trading), or you can choose to throw your gold at the in-game player exchange to buy your way through your skills.

  • With the above, however, comes the highly-scrutinized microtransaction system, which allows players to purchase what amounts to essentially lootcrates with real-world funds. While the game certainly does not force players to pay into MTX, it can massively expedite the grind required for skilling. As with all lootcrate mechanics, partake at your own risk and expense!

Important Notes:
  • Every account has access to every World! There's no harm or risk in starting out on something other than w60!

  • The team from Creeper's Lab that currently plays RuneScape has been a part of the game's community for nearly 10 years. We know plenty about the game; where it's come from, where it might be headed, and anything that happened in between! Definitely don't hesitate to reach out with any questions before or while playing.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 20:49:50


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Phantasy Star Online 2
PC, PS4 cross-compatible
Download: Arks Layer

Ship: #2 Ur
Team: SciLab

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Phantasy Star Online 2 is the MMORPG spiritual successor to SEGA's Phantasy Star series.

  • Unfortunately, PSO2 never saw an English release, much less was it ever brought in any official capacity to the US or anywhere outside of Japan. Due to this fact, the installation and translation of it is all done via a fanmade launcher and patcher created by the talented individuals at Arks Layer. For those who are either relatively computer illiterate and/or have little understanding of hiragana and katakana, getting PSO2 up and running can be a challenge. There will be bumps and bruises, but hopefully no broken bones. The hardest part, with any luck, should be the Japanese captcha when creating your SEGA account.

  • Please be aware that modding PSO2 is strictly against SEGA's EULA and ToU/S. As the fanmade English patch is considered a mod, anyone using it is by all technicality breaking SEGA's terms. You can rightfully be banned either temporarily or permanently because of this. It is within your best interest to keep English chatter to a bare miminum, and only between friends. It goes without saying that antagonizing Japanese players carries with it a strong possibility of reprimand, and let's face it, you shouldn't be badgering anyone anyway.

  • Unlike a fair majority of other MMOs, there is legitimately no pay2win aspect to PSO2. The only thing you earn by paying into the game is storage space which can otherwise be managed, and the ability to change your appearance in certain ways which are not free after initial character creation. 99% of outfits come from cash shop lottery tickets, but can just as easily be bought from other players in-game for meseta. That being said, there is no player-to-player trading without both players having a paid subscription, though the loss is menial. You can earn everything everyone can trade on your own terms.

  • The storymode of PSO2 is secondary to the overall gameplay, which mainly consists of hammering mobs with as much lethal force as possible. For all intents, the game is a hack-and-slash grind mainly focused on the repetition of quests in various locations.

  • Although the above trailer is in fact cinematic, everything shown within it is in some capacity physically possible in-game regardless of how flashy it may look.

Important Notes:
  • Please be sure to start your account on Ship #2 Ur! While it is possible to transfer characters from one ship to another, it costs real-world funds and all items are lost in transit!

  • If you're wondering how well your computer could run PSO2, you can try out the character creation demo and benchmark test to see how things fare. As this is an official tool, it's entirely in Japanese and might be a bit hard to understand at first. There are a number of small graphical bugs that can be easily resolved, so don't hesitate to ask.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 16:00:46


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Download: Webzen

Server: Mocomochi (5-2)
Guild: Interordi

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Originally released in the US on December 25th 2005, FlyFF is a party-oriented MMORPG heavily reliant on grinding. Gameplay is very hack-and-slash, with variation dependant on your chosen class.

  • Though pushing 12 years old and showing its age visually, FlyFF runs consistently better than some other games from its same time of development and has been optimized to run on a variety of systems (Linux notwithstanding).

  • Though encouraging of party mechanics, most players keep to their respective guilds or with their friends, though that isn't to say the general community isn't both polite and welcoming. Barring that, as with any MMO, there will be the occasional fly-by player that tries to add you to their friends list or drag you into a party. It's best to just ignore them and be on your merry way.

  • As with most online games these days, FlyFF is free2play and survives off of its cash shop. Most of the pay2win items come in the form of stat and equipment reset scrolls, which can also be obtained for free in-game via events and from treasure rewards from monster drops. This is late or meta-game application, and for the casual player can be largely ignored, leading to a much rounder gap between paying and free players. Style items like cloaks, masks, and outfits are also found in the shop, some of which are rare showings. Some pets are also available and most will either pick up your items for you or buff you in some way. It's any one player's best judgement what is and isn't worth investing real-world funds for, as a majority of cash shop items can be bought from other players with in-game money.

  • At its core, FlyFF is a very simple game with bright colors and a very dark undertone (as can be seen by watching the Story on the login menu). Most quests involve nothing more than "kill _ monster until you have _ number of _ item", which becomes an almost relaxing and mindless point-and-click grind. If you don't like doing the same thing for extended periods of time ad nauseam, this game is not for you.

  • Players start out as a level 1 Vagrant running short quests for tutorial NPCs for the soul purpose of reaching level 15 to choose their first job; Mercenary (melee), Magician (magic), Acrobat (ranged), or Assist (support). Completing the subsequent quest after choosing your job will lock you into your chosen skill tree, so it's best to know what you want before making your decision off-the-cuff. Whichever you choose, you will remain as such until level 60 when your job branches into 2 options which will determine your final job at level 130. More information on what each class can and can't do can be found on the official wiki's classes page, though the in-game staff can help you understand more clearly what you're getting into.

  • Be always mindful of your level. FlyFF's quest system bases your available quests on your current level. You can easily outgrow any number of quests by simply leveling up without realizing it. Another side effect of this is that mobs will typically only drop items for those players within 3~5 levels of their own, which can for all intents and purposes hardlock a player out of rewards. Always check around town for ! or ? above NPCs. Yellow/red/green means they have a quest you can currently take, grey means they have a quest just above your level.

Important Notes:
  • Please be sure to start your character on the Mocomochi server. There is no way to transfer characters between servers! We are typically found on channel 5-2, as 5-1 is the shopping channel and is quite often packed to the brim with player shops.

  • After joining the Interordi guild if you choose to do so, you will be granted temporary access to the Guild Warehouse accessible from any bank NPC while on channel 5-1. This will allow you to take a single copy of the guild cloak from storage, which will grant you a +1 defense bonus (and let's be honest, looks really nice too).

  • FlyFF has its own options for color settings (brightness/gamma/contrast), and because of this can cause some graphics cards to reset your colors to system default/factory settings when closing the game each time. This is not exclusive to FlyFF and many other recent games (such as Overwatch) suffer this same bug. Graphics drivers updates can sometimes stop this from happening, otherwise you may need to reapply your personal color profile after playing, like I do.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 17:52:09


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Monster Hunter World
PS4, XBox 1, PC platform-exclusive
Available: Playstation Store, Microsoft Store/XBox Game Pass, Steam, physical copies available

Primary System: PS4
Squad: Interordi

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Please be aware that Monster Hunter World is in no way completely free! Initial purchase of the game is required to play. Should you wish to play online and own the game on either PS4 or XBox One, you will need either PS+ or XBox Live respectively. PC players have free access to multiplayer via Steam. Solo play is free for all after buying the game.

  • Monster Hunter World is the fifth installment in the mainline series of Monster Hunter by CAPCOM; you know, like from that Mega Man thing! It features much more streamlined gameplay than its predecessors, aiming to welcome newcomers into the series.

  • Starting off the game, you will assume the role of a Hunter whose purpose is to - well - hunt. Countless monsters are threatening the human race's way of life, as well as the sanctity of the ecosystem in which they've made their home, and it is every Hunter's mission to protect them. The underlying story and lore are sometimes treated as secondary to the core of the gameplay, which entails heading out into the wilds (whether randomly or on assignment) and either slaying or capturing your target monster.

  • Your greatest asset out of the gate will be your Palico; a faithful feline companion ready to assist you to the best of their ability. They'll spend downtime while following you collecting useful items, and will follow you headlong into battle. Depending on which Gadget you unlock and equip them with they'll heal, buff, and protect you, plunder extra items for you, or even bomb the monster! Wherever 1 or 2 Hunters are present, their Palicos will join them.

  • One of the biggest draws for the series is the many different weapons and the variations on their playstyles. Monster Hunter World features a total of 14 different weapons, each with their own branching trees; the Long Sword, Great Sword, Dual Blades, Sword and Shield, Switch Axe, Charge Blade, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Insect Glaive, Bow, Light Bowgun, and Heavy Bowgun. While some such as the Dual Blades and Sword and Shield focus on quick and precise attacks, others such as the Great Sword and Hammer will focus on slower, more methodical hits. There are also tank weapons like the Lance and Gunlance, artillery in the Bow and Bowguns, and much-appreciated support in the Hunting Horn. You can craft and use as many weapons as you have the materials to make.

  • A core aspect of Monster Hunter is its focus on a lack of gear progression. That being said, all weapons and armor are crafted using materials gained from your hunts, and there are a lot of them. Whether it's ore gathered from the surrounding area or a fang fresh from an Anjanath's mouth, you will find yourself routinely hunting either monsters or gathering points to grow your arsenal in preparation for foes you've yet to face - or those that have continually bested you. Different weapons will offer different elemental damage, attack power, and critical chance while armors will offer a multitude of different skills to customize your build to your playstyle.

  • While there is still a minimal amount of weapon and armor upgrades to be had compared to other games, your success will a fair majority of the time depend solely upon you; the player. You must learn your target's strengths and weaknesses, employ your best strategies to overcome their advantages, and use your own personal skill. "The Hunter is only as skilled as the player's knowledge." Lack of experience, rash decisions, and foolhardy mistakes can and will ruin your hunt. It's better for a hunt to take nearly its full time limit rather than to fail it early on!

Important Notes:
  • Monster Hunter World is NOT cross-compatible! We currently play exclusively on the PS4. Please bear this in mind when choosing a platform if you have access to more than one of the available options.

  • No matter what weapon you use in other games, never be afraid to head to your Training Room and test out each and every option available to you. The game starts you out with the base form of each weapon type specifically to allow you the opportunity to have a hands-on demo for each. I started out with the Sword and Shield, then moved to the Charge Blade, and broke ground into the Hunting Horn and Insect Glaive; Bob started with Dual Blades and moved to Long Sword before settling on the Hammer. There are no restrictions, and nothing is set in stone! Live a little!

  • Bear in mind: Friendly-fire is in fact a thing! While you will not damage your Palico or your fellow Hunters, you are fully capable of: staggering, pushing, stun locking, tripping, and launching them! This can stop them during combo attacks, shove them into the path of oncoming monsters, and cause other detrimental accidents. You can also, however, use up-swinging attacks to launch players out of harm's way or onto a monster to mount it.

  • There are semi-frequent connectivity problems experienced on all platforms. This has been an ongoing issue since launch, and if you sometimes find yourself booted into offline-only mode, it's entirely plausible it was just a burp on the server's side.

  • The fabled issue of "hitbox gore" is sometimes very prevalent and can lead to some unwarranted deaths. A monster's tail can sometimes hit you even though you clearly rolled under it, or the tremor from a stomping monster might stagger you from halfway cross the zone. If you're easily frustrated, this may not be the game for you!

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 21:20:27


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Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Switch (compatible transfer from 3DS Monster Hunter Generations)
Available: Nintendo eShop, physical copies available

System: Switch
Host FC: SW-1501-7747-6022

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Please be aware that Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is in no way completely free! Initial purchase of the game is required to play. Online play is only available should you also have an active subscription to Nintendo Switch Online.

  • Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (known as Monster Hunter XX/Double Cross in Japan) is the expanded version of the 3DS game Monster Hunter Generations (Monster Hunter X/Cross). It features more monsters and more content than the original game, while being faithfully ported to the Switch. Save data can be transfered from the original game through a simple connection to preserve progress.

  • Many of the key points in the above post for Monster Hunter World ring true for MHGU. The basic storyline remains the same, seeing the player taking on the role of the Hunter, who will spend their days and nights slaying and capturing a multitude of different monsters. You'll still be grinding out monster materials to better prepare yourself, as is the staple of the series. Unlike MHW's all-inclusive map style, MHGU features segmented maps separated by brief load screens to allow for some downtime between bursts of fighting and an easier means of escape.

  • MHGU features the same selection of 14 weapon types as MHW, curtailed to revolve around the game's monster roster, which is quite large. The primary change in gear is the differentiation between Blademaster and Gunner armor, meaning that a Bow or Bowgun user will need to equip a different set of armor than any other weapon type. Though this may cause some necessary shuffling of skills, each type of armor requires the same materials whether it's crafted for melee or ranged users.

  • As with all Monster Hunter games, your skill and strategy will be your one true key to success. Unlike MHW, however, MHGU has included 6 different Hunting Styles which each offer unique abilities and effects to further customize your builds. Your choices range from the well-rounded Guild style, Striker style with its heavy attack focus, the support-based Alchemy style, Aerial style which allows you to easily jump on top of monsters, Adept style to practice parrying moves, and Valor style for swift dodging and counter damage boosts.

  • Palicos play a much more vital role in MHGU. Along with having not 1 but 2 Palicos to assist you, you'll be allowed to designate one of your (up to 60!) different feline companions as your Prowler. This essentially turns them into a playable feline Hunter, with whom you can switch out your human Hunter before nearly any quest. Palicos are also far more customizable in MHGU than in MHW, with a multitude of abilities and stat bonuses, and there are even Prowler-only quests.

Important Notes:
  • Unlike the other games available on the Offsite Gaming list, MHGU does not in fact offer any sort of guild or team mechanic. Anyone grouping together to play will instead simply need to meet in the same Hunter Hub in-game, which is as easy as adding the host to your Switch's friends list and searching for their active hub in-game.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 22:24:49


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Download: Android, iOS

Union: Unicornis
Team: Interordi

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Kingdom Hearts UX serves as a precursor to Disney and Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts series, with the player taking on the role of their own Keyblade wielder. Gameplay revolves around simple, turn-based swipe-and-tap mechanics using various Medals featuring characters from the series (KH, Disney, and Square alike) set into slots on the equipped Keyblades. A Rock-Paper-Scissors style typing mechanic in the form of Power-Speed-Magic determines a Medal's damage and a Keyblade's slot type.

  • At the start of the game, players will choose between 1 of 5 Unions (which can be switched at any time at the cost of Jewels). To join a Team, you must be aligned with the same Union. The weekly Union Rankings and the prizes from it are where your current Union matters most. As a word of warning; while the Vulpes Union consistently ranks #1, the bulk of the players within it are the epitome of "pay2win tryhards". The more stable #2 Union of Unicornis is made up of a more casual but still active and capable playerbase, while the other Unions are more of a sliding scale downward in overall performance.

  • Unlike most of the other games discussed in this thread, there isn't much social interaction with your own Team or others in-game. The Team chat feature is exclusive only to current Teammates, and outside conversation is restricted to quickchat phrases during Union Cross missions. This severely limits the chance of vulgarity from outside sources, making this a generally "safer" game for younger players to join in on.

  • While actions in-game are restricted by the Action Point (AP) system which regenerates over time, the game frequently offers 0 AP Campaigns during which you can play as much as you want without expending any AP at all. This affords players a sometimes much needed chance to catch up or finish out their goals. Each time you level up (until the current cap at level 300) your AP will also replenish, which can also extend your playtime by a wide margin.

  • Character customization, while not as detailed as some other games, allows you to personalize your avatar with various items from Avatar Boards using Avatar Coins earned during normal gameplay. A handful of limited time Boards may also be available at the cost of Jewels. Though Board items are gender-locked, it's wise to complete as many as possible, as they also contain stats boosts such as +HP for more health, +AP for more energy, and +Cost for more space on your Keyblades.

  • By progressing storymode, players will earn various different Keyblades which each start with a few typeless slots. By gathering various upgrade materials and Gems from missions, Keyblades can be leveled up to include slots providing type-specific bonuses for Medals set in them. An additional slot for Medals comes in the form of your Pet, unlocked after Quest 14. By gearing your Pet with up to 6 Medals of its own, you can level it up to unlock new abilities and increase the strength of its attack Medal slot during missions.

  • Each Medal you receive will be of a certain star rank between 1~6, which can be advanced using EXP and Evolution Medals from Special Quests. Duplicate Medals of 4-stars and higher can be fused together to give the base Medal a point towards a Special Attack Boost. Each Medal will also have a Guilt level, currently between 1~7. The higher a Medal's Guilt, generally the more powerful or versatile it is. While low Guilt Medals typically between 1~3 Guilts can be obtained through storymode and events, more powerful and rarer Medals are bought with Jewels from the in-game shop. These come in the form of 3, 5, or 10 Medal Draw Deals, usually providing a selection of random Medals from the droptable. The odds of drawing each Medal in any given offer are viewable in-game from the Shop screen.

  • Jewels can be purchased via real-world funds, or earned by completing each 5 storymode quests, or completing daily and weekly challenges on the home screen. In addition, Jewels can also be obtained from daily logins, events and Chirithy Minis on KHUX's Twitter account, and various other giveaways, on-time bonuses, and apology gifts for extended downtimes, bugs, and etc.

  • While the game can be enjoyed quite fully without spending any real-world funds, the VIP Service package costing roughly ~$15USD will unlock all Special Quests for the remainder of the week, starting Monday at midnight PST. This will afford you an opportunity to earn Medals you can't get anywhere else through quests only available through VIP, as well as the chance to freely stock up on EXP and Evolution Medals you could normally only earn on specific days each week.

Important Notes:
  • Please be sure you align your character at the start of the game with the Unicornis Union. Failure to do so will result in a fee of Jewels to switch Unions should you be inclined to join the Interordi Team.

  • Linking your account to your Facebook profile is strongly recommended, as this will allow you to freely switch your progress between different systems.

  • While daily challenges are completed on a per-player basis, currently all weekly challenges are Teamwide. The entire Team's progress in each challenge will add up to the total score for each one, so everyone's contribution counts. Every little bit helps!

  • Quests marked as "Expert" or "Hard" will very likely trample you early on. As enticing as Jewel and Medal rewards may be, don't get discouraged if you simply can't managed to pull through some limited time quests and events.

  • When taking part in Union Cross missions before being heavily established with a variety of strong Medals it is strongly suggested that you do not attack the Target Enemy after engaging it. Instead save your Medals by not attacking and use each one to revive fallen comrades should they be knocked unconscious by tapping the number above their heads.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 20:41:25


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Love Nikki-Dress Up Queen
Available: Android/(Amazon), iOS

Association: The Light
ID: 14394

Available Staff:

Key Points:
  • Please be WELL aware! While this game is not the smutty romance novel its ads on Facebook and YouTube videos would lead you to believe, it is also approximately of a PG-13 rating. Infrequent strong language and adult themes do occur.

  • Love Nikki, published by Elex, at its core is in fact a dress-up doll game - but with the unusual aspect of a cohesive and comprehensive storyline and lore. Though often goofy and sometimes flat-out unbelievable, it has a surprising amount of depth and can be very dark or downright macabre. Due to its origins outside of the English language, there is a fair amount of clunky or poorly-translated dialog, but it doesn't detract as much as Momo and his grilled fish!

  • Players assume the role of Nikki, who has been apparently spirited through time and space to an unfamiliar world called Miraland where, through the subsidies of war, fashion contests - of all things - have become the mainstay of settling disputes. Nikki's ultimate goal is to loosen the grip of the Iron Rose Queen Elle and bring peace to Miraland.

  • Gameplay consists of progressing through various levels of the story, followed by a styling contest after each one. Your goal is to out-score your NPC opponent by matching your outfit and accessories as well as possible to the attributes and theme hinted at in the match's introductory cutscene. Most winning combinations will come out looking like a mishmash of random clothes, sometimes overlayed with multiple arms or legs due to posing mechanics. When in doubt remember: You don't have to dress well, just correctly!

  • There are as of writing over 10,000 articles of clothing, ranging from frilly skirts and hair bows to bloody bandages and camo boots. More and more intricate outfits and accessories are added every week; some through crafting, some through events, and some through the cash shop. The more fanciful items typically cost more to procure; whether it be in materials, Diamonds (see below), or real-world funds.

  • The primary source of Elex's income from Love Nikki is in the form of Diamonds. Diamonds are purchased in varying amounts through the cash shop, and can also be earned in great numbers through events, login bonuses, daily quests, and achievements. There are a multitude of guides for farming Diamonds without ever spending a penny. Should you choose to invest real-world funds in the game, gradually increasing amounts of Diamonds purchased will increase your VIP level, granting you various bonuses like in-game discounts, more re-rolls on shop stocks, exclusive outfits, and more.

  • Events are plentiful, to the point where even then most diligent players may find themselves fresh out of Diamonds to complete the available Suits. There's no harm in skipping a piece, or even a full outfit! Events frequently return (albeit for a higher price), or even come back as normal crafting options later. Saving for something you really like the look of or will use more often is better than finishing a Suit you're not entirely interested in.

  • The Styling Competition and Starry Corridor are where this game and its players truly shine. In the Styling Competition you'll dress to fit a specific theme, and then will be judged by other players. The Starry Corridor is the all-out exhibition and display of creativity and thinking outside the box, as you're allowed to pose with your friends, move and resize and rotate various props, and even position Nikki throughout the scene. There are some fantastically talented and creative players, and you can draw a lot of inspiration from them for the coming weeks.

Important Notes:
  • Fair warning! If you're the kind of player who seeks total completion and you're not ready to sell your soul to Elex, it would be best to avoid this game! Whales will wind up spending thousands to reach a 100% completed wardrobe, only to be ousted to 99% with the next update. Casual play is your friend!

  • Don't be discouraged if your scores aren't stellar. Everyone starts somewhere, and events often have at least partial if not full Suits available for free. Even the smallest accessory can have the biggest impact.

  • If you're struggling with a Stage, the fantastic fanmade Nikki's Info tool is an absolute must. Input your wardrobe and pop open the Stage guide and you'll find exactly what you need to pass!

  • Farming Diamonds is in fact a thing, and we're ready to help out! Don't hesitate to ask about this, or any other questions you might have. There are a lot of mechanics to this game, and some of them are a little tricky at first.

Edited by MediaKlepto on September 4, 2019 at 23:39:21
