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Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 1
Exchange Counter


BAY 001 - Exchange Counter - Plants
16 Sea Pickles -> 1 Emerald
22 Wheat Seeds -> 1 Emerald
22 Melon Seeds -> 1 Emerald
22 Pumpkin Seeds -> 1 Emerald
22 Beetroot Seeds -> 1 Emerald
22 Nether Wart -> 1 Emerald
22 Wheat -> 1 Emerald
19 Potato -> 1 Emerald
3 Poisonous Potato -> 1 Emerald
10 Baked Potato -> 1 Emerald
19 Carrot -> 1 Emerald
13 Pumpkin -> 1 Emerald
13 Carved Pumpkin -> 1 Emerald
13 Jack o' Lantern -> 1 Emerald
32 Melon Slice -> 1 Emerald
8 Melon -> 1 Emerald
12 Beetroot -> 1 Emerald
32 Kelp -> 1 Emerald
32 Dried Kelp -> 1 Emerald
8 Dried Kelp Block -> 1 Emerald
22 Apple -> 1 Emerald
1 Golden Apple -> 10 Emerald
20 Sweet Berries -> 1 Emerald
4 Glow Berries -> 1 Emerald
8 Cocoa Beans -> 1 Emerald
22 Green Dye -> 1 Emerald
22 Bamboo -> 1 Emerald
32 Stick -> 1 Emerald
16 Acacia Sapling -> 1 Emerald
16 Birch Sapling -> 1 Emerald
8 Dark Oak Sapling -> 1 Emerald
8 Jungle Sapling -> 1 Emerald
16 Oak Sapling -> 1 Emerald
16 Spruce Sapling -> 1 Emerald
16 Mangrove Propagule -> 1 Emerald
8 Azalea -> 1 Emerald
8 Flowering Azalea -> 1 Emerald
8 Cherry Sappling -> 1 Emerald
9 Dandelion -> 1 Emerald
9 Poppy -> 1 Emerald
9 Blue Orchid -> 1 Emerald
9 Allium -> 1 Emerald
9 Azure Bluet -> 1 Emerald
9 Red Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Orange Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 White Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Pink Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Oxeye Daisy -> 1 Emerald
9 Cornflower -> 1 Emerald
9 Lily of the Valley -> 1 Emerald
9 Brown Mushroom -> 1 Emerald
9 Red Mushroom -> 1 Emerald
9 Crimson Fungus -> 1 Emerald
9 Warped Fungus -> 1 Emerald
9 Sunflower -> 1 Emerald
3 Wither Rose -> 1 Emerald
9 Lilac -> 1 Emerald
9 Rose Bush -> 1 Emerald
9 Peony -> 1 Emerald
8 Brain Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Brain Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Brain Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Bubble Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Bubble Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Bubble Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Fire Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Fire Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Fire Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Horn Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Horn Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Horn Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Tube Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Tube Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Tube Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
6 Moss Blocks -> 1 Emerald
24 Moss Carpets -> 1 Emerald
22 Vines -> 1 Emerald
11 Glow Lichen -> 1 Emerald
8 Hanging Roots -> 1 Emerald
8 Warped Roots -> 1 Emerald
8 Crimson Roots -> 1 Emerald
22 Weeping Vines -> 1 Emerald
22 Crimson Vines -> 1 Emerald
8 Nether Sprouts -> 1 Emerald
8 Chorus Flower -> 1 Emerald
22 Lily Pad -> 1 Emerald
11 Big Dripleaf -> 1 Emerald
22 Cactus -> 1 Emerald
6 Sugar Cane -> 1 Emerald
9 Pink Petals -> 1 Emerald
9 Pitcher Pod -> 1 Emerald
9 Pitcher Plant -> 1 Emerald
9 Torchflower Seeds -> 1 Emerald
9 Torchflower -> 1 Emerald

BAY 002 - Moosemart - Exchange Counter - Stone
32 Cobblestone -> 1 Emerald
32 Stone -> 1 Emerald
32 Stone Bricks -> 1 Emerald
32 Andesite -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Andesite -> 1 Emerald
32 Granite -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Granite -> 1 Emerald
32 Diorite -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Diorite -> 1 Emerald
32 Basalt -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Basalt -> 1 Emerald
32 Smooth Basalt -> 1 Emerald
32 Blackstone -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Blackstone -> 1 Emerald
32 Polished Blackstone Bricks -> 1 Emerald
32 Cobbled Deepslate -> 1 Emerald
32 Deepslate -> 1 Emerald
32 Deepslate Bricks -> 1 Emerald
32 End Stone -> 1 Emerald
32 End Stone Bricks -> 1 Emerald
32 Dirt -> 1 Emerald
32 Coarse Dirt -> 1 Emerald
32 Rooted Dirt -> 1 Emerald
32 Podzol -> 1 Emerald
32 Mycelium -> 1 Emerald
32 Mud -> 1 Emerald
32 Packed Mud -> 1 Emerald
32 Mud Bricks -> 1 Emerald
3 Obsidian -> 1 Emerald
9 Crying Obsidian -> 1 Emerald
24 Soul Sand -> 1 Emerald
24 Gravel -> 1 Emerald
24 Brick -> 1 Emerald
24 Nether Brick -> 1 Emerald
3 Magma Block -> 1 Emerald
6 Pointed Dripstone -> 1 Emerald
8 Ice -> 1 Emerald
4 Packed Ice -> 1 Emerald
1 Blue Ice -> 1 Emerald
24 Sculk Vein -> 1 Emerald
6 Sculk -> 1 Emerald
4 Sculk Sensor -> 1 Emerald
2 Sculk Shrieker -> 1 Emerald
1 Sculk Catalyst -> 2 Emerald
1 Calibrated Sculk Sensor -> 3 Emerald
12 Flint -> 1 Emerald
24 Charcoal -> 1 Emerald
10 Clay Ball -> 1 Emerald
24 Coal -> 1 Emerald
8 Coal Block -> 3 Emerald
7 Raw Copper -> 1 Emerald
7 Raw Copper Block -> 9 Emerald
5 Copper Ingot -> 1 Emerald
5 Copper Block -> 9 Emerald
6 Raw Iron -> 1 Emerald
2 Raw Iron Block -> 3 Emerald
4 Iron Ingot -> 1 Emerald
4 Iron Block -> 9 Emerald
5 Raw Gold -> 1 Emerald
5 Raw Gold Block -> 9 Emerald
3 Gold Ingot -> 1 Emerald
1 Gold Block -> 3 Emerald
4 Lapis Lazuli -> 1 Emerald
4 Lapis Block -> 9 Emerald
6 Redstone Dust -> 1 Emerald
2 Redstone Block -> 3 Emerald
1 Diamond -> 1 Emerald
1 Diamond Block -> 9 Emerald
1 Ancient Debris -> 1 Emerald
1 Netherite Scrap -> 1 Emerald
1 Netherite Ingot -> 4 Emerald
1 Netherite Block -> 36 Emerald
4 Amethyst Shard -> 1 Emerald
1 Block of Amethyst -> 1 Emerald
6 Glowstone Dust -> 1 Emerald
12 Nether Quartz -> 1 Emerald

BAY 003 - Moosemart - Exchange Counter - Not Plants/Stone
16 Gunpowder -> 1 Emerald
16 Spider Eye -> 1 Emerald
16 String -> 1 Emerald
16 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Emerald
16 Bone -> 1 Emerald
5 Bone Block -> 1 Emerald
16 Arrow -> 1 Emerald
8 Slowness Arrow -> 1 Emerald
12 Spectral Arrow -> 1 Emerald
20 Slime Ball -> 1 Emerald
20 Magma Cream -> 1 Emerald
3 Fire Charge -> 1 Emerald
10 Blaze Rod -> 1 Emerald
3 Ghast Tear -> 1 Emerald
16 Ender Pearl -> 1 Emerald
16 Shulker Shell -> 1 Emerald
16 Phantom Membrane -> 1 Emerald
1 Totem of Undying -> 2 Emerald
32 Feather -> 3 Emerald
16 Egg -> 1 Emerald
12 Leather -> 1 Emerald
12 Rabbit Hide -> 1 Emerald
6 Rabbit Foot -> 1 Emerald
16 Ink Sac -> 1 Emerald
8 Glow Ink Sac -> 1 Emerald
16 Snowball -> 1 Emerald
10 Nautilus Shell -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Beef -> 1 Emerald
9 Steak -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Porkchop -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Porkchop -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Mutton -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Mutton -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Rabbit -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Rabbit -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Chicken -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Chicken -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Cod -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Cod -> 1 Emerald
18 Raw Salmon -> 1 Emerald
9 Cooked Salmon -> 1 Emerald
9 Pufferfish -> 1 Emerald
9 Tropical Fish -> 1 Emerald
6 Sugar -> 1 Emerald
11 Bread -> 1 Emerald
13 Pumpkin Pie -> 1 Emerald
19 Cookie -> 1 Emerald
1 Cake -> 1 Emerald
24 Paper -> 1 Emerald
10 Book -> 1 Emerald
1 Book and Quill -> 1 Emerald
1 Compass -> 1 Emerald
8 Tripwire Hook -> 1 Emerald
4 Scute -> 1 Emerald
10 Glass Pane -> 1 Emerald
10 Glass -> 1 Emerald
9 Glass Bottle -> 1 Emerald
3 End Rod -> 1 Emerald
4 Echo Shard -> 1 Emerald
4 Disc Fragment -> 1 Emerald
1 Honey Block -> 1 Emerald
3 Honeycomb Block -> 1 Emerald
1 Angler Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Archer Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Arms Up Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Blade Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Brewer Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Burn Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Danger Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Explorer Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Flow Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Friend Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Guster Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Heart Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Heartbreak Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Howl Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Miner Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Mourner Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Plenty Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Prize Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Scrape Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Sheaf Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Shelter Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Skull Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Snort Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Bolt Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Coast Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Dune Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Eye Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Flow Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Host Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Raiser Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Rib Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Sentry Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Shaper Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Silence Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Snout Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Spire Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Tide Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Vex Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Ward Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Wayfinder Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Wild Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
10 Breeze Rod -> 1 Emerald
20 Wind Charge -> 1 Emerald
4 Armadillo Scute -> 1 Emerald

Exclusive Discount Exchange Rooms
Gondwana Guildhall/Horseman Reception Hall, Citadel


The following discounted exchange villagers are available to anyone who is a master of the related GoCL Guild, or an Acolyte of the Horseman Guild. A roughly 30% discount is applied to all the following exchanges to Emeralds:

Master Builder's Discount Exchange Counter
Glass Pane
Stone Bricks
Polished Andesite
Polished Granite
Polished Diorite
Polished Blackstone
Polished Blackstone Bricks
Deepslate Bricks
End Stone
End Stone Bricks
Packed Mud
Mud Bricks
Crying Obsidian
Soul Sand
Nether Brick
Magma Block
End Rod
Packed Ice
Blue Ice

Master Miner's Discount Exchange Counter
Clay Ball
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Block
Redstone Dust
Redstone Block
Diamond Block
Polished Basalt
Smooth Basalt
Cobbled Deepslate
Coarse Dirt
Rooted Dirt
Pointed Dripstone

Master Fisher's Discount Exchange Counter
Raw Cod
Cooked Cod
Raw Salmon
Cooked Salmon
Tropical Fish
Sea Pickle
Dried Kelp
Dried Kelp Block
Brain Coral Fan
Brain Coral
Brain Coral Block
Bubble Coral Fan
Bubble Coral
Bubble Coral Block
Fire Coral Fan
Fire Coral
Fire Coral Block
Horn Coral Fan
Horn Coral
Horn Coral Block
Tube Coral Fan
Tube Coral
Tube Coral Block

Master Farmer's Discount Exchange Counter
Wheat Seeds
Melon Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Beetroot Seeds
Nether Wart
Poisonous Potato
Baked Potato
Carved Pumpkin
Jack o’Lantern
Pumpkin Pie
Melon Slice
Sugar Cane
Glow Berries
Cocoa Beans
Sweet Berries
Acacia Sapling
Birch Sapling
Dark Oak Sapling
Jungle Sapling
Oak Sapling
Spruce Sapling
Mangrove Propagule
Blue Orchid
Azure Bluet
Red Tulip
Orange Tulip
White Tulip
Pink Tulip
Oxeye Daisy
Lily of the Valley
Brown Mushroom
Red Mushroom
Rose Bush
Moss Block
Moss Carpet
Lily Pad
Hanging Roots
Honey Block
Honeycomb Block
Crimson Fungus
Warped Fungus
Flowering Azalea
Glow Lichen
Big Dripleaf

Master Blacksmith's Discount Exchange Counter
Tripwire Hook
Glass Bottle
Coal Block
Raw Copper
Raw Copper Block
Copper Ingot
Copper Block
Raw Iron
Raw Iron Block
Iron Ingot
Iron Block
Raw Gold
Raw Gold Block
Gold Ingot
Gold Block

Master Hunter's Discount Exchange Counter
Rabbit Hide
Rabbit’s Foot
Ink Sac
Glow Ink Sac
Raw Beef
Raw Porkchop
Cooked Porkchop
Raw Mutton
Cooked Mutton
Raw Chicken
Cooked Chicken
Raw Rabbit
Cooked Rabbit

Horseman Acolyte's Discount Exchange Counter
Spider Eye
Rotten Flesh
Bone Block
Slowness Arrow
Spectral Arrow
Slime Ball
Magma Cream
Fire Charge
Blaze Rod
Ghast Tear
Ender Pearl
Shulker Shell
Phantom Membrane
Totem of Undying
Nautilus Shell
Green Dye
Golden Apple
Book and Quill
Glowstone Dust
Nether Quartz
Amethyst Shard
Block of Amethyst
Echo Shard
Disc Fragment 5
Sculk Vein
Sculk Sensor
Sculk Shrieker
Sculk Catalyst
Wither Rose
Warped Roots
Crimson Roots
Weeping Vines
Crimson Vines
Nether Sprouts
Chorus Flower

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 1
BAY 101 - BAY 121


BAY 101 - Moosemart - Farmer NPC
1 Emerald -> 2 Bread
1 Emerald -> 2 Pumpkin Pie
1 Emerald -> 5 Apple
1 Emerald -> 6 Cookie
1 Emerald -> 1 Cake
1 Emerald -> 16 Wheat Seeds
1 Emerald -> 16 Pumpkin Seeds
1 Emerald -> 16 Melon Seeds
1 Emerald -> 16 Nether Wart
1 Emerald -> 16 Beetroot Seeds
1 Emerald -> 6 Potato
1 Emerald -> 6 Carrot
1 Emerald -> 16 Sweet Berries
1 Emerald -> 4 Cocoa Beans
1 Emerald -> 3 Pitcher Pod
1 Emerald -> 3 Torchflower Seeds
2 Emerald -> 8 Chorus Flower
1 Emerald -> 2 Glow Berries
2 Emerald -> 1 Honey Block
64 Emerald + 26 Emerald -> 1 Bee Nest (3 Bees)
3 Emerald -> 1 Composter
6 Honeycomb + 3 Honey Bottle -> 1 Bee Nest
1 Beehive + 1 Diamond -> 1 Bee Nest
8 Honeycomb + 1 Diamond -> 1 Beehive (1 Bee)
1 Sweet Berries + Glowstone Dust -> 1 Glow Berries
8 Block of Gold + 1 Golden Apple -> 1 Enchanted Golden Apple

BAY 102 - Moosemart - Shepard NPC
1 Emerald -> 6 Black Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Blue Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Brown Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Cyan Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Gray Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Green Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Light Blue Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Light Gray Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Lime Green Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Magenta Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Orange Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Pink Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Purple Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Red Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 White Dye
1 Emerald -> 6 Yellow Dye
1 Emerald -> 1 Black Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Black Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Blue Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Blue Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Brown Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Brown Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Cyan Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Cyan Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Gray Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Gray Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Green Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Green Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Blue Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Light Blue Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Gray Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Light Gray Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Lime Green Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Lime Green Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Magenta Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Magenta Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Orange Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Orange Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Pink Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Pink Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Purple Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Purple Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Red Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Red Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 White Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 White Wool
1 Emerald -> 1 Yellow Wool
16 Emerald -> 32 Yellow Wool
3 Emerald -> 1 Loom

BAY 103 - Moosemart - Butcher NPC
1 Emerald -> 2 Raw Rabbit
2 Emerald -> 4 Cooked Rabbit
1 Emerald -> 3 Raw Porkchop
2 Emerald -> 6 Cooked Porkchop
1 Emerald -> 7 Raw Chicken
2 Emerald -> 14 Cooked Chicken
1 Emerald -> 3 Raw Mutton
2 Emerald -> 6 Cooked Mutton
1 Emerald -> 5 Raw Beef
2 Emerald -> 10 Steak
3 Emerald -> 1 Smoker

BAY 104 - Moosemart - Fisherman NPC
1 Emerald -> 2 Raw Cod
2 Emerald -> 4 Cooked Cod
1 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Bucket of Cod
1 Emerald -> 2 Raw Salmon
2 Emerald -> 4 Cooked Salmon
2 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Bucket of Salmon
2 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Bucket of Tadpole
1 Emerald -> 3 Tropical Fish
3 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Bucket of Tropical Fish
1 Emerald -> 1 Pufferfish
4 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Bucket of Pufferfish
4 Emerald -> 4 Sea Pickle
32 Emerald + 1 Bucket -> 1 Turtle Egg
2 Emerald -> 1 Campfire
8 Emerald -> 1 Fishing Rod
22 Emerald -> 1 Fishing Rod [Luck of the Sea 3, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3]
16 Emerald + 1 Empty Bucket -> 1 Pink Axolotl
16 Emerald + 1 Empty Bucket -> 1 Brown Axolotl
16 Emerald + 1 Empty Bucket -> 1 Gold Axolotl
16 Emerald + 1 Empty Bucket -> 1 Cyan Axolotl
1 Block of Netherite + 1 Empty Bucket -> 1 Blue Axolotl
3 Emerald -> 1 Barrel
1 Tropical Fish -> 1 Black Dye
10 Tropical Fish -> 10 Black Dye
1 Ink Sac + 1 Glowstone Dust -> 1 Glow Ink Sac
1 Beacon -> 1 Conduit
1 Conduit -> 1 Beacon
1 Heart of the Sea -> 1 Nether Star
1 Nether Star -> 1 Heart of the Sea

BAY 105 - Moosemart - Leatherworker NPC
1 Emerald -> 3 Leather
1 Emerald -> 6 Rabbit Hide
2 Emerald -> 1 Rabbit’s Foot
6 Emerald -> 1 Saddle
6 Emerald -> 1 Leather Horse Armor
4 Emerald -> 1 Leather Cap
4 Emerald -> 1 Leather Tunic
4 Emerald -> 1 Leather Pants
4 Emerald -> 1 Leather Boots
12 Emerald -> 1 Leather Horse Armor [Feather Falling 4, Thorns 3, Depth Strider 3]
3 Emerald -> 1 Cauldron
5 Leather -> 1 Saddle

BAY 106 - Moosemart - Priest NPC
1 Emerald -> 2 Redstone Dust
1 Emerald -> 1 Lapis Lazuli
1 Emerald -> Glowstone Dust
4 Emerald -> 1 Glowstone
64 Emerald -> 32 Glowstone
1 Emerald -> 9 Glass Bottle
1 Emerald -> 1 Water Bottle
3 Emerald -> 1 Bottle o’ Enchanting
1 Emerald -> 3 Fermented Spider Eye
3 Emerald -> 1 Ghast Tear
3 Emerald -> 1 Blaze Powder
3 Emerald -> 1 Magma Cream
3 Emerald -> 1 Phantom Membrane
5 Emerald -> 1 Glistering Melon Slice
5 Emerald -> 1 Golden Carrot
5 Emerald -> 1 Ender Pearl
3 Emerald -> 1 Brewing Stand
1 Enchanted Apple -> 1 Luck Potion

BAY 107 - Moosemart - Railroader NPC
3 Emerald -> 16 Rail
6 Emerald -> 16 Powered Rail
6 Emerald -> 16 Detector Rail
6 Emerald -> 16 Activator Rail
1 Emerald -> 1 Redstone Torch
1 Emerald -> 1 Minecart
2 Emerald -> 1 Minecart with Furnace
3 Emerald -> 1 Minecart with TNT
4 Emerald -> 1 Minecart with Chest
6 Emerald -> 1 Minecart with Hopper

BAY 108 - Moosemart - Librarian NPC
3 Emerald -> 1 Book
2 Emerald -> 1 Book and Quill
9 Emerald -> 1 Bookshelf
64 Emerald -> 8 Bookshelf
6 Emerald -> 1 Chiseled Bookshelf
64 Emerald -> 10 Chiseled Bookshelf
1 Emerald -> 3 Glass
21 Emerald -> 64 Glass
2 Emerald -> 1 Tinted Glass
64 Emerald -> 32 Tinted Glass
4 Emerald -> 1 Compass
5 Emerald -> 1 Clock
20 Emerald -> 1 Name Tag
1 Emerald -> 1 Lantern
7 Emerald -> 1 Empty Map
5 Emerald -> 1 Item Frame
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Creeper Charge]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Flower Charge]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Thing]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Skull Charge]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Globe]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Snout]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Field Masoned]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Bordure Indented]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Flow]
8 Emerald -> 1 Banner Pattern [Guster]
3 Emerald -> 1 Cartography Table
3 Emerald -> 1 Lectern

BAY 109 - Moosemart - Magical Archivist NPC
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Protection 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Fire Protection 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Feather Falling 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Blast Protection 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Projectile Protection 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Respiration 3]
19 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Aqua Affinity]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Thorns 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Depth Strider 3]
33 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Frost Walker 2]
19 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Curse of Binding]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Sharpness 5]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Smite 5]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Bane of Arthropods 5]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Knockback 2]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Fire Aspect 2]
33 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Looting 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Sweeping Edge 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Efficiency 5]
23 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Silk Touch]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Unbreaking 3]
33 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Fortune 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Power 5]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Punch 2]
19 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Flame]
23 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Infinity]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Luck of the Sea 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Lure 3]
23 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Mending]
19 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Curse of Vanishing]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Loyalty 3]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Impaling 5]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Riptide 3]
23 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Channeling]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Piercing 4]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Quick Charge 3]
23 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Multishot]
29 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Soul Speed 3]
33 Emerald + 1 Echo Shard -> 1 Enchant Book [Swift Sneak 3]
33 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Density 5]
33 Emerald -> 1 Enchant Book [Breach 4]
33 Emerald + 1 Ominous Trial Key -> 1 Enchant Book [Wind Burst 3]

BAY 110 - Moosemart - Super Magical Archivist NPC
16 Emerald Block + 7 Book -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending 3, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3](Sword Version)
16 Emerald Block + 5 Book -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Flame, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3](Bow Version)
8 Emerald Block + 4 Book -> 1 Tool Super Enchantment Book [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3](Silk Touch Version)
8 Emerald Block + 4 Book -> 1 Tool Super Enchantment Book [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3,Mending, Unbreaking 3](Fortune Version)
5 Emerald Block + 5 Book -> 1 Armor Super Enchantment Book [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3](Helmet Version)
5 Emerald Block + 3 Book -> 1 Armor Super Enchantment Book [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3](Chest/Legs Version)
5 Emerald Block + 5 Book -> 1 Armor Super Enchantment Book [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3](Boots Version)
20 Emerald Block + 5 Book -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Channeling, Impaling 5, Loyalty 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3](Trident Version - Loyalty)
16 Emerald Block + 4 Book -> Impaling 5, Mending, Riptide 3, Unbreaking 3](Trident Version - Riptide)
12 Emerald Block + 4 Book -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Mending, Piercing 4, Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3](Crossbow Version - Piercing)
12 Emerald Block + 4 Book -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Mending, Multishot, Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3](Crossbow Version - Multishot)
17 Emerald Block + 1 Ominous Trial Key -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Wind Burst 3, Breach 4, Fire Aspect 2, Unbreaking 3, Mending] (Mace Version - Breach)
17 Emerald Block + 1 Ominous Trial Key -> 1 Weapon Super Enchantment Book [Wind Burst 3, Density 5, Fire Aspect 2, Unbreaking 3, Mending] (Mace Version - Density)
1 Emerald Block -> Enchanting Table

BAY 111 - Moosemart - Mason NPC
1 Emerald -> 10 Brick
1 Emerald -> 1 Bricks
1 Emerald -> 8 Sand
1 Emerald -> 4 Red Sand
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Sandstone
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Red Sandstone
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Stone Bricks
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Deepslate
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Tuff
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Tuff Bricks
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Polished Blackstone
1 Emerald -> 4 Chiseled Nether Bricks
1 Emerald -> 1 Chiseled Quartz Block
1 Emerald -> 1 Block of Quartz
1 Emerald -> 1 Quartz Pillar
1 Emerald -> 1 Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Black Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Blue Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Brown Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Cyan Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Gray Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Green Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Blue Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Gray Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Lime Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Magenta Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Orange Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Pink Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Purple Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Red Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 White Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Yellow Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Black Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Blue Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Brown Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Cyan Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Gray Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Green Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Blue Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Light Gray Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Lime Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Magenta Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Orange Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Pink Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Purple Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Red Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 White Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 1 Yellow Glazed Terracotta
1 Emerald -> 4 Dripstone Block
3 Emerald -> 1 Stonecutter
1 Stone -> 1 Cobblestone
64 Stone -> 64 Cobblestone
1 Stone -> 1 Andesite
64 Stone -> 64 Andesite
1 Stone -> 1 Diorite
64 Stone -> 64 Diorite
1 Stone -> 1 Granite
64 Stone -> 64 Granite
1 Stone -> 1 Polished Blackstone
64 Stone -> 64 Polished Blackstone
1 Stone -> 1 Deepslate
64 Stone -> 64 Deepslate
1 Cobblestone -> 1 Blackstone
64 Cobblestone -> 64 Blackstone
1 Cobblestone -> 1 Cobbled Deepslate
64 Cobblestone -> 64 Cobbled Deepslate
1 Stone Bricks -> 1 Polished Blackstone Bricks
64 Stone Bricks -> 64 Polished Blackstone Bricks
1 Stone Bricks -> 1 Deepslate Bricks
64 Stone Bricks -> 64 Deepslate Bricks
1 Deepslate -> 1 Cobbled Deepslate
64 Deepslate -> 64 Cobbled Deepslate
1 Cobblestone -> 1 Tuff
64 Cobblestone -> 64 Tuff
1 Stone -> 1 Polished Tuff
64 Stone -> 64 Polished Tuff
1 Stone Bricks -> 1 Tuff Bricks
64 Stone Bricks -> 64 Tuff Bricks

BAY 112 - Moosemart - Wandering Gardener NPC
1 Emerald -> 1 Gunpowder
1 Emerald -> 1 Dead Bush
1 Emerald -> 1 Grass
1 Emerald -> 1 Tall Grass
1 Emerald -> 1 Seagrass
1 Emerald -> 3 Kelp
1 Emerald -> 1 Fern
1 Emerald -> 1 Large Fern
1 Emerald -> 2 Lily Pad
1 Emerald -> 1 Vines
1 Emerald -> 2 Sugar Cane
2 Emerald -> 1 Cobweb
1 Emerald -> 1 Pumpkin
1 Emerald -> 4 Brain Coral Fan
1 Emerald -> 2 Brain Coral
2 Emerald -> 1 Brain Coral Block
1 Emerald -> 4 Bubble Coral Fan
1 Emerald -> 3 Bubble Coral
2 Emerald -> 1 Bubble Coral Block
1 Emerald -> 4 Fire Coral Fan
1 Emerald -> 2 Fire Coral
2 Emerald -> 1 Fire Coral Block
1 Emerald -> 4 Horn Coral Fan
1 Emerald -> 2 Horn Coral
2 Emerald -> 1 Horn Coral Block
1 Emerald -> 4 Tube Coral Fan
1 Emerald -> 2 Tube Coral
2 Emerald -> 1 Tube Coral Block
3 Emerald -> 1 Cactus
1 Emerald -> 1 Ice
3 Emerald -> 1 Packed Ice
5 Emerald -> 1 Blue Ice
3 Emerald -> 3 Grass Block
3 Emerald -> 3 Mycelium
3 Emerald -> 3 Podzol
2 Emerald -> 1 Slime Ball
18 Emerald -> 1 Slime Block
5 Emerald -> 1 Nautilus Shell
3 Emerald -> 1 Acacia Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Birch Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Dark Oak Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Jungle Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Oak Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Spruce Sapling
3 Emerald -> 1 Mangrove Propagule
3 Emerald -> 1 Azalea
3 Emerald -> 1 Flowering Azalea
3 Emerald -> 1 Cherry Sapling
1 Emerald -> 16 Acacia Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Birch Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Dark Oak Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Jungle Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Oak Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Spruce Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Mangrove Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Azalea Leaves
1 Emerald -> 16 Flowering Azalea Leaves
1 Emeralds -> 16 Cherry Leaves
5 Emerald -> 4 Bamboo
5 Emerald -> 16 Snowball
2 Emerald -> 1 Brown Mushroom
4 Emerald -> 1 Brown Mushroom Block
2 Emerald -> 1 Red Mushroom
4 Emerald -> 1 Red Mushroom Block
2 Emerald -> 1 Mushroom Stem
2 Emerald -> 3 Flower Pot
1 Emerald -> 3 Dandelion
1 Emerald -> 3 Poppy
1 Emerald -> 3 Blue Orchid
1 Emerald -> 3 Allium
1 Emerald -> 3 Azure Bluet
1 Emerald -> 3 Red Tulip
1 Emerald -> 3 Orange Tulip
1 Emerald -> 3 White Tulip
1 Emerald -> 3 Pink Tulip
1 Emerald -> 3 Oxeye Daisy
1 Emerald -> 3 Cornflower
1 Emerald -> 3 Lily of the Valley
1 Emerald -> 3 Pink Petals
3 Emerald -> 1 Wither Rose
3 Emerald -> 1 Sunflower
3 Emerald -> 1 Lilac
3 Emerald -> 1 Rose Bush
3 Emerald -> 1 Peony
3 Emerald -> 1 Crimson Fungus
3 Emerald -> 1 Warped Fungus
2 Emerald -> 1 Weeping Vines
2 Emerald -> 1 Twisting Vines
1 Emerald -> 1 Warped Roots
1 Emerald -> 1 Crimson Roots
1 Emerald -> 1 Nether Sprouts
2 Emerald -> 1 Warped Nylium
2 Emerald -> 1 Crimson Nylium
2 Emerald -> 1 Shroomlight
1 Emerald -> 2 Pointed Dripstone
1 Emerald -> 8 Moss Carpet
1 Emerald -> 2 Moss Block
1 Emerald -> 2 Rooted Dirt
1 Emerald -> 2 Glow Lichen
1 Emerald -> 4 Hanging Roots
16 Emerald -> 2 Small Dripleaf
16 Emerald -> 1 Big Dripleaf
16 Emerald -> 1 Spore Blossom
5 Emerald -> 3 Mangrove Roots
1 Emerald -> 40 Mud
1 Emerald -> 40 Packed Mud
1 Dirt -> 1 Podzol
32 Dirt -> 32 Podzol
1 Dirt -> 1 Mycelium
32 Dirt -> 32 Mycelium
1 Dirt -> 1 Rooted Dirt
32 Dirt -> 32 Rooted Dirt
9 Brown Mushroom -> 1 Brown Mushroom Block
9 Red Mushroom -> 1 Red Mushroom Block
2 Brown Mushroom + 2 Red Mushroom -> 1 Mushroom Stem
1 Vines -> 1 Weeping Vines
1 Vines -> 1 Twisting Vines
1 Vines -> 1 Moss Carpet
1 Vines + 1 Glowstone Dust -> 1 Glow Lichen
1 Grass -> 1 Warped Roots
1 Grass -> 1 Nether Sprouts
1 Grass -> 1 Crimson Roots
1 Grass -> 1 Hanging Roots
1 Grass Block -> 1 Warped Nylium
1 Grass Block -> 1 Crimson Nylium
32 Lily Pad -> 1 Small Dripleaf
64 Lily Pad -> 1 Big Dripleaf
1 Azalea + 4 Glow Berries -> 1 Spore Blossom
4 Moss Carpet -> 1 Moss Block
3 Dirt + 1 Water Bucket -> 3 Mud
64 Dirt + 64 Ice -> 64 Mud
4 Mud + 4 Wheat -> 4 Mud Bricks
64 Mud + 64 Wheat -> 64 Mud Bricks

BAY 113 - Moosemart - Wandering Trader NPC
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - 11]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - 13]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - blocks]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - cat]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - chirp]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - far]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - mall]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - mellohi]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - stal]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - strad]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - wait]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [C418 - ward]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [Lena Raine - Pigstep]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [Lena Raine - otherside]
3 Emerald -> 1 Music Disc [Aaron Cherof - Relic]
3 Emerald -> 1 Note Block
9 Emerald -> 1 Jukebox
1 Emerald -> 1 Painting
5 Emerald -> 1 Item Frame
3 Emerald -> 1 Armor Stand
3 Emerald -> 1 Fire Charge
3 Emerald -> 3 Lead
16 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Ponder)
16 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Sing)
16 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Seek)
16 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Feel)
32 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Admire)
32 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Call)
32 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Yearn)
32 Emerald -> 1 Goat Horn (Dream)
1 Emerald -> 16 Torch
1 Emerald -> 3 Candle (Uncolored)
1 Emerald -> 1 Bundle
11 Emerald -> 1 Shulker Box
3 Emerald -> 1 Chest
3 Emerald -> 1 Ender Chest
1 Torch -> 1 Soul Torch
1 Lantern -> 1 Soul Lantern
1 Campfire -> 1 Soul Campfire
4 Ice -> 1 Packed Ice
4 Packed Ice -> 1 Blue Ice
32 Ice -> 8 Packed Ice
32 Packed Ice -> 8 Blue Ice

BAY 114 - Moosemart - Fletcher NPC
1 Emerald -> 16 Arrow
1 Emerald + 10 Gravel -> 10 Flint
2 Emerald -> 1 Bow
3 Emerald -> 1 Crossbow
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Spectral Arrow
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Swiftness [Speed (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Swiftness [Speed 2 (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Swiftness [Speed (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Slowness [Slowness (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Slowness [Slowness (0:30)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Strength [Strength (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Strength [Strength 2 (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Strength [Strength 2 (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Strength [Strength (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Weakness [Weakness (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Weakness [Weakness (0:30)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health 2]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Harming [Instant Damage]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Harming [Instant Damage 2]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Leaping [Jump Boost (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Leaping [Jump Boost 2 (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Leaping [Jump Boost (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Regeneration [Regeneration (0:05)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Regeneration [Regeneration 2 (0:02)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Regeneration [Regeneration (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:05)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Poison [Poison 2 (0:02)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Fire Resistance [Fire Resistance (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Fire Resistance [Fire Resistance (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Water Breathing [Water Breathing (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Water Breathing [Water Breathing (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Night Vision [Night Vision (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Night Vision [Night Vision (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Invisibility [Invisibility (0:22)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Invisibility [Invisibility (1:00)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of the Turtle Master [Slowness 4 (0:02), Resistance 3 (0:02)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of the Turtle Master [Slowness 6 (0:02), Resistance 4 (0:02)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of the Turtle Master [Slowness 4(0:05), Resistance 3 (0:05)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Slow Falling [Slow Falling (0:11)]
2 Emerald + 5 Arrow -> 5 Arrow of Slow Falling [Slow Falling (0:30)]
3 Emerald -> Fletching Table

BAY 115 - Moosemart - Toolsmith NPC
3 Emerald -> 1 Brush
11 Emerald -> 1 Iron Pickaxe
7 Emerald -> 1 Iron Shovel
5 Emerald -> 1 Iron Hoe
12 Emerald -> 1 Golden Pickaxe
8 Emerald -> 1 Golden Shovel
6 Emerald -> 1 Golden Hoe
15 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Pickaxe
11 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Shovel
9 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Hoe
36 Emerald -> 1 Bell
10 Emerald -> 1 Spyglass
22 Emerald -> 1 Lightning Rod
36 Emerald -> 1 Anvil
10 Emerald -> 1 Hopper
3 Emerald -> 1 Smithing Table

BAY 116 - Moosemart - Armorer NPC
5 Emerald -> 1 Iron Helmet
9 Emerald -> 1 Iron Chestplate
7 Emerald -> 1 Iron Leggings
4 Emerald -> 1 Iron Boots
1 Emerald -> 1 Chainmail Helmet
4 Emerald -> 1 Chainmail Chestplate
3 Emerald -> 1 Chainmail Leggings
1 Emerald -> 1 Chainmail Boots
7 Emerald -> 1 Golden Helmet
15 Emerald -> 1 Golden Chestplate
12 Emerald -> 1 Golden Leggings
8 Emerald -> 1 Golden Boots
13 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Helmet
21 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Chestplate
19 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Leggings
13 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Boots
5 Emerald -> 1 Shield
15 Emerald -> 1 Iron Horse Armor
20 Emerald -> 1 Golden Horse Armor
25 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Horse Armor
24 Emerald -> 1 Iron Horse Armor [Feather Falling 4, Thorns 3, Depth Strider 3]
40 Emerald -> 1 Golden Horse Armor [Feather Falling 4, Thorns 3, Depth Strider 3]
48 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Horse Armor [Feather Falling 4, Thorns 3, Depth Strider 3]
3 Emerald -> 1 Blast Furnace
1 Chainmail Chestplate + 1 Saddle -> 1 Iron Horse Armor
1 Gold Chestplate + 1 Saddle -> 1 Gold Horse Armor
1 Diamond Chestplate + 1 Saddle -> 1 Diamond Horse Armor

BAY 117 - Moosemart - Weaponsmith NPC
7 Emerald -> 1 Iron Sword
3 Emerald -> 1 Iron Axe
11 Emerald -> 1 Golden Sword
7 Emerald -> 1 Golden Axe
13 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Sword
17 Emerald -> 1 Diamond Axe
17 Emerald -> 1 Trident
3 Emerald -> 1 Grindstone

BAY 118 - Moosemart - Diamond Toolsmith NPC
36 Emerald + 3 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Hoe [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 3 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Shovel [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 3 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Shovel [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Pickaxe [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Pickaxe [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3]
9 Emerald + 1 Diamond -> 1 Brush [Mending, Unbreaking 3]

BAY 119 - Moosemart - Diamond Armorer NPC
23 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 8 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
20 Emerald + 4 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
23 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Fire Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 8 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Chestplate [Mending, Fire Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Leggings [Mending, Fire Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
20 Emerald + 4 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Fire Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
23 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Blast Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 8 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Chestplate [Mending, Blast Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Leggings [Mending, Blast Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
20 Emerald + 4 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Blast Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
23 Emerald + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 8 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Chestplate [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
25 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Leggings [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]
20 Emerald + 4 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3]

BAY 120 - Moosemart - Diamond Weaponsmith NPC
8 Emerald Block + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Sword [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3]
7 Emerald Block + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Sword [Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3]
7 Emerald Block + 5 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Sword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3]
8 Emerald Block + 6 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Axe [Efficiency 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 3]
8 Emerald Block + 6 Diamond -> 1 Bow [Flame, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Crossbow [Mending, Multishot, Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3]
36 Emerald + 7 Diamond -> 1 Crossbow [Mending, Piercing 4, Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3]
17 Emerald Block + 7 Diamond -> 1 Trident [Riptide 3, Impaling 5, Unbreaking 3, Mending]
21 Emerald Block + 7 Diamond -> 1 Trident [Channeling, Impaling 5, Loyalty 3, Unbreaking 3, Mending]

BAY 121 - Moosemart - Metallurgist NPC
1 Copper Ingot -> 1 Raw Copper
32 Copper Ingot -> 32 Raw Copper
9 Iron Nugget + 9 Gold Nugget -> 2 Raw Copper
63 Iron Nugget + 63 Gold Nugget -> 14 Raw Copper
1 Raw Iron + 1 Raw Gold -> 2 Raw Copper
32 Raw Iron + 32 Raw Gold -> 64 Raw Copper
1 Iron Ingot + 1 Gold Ingot -> 2 Copper Ingot
32 Iron Ingot + 32 Gold Ingot -> 64 Copper Ingot
1 Block of Copper -> 1 Block of Raw Copper
16 Block of Copper -> 16 Block of Raw Copper
1 Block of Raw Iron + 1 Block of Raw Gold -> 2 Block of Raw Copper
16 Block of Raw Iron + 16 Block of Raw Gold -> 32 Block of Raw Copper
1 Block of Iron + 1 Block of Gold -> 2 Block of Copper
16 Block of Iron + 16 Block of Gold -> 32 Block of Copper
9 Iron Nugget -> 1 Raw Iron
63 Iron Nugget -> 7 Raw Iron
1 Iron Ingot -> 1 Raw Iron
32 Iron Ingot -> 32 Raw Iron
1 Block of Iron -> 1 Block of Raw Iron
16 Block of Iron -> 16 Block of Raw Iron
9 Gold Nugget -> 1 Raw Gold
63 Gold Nugget -> 7 Raw Gold
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Raw Gold
32 Gold Ingot -> 32 Raw Gold
1 Block of Gold -> 1 Block of Raw Gold
16 Block of Gold -> 1 Block of Raw Gold
1 Netherite Scrap -> 1 Ancient Debris
1 Netherite Ingot -> 4 Netherite Scrap
1 Copper Block + 1 Honeycomb -> 1 Waxed Exposed Copper Block
1 Copper Block + 1 Honeycomb -> 1 Waxed Weathered Copper Block
1 Copper Block + 1 Honeycomb -> 1 Waxed Oxidized Copper Block
1 Waxed Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Exposed Copper Block
1 Waxed Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Weathered Copper Block
1 Waxed Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Oxidized Copper Block
1 Waxed Exposed Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Copper Block
1 Waxed Weathered Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Copper Block
1 Waxed Oxidized Copper Block -> 1 Waxed Copper Block
1 Exposed Copper Block -> 1 Copper Block
1 Weathered Copper Block -> 1 Copper Block
1 Oxidized Copper Block -> 1 Copper Block

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 1
BAY 122 - BAY 142


BAY 122 - Moosemart - Passive Mob Heads Trader
1 Player Head -> 1 Chicken Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cow Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Iron Golem Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Mooshroom Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Ocelot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pig Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Sheep Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Squid Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Villager Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Polar Bear Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Bat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Turtle Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Dolphin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Donkey Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Mule Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Zombie Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Skeleton Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Bunny Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cactus Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Chest Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pumpkin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Melon Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Oak Log Head
1 Player Head -> 1 TNT Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Bee Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Tardis Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Panda Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Fox Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Wandering Trader Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Strider Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Goat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pink Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Glow Squid Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Allay Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Tadpole Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cold Frog Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Camel Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Sniffer Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Armadillo Head

BAY 123 - Moosemart - Hostile Mob Heads Trader
1 Player Head -> 1 Creeper Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Zombie Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Skeleton Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cave Spider Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Spider Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Enderman Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Ghast Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Slime Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Magma Slime Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Zombified Piglin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Blaze Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Guardian Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Elder Guardian Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Endermite Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Vindicator Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Evoker Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Illusioner Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Witch Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pillager Raid Leader Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Ravager Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Vex Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Husk Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Stray Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Shulker Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Silverfish Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Zombie Villager Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Drowned Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Phantom Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Wither Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Herobrine Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Piglin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Piglin Brute Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Hoglin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Zoglin Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Warden Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Bogged Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Breeze Head

BAY 124 - Squid Cove - Head Neutralizer
1 Player Head -> 1 Player Head
1 Creeper Head -> 1 Player Head
1 Skeleton Head -> 1 Player Head
1 Zombie Head -> 1 Player Head
1 Emerald -> 1 Player Head
1 Player Head -> 1 True Steve Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Alex
1 Player Head -> 1 Zuri
1 Player Head -> 1 Sunny
1 Player Head -> 1 Noor
1 Player Head -> 1 Makena
1 Player Head -> 1 Kai
1 Player Head -> 1 Efe
1 Player Head -> 1 Ari

BAY 125 - Moosemart - Carpenter NPC
1 Oak Planks -> 1 Oak Stairs
1 Oak Planks -> 2 Oak Slab
1 Oak Planks -> 1 Oak Fence
1 Spruce Planks -> 1 Spruce Stairs
1 Spruce Planks -> 2 Spruce Slab
1 Spruce Planks -> 1 Spruce Fence
1 Birch Planks -> 1 Birch Stairs
1 Birch Planks -> 2 Birch Slab
1 Birch Planks -> 1 Birch Fence
1 Jungle Planks -> 1 Jungle Stairs
1 Jungle Planks -> 2 Jungle Slab
1 Jungle Planks -> 1 Jungle Fence
1 Acacia Planks -> 1 Acacia Stairs
1 Acacia Planks -> 2 Acacia Slab
1 Acacia Planks -> 1 Acacia Fence
1 Dark Oak Planks -> 1 Dark Oak Stairs
1 Dark Oak Planks -> 2 Dark Oak Slab
1 Dark Oak Planks -> 1 Dark Oak Fence
1 Stripped Acacia Log -> 1 Acacia Log
1 Stripped Acacia Wood -> 1 Acacia Wood
1 Stripped Birch Log -> 1 Birch Log
1 Stripped Birch Wood -> 1 Birch Wood
1 Stripped Dark Oak Log -> 1 Dark Oak Log
1 Stripped Dark Oak Wood -> 1 Dark Oak Wood
1 Stripped Jungle Log -> 1 Jungle Log
1 Stripped Jungle Wood -> 1 Jungle Wood
1 Stripped Oak Log -> 1 Oak Log
1 Stripped Oak Wood -> 1 Oak Wood
1 Stripped Spruce Log -> 1 Spruce Log
1 Stripped Spruce Wood -> 1 Spruce Wood
1 Acacia Log -> 1 Stripped Acacia Log
1 Acacia Wood -> 1 Stripped Acacia Wood
1 Birch Log -> 1 Stripped Birch Log
1 Birch Wood -> 1 Stripped Birch Wood
1 Dark Oak Log -> 1 Stripped Dark Oak Log
1 Dark Oak Wood -> 1 Stripped Dark Oak Wood
1 Jungle Log -> 1 Stripped Jungle Log
1 Jungle Wood -> 1 Stripped Jungle Wood
1 Oak Log -> 1 Stripped Oak Log
1 Oak Wood -> 1 Stripped Oak Wood
1 Spruce Log -> 1 Stripped Spruce Log
1 Spruce Wood -> 1 Stripped Spruce Wood
1 Mangrove Planks -> 1 Mangrove Stairs
1 Mangrove Planks -> 2 Mangrove Slab
1 Mangrove Planks -> 1 Mangrove Fence
1 Stripped Mangrove Log -> 1 Mangrove Log
1 Stripped Mangrove Wood -> 1 Mangrove Wood
1 Mangrove Log -> 1 Stripped Mangrove Log
1 Mangrove Wood -> 1 Stripped Mangrove Wood
1 Bamboo Mosaic -> 1 Bamboo Mosaic Stairs
1 Bamboo Planks -> 1 Bamboo Stairs
1 Bamboo Mosaic -> 2 Bamboo Mosaic Slab
1 Bamboo Planks -> 2 Bamboo Slab
1 Bamboo Planks -> 1 Bamboo Fence
1 Stripped Bamboo Block -> 1 Bamboo Block
1 Bamboo Block -> 1 Stripped Bamboo Block
1 Cherry Planks -> 1 Cherry Stairs
1 Cherry Planks -> 2 Cherry Slab
1 Cherry Planks -> 1 Cherry Fence
1 Stripped Cherry Log -> 1 Cherry Log
1 Stripped Cherry Wood -> 1 Cherry Wood
1 Cherry Log -> 1 Stripped Cherry Log
1 Cherry Wood -> 1 Stripped Cherry Wood

BAY 126 - Moosemart - Geologist NPC
6 Coal -> 1 Coal Ore
6 Coal + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Coal Ore
18 Raw Copper -> 1 Copper Ore
18 Raw Copper + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Copper Ore
6 Raw Iron -> 1 Iron Ore
6 Raw Iron + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Iron Ore
54 Lapis Lazuli -> 1 Lapis Lazuli Ore
54 Lapis Lazuli + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore
10 Redstone Dust -> 1 Redstone Ore
10 Redstone Dust + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Redstone Ore
6 Raw Gold -> 1 Gold Ore
6 Raw Gold + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Gold Ore
6 Nether Quartz -> 1 Nether Quartz Ore
6 Emerald -> 1 Emerald Ore
6 Emerald + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Emerald Ore
6 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Ore
6 Diamond + 1 Deepslate -> 1 Deepslate Diamond Ore
36 Gold Nugget + 1 Netherrack -> 1 Nether Gold Ore
5 Gold Nugget + 1 Polished Blackstone Bricks -> 1 Gilded Blackstone
1 Bone Block + 1 Stone -> 1 Calcite
4 Nautilus Shell + 1 Sand -> 1 Calcite
2 Amethyst Shard -> 1 Small Amethyst Bud
3 Amethyst Shard + 1 Small Amethyst Bud -> 1 Medium Amethyst Bud
4 Amethyst Shard + 1 Medium Amethyst Bud -> 1 Large Amethyst Bud
15 Amethyst Shard + 1 Large Amethyst Bud -> 1 Amethyst Cluster
8 Block of Amethyst + 1 Amethyst Cluster -> 1 Budding Amethyst
1 Sand -> 1 Red Sand
32 Sand -> 32 Red Sand
1 Flint -> 1 Gravel
32 Flint -> 32 Gravel
2 Gravel -> 1 Tuff
64 Gravel -> 32 Tuff

BAY 127 - Moosemart - Fireworks NPC
3 Emerald -> 16 Basic Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Flight Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Ammo Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Fire Charge Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Gold Nugget Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Head Firework
4 Emerald -> 16 Feather Firework
5 Emerald -> 16 Combo Firework
5 Emerald -> 16 Lime Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Red-Orange Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Gold Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Purple Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Orange Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Combo Light Yellow Star (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Combo Red-Orange Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Combo Red-Yellow Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 5-Colour Red/Yellow/Orange Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Yellow Large & Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Gold Star (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Pink Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Yellow-Pink Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 5-Colour Yellow-Pink Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Gold Large & Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Light Yellow Star (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Purple Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Red Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Orange Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Cyan Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 White Star (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Red Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Lime Creeper (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Aqua Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Purple Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Red/White/Blue Star (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Aqua/Blue/Lime Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Pink/Purple Burst (Firework Rocket)
5 Emerald -> 16 Lime Large Ball (Firework Rocket)

BAY 128 - Moosemart - Piglin Barterer NPC
1 Gold Ingot -> 8 Soul Sand
1 Gold Ingot -> 3 Crying Obsidian
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Obsidian
1 Gold Ingot -> 8 Nether Brick
1 Gold Ingot -> 4 Leather
1 Gold Ingot -> 8 Gravel
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Fire Charge
1 Gold Ingot -> 4 Spectral Arrow
1 Gold Ingot -> 8 Blackstone
1 Gold Ingot -> 4 String
1 Gold Ingot -> 2 Ender Pearl
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Water Bottle
1 Gold Ingot -> 4 Nether Quartz
1 Gold Ingot -> 12 Iron Nugget
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Potion of Fire Resistance [Fire Resistance (8:00)]
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Splash Potion of Fire Resistance [Fire Resistance (8:00)]
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Iron Boots [Soul Speed 1]
1 Gold Ingot -> 1 Enchanted Book [Soul Speed 1]
27 Gold Ingot + 3 Diamond -> 1 Ancient Debris
1 Beacon -> 1 Conduit
1 Conduit -> 1 Beacon
1 Heart of the Sea -> 1 Nether Star
1 Nether Star -> 1 Heart of the Sea
1 Netherrack -> 1 Magma Block
32 Netherrack -> 32 Magma Block
1 Gravel -> 1 Soul Sand
32 Gravel -> 32 Soul Sand
1 Soul Sand -> 1 Soul Soil
32 Soul Sand -> 32 Soul Soil
5 Poisonous Potato + 1 Blaze Powder -> 1 Magma Cream
8 Obsidian + 1 Ghast Tear -> 8 Crying Obsidian

BAY 129 - Moosemart - Redstone NPC
1 Emerald -> 2 Redstone Dust
1 Emerald -> 1 Redstone Torch
5 Emerald -> 1 Block of Redstone
3 Emerald -> 2 Redstone Repeater
5 Emerald -> 1 Redstone Comparator
1 Emerald -> 3 Lever
1 Emerald -> 4 Tripwire
3 Emerald -> 1 Piston
3 Emerald -> 1 Sticky Piston
3 Emerald -> 1 Dispenser
3 Emerald -> 1 Dropper
5 Emerald -> 1 Hopper
5 Emerald -> 1 Observer
5 Emerald -> 1 Daylight Detector
2 Emerald -> 1 Target
6 Emerald -> 1 Redstone Lamp
16 Emerald -> 9 TNT
4 Emerald -> 1 Sculk Sensor
4 Emerald + 3 Amethyst Shard -> 1 Calibrated Sculk Sensor
3 Emerald -> 1 Trapped Chest
6 Emerald -> 1 Crafter

BAY 130 - Moosemart - Oxiclean NPC
1 Black Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Blue Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Brown Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Cyan Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Gray Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Green Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Light Gray Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Lime Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Magenta Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Orange Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Pink Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Purple Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Red Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Yellow Wool -> 1 White Wool
1 Black Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Blue Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Brown Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Cyan Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Gray Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Green Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Light Blue Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Light Gray Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Lime Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Magenta Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Orange Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Pink Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Purple Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Red Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Yellow Carpet -> 1 White Carpet
1 Black Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Blue Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Brown Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Cyan Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Gray Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Green Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Light Blue Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Light Gray Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Lime Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Magenta Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Orange Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Pink Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Purple Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Red Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 White Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Yellow Stained Glass -> 1 Glass
1 Black Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Blue Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Brown Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Cyan Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Gray Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Green Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Light Blue Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Light Gray Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Lime Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Magenta Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Orange Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Pink Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Purple Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Red Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 White Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Yellow Stained Glass Pane -> 1 Glass Pane
1 Black Stained Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Blue Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Brown Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Cyan Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Gray Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Green Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Light Blue Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Light Gray Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Lime Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Magenta Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Orange Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Pink Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Purple Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Red Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 White Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Yellow Terracotta -> 1 Terracotta
1 Black Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Blue Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Brown Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Cyan Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Gray Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Green Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Blue Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Gray Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Lime Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Magenta Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Orange Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Pink Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Purple Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Red Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Yellow Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Black Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Blue Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Brown Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Cyan Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Gray Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Green Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Light Blue Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Light Gray Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Lime Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Magenta Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Orange Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Pink Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Purple Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Red Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Yellow Banner -> 1 White Banner
1 Black Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Blue Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Brown Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Cyan Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Gray Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Green Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Light Blue Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Light Gray Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Lime Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Magenta Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Orange Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Pink Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Purple Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Red Candle -> 1 Candle
1 White Candle -> 1 Candle
1 Yellow Candle -> 1 Candle

BAY 131 - Moosemart - Concrete NPC
1 Emerald -> 1 White Concrete Powder
64 Emerald -> 64 White Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Red Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Red Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Blue Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Blue Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Cyan Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Cyan Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Gray Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Gray Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Lime Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Lime Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Pink Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Pink Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Black Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Black Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Brown Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Brown Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Green Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Green Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Orange Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Orange Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Purple Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Purple Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Yellow Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Yellow Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Magenta Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Magenta Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Light Blue Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Light Blue Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Light Gray Concrete Powder
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Light Gray Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Red Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Red Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Blue Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Blue Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Cyan Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Cyan Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Gray Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Gray Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Lime Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Lime Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Pink Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Pink Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Black Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Black Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Brown Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Brown Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Green Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Green Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 White Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Orange Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Orange Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Purple Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Purple Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Yellow Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Yellow Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Magenta Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Magenta Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Light Blue Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Light Blue Concrete
1 White Concrete Powder -> 1 Light Gray Concrete
64 White Concrete Powder -> 64 Light Gray Concrete
1 Red Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Blue Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Cyan Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Gray Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Lime Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Pink Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Black Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Brown Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Green Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Orange Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Purple Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Yellow Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Magenta Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Blue Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Gray Concrete Powder -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Red Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Blue Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Cyan Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Gray Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Lime Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Pink Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Black Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Brown Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Green Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 White Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Orange Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Purple Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Yellow Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Magenta Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Blue Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder
1 Light Gray Concrete -> 1 White Concrete Powder

BAY 132 - Moosemart - Archeologist NPC
3 Emerald -> 1 Brush
9 Emerald + 1 Diamond -> 1 Brush [Mending, Unbreaking 3]
1 Angler Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Archer Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Arms Up Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Blade Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Brewer Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Burn Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Danger Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Explorer Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Flow Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Friend Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Guster Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Heart Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Heartbreak Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Howl Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Miner Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Mourner Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Plenty Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Prize Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Scrape Pottery Sherd -> 1 Emerald
1 Sheaf Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Shelter Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Skull Pottery Sherd -> 3 Emerald
1 Snort Pottery Sherd -> 5 Emerald
1 Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Bolt Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Coast Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Dune Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Eye Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Flow Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Host Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Raiser Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Rib Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Sentry Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Shaper Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Silence Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Snout Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Spire Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Tide Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Vex Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Ward Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Wayfinder Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Smithing Template (Wild Armor Trim) -> 6 Emerald
1 Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Bolt Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Coast Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Dune Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Eye Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Flow Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Host Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Raiser Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Rib Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Sentry Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Shaper Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Silence Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Snout Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Spire Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Tide Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Vex Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Ward Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Wayfinder Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond
1 Smithing Template (Wild Armor Trim) -> 5 Diamond

BAY 133 - Moosemart - Variant Passive Mob Head Trader
1 Player Head -> 1 Mooshroom Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Brown Mooshroom Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Dark Brown Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 White Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Black Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Chestnut Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Brown Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Gray Horse Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 White Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Creamy Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Gray Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Brown Wandering Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Creamy Wandering Llama Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Blue Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Gray Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cyan Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Green Parrot Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Snowy Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Striped Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Spotted Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Rusty Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Chestnut Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Black Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Ashen Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Woods Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pale Wolf Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Bunny Head
1 Player Head -> 1 White Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Toast Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Killer Bunny Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Black Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Brown Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Gold Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Salt & Pepper Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Black & White Rabbit Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Panda Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Red Panda Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Fox Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Artic Fox Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pink Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Brown Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cyan Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Gold Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Blue Axolotl Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cold Frog Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Temperate Frog Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Warm Frog Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Black Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 British Shorthair Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Calico Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Jellie Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Persian Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Ragdoll Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Siamese Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Tabby Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Tuxedo Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 White Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Red Cat Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Cod Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Salmon Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Tropical Fish Head
1 Player Head -> 1 Pufferfish Head

BAY 134-138 Currently Empty

BAY 139 - Moosemart - Treasure Merchant
1 Coal Chest -> 1 Chest of Coal
1 Iron Chest -> 1 Chest of Iron
1 Copper Chest -> 1 Chest of Copper
1 Redstone Chest -> 1 Chest of Redstone
1 Lapis Lazuli Chest -> 1 Chest of Lapis Lazuli
1 Gold Chest -> 1 Chest of Gold
1 Nether Quartz Chest -> 1 Chest of Nether Quartz
1 Emerald Chest -> 1 Chest of Emerald
1 Glowstone Chest -> 1 Chest of Glowstone
1 Blaze Chest -> 1 Chest of Blaze
1 Amethyst Chest -> 1 Chest of Amethyst
1 Diamond Chest -> 1 Chest of Diamond
1 Netherite Chest -> 1 Chest of Netherite

BAY 140 - Moosemart - Potion Vendor
10 Emerald -> 1 Red Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Blue Potion [Water Breathing (0:50), Night Vision (0:50), Dolphin's Grace (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Orange Potion [Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50)]
50 Emerald -> 1 Green Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50), Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50), Water Breathing (0:50), Night Vision (0:50), Dolphin's Grace (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Purple Potion [Night Vision (0:50), Glowing (0:50)]
64 Emerald -> 1 Moon Dew [Levitation (1:15), Slow Falling (2:30)]

BAY 141 - Moosemart - Arrow Vendor
50 Emerald -> 4 Fire Arrow [Instant Damage, Poison (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Ice Arrow [Slowness (0:11), Nausea (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Water Arrow [Water Breathing (0:01), Night Vision (0:01)]
64 Emerald -> 4 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:11)]
64 Emerald -> 4 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health, Regeneration (0:00), Health Boost (0:00), Saturation (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)]
1 Emerald -> 16 Arrow

BAY 142 - Moosemart - Food Vendor
1 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Rabbit
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Porkchop
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Chicken
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Mutton
5 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Steak

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 2
Challenge Areas
BAY 201 - BAY 219


BAY 201 - The End - Dragon Merchant
45 Dragon Shard -> 1 Ender Pearl
5 Dragon Shard -> 1 Dragon’s Breath
15 Dragon Shard -> 1 Dragon Head
25 Dragon Shard -> 1 Dragon Egg
25 Dragon Shard + 1 Iron Pickaxe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shard + 1 Iron Pickaxe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shard + 1 Iron Shovel -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shard + 1 Iron Axe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shard + 1 Iron Hoe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
50 Dragon Shard + 1 Diamond Helmet -> 1 Dragon’s Blood [Flame 4, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +2 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor]
30 Dragon Shard -> 1 Dragon’s Soul [Haste 2 (40:00), Night Vision (40:00)]
15 Dragon Shard -> Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)]
15 Dragon Shard -> Healing Arrow [Instant Health, Regeneration (0:00), Health Boost (0:00), Saturation (0:00)]
15 Dragon Shard -> Dragon Priest Banner
20 Dragon Shard + 1 Chest -> Black Shulker Box
42 Dragon Shard + 1 Chest -> Black Shulker Box [2 Dragon Priest Banner, 1 Dragon’s Soul]
15 Dragon Shard -> 32 Endstone
15 Dragon Shard -> 32 Endstone Bricks
15 Dragon Shard -> 8 End Rods
9 Dragon Shard -> 4 Chorus Flower
15 Dragon Shard -> 16 Purpur Block
27 Dragon Shard -> 9 Obsidian
9 Dragon Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Dragon Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Dragon Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Dragon Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Dragon Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Dragon Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Dragon Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Dragon Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Dragon Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Dragon Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Dragon Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Dragon Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
15 Dragon Shard -> 1 Iron Pickaxe
15 Dragon Shard -> 1 Iron Shovel
15 Dragon Shard -> 1 Iron Axe
15 Dragon Shard -> 1 Iron Hoe
15 Dragon Shard + 1 Diamond -> 1 Diamond Helmet
5 Dragon Shard -> 1 Chest
64 Dragon Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Dragon Shard

BAY 202 - The End - Happy Mask Salesman
1 Mask of Hevnoraak -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Krosis -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Morokei -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Otar -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Rahgot -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Vokun -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Volsung -> 10 Dragon Shard
1 Mask of Nahkriin -> 15 Dragon Shard
1 Wooden Mask -> 32 Dragon Shard
1 Broken Mask of Konahrik -> 32 Dragon Shard
4 Wooden Mask + 8 Phantom Membrane -> 1 Elytra
3 Broken Mask of Konahrik [Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4] -> 1 Mask of Konahrik [Infinity, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 5] [When on head: +6 Max Health, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor]
1 Mask of Zahkriisos + 1 Mask of Ahzidal -> 1 Dragon Essence Alpha
1 Mask of Dukaan + 1 Vahlok Skull -> 1 Dragon Essence Omega
1 Dragon Essence Alpha + 1 Dragon Essence Omega -> 1 Dragon Anima

BAY 203 - Lost Woods - Odd Salesman
1 Chainmail Helmet -> 1 Emerald
1 Chainmail Chestplate -> 2 Emerald
1 Chainmail Leggings -> 2 Emerald
1 Chainmail Boots -> 1 Emerald
1 Iron Sword -> 1 Emerald
12 Emerald + 1 Chest -> 1 Hylian Travel Bag [15 Steak, 1 Green Potion, 1 Aged Mead]
1 Soul of the Crimson Ur-Ghast + 1 Soul of the Azure Ur-Ghast -> 1 Goddess Shard Alpha
1 Soul of the Viridian Ur-Ghast + 1 Soul of the Pallid Ur-Ghast -> 1 Goddess Shard Delta
1 Goddess Shard Alpha + 1 Goddess Shard Delta -> 1 Pegasus Boots [Feather Falling 5, Frost Walker 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.15 Speed]

BAY 204 - Outset Island - Island Warrior
64 Heart of the Sea + 64 Nautilus Shell -> Triumph Forks [Bane of Arthropods 4, Channeling, Depth Strider 5, Impaling 5, Knockback 3, Luck of the Sea 7, Mending, Sharpness 4, Smite 4, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, -7 Knockback Resistance]

BAY 205 - Outset Island - Island Elder
16 Nautilus Shell -> 1 Grandma’s Soup
32 Nautilus Shell -> 1 Island Telescope [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck]

BAY 206 - Hunters Lodge - Hunter's Mark Merchant
1 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Hunter's Lodge Sigil (Banner)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Cap (Netherite Helmet)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Hide (Netherite Chestplate)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Shins (Netherite Leggings)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Wraps (Netherite Boots)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Armament (Netherite Sword)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Armament (Netherite Axe)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Armament (Netherite Hoe)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Monster Armament (Bow)
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Netherite Pickaxe
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Netherite Shovel
9 Hunter's Mark -> 24 Coal
9 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Hunter's Mark -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Hunter's Mark -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Hunter's Mark -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Emerald
9 Hunter's Mark -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Diamond
18 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Ancient Debris
20 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Chest
20 Hunter's Mark + 1 Chest -> 1 Shulker Box
64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Totem of Undying
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Hunter's Mark

BAY 207 - Hunters Lodge - Material Trade-Ins
2 Fire Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Flame Shard
2 Flame Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Wildfire Shard
2 Ice Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Frost Shard
2 Frost Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Glacier Shard
2 Earth Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Mountain Shard
2 Mountain Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Earthquake Shard
2 Night Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 End Shard
2 End Shard + 10 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Null Shard
12 Fire Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Flame Shard
12 Flame Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Wildfire Shard
12 Ice Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Frost Shard
12 Frost Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Glacier Shard
12 Earth Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Mountain Shard
12 Mountain Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Earthquake Shard
12 Night Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 End Shard
12 End Shard + 60 Hunter's Mark -> 6 Null Shard
1 Flame Shard -> 2 Fire Shard
1 Wildfire Shard -> 4 Fire Shard
1 Frost Shard -> 2 Ice Shard
1 Glacier Shard -> 4 Ice Shard
1 Mountain Shard -> 2 Earth Shard
1 Earthquake Shard -> 4 Earth Shard
1 End Shard -> 2 Night Shard
1 Null Shard -> 4 Night Shard
1 Ocean Shard -> 16 Fire Shard
1 Ocean Shard -> 16 Ice Shard
1 Ocean Shard -> 16 Earth Shard
1 Ocean Shard -> 16 Night Shard
1 Underworld Shard -> 16 Fire Shard
1 Underworld Shard -> 16 Night Shard
1 Scrap Shard -> 16 Fire Shard
1 Scrap Shard -> 16 Earth Shard
1 Lake Shard -> 16 Ice Shard
1 Lake Shard -> 16 Night Shard
1 Bone Shard -> 16 Fire Shard
1 Bone Shard -> 16 Ice Shard
1 Bone Shard -> 16 Earth Shard
1 Bone Shard -> 16 Night Shard
1 Magic Shard -> 16 Night Shard
1 Swamp Shard -> 16 Earth Shard
1 Elder Dragon Shard -> 16 Fire Shard
1 Sand Shard -> 16 Ice Shard
1 Bronze Shard -> 16 Ice Shard
1 Bronze Shard -> 16 Earth Shard

BAY 208 - Hunters Lodge - Material Merchant
1 Fire Shard -> 30 Netherrack
1 Fire Shard -> 30 Nether Brick
1 Fire Shard -> 30 Crimson Nylium
1 Fire Shard -> 30 Warped Nylium
3 Fire Shard -> 20 Soul Sand
3 Fire Shard -> 20 Soul Soil
3 Fire Shard -> 5 Glowstone
3 Fire Shard -> 20 Blackstone
3 Fire Shard -> 5 Gilded Blackstone
3 Fire Shard -> 20 Basalt
6 Fire Shard -> 10 Magma Block
6 Fire Shard -> 10 Red Nether Bricks
6 Fire Shard -> 10 Block of Quartz
1 Ice Shard -> 30 Ice
1 Ice Shard -> 30 Snow
1 Ice Shard -> 15 Snow Block
1 Ice Shard -> 1 Powder Snow Bucket
3 Ice Shard -> 20 Prismarine
3 Ice Shard -> 20 Dark Prismarine
3 Ice Shard -> 5 Sea Lantern
3 Ice Shard -> 20 Calcite
3 Ice Shard -> 10 Tuff
3 Ice Shard -> 20 Bone Block
6 Ice Shard -> 1 Amethyst Cluster
6 Ice Shard -> 1 Block of Amethyst
6 Ice Shard -> 1 Budding Amethyst
1 Earth Shard -> 30 Sand
1 Earth Shard -> 30 Red Sand
1 Earth Shard -> 30 Gravel
3 Earth Shard -> 3 Glass
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Grass Block
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Podzol
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Mycelium
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Dirt
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Mud
3 Earth Shard -> 20 Clay
6 Earth Shard -> 10 Stone
6 Earth Shard -> 10 Moss Block
6 Earth Shard -> 10 Deepslate
1 Night Shard -> 30 End Stone
1 Night Shard -> 30 End Stone Bricks
1 Night Shard -> 30 Purpur Block
1 Night Shard -> 30 Popped Chorus Fruit
3 Night Shard -> 5 Chorus Flower
3 Night Shard -> 5 End Rod
3 Night Shard -> 20 Obsidian
3 Night Shard -> 5 Crying Obsidian
3 Night Shard -> 5 Shroomlight
3 Night Shard -> 10 Dripstone Block
6 Night Shard -> 4 Sculk Vein
6 Night Shard -> 4 Sculk
6 Night Shard -> 1 Sculk Catalyst

BAY 209 - Hunters Lodge - Monster Parts Merchant
6 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Rotten Flesh -> 10 Hunter's Mark
6 Spider Eye -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Spider Eye -> 10 Hunter's Mark
6 String -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 String -> 10 Hunter's Mark
6 Bone -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Bone -> 10 Hunter's Mark
6 Gunpowder -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Gunpowder -> 10 Hunter's Mark
6 Arrow -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Arrow -> 10 Hunter's Mark
3 Sugar -> 1 Hunter's Mark
60 Sugar -> 20 Hunter's Mark
6 Phantom Membrane -> 1 Hunter's Mark
3 Eye of Ender -> 1 Hunter's Mark
11 Feather -> 1 Hunter's Mark
12 Fire Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
12 Ice Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
12 Earth Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
12 Night Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
6 Flame Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
6 Frost Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
6 Mountain Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
6 End Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
3 Wildfire Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
3 Glacier Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
3 Earthquake Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
3 Null Shard -> 9 Hunter's Mark
1 Underworld Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Elder Dragon Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Ocean Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Lake Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Wood Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Swamp Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Sand Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Magic Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Bone Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Bronze Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Scrap Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark
1 Syrup Shard -> 13 Hunter's Mark

BAY 210 - Hunters Lodge - Raid Merchant
64 Wood Shard + 1 Totem of Undying -> 1 Totem of the Undead [Infinity, Thorns 7] [When in off hand: +2 Attack Speed, +7 Luck, +0.08 Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Ocean Shard + 1 Monster Wraps -> 1 Poseidon Boots [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Luck of the Sea 10, Protection 5, Respiration 255, Soul Speed 10] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Underworld Shard + 1 Void Wings -> 1 Wings of Hades [Fire Protection 5, Protection 5] [When on body: +9 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Scrap Shard + 1 Monster Cap -> 1 Helm of Sæhrímnir [Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Lake Shard + 1 Monster Cap -> 1 Mythical Lake Gourd [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Luck of the Sea 5, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
64 Bone Shard + 1 Monster Shins -> 1 Bone Greaves [Impaling 5, Lure 1, Multishot, Piercing 5, Protection 5, Swift Sneak 5, Thorns 7] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Magic Shard + 1 Monster Armament (Bow) -> 1 Evil Mage Wand [Blast Protection 10, Fire Aspect 5, Fire Protection 10, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Projectile Protection 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Swamp Shard + 1 Monster Armament (Axe) -> 1 Woodsman's Axe [Efficiency 7, Sharpness 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed, +7 Luck, +12 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Elder Dragon Shard + 1 Monster Armament (Sword) -> 1 Elder Dragon Fang [Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 2, Sharpness 8, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor, +7 Luck, +10 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Sand Shard + 1 Monster Armament (Scythe) -> 1 Pharaoh's Khopesh [Efficiency 7, Fortune 4, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Sharpness 8] [When in main hand: +6 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +50 Mob Follow Range, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Bronze Shard + 1 Monster Hide -> 1 Bronze Armor [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 10, Thorns 10] [When on body: +10 Armor, -0.65 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Syrup Shard + 1 Earthshaker Seismometer -> 1 Divine Poutine Fork [Channeling, Fire Aspect 3, Impaling 6, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Loyalty 1, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Soul Speed 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, +0.08 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Jack Torrance Mask -> 5 Wood Shard
1 RED RUM Mask -> 5 Wood Shard
1 Nyx Mask -> 10 Ocean Shard
1 Yab'sokug Mask -> 10 Underworld Shard
1 Skull Mask of Sæhrímnir -> 10 Scrap Shard
1 FUN Tower Mask -> 2 Lake Shard
1 BONE Tower Mask -> 2 Bone Shard
1 BONE Tower Mask -> 2 Bone Shard
1 Warlock Mask -> 10 Magic Shard
1 Rancor Mask -> 10 Swamp Shard
1 Balrog Skull -> 10 Elder Dragon Shard
1 Ancient Pharaoh Mask -> 10 Sand Shard
1 Colossus of Rhodes Mask -> 10 Bronze Shard
1 Mask of Syrup -> 10 Syrup Shard

BAY 211 - Hunters Lodge - Secret Boss Trade-Ins
1 John Madden Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 8 Hunter's Mark
1 Bagel Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 8 Hunter's Mark
1 Cupid Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 16 Hunter's Mark
1 Evil Leprechaun Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Pot of Gold -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Evil Leprechaun Mask..? [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Pot of Gold..? -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Cat in the Hat Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Predatory Teddy Bear Mask [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 CANDY -> 4 Hunter's Mark
1 Scared Child Mask [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 4 Hunter's Mark
1 Heat Miser Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 16 Hunter's Mark
1 Uncle Sam Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 16 Hunter's Mark
1 Captain Underpants Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 16 Hunter's Mark
1 Nicolas Cage Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 4 Hunter's Mark
1 Declaration of Independence -> 12 Hunter's Mark
1 Boogie Man Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Michael Myers Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Knife -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Leatherface Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Chainsaw [Looting 3, Sharpness 2] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Penneywise Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Jason Voorhees Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Axe -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Freddy Krueger Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Claws [Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 2] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Beetlejuice Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Nosferatu Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Pumpkin King Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Covid-19 Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Frankenstein's Monster Mask -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Orange Trick-or-Treat Bucket -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Pilgrim Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Turkey Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 3 Hunter's Mark
1 Cooked Turkey Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 4 Hunter's Mark
1 Santa's Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 You Better Watch Out -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 You Better Not Pout -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 E.L.F. Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Christmas Cod [Knockback 5] -> 1 Hunter's Mark
1 Krampus Skull [Curse of Binding] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Candy Cane of DEATH [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 2] -> 2 Hunter's Mark
1 Zombie Jesus Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] -> 16 Hunter's Mark

BAY 212 - Pandora - Flower Merchant
9 Dandelion -> 1 Emerald
9 Poppy -> 1 Emerald
9 Blue Orchid -> 1 Emerald
9 Allium -> 1 Emerald
9 Azure Bluet -> 1 Emerald
9 Red Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Orange Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 White Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Pink Tulip -> 1 Emerald
9 Oxeye Daisy -> 1 Emerald
9 Cornflower -> 1 Emerald
9 Lily of the Valley -> 1 Emerald
9 Brown Mushroom -> 1 Emerald
9 Red Mushroom -> 1 Emerald
3 Wither Rose -> 1 Emerald
9 Sunflower -> 1 Emerald
9 Lilac -> 1 Emerald
9 Rose Bush -> 1 Emerald
9 Peony -> 1 Emerald
2 Red Dye -> 1 Poppy
2 Green Dye -> 1 Cactus
2 Light Gray Dye -> 1 Azure Bluet
2 Pink Dye -> 1 Peony
2 Lime Dye -> 1 Sea Pickle
2 Yellow Dye -> 1 Dandelion
2 Light Blue Dye -> 1 Blue Orchid
2 Magenta Dye -> 1 Allium
2 Orange Dye -> 1 Orange Tulip
2 Blue Dye -> 1 Cornflower
2 Brown Dye -> 1 Cocoa Beans
2 White Dye -> 1 Lily of the Valley
2 Black Dye -> 1 Ink Sac
9 Purple Dye -> 1 Emerald
9 Cyan Dye -> 1 Emerald
9 Gray Dye -> 1 Emerald

BAY 213 - Pandora - The Duke
3 Raw Cod + 2 Raw Chicken -> 1 Herbed Fish
4 Raw Salmon + 3 Raw Rabbit -> 1 Three-Flavored Mititei
4 Raw Chicken + 3 Raw Steak -> 1 Tochitura de Pui
4 Raw Chicken + 1 Raw Mutton -> 1 Bird and Beast Pilaf
6 Raw Porkchop + 1 Mushroom Stew -> 1 Ciorba de Porc
6 Tropical Fish + 1 Pufferfish -> 1 Sarmale de Peste

BAY 214 - Sarnath - Ancient City Archeologist
3 Emerald -> 1 Brush
9 Emerald + 1 Diamond -> 1 Brush [Mending, Unbreaking 3]
1 Void Shard -> 8 Echo Shard
1 Void Shard -> 16 Sculk
1 Void Shard -> 4 Sculk Sensor
1 Void Shard + 4 Amethyst Shard -> 4 Calibrated Sculk Sensor
1 Void Shard -> 1 Sculk Catalyst
1 Void Shard -> 3 Gold Block
1 Void Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
1 Void Shard + 1 Iron Hoe -> 1 Void Claw - Harvest
1 Void Shard + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Gold Void Claw - Harvest
1 Void Shard + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Void Claw - Harvest
24 Sculk Vein -> 1 Emerald
6 Sculk -> 1 Emerald
1 Sculk Sensor -> 1 Emerald
1 Calibrated Sculk Sensor -> 3 Emerald
1 Sculk Shrieker -> 1 Emerald
1 Sculk Catalyst -> 2 Emerald
4 Sculk Vein -> 1 Sculk
1 Sculk -> 4 Sculk Vein
1 Sculk + 8 Echo Shard -> 1 Sculk Sensor
8 Sculk + 1 Beacon -> 1 Sculk Catalyst

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 2
Challenge Areas
BAY 220 - BAY 238


Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 3
Horsemen Areas
BAY 301 - BAY 319


BAY 301 - Wychwood - The Watcher
1 Siphoned Essense -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Siphoned Essense -> 1 Banner of Nomad
8 Siphoned Essense -> 1 Soul Obelisk [Infinity, Thorns 13, Soul Speed 5] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +13 Mob Follow Range, -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
16 Siphoned Essense -> 1 Soul Mage Staff [Infinity, Knockback 9, Looting 5, Sharpness 9, Unbreaking 9] [When in main hand: +12 Attack Damage, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, -0.5 Attack Speed]
1 Nomad Mask -> 27 Wychwood Shard
1 Nomad Mask -> 4 Siphoned Essense
1 Charred Soul Fragment -> 18 Wychwood Shard
4 Charred Soul Fragment -> 1 Witcher Silver Sword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Fire Aspect 2, Looting 4, Mending, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3]
8 Charred Soul Fragment -> 1 Bounty of the Soulless [Fire Aspect 3, Fortune 6, Infinity, Knockback 3, Looting 3] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage]
2 Shard of Linza + 2 Shard of Akrisae ->1 Dungeon Key Fragment Alpha
2 Shard of Ahrim + 2 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Beta
2 Shard of Guthan + 2 Shard of Torag -> 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Delta
2 Shard of Verac + 2 Shard of Karil -> 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Gamma
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Alpha + 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Beta -> 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Sigma
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Delta + 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Gamma -> 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Omega
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Sigma + 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Omega -> 1 Dungeon Key - Fury
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Sigma + 1 Dungeon Key Fragment Omega -> 1 Barrows Icon [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance]

BAY 302 - Wychwood - Wicked Witch
30 Wychwood Shard + 5 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Forest Spirit Skull [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Armor]
50 Wychwood Shard + 5 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Forest Spirit Chestplate [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor]
40 Wychwood Shard + 5 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Forest Spirit Greaves [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Armor]
30 Wychwood Shard + 5 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Forest Spirit Boots [Blast Protection 10, Soul Speed 6, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor]
50 Wychwood Shard + 10 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Sting [Bane of Arthropods 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage]
64 Horseman Point + 16 Horseman Point -> 1 Affliction [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Gravesire [Efficiency 7, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Shovel)
16 Wildwood Orb + 16 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Wilderness Emerald
3 Wildwood Orb -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Wilderness Emerald -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Obsidian Skull -> 18 Wychwood Shard
16 Gunpowder -> 1 Emerald
16 Spider Eye -> 1 Emerald
6 Glowstone Dust -> 1 Emerald
6 Redstone Dust -> 1 Emerald
9 Wychwood Shard -> 64 Bread
9 Wychwood Shard -> 64 Apple
18 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Golden Apple
9 Wychwood Shard -> 16 Podzol
9 Wychwood Shard -> 16 Mossy Cobblestone
9 Wychwood Shard -> 16 Large Fern
9 Wychwood Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Wychwood Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Wychwood Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Wychwood Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Wychwood Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Wychwood Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Wychwood Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Wychwood Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Wychwood Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
64 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Wychwood Shard

BAY 303 - Wychwood - Spirit of Ahrim
1 Shard of Ahrim -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Ahrim -> 64 Melon Slice
2 Shard of Ahrim -> 32 Glistering Melon Slice
7 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Wand [Fire Aspect 7, Knockback 5, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed]
7 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Tome of Magic [Infinity, Fire Protection 5] [When in off hand: +6 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck]
3 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Hood [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Top [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Leggings [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Ahrim -> 1 Ahrim’s Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Ahrim -> 5 Shard of Ahrim
8 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece
7 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings
4 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots

BAY 304 - Wychwood - Spirit of Guthan
1 Shard of Guthan -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Guthan -> 64 Pumpkin
2 Shard of Guthan -> 32 Pumpkin Pie
15 Shard of Guthan -> 1 Guthan’s Warspear [Mending, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.2 Attack Speed]
3 Shard of Guthan -> 1 Guthan’s Helm [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Guthan -> 1 Guthan’s Platebody [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.2 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Guthan -> 1 Guthan’s Chainskirt [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Guthan -> 1 Guthan’s Plateboots [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Guthan -> 5 Shard of Guthan

BAY 305 - Wychwood - Spirit of Verac
1 Shard of Verac -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Verac -> 64 Potato
2 Shard of Verac -> 32 Baked Potato
15 Shard of Verac -> 1 Verac’s Flail [Knockback 7, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.04 Speed, +3.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
3 Shard of Verac -> 1 Verac’s Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Verac -> 1 Verac’s Brassard [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +1 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Verac -> 1 Verac’s Chainskirt [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +1 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Shard of Verac -> 1 Verac’s Plateboots [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Verac -> 5 Shard of Verac

BAY 306 - Wychwood - Spirit of Akrisae
1 Shard of Akrisae -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Akrisae -> 16 Bottle o’ Enchanting
3 Shard of Akrisae -> 32 Gunpowder
15 Shard of Akrisae -> 1 Akrisae’s War Mace [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance]
3 Shard of Akrisae -> 1 Akrisae’s Hood [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Akrisae -> 1 Akrisae’s Top [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Akrisae -> 1 Akrisae’s Leggings [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Akrisae -> 1 Akrisae’s Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Akrisae -> 5 Shard of Akrisae
8 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece
7 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings
4 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots

BAY 307 - Wychwood - Spirit of Linza
1 Shard of Linza -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Linza -> 24 Coal
2 Shard of Linza -> 10 Iron Ingot
16 Shard of Linza -> 6 Netherite Scrap
8 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Hammer [Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 9, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.02 Speed, +0.8 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
8 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Shield [Mending, Protection 5, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in off hand: -0.02 Speed, +3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
3 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Cuirass [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Greaves [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Linza -> 1 Linza’s Sabatons [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Linza -> 5 Shard of Linza

BAY 308 - Wychwood - Spirit of Karil
1 Shard of Karil -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Karil -> 64 Wheat
2 Shard of Karil -> 32 Bread
15 Shard of Karil -> 1 Karil’s Crossbow [Infinity, Mending, Multishot, Piercing 5, Quick Charge 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.02 Speed, +3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck]
3 Shard of Karil -> 1 Karil’s Coif [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Karil -> 1 Karil’s Top [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Karil -> 1 Karil’s Greaves [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Karil -> 1 Karil’s Boots [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Karil -> 5 Shard of Karil
8 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece
7 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings
4 Leather + 2 White Dye -> 1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots

BAY 309 - Wychwood - Spirit of Torag
1 Shard of Torag -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Torag -> 64 Carrot
2 Shard of Torag -> 32 Golden Carrot
7 Shard of Torag -> 1 Torag’s Hammer [Mending, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +0.5 Attack Speed, +5 Knockback Resistance]
7 Shard of Torag -> 1 Off-Hand Torag’s Hammer [Mending, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 5] [When in off hand: +5 Attack Damage, +0.5 Attack Speed, +5 Knockback Resistance]
3 Shard of Torag -> 1 Torag’s Helm [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Torag -> 1 Torag’s Platebody [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Torag -> 1 Torag’s Platelegs [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Torag -> 1 Torag’s Sabatons [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Mask of Torag -> 5 Shard of Torag

BAY 310 - Wychwood - Spirit of Dharok
1 Shard of Dharok -> 9 Wychwood Shard
1 Shard of Dharok -> 64 Beetroot
2 Shard of Dharok -> 32 Beetroot Soup
15 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dharok’s Greataxe [Knockback 3, Mending, Sharpness 10, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.03 Speed, -0.6 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
3 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dharok’s Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dharok’s Platebody [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
5 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dharok’s Platelegs [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
2 Shard of Dharok -> 1 Dharok’s Plateboots [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness.]
1 Mask of Dharok -> 5 Shard of Dharok

BAY 311 - Wychwood - Spirit of Vesemir
1 Wilderness Emerald -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Obsidian Skull -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Witcher Coin -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Caranthir Soul Sliver -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Imlerith Soul Sliver -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Eredin Soul Sliver -> 18 Wychwood Shard
1 Geralt of Rivia Mask -> 4 Witcher Coin
1 Mask of Caranthir -> 4 Caranthir Soul Sliver
1 Mask of Imlerith -> 4 Imlerith Soul Sliver
1 Mask of Eredin -> 4 Eredin Soul Sliver
4 Witcher Coin -> 1 Witcher's Steel Sword [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3]
4 Caranthir Soul Sliver -> 1 Frost Staff [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 6, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 6, Mending, Smite 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance]
2 Imlerith Soul Sliver -> 1 Frost Mace [Bane of Arthropods 7, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 8, Smite 7, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +5 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, +3 Armor Toughness, -10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor]
2 Imlerith Soul Sliver -> 1 Frost Tower Shield [Blast Protection 10, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 5, Protection 10, Thorns 8] [When in off hand: -0.04 Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, -10 Knockback Resistance, +8 Armor, Unbreakable]
4 Eredin Soul Sliver -> 1 Frost Broadsword [Bane of Arthropods 8, Knockback 8, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 8, Sweeping Edge 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: -0.01 Speed, +5 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance]
8 Witcher Coin -> 1 Cataphract Helm of Asgard [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, -5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor, Unbreakable]
8 Eredin Soul Sliver -> 1 Cataphract Body of Jötunheimr [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: -0.01 Speed, +2 Max Health, +3 Armor Toughness, +9 Armor, -5 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
8 Imlerith Soul Sliver -> 1 Cataphract Greaves of Muspelheim [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, -5 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor, Unbreakable]
8 Caranthir Soul Sliver -> 1 Cataphract Boots of Niflheim [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, -5 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]

BAY 312 - Snowhead - The Watcher
1 Zaryte Shard -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Zaryte Shard -> 6 Fragment of Fate
1 Zaryte Shard -> 6 Netherite Scrap
8 Zaryte Shard -> 16 Blood Arrow [Instant Damage]
8 Zaryte Shard -> 16 Smoke Arrow [Blindness (0:03)]
16 Zaryte Shard -> 1 Zaryte Bow [Infinity, Mending, Power 7, Punch 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in off hand: +5 Attack Damage, +0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed]
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 27 Lich Shard
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 4 Zaryte Shard
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 24 Fragment of Fate
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 1 Saradomin Godsword Blade
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 1 Zamorak Godsword Blade
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 1 Bandos Godsword Blade
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask -> 1 Armadyl Godsword Blade
1 Godsword Pommel -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Grip -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Blade -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Pommel -> 6 Netherite Scrap
1 Godsword Grip -> 6 Netherite Scrap
1 Godsword Blade -> 6 Netherite Scrap
16 Godsword Blade -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Grip -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Blade -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
16 Godsword Grip -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
16 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

BAY 313 - Snowhead - Innuit Witch
30 Lich Shard + 5 Frost Orb -> 1 Elder Lich Helmet [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Lich Shard + 5 Frost Orb -> 1 Elder Lich Chestplate [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
40 Lich Shard + 5 Frost Orb -> 1 Elder Lich Greaves [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
30 Lich Shard + 5 Frost Orb -> 1 Elder Lich Boots [Frost Walker 6, Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Lich Shard + 10 Frost Orb -> 1 Frostmourne, the Frozen Death [Frost Walker 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +12 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -2 Max Health, +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
64 Horseman Point + 16 Horseman Point -> 1 White Anguish [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
50 Horseman Point -> 32 Bleak Tranquility [Slowness 2, Blindness 2, Wither 2, Glowing 2, Levitation 2] [Knockback 5] (Arrows)
16 Frost Orb + 16 Frost Orb -> 1 Glacial Diamond
3 Frost Orb -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Glacial Diamond -> 18 Lich Shard
16 Bone -> 1 Emerald
16 Arrow -> 1 Emerald
8 Arrow of Slowness -> 1 Emerald
9 Lich Shard -> 16 Raw Salmon
9 Lich Shard -> 16 Raw Cod
18 Lich Shard -> 8 Golden Carrot
9 Lich Shard -> 2 Snow Block
9 Lich Shard -> 32 Ice
9 Lich Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Lich Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Lich Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Lich Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Lich Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Lich Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Lich Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Lich Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Lich Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Lich Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Lich Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Lich Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
64 Lich Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Lich Shard

BAY 314 - Snowhead - Emissary of Armadyl
20 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Key to the Eyrie
16 Banner of Armadyl -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of Justice -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Eyrie -> 25 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Eyrie -> 10 Fragment of Justice
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt -> 1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl)
3 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) -> 1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt
12 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Warpriest of Armadyl Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
20 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Warpriest of Armadyl Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Warpriest of Armadyl Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
12 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Warpriest of Armadyl Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
60 Fragment of Justice -> 1 Warpriest of Armadyl Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
5 Godsword Blade + 1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt -> 1 Armadyl Godsword Blade
5 Godsword Grip + 5 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Godsword Handle
1 Armadyl Godsword Blade + 1 Godsword Handle -> 1 Armadyl Godsword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -0.01 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

BAY 315 - Snowhead - Emissary of Bandos
20 Fragment of War -> 1 Key to the Stronghold
16 Banner of Bandos -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of War -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Stronghold -> 25 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Stronghold -> 10 Fragment of War
1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Bandos Godsword Hilt -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Bandos Godsword Hilt -> 1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos)
3 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 1 Bandos Godsword Hilt
12 Fragment of War -> 1 Warpriest of Bandos Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
20 Fragment of War -> 1 Warpriest of Bandos Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Fragment of War -> 1 Warpriest of Bandos Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
12 Fragment of War -> 1 Warpriest of Bandos Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
60 Fragment of War -> 1 Warpriest of Bandos Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
5 Godsword Blade + 1 Bandos Godsword Hilt -> 1 Bandos Godsword Blade
5 Godsword Grip + 5 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Godsword Handle
1 Bandos Godsword Blade + 1 Godsword Handle -> 1 Bandos Godsword [Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.02 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

BAY 316 - Snowhead - Emissary of Zaros
20 Fragment of Fate + 1 Frozen Prison Key -> 1 Key to the Ancient Prison
16 Banner of Zaros -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of Fate -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of Fate -> 1 Fragment of Justice
1 Fragment of Fate -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Fragment of Fate -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Fragment of Fate -> 1 Fragment of Order
1 Godsword Pommel -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Grip -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Blade -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Godsword Pommel -> 6 Netherite Scrap
1 Godsword Grip -> 6 Netherite Scrap
1 Godsword Blade -> 6 Netherite Scrap
16 Godsword Blade -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Grip -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
16 Godsword Blade -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
16 Godsword Grip -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
16 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

BAY 317 - Snowhead - Airut Shaman
16 Banner of Tuska -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Tuska Shard -> 9 Lich Shard
2 Tuska Hide -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Tuska Hide -> 2 Tuska Shard
1 Tuska Mask -> 4 Tuska Hide
1 Tuska Mask -> 8 Tuska Shard
64 Tuska Shard + 64 Tuska Shard -> 1 Tuska Tusk
12 Tuska Shard + 2 Tuska Hide -> 1 Warpriest of Tuska Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness]
20 Tuska Shard + 4 Tuska Hide -> 1 Warpriest of Tuska Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +2 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Tuska Shard + 4 Tuska Hide -> 1 Warpriest of Tuska Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +2 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
12 Tuska Shard + 2 Tuska Hide -> 1 Warpriest of Tuska Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
60 Tuska Shard + 12 Tuska Hide -> 1 Warpriest of Tuska Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
10 Godsword Blade + 1 Tuska Tusk -> 1 Tuska Godspear Blade
5 Godsword Grip + 5 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Godsword Handle
1 Tuska Godspear Blade + 1 Godsword Handle -> 1 Tuska Godspear [Sharpness 8, Smite 7, Unbreaking 5, Impaling 7, Loyalty 5, Mending] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, -0.02 Speed]

BAY 318 - Snowhead - Emissary of Saradomin
20 Fragment of Order -> 1 Key to the Encampment
16 Banner of Saradomin-> 9 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of Order -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Encampment-> 25 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Encampment -> 10 Fragment of Order
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt -> 1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin)
3 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) -> 1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt
12 Fragment of Order -> 1 Warpriest of Saradomin Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
20 Fragment of Order -> 1 Warpriest of Saradomin Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Fragment of Order -> 1 Warpriest of Saradomin Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
12 Fragment of Order -> 1 Warpriest of Saradomin Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
60 Fragment of Order -> 1 Warpriest of Saradomin Shield [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
5 Godsword Blade + 1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt -> 1 Saradomin Godsword Blade
5 Godsword Grip + 5 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Godsword Handle
1 Saradomin Godsword Blade + 1 Godsword Handle -> 1 Saradomin Godsword [Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 7, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed]
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

BAY 319 - Snowhead - Emissary of Zamorak
20 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Key to the Fortress
16 Banner of Zamorak -> 9 Lich Shard
1 Fragment of Chaos -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Fortress -> 25 Lich Shard
1 Key to the Fortress -> 10 Fragment of Chaos
1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt -> 1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak)
3 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt
12 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Warpriest of Zamorak Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
20 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Warpriest of Zamorak Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Warpriest of Zamorak Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
12 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Warpriest of Zamorak Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
60 Fragment of Chaos -> 1 Warpriest of Zamorak Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
5 Godsword Blade + 1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt -> 1 Zamorak Godsword Blade
5 Godsword Grip + 5 Godsword Pommel -> 1 Godsword Handle
1 Zamorak Godsword Blade + 1 Godsword Handle -> 1 Zamorak Godsword [Fire Aspect 7, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed]
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) + 1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) -> 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) + 1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) -> 1 Frozen Prison Key

Staff SorathePumpking
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305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

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Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 3
Horsemen Areas
BAY 320 - BAY 338


BAY 320 - Shattered Sands - The Watcher
1 Shard of Zamorak + 1 Shard of Sliske -> 1 Lower Door Carving
1 Shard of Seren + 1 Shard of Zaros -> 1 Upper Door Carving
1 Upper Door Carving + 1 Lower Door Carving -> 1 Priw Mundi Carving
1 Shard of Sliske -> 2 Dormant Armor Fragment
1 Shard of Zamorak -> 2 Dormant Armor Fragment
1 Shard of Seren -> 2 Dormant Armor Fragment
1 Shard of Zaros -> 2 Dormant Armor Fragment
1 Bottled Eternal Fire -> 18 Demon Shard
8 Bottled Eternal Fire -> 1 Mask of Surtr
16 Bottled Eternal Fire -> 1 Blade of Muspelheim [Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance]
1 Mask of Surtr -> 4 Bottled Eternal Fire

BAY 321 - Shattered Sands - War’s Chosen
30 Demon Shard + 5 Draconic Orb -> 1 Elder Demon Helmet [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Demon Shard + 5 Draconic Orb -> 1 Elder Demon Chestplate [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
40 Demon Shard + 5 Draconic Orb -> 1 Elder Demon Greaves [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
30 Demon Shard + 5 Draconic Orb -> 1 Elder Demon Boots [Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Demon Shard + 10 Draconic Orb -> 1 Soul Edge, Devourer of Souls [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -3 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2 Attack Speed]
64 Horseman Point + 32 Horseman Point -> 1 Black Mercy [Flame 3, Infinity, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Power 6, Punch 4, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Bow)
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Earth Reaver [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 3, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Pickaxe)
16 Draconic Orb + 16 Draconic Orb -> 1 Draconic Ruby
3 Draconic Orb -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Draconic Ruby -> 18 Demon Shard
16 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Emerald
4 Iron Ingot -> 1 Emerald
9 Demon Shard -> 16 Cooked Rabbit
9 Demon Shard -> 16 Cooked Chicken
18 Demon Shard -> 16 Glistening Melon
9 Demon Shard -> 4 Sand
9 Demon Shard -> 1 Dead Bush
9 Demon Shard -> 1 Cactus
9 Demon Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Demon Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Demon Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Demon Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Demon Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Demon Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Demon Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Demon Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Demon Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Demon Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Demon Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Demon Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
64 Demon Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Demon Shard

BAY 322 - Shattered Sands - Sliske’s Chosen
1 Crest of Sliske -> 9 Demon Shard
2 Necromancer Hood -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Necropolis Key -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Shard of Sliske -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Gregorovic Mask -> 27 Demon Shard
2 Necromancer Hood -> 1 Crest of Sliske
1 Necropolis Key -> 2 Crest of Sliske
1 Shard of Sliske -> 2 Crest of Sliske
1 Gregorovic Mask -> 3 Crest of Sliske
20 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Serpent Potion [Invisibility (20:00), Night Vision (20:00), Conduit Power (20:00)]
1 Dormant Staff of Sliske + 1 Corrupted Anima -> 1 Staff of Sliske [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 10, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 7, Silk Touch, Smite 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +1.5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck] [When in off hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance]
1 Dormant Anima Core Helm + 20 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Anima Core Helm of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness]
1 Dormant Anima Core Body + 1 Corrupted Anima -> 1 Anima Core Body of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on body: +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
1 Dormant Anima Core Legs + 29 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Anima Core Legs of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
Dormant Anima Core Boots + 15 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Anima Core Boots of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]

BAY 323 - Shattered Sands - Zamorak’s Chosen
1 Crest of Zamorak -> 9 Demon Shard
2 Black Knight Helm -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Rampart Key -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Shard of Zamorak -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Nymora Mask-> 18 Demon Shard
1 Avaryss Mask -> 18 Demon Shard
2 Black Knight Helm -> 1 Crest of Zamorak
1 Rampart Key -> 2 Crest of Zamorak
1 Shard of Zamorak -> 2 Crest of Zamorak
1 Nymora Mask -> 2 Crest of Zamorak
1 Avaryss Mask -> 2 Crest of Zamorak
20 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Chaos Potion [Speed (20:00), Haste (20:00), Fire Resistance 2 (20:00)]
1 Dormant Zamorak Godshield + 1 Volcanic Anima -> 1 Zamorak Godshield [Blast Protection 6, Fire Protection 6, Infinity, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
1 Dormant Anima Core Helm + 20 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Anima Core Helm of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness]
1 Dormant Anima Core Body + 1 Volcanic Anima -> 1 Anima Core Body of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on body: +1 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
1 Dormant Anima Core Legs + 29 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Anima Core Legs of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +1 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistane, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
Dormant Anima Core Boots + 15 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Anima Core Boots of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]

BAY 324 - Shattered Sands - Seren’s Chosen
1 Crest of Seren -> 9 Demon Shard
2 Mechanical Visor -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Encampment Key -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Shard of Seren -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Helwyr Mask -> 27 Demon Shard
2 Mechanical Visor -> 1 Crest of Seren
1 Encampment Key -> 2 Crest of Seren
1 Shard of Seren -> 2 Crest of Seren
1 Helwyr Mask -> 3 Crest of Seren
25 Crest of Seren -> 1 Life Potion [Regeneration (20:00), Absorption 2 (20:00)]
1 Dormant Seren Godbow + 1 Pure Anima -> 1 Seren Godbow [Flame 7, Infinity, Mending, Power 7, Punch 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +5 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance]
1 Dormant Anima Core Helm + 20 Crest of Seren -> 1 Anima Core Helm of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness]
1 Dormant Anima Core Body + 1 Pure Anima -> 1 Anima Core Body of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on body: +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
1 Dormant Anima Core Legs + 29 Crest of Seren -> 1 Anima Core Legs of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
Dormant Anima Core Boots + 15 Crest of Seren -> 1 Anima Core Boots of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health. +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness]

BAY 325 - Shattered Sands - Zaros’s Chosen
1 Crest of Zaros -> 9 Demon Shard
2 Ancient Ceremonial Mask -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Bastion Key -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Shard of Zaros -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Vindicta Mask -> 18 Demon Shard
1 Gorvek Mask -> 27 Demon Shard
2 Ancient Ceremonial Mask -> 1 Crest of Zaros
1 Bastion Key -> 2 Crest of Zaros
1 Shard of Zaros -> 2 Crest of Zaros
1 Vindicta Mask -> 2 Crest of Zaros
1 Gorvek Mask -> 3 Crest of Zaros
25 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Void Potion [Slowness (20:00), Strength 2 (20:00), Resistance 2 (20:00)]
1 Dormant Zaros Godsword + 1 Void Anima -> 1 Zaros Godsword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 7, Sweeping Edge 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +21 Attack Damage, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed]
1 Dormant Anima Core Helm + 20 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Anima Core Helm of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness]
1 Dormant Anima Core Body + 1 Void Anima -> 1 Anima Core Body of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on body: +2 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
1 Dormant Anima Core Legs + 29 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Anima Core Legs of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on legs: +2 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
Dormant Anima Core Boots + 15 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Anima Core Boots of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]

BAY 326 - Shattered Sands - Chosen of the Elder Gods
1 Dormant Armor Fragment -> 9 Demon Shard
1 Anima Fragment -> 4 Demon Shard
1 Telos Mask -> 27 Demon Shard
1 Raw Anima -> 27 Demon Shard
1 Raw Anima -> 10 Netherite Scrap
1 Raw Anima -> 32 Bottle o’ Enchanting
1 Raw Anima -> 1 Beacon
1 Raw Anima -> 1 Conduit
1 Raw Anima -> 16 Dormant Armor Fragment
1 Telos Mask -> 1 Raw Anima
1 Telos Mask -> 1 Banner of the Elder Gods
16 Banner of Sliske -> 9 Demon Shard
16 Banner of Zamorak -> 9 Demon Shard
16 Banner of Seren -> 9 Demon Shard
16 Banner of Zaros -> 9 Demon Shard

BAY 327 - Shattered Sands - Brok
12 Dormant Armor Fragment -> 1 Dormant Anima Core Helm
25 Dormant Armor Fragment -> 1 Dormant Anima Core Body
20 Dormant Armor Fragment -> 1 Dormant Anima Core Legs
7 Dormant Armor Fragment -> 1 Dormant Anima Core Boots
2 Dormant Armor Fragment + 2 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Shard of Zamorak
2 Dormant Armor Fragment + 2 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Shard of Sliske
2 Dormant Armor Fragment + 2 Crest of Seren -> 1 Shard of Seren
2 Dormant Armor Fragment + 2 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Shard of Zaros
16 Dormant Armor Fragment + 16 Anima Fragment -> 1 Raw Anima

BAY 328 - Shattered Sands - Sindri
1 Raw Anima + 16 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Volcanic Anima
1 Raw Anima + 16 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Corrupted Anima
1 Raw Anima + 16 Crest of Seren -> 1 Pure Anima
1 Raw Anima + 16 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Void Anima
1 Dormant Zamorak Godshield + 20 Crest of Zamorak -> 1 Volcanic Anima
1 Dormant Staff of Sliske + 20 Crest of Sliske -> 1 Corrupted Anima
1 Dormant Seren Godbow + 20 Crest of Seren -> 1 Pure Anima
1 Dormant Zaros Godsword + 20 Crest of Zaros -> 1 Void Anima

BAY 329 - Shattered Sands - The Fight Kiln Merchant
1 Pure Golden Ingot -> 9 Pure Golden Ore
1 Pure Golden Ingot -> 9 Gold Block
1 Pure Emerald -> 30 Pure Golden Ore
1 Pure Emerald -> 10 Emerald Block
1 Pure Diamond -> 30 Pure Golden Ore
1 Pure Diamond -> 10 Diamond Block
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 16 Glistening Melon
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 16 Golden Carrot
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 1 Golden Apple
8 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Golden Apple -> 1 Enchanted Golden Apple
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 8 Coal Blocks
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 24 Raw Iron
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 24 Raw Copper
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 6 Redstone Dust
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 12 Lapis Lazuli
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 18 Raw Gold
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 9 Gold Ingot
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 36 Nether Quartz
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 3 Emerald
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 12 Glowstone Dust
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 30 Blaze Rod
1 Pure Golden Ore -> 3 Diamond
2 Pure Golden Ore -> 3 Ancient Debris
32 Pure Golden Ore -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 32 Pure Golden Ore

BAY 330 - Shattered Sands - The Fight Kiln Merchant
20 Pure Golden Ore -> 1 Silver Potion [Haste 5 (20:00)]
20 Pure Golden Ore -> 1 Gold Potion [Fire Resistance 5 (20:00)]
32 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Shears [Efficiency 5] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable]
32 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Inferno Adze [Fire Aspect 7, Flame 7, Infinity, Knockback 3] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
22 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
22 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
12 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness]
25 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
7 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Pure Golden Ingot + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Elder Artifact - The Horn

BAY 331 - Shattered Sands - The Fight Cave Merchant
64 Pure Golden Ore + 64 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-Vek Champion Blade [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 2, Looting 4, Mending 10, Sharpness 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +2 Attack Speed]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 64 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-Vek Battle Axe [Efficiency 10, Mending 10, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 32 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-MejKot Fire Wand [Fire Aspect 20, Knockback 7, Mending 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 32 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-Vek Champion Shield [Fire Protection 7, Mending 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in off-hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 64 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-Vek-Xil Bow [Flame 6, Infinity, Looting 4, Mending 10, Power 6, Punch 4, Unbreaking 10] [When in off-hand: +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 32 Pure Diamond -> 1 TokHaar-Vek-Viz Crossbow [Fire Aspect 5, Flame 5, Mending 10, Multishot, Piercing 5, Quick Charge 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance]
64 Pure Diamond + 64 TokHaar-Hok -> 1 TokHaar-Hok Obsidian Pick [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 7, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Mending 10, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
64 Pure Golden Ore + 64 Golden Army Helm -> 1 Crown of Bethmoora [Fire Protection 20, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck]
64 Pure Golden Ingot + 64 Pure Golden Ore -> 1 Elder Artifact - The Kiln [Blast Protection 10, Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 10, Fire Protection 10, Infinity] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed] [When in off hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed]

BAY 332 - Shattered Sands - The Dominion Tower Merchant
1 Wave 2 Key -> 1 Emerald
1 Wave 3 Key -> 3 Emerald
1 Wave 4 Key -> 5 Emerald
1 Wave 5 Key -> 1 Heavy Iron Boots [Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Protection 10] [When on feet: -0.07 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +5 Armor, Unbreakable]
1 Wave 6 Key -> 1 Beacon
1 Wave 7 Key -> 1 Totem of Undying
1 Wave 8 Key -> 20 Sponge
1 Wave 9 Key -> 1 Luck Potion [Luck 7 (2:00)]
1 Wave 10 Key -> 1 Refined Hylian Shield [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +3 Armor Toughness, +4 Armor, +7 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Wave 11 Key -> 1 Dragon Egg
1 Wave 12 Key -> 1 Elytra
1 Wave 13 Key -> 1 Barrows Icon [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance]
1 Wave 14 Key -> 1 Gem of Courage [Infinity] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Speed]
1 Wave 15 Key -> 2 Draconic Ruby
1 Wave 16 Key -> 1 Gem of Wisdom [Infinity] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed]
1 Wave 17 Key -> 4 Draconic Ruby
1 Wave 18 Key -> 1 Gem of Power [Infinity] [When in off hand: +20 Attack Damage
1 Wave 19 Key -> 10 Enchanted Golden Apple
1 Wave 20 Key -> 3 Notch Apple [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed]
1 Wave 20 Completion Key -> 16 Draconic Ruby
5 Wave 20 Completion Key -> 1 Red Shulker Box (All prior rewards)
10 Wave 20 Completion Key -> 1 Merit Voucher
20 Wave 20 Completion Key -> Awakened Master Sword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 7, Looting 4, Sharpness 7, Smite 7, Sweeping 7] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]

BAY 333 - Departed Shoals - The Watcher
1 Lump of Horror + 1 Anima -> 1 Unholy Anima
16 Wildwood Orb + 16 Wildwood Orb -> 1 Wilderness Emerald
16 Frost Orb + 16 Frost Orb -> 1 Glacial Diamond
16 Draconic Orb + 16 Draconic Orb -> 1 Draconic Ruby
16 Abyssal Orb + 16 Abyssal Orb -> 1 Abyssal Pearl
4 Wilderness Emerald + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Anima Core Helm of Apocalypse [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +5 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness]
4 Abyssal Pearl + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Anima Core Body of Apocalypse [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +12 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
4 Draconic Ruby + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Anima Core Legs of Apocalypse [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +4 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
4 Glacial Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Anima Core Boots of Apocalypse [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +5 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
1 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
2 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
1 Lump of Horror -> 27 Abyssal Shard
1 Lump of Horror -> 4 Sponge
1 Lump of Horror -> 1 Elytra
1 Lump of Horror -> 1 Beacon
1 Lump of Horror -> 1 Conduit
1 Lump of Horror -> 4 Budding Amethyst

BAY 334 - Departed Shoals - Pumpkin Merchant
30 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Abyssal Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 6, Respiration 66, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Abyssal Chestplate [Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
40 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Abyssal Greaves [Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
30 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Abyssal Boots [Depth Strider 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
50 Abyssal Shard + 10 Abyssal Orb -> 1 Armageddon Blade [Depth Strider 5, Infinity, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Thorns 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed]
64 Horseman Point + 64 Horseman Point -> 1 Absolution [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 3, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Mortis [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +1 Attack Speed, +0.02 Speed] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.02 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)
16 Abyssal Orb + 16 Abyssal Orb -> 1 Abyssal Pearl
3 Abyssal Orb -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Abyssal Pearl -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Carved Pumpkin + 4 Pumpkin Seeds -> 1 Pumpkin
1 Pumpkin + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Sea Pickle
13 Pumpkin -> 1 Emerald
16 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Emerald
9 Tropical Fish -> 1 Emerald
9 Pufferfish -> 1 Emerald
5 Copper Ingot -> 1 Emerald
1 Ancient Laputian Sigil -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Laputian Artifact -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Ancient Guide Stone -> 18 Abyssal Shard
2 V's Treasure Token -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Golden Steve Idol -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Heart of the World -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Vorago Mask -> 27 Abyssal Shard
9 Abyssal Shard -> 3 Pumpkin
9 Abyssal Shard -> 16 Seagrass
9 Abyssal Shard -> 8 Kelp
9 Abyssal Shard -> 8 Dried Kelp
9 Abyssal Shard -> 16 Pumpkin Pie
27 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Enchanted Golden Apple
9 Abyssal Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Abyssal Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Abyssal Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Abyssal Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Abyssal Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Abyssal Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Abyssal Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Abyssal Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Abyssal Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
64 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Abyssal Shard

BAY 335 - Departed Shoals - Orca Merchant
8 Brain Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Brain Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Brain Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Bubble Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Bubble Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Bubble Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Fire Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Fire Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Fire Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Horn Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Horn Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Horn Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Tube Coral Fan -> 1 Emerald
4 Tube Coral -> 1 Emerald
1 Tube Coral Block -> 1 Emerald
2 Brain Coral Fan -> 1 Brain Coral
4 Brain Coral -> 1 Brain Coral Block
1 Brain Coral Block -> 4 Brain Coral
1 Brain Coral -> 2 Brain Coral Fan
1 Dead Brain Coral Fan + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Brain Coral Fan
1 Dead Brain Coral + 2 Seagrass -> 1 Brain Coral
1 Dead Brain Coral Block + 3 Seagrass -> 1 Brain Coral Block
2 Bubble Coral Fan -> 1 Bubble Coral
4 Bubble Coral -> 1 Bubble Coral Block
1 Bubble Coral Block -> 4 Bubble Coral
1 Bubble Coral -> 2 Bubble Coral Fan
1 Dead Bubble Coral Fan + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Bubble Coral Fan
1 Dead Bubble Coral + 2 Seagrass -> 1 Bubble Coral
1 Dead Bubble Coral Block + 3 Seagrass -> 1 Bubble Coral Block
2 Fire Coral Fan -> 1 Fire Coral
4 Fire Coral -> 1 Fire Coral Block
1 Fire Coral Block -> 4 Fire Coral
1 Fire Coral -> 2 Fire Coral Fan
1 Dead Fire Coral Fan + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Fire Coral Fan
1 Dead Fire Coral + 2 Seagrass -> 1 Fire Coral
1 Dead Fire Coral Block + 3 Seagrass -> 1 Fire Coral Block
2 Horn Coral Fan -> 1 Horn Coral
4 Horn Coral -> 1 Horn Coral Block
1 Horn Coral Block -> 4 Horn Coral
1 Horn Coral -> 2 Horn Coral Fan
1 Dead Horn Coral Fan + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Horn Coral Fan
1 Dead Horn Coral + 2 Seagrass -> 1 Horn Coral
1 Dead Horn Coral Block + 3 Seagrass -> 1 Horn Coral Block
2 Tube Coral Fan -> 1 Tube Coral
4 Tube Coral -> 1 Tube Coral Block
1 Tube Coral Block -> 4 Tube Coral
1 Tube Coral -> 2 Tube Coral Fan
1 Dead Tube Coral Fan + 1 Seagrass -> 1 Tube Coral Fan
1 Dead Tube Coral + 2 Seagrass -> 1 Tube Coral
1 Dead Tube Coral Block + 3 Seagrass -> 1 Tube Coral Block

BAY 336 - Departed Shoals - Happy Mask Salesman
1 Orcaman Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Ender Pirate Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Captain Davy Jones Mask -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Abyss Walker Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Relic Sentinel Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Abyssal Wraith Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Pumpking Knight Mask -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Relic Walker Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Magma Elemental Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Depth Elemental Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Archaic War Engine Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Ancient Automaton Mask (C) -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Ancient Automaton Mask (I) -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Light Titan Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Shadow Titan Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Deep One Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Agent of the Elders Mask -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Drowned Priest Mask -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Elder God Cultist Mask -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Bunny Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Marimbo, God of Fun Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Potato -> 1 Abyssal Shard
1 Brassica Prime, God of Vegetables Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Ymir, Primordial Ice Titan Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Spirit Viking Mask -> 1 Abyssal Shard
1 V, God of Heroism Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Odin, Allfather Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Praefectus Praetorio Sliske Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Bandos, God of War Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Armadyl, God of Justice Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Zamorak, God of Chaos Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Saradomin, God of Order Mask -> 3 Abyssal Shard
1 Seren, Divine of Light Mask -> 6 Abyssal Shard
1 Zaros, Divine of Darkness Mask -> 6 Abyssal Shard
1 13, Squid God of Tribute Mask -> 6 Abyssal Shard

BAY 337 - Departed Shoals - Nyth’drn ot Mgepog’drnn
1 Bloody Stone of Mah + 1 Rotting Stone of Bik -> 1 Shugnahoth ot Orr’enah
1 Frozen Stone of Wen + 1 Ashen Stone of Ful -> 1 Shugnahoth ot Ph’nilgh’ri
1 Shugnahoth ot Orr’enah + 1 Shugnahoth ot Ph’nilgh’ri -> 1 Shugnahoth ot Eons
1 Fractured Stone of Jas + 1 Shugnahoth ot Eons -> 1 Ot uln Cthulhu

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 4
Player Created Challenge Areas
BAY 401 - BAY 419


BAY 401 - Decorative Heads - Demon Toy Collecter
1 White Wool -> 1 White Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Light Gray Wool -> 1 Light Grey Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Gray Wool -> 1 Grey Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Black Wool -> 1 Black Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Red Wool -> 1 Red Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Orange Wool -> 1 Orange Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Yellow Wool -> 1 Yellow Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Green Wool -> 1 Green Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Light Blue Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Blue Wool -> 1 Blue Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Purple Wool -> 1 Purple Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Magenta Wool -> 1 Magenta Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Pink Wool -> 1 Pink Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Brown Wool -> 1 Brown Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Cyan Wool -> 1 Cyan Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Lime Wool -> 1 Lime Demon Sheep Plushie
1 Lime Wool + 1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Wooloo Demon Plushie
1 Brown Wool + 1 White Wool -> 1 Wooly Cow Demon Plushie
1 Light Gray Wool + 1 Gray Wool -> 1 Goat Demon Plushie

BAY 402 - Decorative Heads - Demon Seamstress
1 White Wool -> 1 White Spool of Demon Thread
1 Light Gray Wool -> 1 Light Grey Spool of Demon Thread
1 Gray Wool -> 1 Grey Spool of Demon Thread
1 Black Wool -> 1 Black Spool of Demon Thread
1 Red Wool -> 1 Red Spool of Demon Thread
1 Orange Wool -> 1 Orange Spool of Demon Thread
1 Yellow Wool -> 1 Yellow Spool of Demon Thread
1 Green Wool -> 1 Green Spool of Demon Thread
1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Light Blue Spool of Demon Thread
1 Blue Wool -> 1 Blue Spool of Demon Thread
1 Purple Wool -> 1 Purple Spool of Demon Thread
1 Magenta Wool -> 1 Spool of Demon Thread
1 Pink Wool -> 1 Pink Spool of Demon Thread
1 Brown Wool -> 1 Brown Spool of Demon Thread
1 Cyan Wool -> 1 Cyan Spool of Demon Thread
1 Lime Wool -> 1 Lime Spool of Demon Thread
5 Yellow Wool -> 1 Gold Spool of Demon Thread
5 Red Wool -> 1 Red Bolt of Demon Cloth
5 Yellow Wool -> 1 Yellow Bolt of Demon Cloth
5 Lime Wool -> 1 Green Bolt of Demon Cloth
5 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Blue Bolt of Demon Cloth
5 Purple Wool + 5 White Wool -> 1 Lilac Bolt of Demon Cloth
5 Brown Wool + 5 White Wool -> 1 Brown Bolt of Demon Cloth

BAY 403 - Decorative Heads - Demon Shepard
1 White Wool -> 1 White Demon Wool
1 Light Gray Wool -> 1 Light Grey Demon Wool
1 Gray Wool -> 1 Grey Demon Wool
1 Black Wool -> 1 Black Demon Wool
1 Red Wool -> 1 Red Demon Wool
1 Orange Wool -> 1 Orange Demon Wool
1 Yellow Wool -> 1 Yellow Demon Wool
1 Green Wool -> 1 Green Demon Wool
1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Light Blue Demon Wool
1 Blue Wool -> 1 Blue Demon Wool
1 Purple Wool -> 1 Purple Demon Wool
1 Magenta Wool -> 1 Magenta Demon Wool
1 Pink Wool -> 1 Pink Demon Wool
1 Brown Wool -> 1 Brown Demon Wool
1 Cyan Wool -> 1 Cyan Demon Wool
1 Lime Wool -> 1 Lime Demon Wool
5 Red Wool + 5 Black Wool -> 1 Dark Red Demon Wool
5 Purple Wool + 5 White Wool -> 1 Lilac Demon Wool
5 Lime Wool + 5 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Pastel Rainbow Demon Wool
5 Orange Wool + 5 Blue Wool -> 1 Rainbow Demon Wool

BAY 404 - Decorative Heads - Demon Yarn Supplier
1 White Wool -> 1 White Demon Yarn
1 Light Gray Wool -> 1 Light Grey Demon Yarn
1 Gray Wool -> 1 Grey Demon Yarn
1 Black Wool -> 1 Black Demon Yarn
1 Red Wool -> 1 Red Demon Yarn
1 Orange Wool -> 1 Orange Demon Yarn
1 Yellow Wool -> 1 Yellow Demon Yarn
1 Green Wool -> 1 Green Demon Yarn
1 Light Blue Wool -> 1 Light Blue Demon Yarn
1 Blue Wool -> 1 Blue Demon Yarn
1 Purple Wool -> 1 Purple Demon Yarn
1 Magenta Wool -> 1 Magenta Demon Yarn
1 Pink Wool -> 1 Pink Demon Yarn
1 Brown Wool -> 1 Brown Demon Yarn
1 Cyan Wool -> 1 Cyan Demon Yarn
1 Lime Wool -> 1 Lime Demon Yarn
5 Yellow Wool -> 1 Gold Demon Yarn
5 Gray Wool + 5 Cyan Wool -> 1 Demon Yarn Holder

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 4
Player Created Challenge Areas
BAY 420 - BAY 438


BAY 420 - Carnival Island - Goldfish Bowl Toss Attendant
1 Carnival Play Pass -> 3 Goldfish Toss Ball
3 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Toy Fish
3 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Toy Cod
3 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Toy Salmon
3 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Toy Clownfish
3 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Toy Pufferfish
5 Goldfish Prize Token -> 1 Goldfish

BAY 421 - Carnival Island - Gachapon Clerk
1 Carnival Play Pass -> 1 Gachapon Token
3 Carnival Play Pass -> 1 Limited Gachapon Token
3 Player Head -> 1 Gachapon Token

BAY 422 - Carnival Island - Chicken Darts Trader
1 Carnival Play Pass -> 32 Chicken Stick
1 Dart Prize Token -> 1 Egg Plushie
2 Dart Prize Token -> 1 Chick Plushie
3 Dart Prize Token -> 1 Chicken Plushie
4 Dart Prize Token -> 1 Bronze Medal
4 Bronze Medal -> 1 Silver Medal
4 Silver Medal -> 1 Gold Medal
4 Gold Medal -> 1 Rainbow Medal

BAY 423 - Carnival Island - Item Bowling Trader
1 Carnival Play Pass -> 5 Item Bowling Ball
5 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Lion Plushie
5 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Tiger Plushie
5 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Bear Plushie
5 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Panda Plushie
7 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Fox Plushie
5 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Cheetah Plushie
7 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Snake Plushie
7 Bowling Prize Token -> 1 Turtle Plushie

BAY 424 - Carnival Island - Balloon Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Red Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Orange Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Yellow Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Lime Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Green Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cyan Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Light Blue Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Blue Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Purple Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Magenta Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pink Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 White Balloon
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Black Balloon

BAY 425 - Carnival Island - Gift Shop Attendant
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Garden Gnome
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Seashell
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Maneki-neko
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Geisha Doll
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Jewelry Box
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Teddy Bear
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Unicorn Plushie

BAY 426 - Carnival Island - Taco Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Hard-Shell Taco
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Soft-Shell Taco
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Dorito Taco
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Burrito

BAY 427 - Carnival Island - Sushi Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Chicken Ramen
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Beef Ramen
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Vegetable Ramen
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Avocado Roll
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Spicy Roll
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 California Roll
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Salmon Roll
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Tamago Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Tuna Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Salmon Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Mackerel Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Shrimp Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Ikura Nigiri
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Uni Nigiri

BAY 428 - Carnival Island - Pizza Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Fried Chicken
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 French Fries
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Bottle of Beer
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cheese Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pepperoni Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Sausage Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pepperoni + Sausage Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Salami Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Bacon Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Meat Lovers Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Hawaiian Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Supreme Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Anchovy Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Olive Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Mushroom Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Green Pepper Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Veggie Lovers Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Margherita Pizza
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Vegan Pizza

BAY 429 - Carnival Island - Frozen Treats Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cherry-Topped Sundae
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Banana Split
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cookie Dough Sundae
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Strawberry Sundae
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Mint Chocolate Sundae
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Citrus Sorbet
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cherry Shaved Ice
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Orange Shaved Ice
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Lemon Shaved Ice
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Lime Shaved Ice
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Grape Shaved Ice

BAY 430 - Carnival Island - Sandwich Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Cheeseburger
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Veggie Burger
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Sloppy Joe
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Ham & Cheese Sandwich
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 BLT
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Classic Lays
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Nacho Cheese Doritos

BAY 431 - Carnival Island - Hot Dog Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Hot Dog
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Hot Dog with Mustard
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Hot Dog with Ketchup

BAY 432 - Carnival Island - Snack Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Popcorn
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Fountain Drink
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Vanilla Milkshake
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Chocolate Milkshake
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Strawberry Milkshake
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Mint-Chocolate Milkshake

BAY 433 - Carnival Island - Cotton Candy Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Funnel Cake
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pink Cotton Candy
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Blue Cotton Candy
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pink & Blue Cotton Candy
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Yellow Cotton Candy
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Green Cotton Candy
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Multicolor Cotton Candy

BAY 434 - Carnival Island - Bubble Tea Vendor
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Taro Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Coffee Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Matcha Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Strawberry Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Blueberry Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Raspberry Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Mango Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Coconut Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Jasmine Bubble Tea
1 Carnival Cash -> 1 Pea Flower Bubble Tea

BAY 435 - Kaikon Supermarket - Dry Goods Market Cashier
1 Emerald -> 1 Empty Grocery Bag
1 Emerald -> 1 Full Grocery Bag
1 Emerald -> 1 Cheerios
1 Emerald -> 1 Raisin Bran
1 Emerald -> 1 Corn Flakes
1 Emerald -> 1 Special K
1 Emerald -> 1 Poptarts
1 Emerald -> 1 Raisins
1 Emerald -> 1 Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 Emerald -> 1 Oreos
1 Emerald -> 1 Packaged Bread
1 Emerald -> 1 Peanut Butter
1 Emerald -> 1 Nutella
1 Emerald -> 1 Strawberry Jam
1 Emerald -> 1 Honey Jar
1 Emerald -> 1 Ketchup
1 Emerald -> 1 Mustard
1 Emerald -> 1 Mayonnaise
1 Emerald -> 1 BBQ Sauce
1 Emerald -> 1 Salad Dressing
1 Emerald -> 1 Pasta Sauce
1 Emerald -> 1 Can of Soup
1 Emerald -> 1 Can of Beans
1 Emerald -> 1 Stack of Pizzas
1 Emerald -> 1 Pizza Rolls
1 Emerald -> 1 Frozen Waffles
1 Emerald -> 1 Kinder Surprise
1 Emerald -> 1 Jelly Beans
1 Emerald -> 1 Beef Jerky
1 Emerald -> 1 Laundry Soap
1 Emerald -> 1 Toilet Paper
1 Emerald -> 1 Paper Towels
1 Emerald -> 1 Newspapers
1 Emerald -> 1 Newspapers
1 Emerald -> 1 Coca Cola
1 Emerald -> 1 Sprite
1 Emerald -> 1 Fanta
1 Emerald -> 1 A&W Root Beer
1 Emerald -> 1 Mello Yello
1 Emerald -> 1 Pepsi
1 Emerald -> 1 Mountain Dew
1 Emerald -> 1 Dr. Pepper
1 Emerald -> 1 7UP
1 Emerald -> 1 Arizona Ice Tea
1 Emerald -> 1 Red Bull
1 Emerald -> 1 Monster Energy

BAY 436 - Kaikon Supermarket - Fresh Goods Market Cashier
1 Emerald -> 1 Empty Grocery Bag
1 Emerald -> 1 Full Grocery Bag
1 Emerald -> 1 Apple
1 Emerald -> 1 Orange
1 Emerald -> 1 Peach
1 Emerald -> 1 Pear
1 Emerald -> 1 Plum
1 Emerald -> 1 Banana Bunch
1 Emerald -> 1 Tomato
1 Emerald -> 1 Carrots
1 Emerald -> 1 Lettuce
1 Emerald -> 1 Cabbage
1 Emerald -> 1 Potato
1 Emerald -> 1 White Onion
1 Emerald -> 1 Red Onion
1 Emerald -> 1 Ground Beef
1 Emerald -> 1 Bacon
1 Emerald -> 1 Ham
1 Emerald -> 1 Whole Chicken
1 Emerald -> 1 Gallon of Milk
1 Emerald -> 1 Gallon of Orange Juice
1 Emerald -> 1 Block of Cheese
1 Emerald -> 1 Glazed Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 Chocolate Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 White Chocolate Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 Pink Frosted Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 Confetti Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 Chocolate Drizzle Donut
1 Emerald -> 1 Chocolate Cupcake
1 Emerald -> 1 Pink Cupcake
1 Emerald -> 1 Confetti Cupcake
1 Emerald -> 1 Cream Cheese Bagel
1 Emerald -> 1 Poppyseed Bagel
1 Emerald -> 1 Boquet of Roses
1 Emerald -> 1 Boquet of Cosmos
1 Emerald -> 1 Boquet of Lotus Flowers
1 Emerald -> 1 Boquet of Irises
1 Emerald -> 1 Boquet of Cactus Flowers

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 5
Merit Merchants
BAY 501 - BAY 519


BAY 501 - Merit Merchants - Merit Food
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Merit Meat Bundle [Chest of Steak]
3 Merit Voucher -> 64 Merit Apple
5 Merit Voucher -> 64 Enchanted Merit Apple

BAY 502 - Merit Merchants - Merit Event Items
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 WiverStik Replica [Sharpness 3]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Cookie Slapper Replica [Knockback 2]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Tunaslap Replica [Knockback 50]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Ded Replica [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 6, Protection 6, Respiration 6, Thorns 6] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Desecration Replica [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Jousting Pole Replica [Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Matt Damon’s Spatula Replica [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Pumpkin Carver Replica [Bane of Arthropods 3, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Pumpkin Splitter Replica [Bane of Arthropods 3, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Pumpkin Spoon Replica [Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Pumpkin Candle Replica [Frostwalker 1, Infinity, Luck of the Sea 1, Mending]
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Woodhollow Gourd Replica [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Protection 4, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance]
5 Merit Voucher -> 1 Arsonist’s Toolkit Replica [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Woodhollow Lantern Replica [Flame, Infinity] [When in off hand: +100 Mob Follow Range, +0.05 Speed, +0.05 Attack Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Pumpkin Juice Replica [Speed 3 (80:00), Haste 3 (80:00), Night Vision 3 (80:00), Glowing 3 (80:00)]

BAY 503 - Merit Merchants - Merit Shortcuts
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Wooden Mask
15 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dragon Anima
1 Merit Voucher -> 4 Obsidian Skull
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Dungeon Key Fragment Sigma
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Dungeon Key Fragment Omega
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dungeon Key - Fury
1 Merit Voucher -> 4 Key to the Stronghold
1 Merit Voucher -> 4 Key to the Eyrie
1 Merit Voucher -> 4 Key to the Fortress
1 Merit Voucher -> 4 Key to the Encampment
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos)
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War)
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Frozen Prison Key
1 Merit Voucher -> 3 Rampart Key
1 Merit Voucher -> 3 Necropolis Key
1 Merit Voucher -> 3 Encampment Key
1 Merit Voucher -> 3 Bastion Key
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Upper Door Carving
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Lower Door Carving
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Priw Mundi Carving
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Enraged Key
15 Merit Voucher -> Elder Artifact - The Measure [Infinity] [Unbreakable]

BAY 504 - Merit Merchants - Merit Exclusives
40 Horseman Point -> 1 Merit Voucher
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Sacred Light Bow [Flame 5, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Damage, +0.02 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
10 Merit Voucher -> 64 Silver Arrow [Instant Damage 2, Weakness 2 (0:01), Glowing (10:00)]
10 Merit Voucher -> 64 Ancient Arrow [Flight: 10, Burst: 10]
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Yata Mirror [Blast Protection 4, Fire Aspect 10, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4] [When in off hand: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness]
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Sword of Totsuka [Fire Aspect 10, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +9 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed]
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Yasakani no Magatama [Infinity] [When in main hand: +0.07 Speed]
10 Merit Voucher -> 1 Hephaestus’s Labrys [Efficiency 5, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed]

BAY 505 - Merit Merchants - Merit Cosmetics 1
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Famine Helm
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Famine Chestpiece [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Famine Leggings [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Famine Boots [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Barbs of Scorn [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Banner of Famine
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Conquest Helm
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Conquest Chestpiece [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Conquest Leggings [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Conquest Boots [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Redemption and Mercy [Flame, Infinity, Power 5, Punch 2] [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Banner of Conquest
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica War Helm
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica War Chestpiece [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica War Leggings [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica War Boots [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Chaoseater [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Banner of War
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Death Helm
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Death Chestpiece [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Death Leggings [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Death Boots [Unbreakable]
3 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Harvester [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Banner of Death
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Frank Helm
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Frank Chestpiece [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Frank Leggings [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Frank Boots [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Banner of Frank
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nomad Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nomad Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nomad Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nex Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nex Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nex Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Telos Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Telos Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Telos Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Vorago Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Vorago Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Vorago Robes [Unbreakable]

BAY 506 - Merit Merchants - Merit Cosmetics 2
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zamorak Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zamorak Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zamorak Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Saradomin Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Saradomin Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Saradomin Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bandos Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bandos Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bandos Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Armadyl Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Armadyl Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Armadyl Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Sliske Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Sliske Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Sliske Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica V Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica V Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica V Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Brassica Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Brassica Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Brassica Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zaros Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zaros Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Zaros Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Seren Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Seren Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Seren Robes [Unbreakable]

BAY 507 - Merit Merchants - Merit Cosmetics 3
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Odin Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Odin Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Odin Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ansem Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ansem Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ansem Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ymir Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ymir Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ymir Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Marimbo Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Marimbo Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Marimbo Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Manbun Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Manbun Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Manbun Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica 13 Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica 13 Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica 13 Robes [Unbreakable]

BAY 508 - Merit Merchants - Merit Cosmetics 4
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ful Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ful Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ful Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ful Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Wen Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Wen Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Wen Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Wen Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bik Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bik Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bik Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Bik Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Jas Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Jas Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Jas Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Jas Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Mah Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Mah Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Mah Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Mah Robes [Unbreakable]
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [Unbreakable}
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [Unbreakable]
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [Unbreakable]

BAY 509 - Merit Merchants - Merit Cosmetics 5
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Gaunter Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Gaunter Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Gaunter Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Gaunter Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Tuska Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Tuska Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Tuska Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Surtr Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Surtr Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Surtr Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Guthix Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Guthix Robes [Unbreakable}
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Guthix Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Guthix Robes [Unbreakable]
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Nyx Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Wild Hunt Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Caretaker Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Plague Vampyre Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica HONK Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Ghost Child Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Gunter Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Yetti Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Yett@ Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Dragonkin Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Demon Knight Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Replica Elder Demon Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> 10 Golden Skulltula #X

BAY 510 - Merit Merchants - Merit Historicals
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Doctacosa
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Windrider739
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 ADeadlyFish
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Anonymous_SoFar
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Kusorai
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 MaximumRose
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 DayLightNightMar
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Phrogie
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 iKatze
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 AleXxXfry
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 MormonMoo
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 SorathePumpking
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 MediaKlepto
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 MineshaftBob
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Inflammo
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Ashalina
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 UnknownEntity634
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Kagato
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 MagicMarker101
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Skreelink
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Septina
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Raegal
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Primagen
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 xLordItachix
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 BiGsTiVo
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Twixxi_
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 BioZombieActive
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 BroitsTAG
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Kimonellos
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Rebbica007

BAY 511 - Merit Merchants - Merit Trade-In
10 Merit Points -> 1 Merit Voucher

BAY 512 - Merit Merchants - Merit Notables
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 TopHatLayton
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 itsthesherf
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Hankapotamus
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 FigsNewton
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 doorgunnerjgs
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Exodio
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 muffins303
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Hammertoe_1
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 CMHOCKEY34
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 kevysteph
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 FaceplantHebu
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 DainR13

BAY 513 - Black Market Merchant
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Cow Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Pig Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Rabbit Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 2 Sheep Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Donkey Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Horse Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Mule Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Cat Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Ocelot Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Fox Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Wolf Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Llama Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Trader Llama Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Panda Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 (Passive) Polar Bear Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Glow Squid Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Squid Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Bat Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Parrot Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dolphin Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Temperate)
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Warm)
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Cold)
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Goat Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Strider Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Allay Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Camel Spawn Egg
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Armadillo Spawn Egg
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Villager Spawn Egg
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Shulker Spawn Egg
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 (Passive) Piglin Spawn Egg
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 (Passive) Hoglin Spawn Egg
2 Merit Voucher -> 1 Sniffer Egg

BAY 514 - Moosemart - 2019 Advent Grinch
1 Merit Voucher -> Christmas Sock
1 Merit Voucher -> Brown Banner
3 Merit Voucher -> Grinch Head [Protection 0, Fire Protection 0, Blast Protection 0, Projectile Protection 0, Respiration 0, Aqua Affinity 0, Thorns 0, Unbreaking 0, Mending 0]
1 Merit Voucher -> Red Banner
1 Merit Voucher -> Santa Creeper
1 Merit Voucher -> Rudolph's Nose
1 Merit Voucher -> Green Banner
1 Merit Voucher -> Bee Plushie
1 Merit Voucher -> Beekeeper Mask
1 Merit Voucher -> Teddy Bear
1 Merit Voucher -> Honey Pot
1 Merit Voucher -> Pile of Pants
1 Merit Voucher -> Beekeeper Suit
1 Merit Voucher -> Beekeeper Leggings
1 Merit Voucher -> Beekeeper Boots
1 Merit Voucher -> Christmas Story

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 5
Merit Merchants
BAY 520 - BAY 538


Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor #
Unlisted NPCs

These villagers exist, but not in Moosemart; either for challenge or any number of reasons!

BAY 000 - Exchange Counter - Depr. Minetropolis Pier

BAY 001 - Exchange Counter - Plants Minetropolis Pier, Hunter's Lodge

BAY 002 - Exchange Counter - Stone Minetropolis Pier, Hunter's Lodge

BAY 003 - Exchange Counter - Not Plants%Not Stone Minetropolis Pier, Hunter's Lodge, Gondwana Gold Farm

BAY 102 - Moosemart - Shepard NPC Super Loom

BAY 103 - Moosemart - Butcher NPC Levansk

BAY 104 - Moosemart - Fisherman NPC Minetropolis Pier

BAY 108 - Moosemart - Librarian NPC Central Library

BAY 112 - Moosemart - Wandering Gardener NPC Minetropolis Pier

BAY 113 - Moosemart - Wandering Trader NPC Minetropolis Pier

BAY 121 - Moosemart - Item Crafting NPC - Depr. Creeper Bazaar, Minetropolis Pier

BAY 122 - Moosemart - Passive Mob Heads Trader Creeper Bazaar, Minetropolis Pier

BAY 123 - Moosemart - Hostile Mob Heads Trader Creeper Bazaar, Minetropolis Pier

BAY 124 - Squid Cove - Head Neutralizer Creeper Bazaar, Minetropolis Pier

BAY 132 - Moosemart - Archeologist NPC Halls of Nyx, Sarnath Necropolis, Shoals of the Departed

Multiple Areas - Food Vendor Lost Woods, Minetropolis Pier
1 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Rabbit
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Porkchop
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Chicken
3 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Mutton
5 Emerald -> 10 Suspicious Steak

Multiple Areas - Arrow Vendor Lost Woods, Minetropolis Pier
50 Emerald -> 4 Fire Arrow [Instant Damage, Poison (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Ice Arrow [Slowness (0:11), Nausea (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Water Arrow [Water Breathing (0:01), Night Vision (0:01)]
64 Emerald -> 4 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:11)]
64 Emerald -> 4 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health, Regeneration (0:00), Health Boost (0:00), Saturation (0:00)]
50 Emerald -> 4 Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)]
1 Emerald -> 16 Arrow

Multiple Areas - Potion Vendor Lost Woods, Minetropolis Pier
10 Emerald -> 1 Red Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Blue Potion [Water Breathing (0:50), Night Vision (0:50), Dolphin's Grace (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Orange Potion [Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50)]
50 Emerald -> 1 Green Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50), Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50), Water Breathing (0:50), Night Vision (0:50), Dolphin's Grace (0:50)]
20 Emerald -> 1 Purple Potion [Night Vision (0:50), Glowing (0:50)]
64 Emerald -> 1 Moon Dew [Levitation (1:15), Slow Falling (2:30)]

Hunter's Lodge - Arrow Vendor
9 Hunter's Mark -> 16 Arrow
45 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Fire Arrow [Instant Damage, Poison (0:00)] (Tipped Arrow)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Ice Arrow [Slowness (0:11), Nausea (0:00)] (Tipped Arrow)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 8 Water Arrow [Water Breathing (0:01), Night Vision (0:01)] (Tipped Arrow)
45 Hunter's Mark + 45 Hunter's Mark -> 4 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:11)] (Tipped Arrow)
45 Hunter's Mark + 45 Hunter's Mark -> 4 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health, Regeneration (0:00), Health Boost (0:00), Saturation (0:00)] [When applied: +4 Max health] (Tipped Arrow)

Hunter's Lodge - Potion Vendor
45 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Red Potion [Instant Health 2] (Potion)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Blue Potion [Water Breathing (2:00), Night Vision (2:00), Dolphin's Grace (2:00)] (Potion)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Orange Potion [Jump Boost (2:00), Fire Resistance (2:00)] (Potion)
45 Hunter's Mark + 45 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Green Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50), Jump Boost (1:00), Fire Resistance (1:00), Water Breathing (1:00), Night Vision (1:00), Dolphin's Grace (1:00)] (Potion)
45 Hunter's Mark + 45 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Purple Potion [Night Vision (2:00), Glowing (2:00)] (Potion)
64 Hunter's Mark + 64 Hunter's Mark -> 1 Moon Dew [Levitation (1:15), Slow Falling (2:30)] (Potion)

Hunter's Lodge - Food Vendor
9 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Suspicious Rabbit (Cooked Rabbit)
27 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Suspicious Porkchop (Cooked Porkchop)
27 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Suspicious Chicken (Cooked Chicken)
27 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Cooked Mutton (Cooked Mutton)
45 Hunter's Mark -> 10 Suspicious Steak (Cooked Beef)

The Lost Woods - Dark Shrine Monk Lost Woods - Dark Shrine
1 Dark Shrine Orb -> 3 Emerald
5 Dark Shrine Orb -> 1 Ancient Debris
15 Dark Shrine Orb -> 1 Helm of the Hero [Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 250, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Helmet)
20 Dark Shrine Orb -> 1 Corrupted Hero Mask
30 Dark Shrine Orb -> 1 Dark Master Sword [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: -4 Max Health, +1.6 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage]

The Lost Woods - Forest Shrine Monk Lost Woods - Forest Shrine
1 Forest Shrine Orb -> 3 Emerald
5 Forest Shrine Orb -> 1 Ancient Debris
15 Forest Shrine Orb -> 1 Plate of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed]
20 Forest Shrine Orb -> 1 Fierce Deity Mask
30 Forest Shrine Orb -> 1 Enraged Fierce Deity Sword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 10, Sweeping Edge 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage, +1 Knockback Resistance]

The Lost Woods - Drowned Shrine Monk Lost Woods - Drowned Shrine
1 Drowned Shrine Orb -> 3 Emerald
5 Drowned Shrine Orb -> 1 Ancient Debris
15 Drowned Shrine Orb -> 1 Mail of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor, +0.03 Speed]
20 Drowned Shrine Orb -> 1 Drowned Hero Mask
30 Drowned Shrine Orb -> 1 Ancient Zora Sword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Depth Strider 3, Knockback 3, Mending, Riptide 7, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance]

The Lost Woods - Phantom Shrine Monk Lost Woods - Phantom Shrine
1 Phantom Shrine Orb -> 3 Emerald
5 Phantom Shrine Orb -> 1 Ancient Debris
15 Phantom Shrine Orb -> 1 Boots of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Depth Strider 3, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed]
20 Phantom Shrine Orb -> 1 Phantom Ganon Mask
30 Phantom Shrine Orb -> 1 Phantom Spear [Impaling 5, Loyalty 3, Mending, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: -4 Max Health, +1.1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage]

Wandering Eye Traders - Quest Start Central
1 Merit Voucher -> 3 Clue Key 1
1 Clue Key 1 -> Clue Series: Clue 1

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#1) The Creeper Citadel
1 Clue Key 1 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 1 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 2
1 Clue Key 1 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 2 -> 2 Clue Key 2

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#2) The Lost Woods
1 Clue Key 2 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 3
1 Clue Key 2 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 3 -> 2 Clue Key 3

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#3) Amasia
1 Clue Key 3 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 4
1 Clue Key 3 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 4 -> 2 Clue Key 4

Wandering Eye Traders - Horseman Scholar Central
1 Clue Key 4 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 5
1 Clue Key 4 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 5 -> 2 Clue Key 5

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#4) Solstheim
1 Clue Key 5 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 6
1 Clue Key 5 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 6 -> 2 Clue Key 6

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#5) Shattered Sands
1 Clue Key 6 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 7
1 Clue Key 6 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 7 -> 2 Clue Key 7

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#6) Shattered Sands
1 Clue Key 7 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 8
1 Clue Key 7 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 8 -> 2 Clue Key 8

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#7) Snowhead
1 Clue Key 8 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 9
1 Clue Key 8 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 9 -> 2 Clue Key 9

Wandering Eye Traders - Mikey's Trace (#8) Shoals of the Departed
1 Clue Key 9 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 10
1 Clue Key 9 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 10 -> 2 Clue Key 10

Wandering Eye Traders - Myth Archivist Central
1 Clue Key 10 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 11
1 Clue Key 10 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 11 -> 2 Clue Key 11

Wandering Eye Traders - Dorin Grimm The Creeper Citadel
1 Clue Key 11 -> 1 Clue Series: Clue 12
1 Clue Key 11 + 1 Clue Series: Clue 12 -> 1 Mysterious Letter
1 Mysterious Letter -> 1 Lens of the Watcher [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 50, Looting 3] [When in main hand:+5 Attack Damage, +0.1 Speed] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
1 Mysterious Letter -> 1 Dormin’s Sword of Light [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +0.08 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Mysterious Letter -> 1 Apple of the Nephilim [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Miner's Guild
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 64 Chests
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 64 Scaffolding
20 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Bat Spawn Egg
8 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
8 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
8 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
4 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Miner's Potion I [Haste (10:00), Night Vision (10:00)] [When Applied: +10% Attack Speed]
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Miner Insignia
10 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Miner's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Miner's Guild
3 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Yellow Shulker
3 Miner's Guild Token -> 64 Sculk
20 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Fox Spawn Egg
24 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance]
24 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance]
24 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance]
12 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Miner's Potion II [Haste 2 (20:00), Night Vision (20:00)] [When Applied: +20% Attack Speed]
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Miner Insignia
50 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Miner's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Miner's Guild
5 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Miner's Toolkit
5 Miner's Guild Token -> 16 Sculk Catalyst
20 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Goat Spawn Egg
40 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
20 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Miner's Potion III [Haste 3 (30:00), Night Vision (30:00)] [When Applied: +30% Attack Speed]
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Miner Insignia
50 Miner's Guild Tokens + 50 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Miner's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Miner's Guild
10 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Lodestone
10 Miner's Guild Token -> 8 Budding Amethyst
40 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Piglin (Passive) Spawn Egg
80 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
80 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
80 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Miner's Guild Tokens -> 1 Miner's Potion IV [Haste 4 (40:00), Night Vision (40:00)] [When Applied: +40% Attack Speed]
1 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Master Miner Insignia
64 Miner's Guild Token + 64 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Merit Voucher
64 Miner's Guild Token + 3 Merit Vouchers -> Miner's Council Token
10 Miner's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Miner's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Builder's Guild
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 32 Invisible Item Frames
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 64 Oak Logs
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 64 Birch Logs
20 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Cat Spawn Egg
20 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Ocelot Spawn Egg
8 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Icarus Wings I [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +0.01 Speed]
8 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Tetrominoes Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed]
8 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
4 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Builder's Potion I [Jump Boost (10:00), Saturation 4 (10:00)]
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Builder Insignia
10 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Builder's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Builder's Guild
3 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Spruce Logs
3 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Dark Oak Logs
20 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Parrot Spawn Egg
24 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Icarus Wings II [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +0.02 Speed]
24 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Tetrominoes Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 5, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed]
24 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance]
12 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Builder's Potion II [Jump Boost 2 (20:00), Saturation 5 (20:00)]
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Builder Insignia
50 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Builder's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Builder's Guild
5 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Warped Stems
5 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Crimson Stems
20 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Rabbit Spawn Egg
40 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Icarus Wings III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +0.03 Speed]
40 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Tetrominoes Boots III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 8, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 9] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed]
40 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
20 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Builder's Potion III [Jump Boost 3 (30:00), Saturation 6 (30:00)]
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Builder Insignia
50 Builder's Guild Tokens + 50 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Builder's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Builder's Guild
10 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Acacia Logs
10 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 64 Jungle Logs
10 Builder's Guild Token -> 64 Mangrove Logs
40 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Shulker Spawn Egg
80 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Icarus Wings IV [Protection 4] [When on body: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed]
80 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Tetrominoes Boots IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 10, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed]
80 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Builder's Guild Tokens -> 1 Builder's Potion IV [Jump Boost 4 (40:00), Saturation 6 (40:00)]
64 Builder's Guild Token + 64 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Merit Voucher
1 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Master Builder Insignia
64 Builder's Guild Tokens + 3 Merit Vouchers -> 1 Builder's Council Token
10 Builder's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Builder's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Fisher's Guild
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 64 Barrels
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 32 Smokers
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Dolphin Spawn Egg
8 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nat Pagle's Hat I [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +0.01 Speed]
8 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Ecco Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed]
8 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Training Rod [Luck of the Sea 3, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +3 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
4 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Fisher's Potion I [Luck 4 (10:00), Conduit Power (10:00)] [When Applied: +4 Luck]
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Fisher Insignia
10 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Fisher's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Fisher's Guild
3 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 16 Sponges
3 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Bucket of Axolotl (Pink)
3 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Bucket of Axolotl (Brown)
3 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Bucket of Axolotl (Gold)
3 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Bucket of Axolotl (Cyan)
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Squid Spawn Egg
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Glow Squid Spawn Egg
24 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nat Pagle's Hat II [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 20, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +0.01 Speed]
24 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Ecco Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed]
24 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Bamboo Pole [Luck of the Sea 4, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When in main hand: +6 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
12 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Fisher's Potion II [Luck 5 (20:00), Conduit Power 2 (20:00)] [When Applied: +5 Luck]
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Fisher Insignia
50 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Fisher's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Fisher's Guild
5 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 8 Nautilus Shells
5 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Bucket of Axolotl (Blue)
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Strider Spawn Egg
40 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nat Pagle's Hat III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 40, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +0.03 Speed]
40 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Ecco Boots III [Depth Strider 4, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 9] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed]
40 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Fiberglass Rod [Luck of the Sea 5, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 12] [When in main hand: +9 Luck ,+0.03 Speed]
20 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Fisher's Potion III [Luck 6 (30:00), Conduit Power 3 (30:00)] [When Applied: +6 Luck]
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Fisher Insignia
50 Fisher's Guild Tokens + 50 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Fisher's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Fisher's Guild
10 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Heart of the Sea
10 Fisher's Guild Token -> 64 Froglight (Ochre)
10 Fisher's Guild Token -> 64 Froglight (Verdant)
10 Fisher's Guild Token -> 64 Froglight (Pearlescent)
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Temperate)
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Warm)
20 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Cold)
80 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nat Pagle's Hat IV [Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 1000] [When on head: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed]
80 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Ecco Boots IV [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed]
80 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Iridium Rod [Infinity, Luck of the Sea 6, Lure 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +12 Luck, +0.05 Speed]
40 Fisher's Guild Tokens -> 1 Fisher's Potion IV [Luck 6 (40:00), Conduit Power 4 (40:00)] [When Applied: +7 Luck]
1 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Master Fisher Insignia
64 Fisher's Guild Token + 64 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Merit Voucher
64 Fisher's Guild Tokens + 3 Merit Vouchers -> 1 Fisher's Council Token
10 Fisher's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Fisher's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Farmer's Guild
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 32 Composters
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 64 Farmland
20 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Cow Spawn Egg
8 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Espeon Wand [Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
8 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wellington Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.01 Speed]
8 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
4 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Farmer's Potion I [Saturation 4 (10:00), Slow Falling 4 (10:00)]
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Farmer Insignia
10 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Farmer's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Farmer's Guild
3 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 32 Leads
3 Farmer's Guild Token -> 64 Mud
20 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Sheep Spawn Egg
24 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Flareon Wand [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
24 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wellington Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 4] [When on feet: +0.02 Speed]
24 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance]
12 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Farmer's Potion II [Saturation 5 (20:00), Slow Falling 5 (20:00)]
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Farmer Insignia
50 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Farmer's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Farmer's Guild
5 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 3 Turtle Eggs
5 Farmer's Guild Token -> 64 Packed Mud
20 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg
40 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Umbreon Wand [Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
40 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wellington Boots III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +0.03 Speed]
40 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
20 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Farmer's Potion III [Saturation 6 (30:00), Slow Falling 6 (30:00)]
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Farmer Insignia
50 Farmer's Guild Tokens + 50 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Farmer's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Farmer's Guild
10 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Bee Nest
10 Farmer's Guild Token -> 16 Small Dripleaf
40 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Allay Spawn Egg
80 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leafeon Wand [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
80 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wellington Boots IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Protection 4, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed]
80 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Farmer's Potion IV [Saturation 6 (40:00), Slow Falling 6 (40:00)]
1 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Master Farmer Insignia
64 Farmer's Guild Tokens + 64 Farmer's Guild Tokens -> 1 Merit Voucher
64 Farmer's Guild Tokens + 3 Merit Vouchers -> 1 Farmer's Council Token
10 Farmer's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Farmer's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Hunter's Guild
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 32 Campfires
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 32 Soul Campfires
20 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Wolf Spawn Egg
8 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nora Longshot Bow [Infinity, Looting 1, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3]
8 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Lao-Shan Lung Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.02 Speed]
8 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Cryptstalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 1, Unbreaking 3]
4 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Hunter's Potion I [Speed (10:00), Strength (10:00)] [When Applied: +20% Speed, +3 Attack Damage]
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Hunter Insignia
10 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Hunter's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Hunter's Guild
3 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 16 Blaze Rods
3 Hunter's Guild Token -> 16 Sculk Sensor
20 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Polar Bear (Passive) Spawn Egg
24 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Carja Mighty Bow [Infinity, Looting 2, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 4]
24 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Kulve Taroth Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +0.05]
24 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Gronnstalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 2, Unbreaking 4]
12 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Hunter's Potion II [Speed (20:00), Strength (20:00)] [When Applied: +20% Speed, +3 Attack Damage]
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Hunter Insignia
50 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Hunter's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Hunter's Guild
5 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Totem of Undying
5 Hunter's Guild Token -> 16 Sculk Shrieker
20 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Panda Spawn Egg
40 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Banuk Culling Bow [Infinity, Looting 3, Mending, Power 5, Punch 3, Unbreaking 5]
40 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Safi'jiiva Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +0.08 Speed]
40 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Scourgestalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 3, Unbreaking 6]
20 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Hunter's Potion III [Speed 2 (30:00), Strength 2 (30:00)] [When Applied: +40% Speed, +6 Attack Damage]
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Hunter Insignia
50 Hunter's Guild Tokens + 50 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Hunter's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Hunter's Guild
10 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Nether Star
10 Hunter's Guild Token -> 16 Name Tags
40 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Hoglin (Passive)Spawn Egg
80 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Banuk Striker Bow [Looting 4, Mending, Power 5, Punch 4, Unbreaking 6]
80 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Zorah Magdaros Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 4, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +0.12 Speed]
80 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Wyrmstalker's Shield [Protection 4] [Unbreakable]
40 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Hunter's Potion IV [Speed 3 (40:00), Strength 3 (40:00)] [When Applied: +60% Speed, +9 Attack Damage]
1 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Master Hunter Insignia
64 Hunter's Guild Tokens + 64 Hunter's Guild Tokens -> 1 Merit Voucher
64 Hunter's Guild Tokens + 3 Merit Vouchers -> 1 Hunter's Council Token
10 Hunter's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Hunter's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Blacksmith's Guild
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 32 Blast Furnaces
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 32 Furnaces
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Horse Spawn Egg
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Creeper I [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Stray I [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Stray I [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Stray I [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +4 Armor]
8 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Stray I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor]
4 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Blacksmith's Potion I [Resistance (10:00), Fire Resistance 3 (10:00)]
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Apprentice Blacksmith Insignia
10 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Journeyman Blacksmith's Certificate

Rodinia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Blacksmith's Guild
3 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 8 Hoppers
3 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 64 Gilded Blackstone
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Donkey Spawn Egg
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Mule Spawn Egg
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Creeper II [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Stray II [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Stray II [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Stray II [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +4 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Stray II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Blaze II [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Blaze II [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Blaze II [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +3 Armor]
24 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Blaze II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor]
12 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Blacksmith's Potion II [Resistance (20:00), Fire Resistance 4 (20:00)]
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Journeyman Blacksmith Insignia
50 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Expert Blacksmith's Certificate

Superia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Blacksmith's Guild
5 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 3 Anvils
5 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 64 Tinted Glass
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Llama Spawn Egg
20 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Trader Llama Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Creeper III [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +6 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +5 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +2 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Stray III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Stray III [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +5 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Stray III [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +4 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Stray III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +1 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Blaze III [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Blaze III [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +5 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Blaze III [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +3 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Blaze III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +1 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Piglin III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 4] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Piglin III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Piglin III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Piglin III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
20 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Blacksmith's Potion III [Resistance 2 (30:00), Fire Resistance 5 (30:00)]
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Expert Blacksmith Insignia
50 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens + 50 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Master Blacksmith's Certificate

Gondwana - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Blacksmith's Guild
10 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 4 Netherite Scraps
10 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 32 Oxidized Copper
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Desert) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Jungle) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Plains) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Savanna) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Swamp) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Snow) Spawn Egg
40 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Villager (Taiga) Spawn Egg
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Creeper IV [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +6 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +5 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +2 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Stray IV [Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Stray IV [Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +5 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Stray IV [Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +4 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Stray IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [when on feet: Unbreakable, +1 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Blaze IV [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Blaze IV [Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +5 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Blaze IV [Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +3 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Blaze IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +1 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Piglin IV [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Piglin IV [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Piglin IV [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Piglin IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 4, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Helmet of the Ravager IV [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 5, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Chestplate of the Ravager IV [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Leggings of the Ravager IV [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor]
80 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Boots of the Ravager IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 5, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on boots: Unbreakable, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor]
40 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Blacksmith's Potion IV [Resistance 3 (40:00), Fire Resistance 6 (40:00)]
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Master Blacksmith Insignia
64 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens + 64 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens -> 1 Merit Voucher
64 Blacksmith's Guild Tokens + 3 Merit Vouchers -> 1 Blacksmith's Council Token
10 Blacksmith's Guild Token -> 1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token -> 5 Blacksmith's Guild Token

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Miner
5 Miner's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Shovel [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +12 Attack Damage]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Builder
5 Builder's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Axe [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +12 Attack Damage]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Farmer
5 Farmer's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Hoe [Efficiency 10, Fortune 6, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +4 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +8 Attack Damage]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Fisher
5 Fisher's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Rod [Knockback 2, Looting 3, Luck of the Sea 7, Lure 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +15 Luck, +1.8 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +9 Attack Damage]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Hunter
5 Hunter's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Bow [Fire Aspect 1, Infinity, Knockback 2, Looting 4, Mending, Power 6, Punch 6, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +8 Attack Damage]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Master Blacksmith
5 Blacksmith's Council Tokens -> 1 Replica Grand Master's Chestplate [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed, +9 Armor]

Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Council Leader
1 Miner's Council Token + 1 Builder's Council Token -> 1 Guild Leader Token 1
1 Fisher's Council Token + 1 Farmer's Council Token -> 1 Guild Leader Token 2
1 Blacksmith's Council Token + 1 Hunter's Council Token -> 1 Guild Leader Token 3
1 Guild Leader Token 1 + 1 Guild Leader 2 -> 1 Guild Leader Token 4
1 Guild Leader Token 3 + 1 Guild Leader 4 -> 1 Replica TerrorDactyl Blade [Knockback 2, Looting 4, Sharpness 7, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +14 Attack Damage]
1 Guild Leader Token 3 + 1 Guild Leader 4 -> 1 Crest of the Guilds [Blast Protection 6, Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 6, Infinity 6, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Thorns 22] [When in off hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +5 Armor Toughness, +240 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed, +7 Armor]

Staff SorathePumpking
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305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
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Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor #
Unlisted NPCs Cont.

These villagers exist, but not in Moosemart; either for challenge or any number of reasons!

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Overworld)
1 Spiritual Saradomin Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Knight of Saradomin Helm -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Saradomin Priest Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Zamorak Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Imp Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Bloodveld Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Hellhound Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Male Vampire Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Female Vampire Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Vampyre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Pyrefiend Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Icefiend Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Armadyl Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Aviansie Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Aviansie Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Bandos Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Goblin Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Hobgoblin Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ork Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ogre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Jogre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Cyclops Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Ceremonial Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Mage Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Ranger Coif -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Warrior Helm -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Blood Reaver Mask -> 3 Lich Shard

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Saradomin)
1 Spiritual Saradomin Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Saradomin Hood -> 1 Fragment of Order
1 Knight of Saradomin Helm -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Knight of Saradomin Helm -> 1 Fragment of Order
1 Saradomin Priest Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Saradomin Priest Hood -> 1 Fragment of Order
1 Starlight Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Starlight Mask -> 1 Godsword Blade
1 Bree Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Bree Mask -> 1 Godsword Grip
1 Growler Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Growler Mask -> 1 Godsword Pommel
1 Commander Zilyana Mask -> 27 Lich Shard
1 Commander Zilyana Mask -> 1 Key to the Encampment
1 Commander Zilyana Mask -> 1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Zamorak)
1 Spiritual Zamorak Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Zamorak Hood -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Imp Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Imp Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Bloodveld Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Bloodveld Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Hellhound Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Hellhound Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Male Vampire Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Male Vampire Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Female Vampire Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Female Vampire Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Vampyre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Vampyre Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Werewolf Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Werewolf Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Pyrefiend Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Pyrefiend Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Icefiend Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Icefiend Mask -> 1 Fragment of Chaos
1 Tstanon Karlak Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Tstanon Karlak Mask -> 1 Godsword Blade
1 Zakl'n Gritch Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Zakl'n Gritch Mask -> 1 Godsword Grip
1 Balfrug Kreeyath Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Balfrug Kreeyath Mask -> 1 Godsword Pommel
1 Lord K'ril Tsutaroth Mask -> 27 Lich Shard
1 Lord K'ril Tsutaroth Mask -> 1 Key to the Fortress
1 Lord K'ril Tsutaroth Mask -> 1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Armadyl)
1 Spiritual Armadyl Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Armadyl Hood -> 1 Fragment of Justice
1 Aviansie Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Aviansie Mask -> 1 Fragment of Justice
1 Aviansie Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Aviansie Mask -> 1 Fragment of Justice
1 Flight Kilisa Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Flight Kilisa Mask -> 1 Godsword Blade
1 Flockleader Geerin Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Flockleader Geerin Mask -> 1 Godsword Grip
1 Wingman Skrill Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Wingman Skrill Mask -> 1 Godsword Pommel
1 Justice Kree'arra Mask -> 27 Lich Shard
1 Justice Kree'arra Mask -> 1 Key to the Eyrie
1 Justice Kree'arra Mask -> 1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Bandos)
1 Spiritual Bandos Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Spiritual Bandos Hood -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Goblin Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Goblin Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Hobgoblin Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Hobgoblin Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Ork Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ork Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Ogre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ogre Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Jogre Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Jogre Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Cyclops Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Cyclops Mask -> 1 Fragment of War
1 Sergeant Strongstack Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Sergeant Strongstack Mask -> 1 Godsword Blade
1 Sergeant Grimspike Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Sergeant Grimspike Mask -> 1 Godsword Grip
1 Sergeant Steelwill Mask -> 18 Lich Shard
1 Sergeant Steelwill Mask -> 1 Godsword Pommel
1 General Graardor Mask -> 27 Lich Shard
1 General Graardor Mask -> 1 Key to the Stronghold
1 General Graardor Mask -> 1 Bandos Godsword Hilt

Snowhead - Temple of Ancients - Happy Mask Salesman (Zaros)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Ceremonial Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Ancient Mage Hood -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Mage Hood -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Ancient Ranger Coif -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Ranger Coif -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Ancient Warrior Helm -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Ancient Warrior Helm -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Blood Reaver Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Blood Reaver Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Fumus Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Fumus Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Fumus Mask -> 16 Smoke Arrows
1 Umbra Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Umbra Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Umbra Mask -> 16 Darkness Arrows
1 Cruor Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Cruor Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Cruor Mask -> 16 Blood Arrows
1 Glacies Mask -> 3 Lich Shard
1 Glacies Mask -> 1 Fragment of Fate
1 Glacies Mask -> 16 Ice Arrows

Snowhead - Snowpeak Ruins - Yeto
6 Emeralds -> 1 Simple Soup
1 Simple Soup + 1 Ancient Pumpkin -> 1 Good Soup
1 Good Soup + 1 Ancient Goat Cheese -> 1 Superb Soup

Snowhead - Snowpeak Ruins - Yeta
1 Superb Soup -> 1 Tower Bedroom Key

Snowhead - Snowpeak Ruins - Disguised Ashei
1 Twilight Mirror Shard -> 18 Lich Shards
1 Yeto Mask -> 1 Twilight Mirror Shard
1 Yeta Mask -> 1 Twilight Mirror Shard
1 Twilight Mirror Shard -> 1 Glacial Diamond
3 Twilight Mirror Shard -> 1 Mirror of Twilight [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When in off hand: +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor, Unbreakable]

Shattered Sands - The Heart - Ikea Returns
24 Brick -> 1 Emerald
24 Nether Brick -> 1 Emerald
3 Red Nether Bricks -> 1 Emerald
3 Magma Block -> 1 Emerald
8 Chorus Fruit -> 1 Emerald
32 End Stone -> 1 Emerald
24 Soul Sand -> 1 Emerald
3 End Rod -> 1 Emerald
32 Mycelium -> 1 Emerald
5 Bone Block -> 1 Emerald
12 Nether Quartz -> 1 Emerald
3 Sea Lantern -> 1 Emerald
16 Black Dye -> 1 Emerald
3 Obsidian -> 1 Emerald
8 Block of Coal -> 3 Emerald
9 Crying Obsidian -> 1 Emerald

Realm of Darkness - Gate to the Dark - D.i.Z.
64 Abyssal Crystal + 13 Dusk Gem -> 1 Dark Realm Keyblade [Bane of Arthropods 13, Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Knockback 5, Mending, Protection 7, Sharpness 13, Smite 13, Unbreaking 13] [When in main hand: +20 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, +0.1 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +130 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor Toughness] [When in off hand: +22 Attack Damage, +460 Knockback Resistance]
64 Abyssal Crystal + 13 Abyssal Basin Crystal -> 1 Dark Realm Hood [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 10, Protection 7, Respiration 66, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness]
64 Abyssal Crystal + 13 Realm Fragment -> 1 Dark Realm Cloak [Blast Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Abyssal Crystal + 13 Umbra Jewel -> 1 Dark Realm Leggings [Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Abyssal Crystal + 13 Dusk Crystal -> 1 Dark Realm Boots [Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Protection 7, Soul Speed 5, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]
64 Abyssal Crystal + 20 Radiant Gem -> 1 Light Realm Keyblade [Bane of Arthropods 13, Efficiency 10, Fire Aspect 5, Looting 4, Protection 7, Sharpness 13, Smite 13] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +0.15 Speed, +3 Attack Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +20 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +4 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable]

Realm of Darkness - Final Rest - D.i.Z.
1 Ansem Report 1 + 1 Ansem Report 2 -> 1 Encoded Reports 1
1 Ansem Report 3 + 1 Ansem Report 4 -> 1 Encoded Reports 2
1 Encoded Reports 1 + 1 Encoded Reports 2 -> 1 Encoded Reports 3
1 Ansem Report 5 + 1 Ansem Report 6 -> 1 Encoded Reports 4
1 Encoded Reports 3 + 1 Encoded Reports 4 -> 1 Encoded Ansem Report Vol.1

Realm of Darkness - Final Room - D.i.Z.
3 Abyssal Orb -> 9 Abyssal Shard
1 Abyssal Pearl -> 18 Abyssal Shard
1 Abyssal Crystal -> 27 Abyssal Shard
16 Abyssal Orb + 16 Abyssal Orb -> 1 Abyssal Pearl
16 Abyssal Pearl + 16 Abyssal Pearl -> 1 Abyssal Crystal
1 Radiant Gem -> 9 Abyssal Shard
2 Abyssal Shard + 1 Radiant Gem -> 32 Bottle o' Enchanting
3 Abyssal Shard + 3 Radiant Gem -> 1 Bottle of Darkness
1 Abyss Berry -> 18 Abyssal Shard
3 Abyssal Orb + 1 Abyss Berry -> 5 Enchanted Golden Apple
4 Abyssal Orb + 4 Abyss Berry -> 3 Iðunn Apple [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed]
1 Heartstone -> 27 Abyssal Shard
4 Abyssal Pearl + 1 Heartstone -> 1 Pure Golden Ingot
5 Abyssal Pearl + 5 Heartstone -> 5 Pure Diamond
1 Elder God Idol -> 36 Abyssal Shard
5 Abyssal Crystal + 1 Elder God Idol -> 1 Merit Voucher
6 Abyssal Crystal + 6 Elder God Idol -> 2 Transverse Token
1 Dusk Gem -> 3 Abyssal Crystal
1 Abyssal Basin Crystal -> 3 Abyssal Crystal
1 Realm Fragment -> 3 Abyssal Crystal
1 Umbra Jewel -> 3 Abyssal Crystal
1 Dusk Crystal -> 3 Abyssal Crystal

Realm of Darkness - Final Room - ???
1 Shadow Mask -> 8 Abyssal Shard
1 Demon Tower Mask -> 4 Abyssal Orb
1 Neoshadow Mask -> 2 Abyssal Pearl
1 Darkside Mask -> 1 Abyssal Crystal
1 Shadow Carrion Mask -> 2 Wilderness Emerald
1 Shadow Stalker Mask -> 2 Glacial Diamond
1 Dark Automaton Mask -> 2 Draconic Ruby
1 Angel Star Mask -> 1 Radiant Gem
1 Dark Hide Mask -> 3 Netherite Ingot
1 Invisible Mask -> 1 Abyss Berry
1 Behemoth Mask -> 1 Heartstone
1 Arch Behemoth Mask -> 8 Abyssal Crystal
1 Darkling Aqua Mask -> 8 Abyssal Crystal
1 Darkside Ω Mask -> 8 Abyssal Crystal
1 Hunter in the Dark Mask -> 8 Abyssal Crystal
1 Dark Inferno Mask -> 8 Abyssal Crystal
1 Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Mask -> 3 Abyssal Crystal

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Frank
20 Horseman Point -> 1 Merit Voucher
5 Horseman Point -> 1 Famine's Personal Candy Stash [Nausea (0:30), Blindness (0:30), Hunger (0:30), Bad Luck (833:19)] [When Applied: -9 Luck, +180% Speed]
5 Horseman Point -> 1 Conquest's Mushroom Soup [When in off hand: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor]
5 Horseman Point -> 1 Bob of War [When in main hand: Unbreakable, -6 Attack Speed, -6 Attack Damage]
5 Horseman Point -> 1 Seeds of Time [Curse of Binding 6, Thorns 6] [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Syrup of the Moose [Slowness (4:00), Slowness 4 (4:00), Glowing (4:00)] [When Applied: -15% Speed, -60% Speed, Blast Protection 7, Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 7, Thorns 10] [When in off hand: +7 Armor Toughness, +70 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor]
50 Horseman Point -> 1 Malediction [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
50 Horseman Point -> 1 Detestation [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 7, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
40 Horseman Point -> 1 Execration [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
60 Horseman Point -> 1 Desecration+ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 7, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
50 Horseman Point -> 1 Revulsion [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
25 Horseman Point -> 8 Apple of the Nephilim [When in off hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed]
10 Horseman Point -> 1 Watcher Skull [Curse of Binding, Infinity, Soul Speed 6] [When on head: -0.08 Speed, -18 Max Health, -5 Attack Speed, -30 Attack Damage, -100 Knockback Resistance, -20 Armor Toughness, -50 Armor]
32 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Starvation [Invisibility 6 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Hunger 3 (1666:39), Absorption 5 (1666:39)]
32 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Subjugation [Haste 3 (1666:39), Resistance 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Glowing 6 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +30% Attack Speed]
32 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Conflict [Strength 3 (1666:39), Fire Resistance 6 (1666:39), Nausea (1666:39), Luck 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +3 Luck, +9 Attack Damage]
32 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Oblivion [Water Breathing 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Bad Luck 6 (1666:39), Conduit Power 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: -6 Luck]
32 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Lunacy [Speed 6 (1666:39), Blindness 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Dolphin's Grace 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +120% Speed]

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Wicked Witch
64 Horseman Point + 16 Horseman Point -> 1 Affliction [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Gravesire [Efficiency 7, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Wychwood Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Wychwood Shard

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Innuit Witch
64 Horseman Point + 16 Horseman Point -> 1 White Anguish [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
50 Horseman Point -> 32 Bleak Tranquility [Slowness 2, Blindness 2, Wither 2, Glowing 2, Levitation 2] [Knockback 5]
64 Lich Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Lich Shard

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - War's Chosen
64 Horseman Point + 32 Horseman Point -> 1 Black Mercy [Flame 3, Infinity, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Power 6, Punch 4, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Earth Reaver [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 3, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Demon Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Demon Shard

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Pumpkin Merchant
64 Horseman Point + 64 Horseman Point -> 1 Absolution [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 3, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Mortis [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +1 Attack Speed, +0.02 Speed] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.02 Speed, Unbreakable]
64 Abyssal Shard -> 1 Transverse Token
1 Transverse Token -> 64 Abyssal Shard

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Gaunter O'Dimm
64 Horseman Point + 48 Horseman Point -> 1 Lamentation [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 5, Impaling 12, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Anathema [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Riptide 5, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Madness Shard -> 1 Transverse Token

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Frank
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Famine's Personal Candy Stash [Nausea (0:30), Blindness (0:30), Hunger (0:30), Bad Luck (833:19)] [When Applied: -9 Luck, +180% Speed]
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Conquest's Mushroom Soup [When in off hand: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor]
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Bob of War [When in main hand: Unbreakable, -6 Attack Speed, -6 Attack Damage]
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Seeds of Time [Curse of Binding 6, Thorns 6] [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed]
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Syrup of the Moose [Slowness (4:00), Slowness 4 (4:00), Glowing (4:00)] [When Applied: -15% Speed, -60% Speed, Blast Protection 7, Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 7, Thorns 10] [When in off hand: +7 Armor Toughness, +70 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Malediction [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Detestation [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 7, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
20 Horseman Point -> 1 Execration [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Desecration+ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 7, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Revulsion [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
10 Horseman Point -> 8 Apple of the Nephilim [When in off hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed]
5 Horseman Point -> 1 Watcher Skull [Curse of Binding, Infinity, Soul Speed 6] [When on head: -0.08 Speed, -18 Max Health, -5 Attack Speed, -30 Attack Damage, -100 Knockback Resistance, -20 Armor Toughness, -50 Armor]

Creeper Citadel - Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Armorer
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Whip [Knockback 10, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Bow [Infinity, Power 5, Punch 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Sword [Fire Aspect 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Scythe [Looting 3, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +5 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Trident [Channeling, Impaling 5, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Horsemen Acolyte Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Horsemen Event Trader
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Desecration [When in main hand: Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Helm [When on head: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Chestplate [When on body: +9 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Grieves [When on legs: +7 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Boots [When on feet: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Axe [When in main hand: +11 Armor, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point + 1 Merit Voucher -> 1 Dreadnought Shield [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token + 3 Merit Voucher -> 1 2020 Halloween Event Chest
2 Acolyte Token + 10 Merit Voucher -> 1 2021 Halloween Event Chest

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Points Trader
15 Horseman Point -> 1 Merit Voucher
1 Acolyte Token -> 45 Horseman Point
1 Acolyte Token -> 3 Merit Voucher
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Acolyte Banner
1 Horseman Point -> 32 Golden Apple
2 Horseman Point -> 16 Enchanted Golden Apple
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Purple Shulker Box
3 Horseman Point -> 1 White Shulker Box
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Red Shulker Box
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Black Shulker Box
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Gray Shulker Box
1 Horseman Point -> 11 Coal Block
1 Horseman Point -> 32 Raw Iron
1 Horseman Point -> 32 Raw Copper
1 Horseman Point -> 8 Redstone Dust
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Lapis Lazuli
1 Horseman Point -> 24 Raw Gold
1 Horseman Point -> 48 Nether Quartz
1 Horseman Point -> 4 Emerald
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Glowstone Dust
1 Horseman Point -> 40 Blaze Rod
1 Horseman Point -> 4 Diamond
1 Horseman Point -> 2 Ancient Debris
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Transverse Token

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Lamplighter
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Beacon
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Conduit
3 Horseman Point -> 16 Sponge
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Elytra
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Fire Resistance Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Dolphin's Grace Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Luck Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Night Vision Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Glowing Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Slow Falling Beacon
1 Acolyte Token -> 1 Darkness Beacon
2 Acolyte Token -> 1 Conduit Power Beacon

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Black Market
30 Horseman Point -> 2 Cow Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 2 Pig Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 2 Rabbit Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 2 Sheep Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Donkey Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Horse Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Mule Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Cat Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Ocelot Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Fox Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Wolf Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Llama Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Trader Llama Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Panda Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 (Passive) Polar Bear Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Glow Squid Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Squid Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Bat Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Parrot Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Dolphin Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Temperate)
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Warm)
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Frog Spawn Egg (Cold)
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Goat Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Strider Spawn Egg
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Allay Spawn Egg
60 Horseman Point -> 1 Villager Spawn Egg
60 Horseman Point -> 1 Shulker Spawn Egg
60 Horseman Point -> 1 (Passive) Piglin Spawn Egg
60 Horseman Point -> 1 (Passive) Hoglin Spawn Egg

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Famine Office - Frank (Famine)
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Wychwood Shard
2 Horseman Point -> 4 Wildwood Orb
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Wilderness Emerald
2 Horseman Point -> 1 Siphoned Essence
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Charred Soul Fragment
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Banner of Famine
1 Acolyte Token + 64 Wilderness Emerald -> 1 Ravaiim Blood
8 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Starvation [Invisibility 6 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Hunger 3 (1666:39), Absorption 5 (1666:39)]
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Dungeon Key - Fury
60 Horseman Point -> 1 Affliction [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
40 Horseman Point -> 1 Gravesire [Efficiency 7, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Malediction [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
3 Acolyte Token + 32 Wilderness Emerald -> 1 Affliction+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.7 Attack Speed, +66 Luck, Unbreakable]
2 Acolyte Token + 16 Wilderness Emerald -> 1 Gravesire+ [Efficiency 8, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Protection 8, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, +66 Luck, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token + 8 Wilderness Emerald -> 1 Malediction+ [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck]
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Acolyte Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 32 Wilderness Emerald
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 9 Transverse Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Block of Netherite

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Conquest Office - Frank (Conquest)
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Lich Shard
2 Horseman Point -> 4 Frost Orb
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Glacial Diamond
2 Horseman Point -> 1 Zaryte Shard
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Tuska Hide
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Banner of Conquest
1 Acolyte Token + 64 Glacial Diamond -> 1 Ravaiim Blood
8 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Subjugation [Haste 3 (1666:39), Resistance 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Glowing 6 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +30% Attack Speed]
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Frozen Prison Key
60 Horseman Point -> 1 White Anguish [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Bleak Tranquility [Slowness 2, Blindness 2, Wither 2, Glowing 2, Levitation 2] [Knockback 5]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Detestation [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 7, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
3 Acolyte Token + 32 Glacial Diamond -> 1 White Anguish+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +6 Attack Speed, +66 Luck, Unbreakable]
2 Acolyte Token + 16 Glacial Diamond -> 1 Bleak Tranquility+ [Slowness 3, Blindness 3, Wither 3, Glowing 3, Levitation 3] [Knockback 6]
1 Acolyte Token + 8 Glacial Diamond -> 1 Detestation+ [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 8, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck]
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Acolyte Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 32 Glacial Diamond
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 9 Transverse Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Block of Netherite

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - War Office - Frank (War)
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Demon Shard
2 Horseman Point -> 4 Draconic Orb
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Draconic Ruby
2 Horseman Point -> 1 Anima Fragment
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Bottled Eternal Fire
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Banner of War
1 Acolyte Token + 64 Draconic Ruby -> 1 Ravaiim Blood
8 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Conflict [Strength 3 (1666:39), Fire Resistance 6 (1666:39), Nausea (1666:39), Luck 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +3 Luck, +9 Attack Damage]
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Priw Mundi Carving
64 Horseman Point + 11 Horseman Point -> 1 Black Mercy [Flame 3, Infinity, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Power 6, Punch 4, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
45 Horseman Point -> 1 Earth Reaver [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 3, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Horseman Point -> 1 Execration [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
3 Acolyte Token + 32 Draconic Ruby -> 1 Black Mercy+ [Flame 4, Infinity, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Power 6, Punch 5, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +66 Luck, Unbreakable]
2 Acolyte Token + 16 Draconic Ruby -> 1 Earth Reaver+ [Efficiency 8, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 4, Looting 3, Protection 8, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, +66 Luck, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token + 8 Draconic Ruby -> 1 Execration+ [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 8, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck]
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Acolyte Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 32 Draconic Ruby
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 9 Transverse Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Block of Netherite

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Death Office - Frank (Death)
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Abyssal Shard
2 Horseman Point -> 4 Abyssal Orb
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Abyssal Pearl
2 Horseman Point -> 1 COMING SOON :tm:
3 Horseman Point -> 1 Lump of Horror
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Banner of Death
1 Acolyte Token + 64 Abyssal Pearl -> 1 Ravaiim Blood
8 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Oblivion [Water Breathing 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Bad Luck 6 (1666:39), Conduit Power 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: -6 Luck]
3 Horseman Point -> 1 COMING SOON :tm:
64 Horseman Point + 16 Horseman Point -> 1 Absolution [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 3, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
45 Horseman Point -> 1 Mortis [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +1 Attack Speed, +0.02 Speed] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.02 Speed, Unbreakable]
30 Horseman Point -> 1 Desecration+ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 7, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
3 Acolyte Token + 32 Abyssal Pearl -> 1 Absolution+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 4, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +21 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
2 Acolyte Token + 16 Abyssal Pearl -> 1 Mortis+ [Blast Protection 6, Fire Protection 6, Knockback 6, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +2 Attack Speed] [When in off hand: +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +5 Armor Toughness, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token + 8 Abyssal Pearl -> 1 Desecration++ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 8, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +11 Luck, Unbreakable]
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Acolyte Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 32 Abyssal Pearl
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 9 Transverse Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Block of Netherite

Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Frank Office - Frank (Frank)
1 Horseman Point -> 16 Madness Shard
2 Horseman Point -> 4 Insanity Orb
4 Horseman Point -> 1 Insanity Crystal
2 Horseman Point -> 1 COMING SOON :tm:
3 Horseman Point -> 1 COMING SOON :tm:
1 Horseman Point -> 1 Banner of Frank
1 Acolyte Token + 64 Insanity Orb -> 1 Ravaiim Blood
8 Horseman Point -> 1 Draught of Lunacy [Speed 6 (1666:39), Blindness 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Dolphin's Grace 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +120% Speed]
3 Horseman Point -> 1 COMING SOON :tm:
64 Horseman Point + 8 Horseman Point -> 1 Lamentation [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 5, Impaling 12, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
45 Horseman Point -> 1 Anathema [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Riptide 5, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
25 Horseman Point -> 1 Revulsion [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed]
3 Acolyte Token + 32 Insanity Crystal -> 1 Lamentation+ [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 6, Impaling 12, Knockback 6, Looting 4, Loyalty 6, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.5 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
2 Acolyte Token + 16 Insanity Crystal -> 1 Anathema+ [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 6, Looting 3, Loyalty 6, Riptide 6, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.3 Attack Speed, Unbreakable]
1 Acolyte Token + 8 Insanity Crystal -> 1 Revulsion+ [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: +11 Luck, Unbreakable]
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Acolyte Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 32 Insanity Crystal
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 9 Transverse Token
1 Ravaiim Blood -> 1 Block of Netherite

Science Isles - Sky Pillar - Happy Mask Salesman
1 Ancient Golem Regirock Totem -> 1 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Golem Regirock Totem (Shiny) -> 3 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Golem Regice Totem -> 1 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Golem Regice Totem (Shiny) -> 3 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Golem Registeel Totem -> 1 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Golem Registeel Totem (Shiny) -> 3 Raw Platinum
1 Ancient Titan Regigigas Bust -> 1 Platinum Ingot
1 Ancient Titan Regigigas Bust (Shiny) -> 3 Platinum Ingot

Science Isles - Ivaldi's Dragon Forge - Ivaldi, Master Craftsman
1 Raw Platinum + 4 Netherite Ingot -> 1 Platinum Ingot
1 Raw Platinum -> 8 Raw Gold
1 Raw Platinum -> 4 Ancient Debris
1 Platinum Ingot -> 2 Block of Gold
2 Platinum Ingot -> 1 Block of Netherite
25 Dragon Shards + 1 Iron Pickaxe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shards + 1 Iron Pickaxe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shards + 1 Iron Shovel -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shards + 1 Iron Axe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
25 Dragon Shards + 1 Iron Hoe -> 1 Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck]
22 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
22 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
20 Pure Golden Ore + 1 Pure Diamond -> 1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Stone [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
1 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Earth [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
3 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]
2 Pure Diamond + 1 Unholy Anima -> 1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck]

Isle of Insanity - Frank's Forge - Gaunter O'Dimm
30 Madness Shard + Placeholder -> 1 Berserk Armor Helmet [Curse of Binding, Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
50 Madness Shard + Placeholder -> 1 Berserk Armor Chestplate [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +9 Armor, -4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
40 Madness Shard + Placeholder -> 1 Berserk Armor Greaves [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +7 Armor, -3 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
30 Madness Shard + Placeholder -> 1 Berserk Armor Boots [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance]
50 Madness Shard + 10 Insanity Orb -> 1 Dragon Slayer [Bane of Arthropods 6, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, -3 Max Health, +0.06 Speed, +2.6 Attack Speed]
64 Horseman Point + 48 Horseman Point -> 1 Lamentation [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 5, Impaling 12, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
64 Horseman Point -> 1 Anathema [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Riptide 5, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable]
16 Insanity Orb + 16 Insanity Orb -> 1 Insanity Crystal
3 Insanity Orb -> 9 Madness Shard
1 Insanity Crystal -> 18 Madness Shard
16 Bone -> 1 Emerald
16 Arrow -> 1 Emerald
8 Arrow of Slowness -> 1 Emerald
7 Raw Copper -> 1 Emerald
4 Amethyst Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Madness Shard -> 16 Baked Potato
27 Madness Shard -> 1 Enchanted Golden Apple
9 Madness Shard -> 16 Calcite
9 Madness Shard -> 16 Tuff
9 Madness Shard -> 24 Coal
9 Madness Shard -> 8 Raw Iron
9 Madness Shard -> 8 Raw Copper
9 Madness Shard -> 2 Redstone Dust
9 Madness Shard -> 4 Lapis Lazuli
9 Madness Shard -> 6 Raw Gold
9 Madness Shard -> 12 Nether Quartz
9 Madness Shard -> 1 Emerald
9 Madness Shard -> 4 Glowstone Dust
9 Madness Shard -> 10 Blaze Rod
9 Madness Shard -> 1 Diamond
18 Madness Shard -> 1 Ancient Debris
64 Madness Shard -> 1 Transverse Token

Isle of Insanity - Frank's Forge - Happy Mask Salesman
1 Scion of Madness Mask -> 9 Madness Shard
1 Scion of Madness Mask -> 1 Insanity Orb
1 Archfiend Mask -> 18 Madness Shard
1 Archfiend Mask -> 2 Insanity Orb

Hunter's Lodge - Leprechaun Slayer St. Patrick's Day Special NPC
32 Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 1 Bag of 4-Leaf Clovers [Sharpness 7, Fire Aspect 7] [When in main hand: +7 Luck]
32 Odd Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 1 Golden Bag of 4-Leaf Clovers [Sharpness 7, Smite 1, Fire Aspect 7] [When in main hand: +17 Luck]
64 Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 1 Leprechaun's Demise [Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Knockback 3, Fire Aspect 3, Looting 1, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +777 Luck, +0.01 Speed]
64 Odd Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 1 Odd Leprechaun's Demise [Sharpness 4, Smite 4, Knockback 4, Fire Aspect 4, Looting 2, Sweeping Edge 4, Unbreaking 4, Mending] [When in main hand: +777 Luck, +0.01 Speed, +0.07 Attack Speed, +0.05 Attack Damage]
64 Leprechaun Gold Coin + 64 Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 2 Block of Raw Gold
64 Odd Leprechaun Gold Coin + 64 Odd Leprechaun Gold Coin -> 4 Block of Raw Gold

Easter Island - Baked Goods Chef Thumper
64 Nantes carrots + 64 Nantes carrots -> 4 Block of Emerald
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Wooden Pickaxe -> 1 Toothpick [Efficiency 6, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable]
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Wooden Shovel -> 1 Wooden Spoon [Efficiency 6, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable]
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Wooden Hoe -> 1 Pie Slicer [Efficiency 6, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable]
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Trident -> 1 Dessert Fork [Efficiency 6, Loyalty 1]
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Golden Sword -> 1 [Efficiency 6, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable]
16 Nantes carrots + 1 Shears -> 1 Tongs [Efficiency 6]
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Bowl of Cookies
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Crunchy Cookie Plate
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Vanilla Cake
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Strawberry Shortcake
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Twinkie
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Blackberry Lattice Pie
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Blueberry Pie
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Key Lime Pie
10 Nantes carrots -> 1 Pumpkin Pie
64 Nantes carrots -> 1 Carrot Minion Mask

Easter Island - Receptionist
4 Nantes carrots -> 8 Moss Carpet
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Moss Block
12 Nantes carrots -> 1 Azalea
12 Nantes carrots -> 1 Flowering Azalea
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Glow Berries
64 Nantes carrots + 64 Nantes carrots -> 2 Small Dripleaf
64 Nantes carrots + 64 Nantes carrots -> 1 Big Dripleaf
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Clay
64 Nantes carrots -> 1 Spore Blossom
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Glow Lichen
4 Nantes carrots -> 4 Amethyst Shard
4 Nantes carrots -> 1 Block of Amethyst
32 Nantes carrots + 1 Amethyst Cluster -> 1 Budding Amethyst
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Calcite
4 Nantes carrots -> 2 Smooth Basalt
64 Nantes carrots + 64 Nantes carrots -> 4 Block of Emerald

Easter Island - Peter Cottontail Easter Special NPC
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 2020 Easter Basket
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 2021 Easter Basket
1 Merit Voucher -> 1 2022 Easter Basket

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Everything you need and more!

Back to Challenge Area Thread
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Exchange Counter
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 101 - 121
Index of Moosemart Floor 1 - Moosemart BAY 122 - 142
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 201 - 219
Index of Moosemart Floor 2 - Challenge Areas BAY 220 - 238
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 301 - 319
Index of Moosemart Floor 3 - Horsemen Areas BAY 320 - 338
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 401 - 419
Index of Moosemart Floor 4 - P.C.C.A. BAY 420 - 438
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 501 - 519
Index of Moosemart Floor 5 - Merit Merchants BAY 520 - 538
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs
Index of Moosemart Floor # - Unlisted NPCs Cont.
Index of Moosemart Floor 0 - Box of Twix

Floor 0
Box of Twix


Vending Machine #1 (Pink)
48 Emerald Block -> 1728 Flight 3 Rocket (1 Shulker Full)
960 Emerald Block (15 Stacks) -> 1728 Redstone Block (1 Shulker Full)
341 Emerald Block (6 Stacks) -> 1728 TNT (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Ice (1 Shulker Full)
64 Emerald Block -> 1728 Candles (Plain) (1 Shulker Full)
384 Emerald Block (6 Stacks) -> 1728 Honey Blocks (1 Shulker Full)
836 Emerald Block (14 Stacks) -> 1 Redstoner's Supplies* (1 Shulker Full)
64 Emerald Block -> 1 Railroader's Supplies* (1 Shulker Full)

Vending Machine #2 (Yellow)
5 Emerald Block -> 1728 Mud (1 Shulker Full)
5 Emerald Block -> 1728 Packed Mud (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Bricks (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Quartz Block (1 Shulker Full)
24 Emerald Block -> 1728 Sand (1 Shulker Full)
384 Emerald Block (6 Stacks) -> 1728 Tinted Glass (1 Shulker Full)
63 Emerald Block -> 1728 Glass (Plain) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Terracotta (Plain) (1 Shulker Full)
1792 Emerald Blocks (28 Stacks) -> 1 Box of Twix Souvenir T-Shirt [+42 Pure Awesomeness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)

Vending Machine #3 (Green)
12 Emerald Block -> 1728 Wheat (1 Shulker Full)
38 Emerald Block -> 1728 Steak (1 Shulker Full)
960 Emerald Block (15 Stacks) -> 1728 Golden Carrots (1 Shulker Full)
64 Emerald Block -> 1728 Cooked Porkchops (1 Shulker Full)
1152 Emerald Block (18 Stacks) -> 1728 Redstone Lamps (1 Shulker Full)
768 Emerald Block (12 Stacks) -> 1728 Glowstone (1 Shulker Full)
384 Emerald Block (6 Stacks) -> 1728 Shroomlights (1 Shulker Full)
12 Emerald Block -> 1728 Torches (1 Shulker Full)

Vending Machine #4 (Rainbow Corner)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Wool (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Glass (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Concrete (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Concrete Powder (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Terracotta (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
192 Emerald Block (3 Stacks) -> 1728 Glazed Terracotta (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
64 Emerald Block -> 1728 Candle (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)
32 Emerald Block -> 1728 Dye (all 16 colours available) (1 Shulker Full)

Exchange Machine
16 Rotten Flesh -> 1 Emerald
16 Bone -> 1 Emerald
16 Arrow -> 1 Emerald
16 String -> 1 Emerald
16 Spider Eye -> 1 Emerald
16 Gunpowder -> 1 Emerald
66 Ender Pearl -> 1 Emerald
25 Phantom Membrane -> 1 Emerald
20 Slime Ball -> 1 Emerald
1 Slime Block -> 1 Emerald
16 Egg -> 1 Emerald
11 Feather -> 1 Emerald
12 Flint -> 1 Emerald
9 Poppy -> 1 Emerald
22 Bamboo -> 1 Emerald
22 Wheat Seed -> 1 Emerald
22 Wheat -> 1 Emerald
32 Stick -> 1 Emerald
9 Rose Bush -> 1 Emerald

Conversion Machine #1 (North)
(Any amount of each taken and converted)
1 Dirt -> 1 Rooted Dirt
1 Stone -> 1 Deepslate
1 Flint -> 1 Gravel
1 Rooted Dirt -> 1 Mud Bricks
1 Bone Block -> 1 Calcite
1 Campfire -> 1 Soul Campfire
1 Grass Block -> 1 Crimson Nylium
1 Cobblestone -> 1 Cobbled Deepslate
1 Deepslate -> 1 Cobbled Deepslate

Conversion Machine #2 (West)
(Any amount of each taken and converted)
1 Dirt -> 1 Mycelium
1 Stone -> 1 Polished Blackstone
1 Stone Bricks -> 1 Deepslate Bricks
1 Mycelium -> 1 Mud
1 Netherrack -> 1 Magma Block
1 Lantern -> 1 Soul Lantern
1 Grass Block -> 1 Warped Nylium
1 Soul Sand -> 1 Soul Soil
1 Gravel -> 1 Soul Soil

Conversion Machine #3 (South)
(Any amount of each taken and converted)
1 Dirt -> 1 Podzol
1 Stone -> 1 Cobblestone
1 Gravel -> 1 Tuff
1 Podzol -> 1 Packed Mud
1 Cobblestone -> 1 Blackstone
1 Torch -> 1 Soul Torch
1 Grass Block -> 1 Dirt
1 Stone Bricks -> 1 Polished Blackstone Bricks
1 Sand -> 1 Red Sand

*Railroader's Supplies
576 Rail (9 Stacks)
576 Powered Rail (9 Stacks)
256 Detector Rail (4 Stacks)
256 Activator Rail (4 Stacks)
64 Redstone Torch

*Redstoner's Supplies
64 Slime Block
64 Powered Rail
64 Lever
128 Redstone Dust (2 Stacks)
64 Redstone Block
64 Redstone Torch
64 Sculk Sensor
64 Honey Block
192 Hopper (3 Stacks)
128 Redstone Repeater (2 Stacks)
64 Redstone Comparator
192 Observer (3 Stacks)
64 Dropper
64 Target Block
64 Redstone Lamp
128 Sticky Piston (2 Stacks)
64 Piston
64 Tripwire Hook
64 Note Block
64 Dispenser