What is the best game you can think of that is weird to be considered an awesome or great game? Could a random game written by a random guy also qualify on this list? I don't know.
My game is Commander Keen. It is meant as a math game, you have to collect cards for math reasons, but the game is a platformer, and for PC with no emulator and the year's 2002 it is good enough in itself to have a platformer in your "500 PC games" list. But it also has a level map like Super Mario World so you don't have to be annoyed or bored because of linear levels, and you get to jump around on a pogo stick so it's fun bouncing around. I played that game often and compared it to the original Duke Nukem.
As for that "random guy" games which I don't know if they fit the category or not, check out "Pokémon Generation 0". It's awesome in the game of laughing NPC statements or info boxes. I think it might be finished by now.
Edited by MediaKlepto on February 19, 2018 at 12:34:26
Topic: The best game that's unusual to be one of your favorites or former favorites