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Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Completion Certificates
1 Hero of the Woods [Infinity] (Skull Banner Pattern)
1 Mask of Calamity Ganon (Player Head)
1 Master of the Soul [Infinity] (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Nomad Mask (Player Head)
1 Master of the Prison [Infinity] (Flower Banner Pattern)
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask (Player Head)
1 Master of the Heart [Infinity] (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Telos Mask (Player Head)
1 Master of the Divine [Infinity] (Mojang Banner Pattern)
1 Divine Tempest (Nether Star) ((Display Only))

Laurasia - Creeper Citadel
1 Zombie Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Skeleton Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Creeper Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Spider Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Zombified Piglin Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Drowned Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Illager Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Piglin Prizeroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Combat Training Helmet [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Helmet)
1 Combat Training Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Combat Training Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Leggings)
1 Combat Training Boots [Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Boots)
1 Combat Training Sword [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Sword)
1 Combat Training Shield [Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Shield)
1 Combat Training Bow [Infinity, Mending, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)
1 Combat Training Trident (Trident)
1 Combat Training Crossbow [Quick Charge 3, Unbreaking 3, Mending] (Crossbow)
1 Statues V2.5 (Book)
1 Chest o' Enchanting (Chest)
1 Box of Twix Souvenir T-Shirt [When on body: +42 Pure Awesomeness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Cake (Cake)
1 Transverse Token (Disc Fragment 5)

Laurasia - The End - Dragon Merchant
1 Dragon Head (Dragon Head)
1 Dragon Egg (Dragon Egg)
1 Dragon's Breath (Dragon Breath)
4 Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Dragon's Soul [Haste 2 (40:00), Night Vision (40:00)] (Potion)
1 Dragon's Blood [Flame 4, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +2 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Bow)
1 Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Shovel)
1 Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Axe)
1 Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Hoe)

Laurasia - The End - Dragon Priests
1 Demon King Scythe [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 3, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 7, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +15 Mob Follow Range, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Attack Speed] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Mask of Miraak [Thorns 6] [When on head: +15 Mob Follow Range, -2 Max Health, +3 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, -3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, -3 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Mask of Konahrik [Infinity, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 5] [When on head: +6 Max Health, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Broken Mask of Konahrik [Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4] (Player Head)
1 Wooden Mask (Player Head)
1 Mask of Nahkriin (Player Head)
1 Mask of Rahgot (Player Head)
1 Mask of Morokei (Player Head)
1 Mask of Volsung (Player Head)
1 Mask of Krosis (Player Head)
1 Mask of Hevnoraak (Player Head)
1 Mask of Otar (Player Head)
1 Mask of Vokun (Player Head)
4 Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:03), Weakness (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
3 Greater Shock Arrow [Slowness (0:06), Weakness (0:06)] (Tipped Arrow)
3 Greater Smoke Arrow [Mining Fatigue (0:03), Blindness (0:07)] (Tipped Arrow)
3 Greater Blood Arrow [Instant Damage (0:00)] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Dragon Priest Banner (Black Banner)
1 Dragon Shard (Blaze Rod)

Laurasia - Overworld Dragon Priests
1 Dragon Essence Alpha (Chorus Plant)
1 Dragon Essence Omega (Chorus Plant)
1 Dragon Anima (Chorus Flower)
1 Mask of Zahkriisos (Player Head)
1 Mask of Dukaan (Player Head)
1 Mask of Ahzidal (Player Head)
1 Vahlok Skull (Player Head)
1 Dragon Lord Alduin Mask (Dragon Head)
1 Elder Dragon Wings [Blast Protection 8, Fire Protection 8, Flame 8, Protection 8] [When on body: +9 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Elytra)
1 Dragon Fang [Fire Aspect 6, Knockback 7, Looting 3, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +2 Attack Speed, +13 Attack Damage] (Dragon Head)
1 Off-hand Dragon Fang [Fire Aspect 6, Knockback 7, Looting 3, Sharpness 5] [When in off hand: +2 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, +7 Knockback Resistance] (Dragon Head)

Laurasia - Lemuria
1 Helm of Sauron [Curse of Binding, Thorns 6] [When on head: +100 Mob Follow Range, -10 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
1 Mace of Sauron [Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 9, Smite 9, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -10 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, -10 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Sæhrímnir Bacon [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed] [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed] (Cooked Porkchop)
1 JarJar Diety Mask (Player Head)
1 Herbed Fish (Suspicious Stew)
1 Three-Flavored Mititei (Suspicious Stew)
1 Tochitura de Pui (Suspicious Stew)
1 Bird and Beast Pilaf (Suspicious Stew)
1 Ciorba de Porc (Suspicious Stew)
1 Sarmale de Peste (Suspicious Stew)
1 Void Shard (Echo Shard)
1 Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Iron Hoe)
1 Golden Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Golden Hoe)
1 Diamond Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Hoe)

Laurasia - Kaikon Supermarket - Fresh Goods
1 Empty Grocery Bag (Player Head)
1 Full Grocery Bag (Player Head)
1 Apple (Player Head)
1 Orange (Player Head)
1 Peach (Player Head)
1 Pear (Player Head)
1 Plum (Player Head)
1 Banana Bunch (Player Head)
1 Tomato (Player Head)
1 Carrots (Player Head)
1 Lettuce (Player Head)
1 Cabbage (Player Head)
1 Potato (Player Head)
1 White Onion (Player Head)
1 Red Onion (Player Head)
1 Ground Beef (Player Head)
1 Bacon (Player Head)
1 Ham (Player Head)
1 Whole Chicken (Player Head)
1 Gallon of Milk (Player Head)
1 Gallon of Orange Juice (Player Head)
1 Block of Cheese (Player Head)
1 Glazed Donut (Player Head)
1 Chocolate Donut (Player Head)
1 White Chocolate Donut (Player Head)
1 Pink Frosted Donut (Player Head)
1 Confetti Donut (Player Head)
1 Chocolate Drizzle Donut (Player Head)
1 Chocolate Cupcake (Player Head)
1 Pink Cupcake (Player Head)
1 Confetti Cupcake (Player Head)
1 Cream Cheese Bagel (Player Head)
1 Poppyseed Bagel (Player Head)
1 Boquet of Roses (Player Head)
1 Boquet of Cosmos (Player Head)
1 Boquet of Lotus Flowers (Player Head)
1 Boquet of Irises (Player Head)
1 Boquet of Cactus Flowers (Player Head)

Laurasia - Kaikon Supermarket - Dry Goods
1 Cheerios (Player Head)
1 Raisin Bran (Player Head)
1 Corn Flakes (Player Head)
1 Special K (Player Head)
1 Poptarts (Player Head)
1 Raisins (Player Head)
1 Chocolate Chip Cookies (Player Head)
1 Oreos (Player Head)
1 Packaged Bread (Player Head)
1 Peanut Butter (Player Head)
1 Nutella (Player Head)
1 Strawberry Jam (Player Head)
1 Honey Jar (Player Head)
1 Ketchup (Player Head)
1 Mustard (Player Head)
1 Mayonnaise (Player Head)
1 BBQ Sauce (Player Head)
1 Salad Dressing (Player Head)
1 Pasta Sauce (Player Head)
1 Can of Soup (Player Head)
1 Can of Beans (Player Head)
1 Stack of Pizzas (Player Head)
1 Pizza Rolls (Player Head)
1 Frozen Waffles (Player Head)
1 Kinder Surprise (Player Head)
1 Jelly Beans (Player Head)
1 Beef Jerky (Player Head)
1 Laundry Soap (Player Head)
1 Toilet Paper (Player Head)
1 Paper Towels (Player Head)
1 Newspapers (Player Head)
1 Newspapers (Player Head)
1 Coca Cola (Player Head)
1 Sprite (Player Head)
1 Fanta (Player Head)
1 A&W Root Beer (Player Head)
1 Mello Yello (Player Head)
1 Pepsi (Player Head)
1 Mountain Dew (Player Head)
1 Dr. Pepper (Player Head)
1 7UP (Player Head)
1 Arizona Ice Tea (Player Head)
1 Red Bull (Player Head)
1 Monster Energy (Player Head)

Laurasia - Guidebooks
1 Post Office Instructions Guide (Written Book)
1 Science Repair Instructions Guide (Written Book)
1 Mini Mart Instruction Guide (Written Book)
1 Transmog Station Guide (Written Book)
1 Horseman Point Guide (Written Book)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Guide v2.0(Written Book)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Perks & Features (Written Book)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Request Board Guide (Written Book)
1 The End Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 Hunter's Lodge Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 The Lost Woods Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 Wychwood Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 Snowhead Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 Shattered Sands Tour Guide (Written Book)
1 Shoals of the Departed Tour Guide (Written Book)

Laurasia - Apocalyptic Lorebooks
1 Book 0 - Ansem Reports Decoded (Written Book)
1 Book 1 - Unreleased (Written Book)
1 Book 2 - Unreleased (Written Book)
1 Book 3 - Sanctum (Written Book)
1 Book 4 - Port Townshend (Written Book)
1 Book 5 - Byzantium (Written Book)
1 Book 6 - Windgrabah (Written Book)
1 Book 7 - Castle of Famine (Written Book)
1 Book 8 - Castle of Conquest (Written Book)
1 Book 9 - Castle of War (Written Book)
1 Book 10 - Castle of Death (Written Book)
1 Book 11 - Wychwood (Written Book)
1 Book 12 - Ahrim the Blighted (Written Book)
1 Book 13 - Dharok the Wretched (Written Book)
1 Book 14 - Guthan the Infested (Written Book)
1 Book 15 - Karil the Tainted (Written Book)
1 Book 16 - Torag the Corrupted (Written Book)
1 Book 17 - Verac the Defiled (Written Book)
1 Book 18 - Akrisae the Doomed (Written Book)
1 Book 19 - Linza the Disgraced (Written Book)
1 Book 20 - Nomad, Mage of Souls (Written Book)
1 Book 21 - Tuska, the Devourer (Written Book)
1 Book 22 - The Temple of Ancients (Written Book)
1 Book 23 - Snowhead (Written Book)
1 Book 24 - Shattered Sands (Written Book)
1 Book 25 - Ruins of Sydney (Written Book)
1 Book 26 - The Heart (Written Book)
1 Book 27 - The Elder Kiln (Written Book)
1 Book 28 - Sleepy Hollow (Written Book)
1 Book 29 - The Lost City Laputa (Written Book)
1 Book 30 - The Divine Tempest (Written Book)
1 Book 31 - The Dead City R'lyeh (Written Book)
1 Book 32 - Unreleased (Written Book)
1 Book 33 - Kaer Morhen (Written Book)
1 Book 34 - Snowpeak Ruins (Written Book)
1 Book 35 - Dominion Tower (Written Book)
1 Book 36 - Sanctum of Blood (Written Book)
1 Book 37 - Sanctum of Decay (Written Book)
1 Book 38 - Sanctum of Frost (Written Book)
1 Book 39 - Sanctum of Ash (Written Book)
1 Book 40 - Sanctum of Storm (Written Book)
1 Book 41 - Unreleased (Written Book)
1 Book 42 - Unreleased (Written Book)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

The Lost Woods - Misc
1 Wooden Club (Stick)
1 Moblin Cleaver (Iron Sword)
1 Heart [Mending] (Beetroot)
1 Aged Beef (Rotten Flesh)
1 Deku Nuts [Curse of Vanishing] (Beetroot Seeds)
1 Aged Mead [Nausea 2 (0:50), Night Vision 2 (0:50), Hunger (0:50)] (Potion)
1 Enchanted Sea Gourd [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Luck of the Sea 1, Respiration 5] [When on head: +0.05 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Head of the Host (Skeleton Head)
1 Eye of Gohma (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Hylian Travel Bag [15 Steak, 1 Green Potion, 1 Aged Mead] (Blue Shulker Box)
1 Mask of Dark Beast Ganon (Player Head)
1 Mask of Calamity Ganon (Player Head)
1 Ganon Loot Sack (Purple Shulker Box)

The Lost Woods - Pumpkeys
1 North PumpKey [Thorns 1] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 South PumpKey [Thorns 1] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 East PumpKey [Thorns 1] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 West PumpKey [Thorns 1] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Center PumpKey [Thorns 1] (Carved Pumpkin)

The Lost Woods - Forest Sorcerer Artifacts
1 Enchanted Feather [Feather Falling 3] [When in off hand: +3 Max Health, +3 Knockback Resistance] (Feather)
1 Old Spellbook [Infinity] [When in off hand: +2 Attack Damage, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Book)
1 Sorcerer’s Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 3, Frost Walker 3, Mending, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Golden Boots)
1 Magic Wand [Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 1] [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed] (Blaze Rod)
1 Magic Bow [Flame 3, Infinity, Mending, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)

The Lost Woods - Forest Artifacts
1 Staff of the Forest [Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When in off hand: +3 Max Health, +5 Luck, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Wooden Shovel)
1 Ancient Hammer [Knockback 2, Sharpness 3, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Axe)
1 Hylian Bow [Mending, Power 3, Punch 1, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)
1 Wooden Bow [Power 1] (Bow)
1 Dragon Fang [Fire Aspect 10, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +6 Attack Damage, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Sword)
1 Mantle of Frost [Thorns 9] [When on body: -0.03 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Majora’s Mask [Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 1, Respiration 1, Thorns 3] (Player Head)

The Lost Woods - Ur-Ghast Artifacts
1 Soul of the Viridian Ur-Ghast (Ghast Tear)
1 Soul of the Azure Ur-Ghast (Ghast Tear)
1 Soul of the Pallid Ur-Ghast (Ghast Tear)
1 Soul of the Crimson Ur-Ghast (Ghast Tear)
1 Goddess Shard Alpha (Prismarine Shard)
1 Goddess Shard Delta (Prismarine Shard)
1 Skull of Corruption [Curse of Binding] [When on head: +15 Mob Follow Range, -18 Max Health, -0.1 Speed, -5 Armor] (Skeleton Skull)
1 Pegasus Boots [Feather Falling 5, Frost Walker 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.15 Speed] (Iron Boots)
1 Wand of Light [Bane of Arthropods 7, Infinity, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +3.7 Attack Damage, +1 Knockback Resistance] (End Rod)

The Lost Woods - Fairy Fountains
1 Fairy in a Bottle [Instant Health 3 (0:25), Regeneration 3 (0:25), Health Boost 3 (0:25), Conduit Power 3 (0:25)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Fairy Vigor [Speed 3 (0:25), Night Vision 3 (0:25)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Fairy Dust [Jump Boost 3 (0:25), Slow Falling 3 (0:25)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Fairy Heart [Fire Resistance 3 (0:25), Resistance 3 (0:25)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Fairy Mischeif [Levitation 3 (0:25), Glowing 3 (0:25), Slow Falling 3 (0:50)] (Lingering Potion)

The Lost Woods - Golden Skultulla
1 Golden Skulltula #1 -> #100 (Player Head)

The Lost Woods - Arrows
4 Fire Arrow [Instant Damage, Poison (0:00)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Fire Arrow [Instant Damage 2, Poison 2 (0:01)] (Arrow)
4 Ice Arrow [Slowness (0:11), Nausea (0:00)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Ice Arrow [Slowness (0:30), Nausea 2 (0:01)] (Arrow)
4 Water Arrow [Water Breathing (0:01), Night Vision (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Water Arrow [Water Breathing 3 (0:02), Night Vision 2 (0:02), Dolphin’s Grace 3 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Poison [Poison (0:11)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Poison [Poison 2 (0:03)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Misfortune [Slowness (0:01), Hunger (0:01), Weakness (0:01), Bad Luck (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Misfortune [Slowness 2 (0:02), Hunger 2 (0:02), Weakness 2 (0:02), Bad Luck 2 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Healing [Instant Health, Regeneration (0:00), Health Boost (0:00), Saturation 0:00)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Healing [Instant Health, Regeneration 2 (0:01), Health Boost 2 (0:01), Saturation 2 0:01)] (Arrow)
4 Light Arrow [Regeneration (0:01), Night Vision (0:01), Glowing (0:01), Levitation (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Light Arrow [Regeneration 2 (0:02), Night Vision 2 (0:02), Glowing 2 (0:02), Levitation 2 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Dark Arrow [Blindness (0:01), Hunger (0:01), Wither (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Dark Arrow [Blindness 2 (0:02), Hunger 2 (0:02), Wither 2 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Power [Strength 5 (0:01), Absorption (0:01), Luck 6 (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Power [Strength 7 (0:02), Absorption 2 (0:02), Luck 12 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Courage [Speed (0:01), Jump Boost (0:01), Saturation (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Courage [Speed 2 (0:02), Jump Boost 2 (0:02), Saturation 2 (0:02)] (Arrow)
4 Arrow of Wisdom [Resistance (0:01), Fire Resistance (0:01), Invisibility (0:01), Health Boost (0:01)] (Arrow)
3 Greater Arrow of Wisdom [Resistance 2 (0:02), Fire Resistance 2 (0:02), Invisibility 2 (0:02), Health Boost 2 (0:02)] (Arrow)
1 Ancient Arrow (Firework Rocket)

The Lost Woods - Potions
1 Red Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50)] (Potion)
1 Blue Potion [Water Breathing (0:50)] (Potion)
1 Green Potion [Instant Health 2 (0:50), Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50), Water Breathing (0:50), Night Vision (0:50), Dolphin’s Grace (0:50)] (Potion)
1 Moon Dew [Levitation (1:15), Slow Falling (2:30)] (Potion)
1 Orange Potion [Jump Boost (0:50), Fire Resistance (0:50)] (Potion)
1 Purple Potion [Night Vision (0:50), Glowing (0:50)] (Potion)

The Lost Woods - Prehistoric Barbarian Armor
1 Prehistoric Barbarian Skull [Mending] [When on head: +2 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed] (Skeleton Skull)
1 Prehistoric Barbarian Pelt [Mending] [When on body: +3 Attack Damage, +2 Attack Speed] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Prehistoric Barbarian Cloth [Mending] [When on legs: +3 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed] (Leather Leggings)
1 Prehistoric Barbarian Moccasin [Mending] [When on feet: +2 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed] (Leather Boots)

The Lost Woods - Ancient Knight Armor
1 Ancient Knight Blade [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)
1 Knight’s Battle Axe [Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: -0.05 Speed, +0.9 Attack Speed, +12.5 Attack Damage] (Iron Axe)
1 Knight’s Claymore [Knockback 2, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: -0.05 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed, +10.5 Attack Damage] (Iron Sword)
1 Royal Guard Blade [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Golden Sword)
1 Royal Guard Axe [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage] (Golden Axe)
1 Royal Guard Shield [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] (Shield)
1 Ancient Knight Helm [Mending, Blast Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Ancient Knight Plate [Mending, Blast Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Ancient Knight Mail [Mending, Blast Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Ancient Knight Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Blast Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Boots)
1 Royal Guard Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Golden Helmet)
1 Royal Guard Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +7 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Royal Guard Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5,Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +5 Armor] (Golden Leggings)
1 Royal Guard Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +2 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Golden Boots)

The Lost Woods - Castle Ruins Dungeon
1 Gibdo Wrappings [Thorns 1] [When on head: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Helmet)
1 Gibdo Wrappings [Thorns 1] [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Gibdo Wrappings [Thorns 1] [When on legs: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Gibdo Wrappings [Thorns 1] [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Golden Hoe (Golden Hoe)
1 Ancient Hylian Banner (Banner)
1 Rusted Crown of Hyrule [Curse of Binding, Mending] [When on head: +1 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Helmet)
1 Flame Blade [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 2, Mending, Unbreaking 10] (Golden Sword)
1 Lens of Truth [Curse of Binding, Curse of Vanishing] (Ender Eye)
1 Forest Jade [Thorns 1] (Green Dye)
1 Forest Headpiece [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +0.03 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Helmet)
1 Forest Tunic [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +0.03 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Forest Trousers [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +0.03 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Forest Boots [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +0.03 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

The Lost Woods - Drowned Lake Dungeon
1 Ocean Trencher [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Projectile Protection 5, Respiration 50] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +2 Armor Toughness] (Leather Helmet)
1 Zoranite Plate [Aqua Affinity, Projectile Protection 5, Respiration 3] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Zoranite Bracers [Aqua Affinity, Projectile Protection 5, Respiration 3] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Zoranite Flippers [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Projectile Protection 5, Soul Speed 4] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Tide Sapphire [Luck of the Sea 1] (Prismarine Crystals)

The Lost Woods - Citadel Ruins Dungeon
1 Goronite Helm [Fire Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Helmet)
1 Goronite Plate [Fire Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Goronite Bracers [Fire Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Goronite Boots [Fire Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Inferno Ruby [Flame] (Blaze Powder)

The Lost Woods - Rusted Armor
1 Old Sword [When in main hand: +0.5 Attack Damage] (Iron Sword)
1 Old Wooden Bow [When in main hand: -0.5 Attack Damage] (Bow)
1 Old Shield [Curse of Vanishing] (Shield)
1 Old Helmet (Chainmail Helmet)
1 Old Chestplate (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Old Greaves (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Old Boots (Chainmail Boots)

The Lost Woods - Darknut Armor
1 Darknut Blade [Knockback 1, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] (Stone Sword)
1 Darknut Shield [Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Shield)
1 Darknut Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Darknut Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Darknut Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Darknut Boots [Depth Strider 1, Feather Falling 1, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)

The Lost Woods - Iron Knuckle Armor
1 Iron Knuckle Blade [Knockback 1, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] (Iron Axe)
1 Iron Knuckle Shield [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] (Shield)
1 Iron Knuckle Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Iron Knuckle Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Iron Knuckle Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Iron Knuckle Boots [Depth Strider 1, Feather Falling 1, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)

The Lost Woods - Royal Iron Knuckle Armor
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Blade [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.9 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Golden Axe)
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Shield [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] (Shield)
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Golden Helmet)
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor] (Golden Leggings)
1 Royal Iron Knuckle Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Golden Boots)

The Lost Woods - Elite Iron Knuckle Armor
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Blade [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.9 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Diamond Axe)
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Shield [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] (Shield)
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Elite Iron Knuckle Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Boots)

The Lost Woods - Champion Iron Knuckle Armor
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Blade [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +0.9 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage] (Netherite Axe)
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Shield [Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [When in off hand: Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +4 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Plate [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Mail [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Champion Iron Knuckle Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +4 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Boots)

The Lost Woods - Outset Island
1 Grandma’s Soup (Suspicious Soup)
1 Triumph Forks [Bane of Arthropods 4, Channeling, Depth Strider 5, Impaling 5, Knockback 3, Luck of the Sea 7, Mending, Sharpness 4, Smite 4, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, -7 Knockback Resistance] (Trident)
1 Island Telescope [When in Off Hand: +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck] (Spyglass)

The Lost Woods - Legendary Equipment
1 Sword [Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 2, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +7 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Wooden Sword)
1 Magic Sword [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 2, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +8 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Golden Sword)
1 White Sword [Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 3, Sweeping Edge 4, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +9 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Iron Sword)
1 Master Sword [Knockback 3, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Looting 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Hylian Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 3, Unbreaking 3] (Shield)
1 Bow of the Hero [Flame 3, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 3, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)

The Lost Woods - Equipment of the Hero
1 Bow of Light [Flame 7, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 7, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +5 Attack Damage, +0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed] (Bow)
1 Helm of the Hero [Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 250, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Plate of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Mail of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Boots of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Depth Strider 3, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Boots)

The Lost Woods - Hardmode Forest Shrine
1 Forest Shrine Key 1 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Forest Shrine Key 2 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Forest Shrine Key 3 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Forest Shrine Key 4 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Enraged Fierce Deity Sword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 10, Sweeping Edge 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Wooden Sword)
1 Plate of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Fierce Deity Mask (Player Head)
1 Forest Shrine Orb (Ender Eye)

The Lost Woods - Hardmode Dark Shrine
1 Dark Shrine Key 1 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Dark Shrine Key 2 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Dark Shrine Key 3 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Dark Shrine Key 4 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Dark Master Sword [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: -4 Max Health, +1.6 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage] (Netherite Sword)
1 Helm of the Hero [Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 250, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Corrupted Hero Mask (Player Head)
1 Shadow Mask (Player Head)
1 Neoshadow Mask (Player Head)
1 Darkside Mask (Player Head)
1 Dark Shrine Orb (Ender Eye)

The Lost Woods - Hardmode Phantom Shrine
1 Phantom Shrine Key 1 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Phantom Shrine Key 2 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Phantom Shrine Key 3 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Phantom Shrine Key 4 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Phantom Spear [Impaling 5, Loyalty 3, Mending, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: -4 Max Health, +1.1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Trident)
1 Boots of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Depth Strider 3, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Boots)
1 Phantom Ganon Mask (Player Head)
1 Moblin Mask (Red) (Player Head)
1 Moblin Mask (Blue) (Player Head)
1 Moblin Mask (Black) (Player Head)
1 Phantom Shrine Orb (Ender Eye)

The Lost Woods - Hardmode Drowned Shrine
1 Drowned Shrine Key 1 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Drowned Shrine Key 2 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Drowned Shrine Key 3 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Drowned Shrine Key 4 (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ancient Zora Sword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Depth Strider 3, Knockback 3, Mending, Riptide 7, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Sword)
1 Mail of the Hero [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor, +0.03 Speed] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Drowned Hero Mask (Player Head)
1 Drowned Shrine Orb (Ender Eye)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Hunter's Lodge - Misc
1 Monster Cap (Netherite Helmet)
1 Monster Hide (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Monster Shins (Netherite Leggings)
1 Monster Wraps (Netherite Boots)
1 Monster Armament (Netherite Sword)
1 Monster Armament (Netherite Axe)
1 Monster Armament (Netherite Hoe)
1 Monster Armament (Bow)
1 Hunter's Lodge Sigil (Banner)
1 Wildfire Shield (Shield)
1 Lich Shield (Shield)
1 Hunter's Mark (Sunflower)
1 Earthshaker Seismometer [Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] (Trident)
1 Void Wings [Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Elytra)

Hunter's Lodge - B Rank Equipment
1 Fire Helm [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Golden Helmet)
1 Fire Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Fire Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Golden Leggings)
1 Fire Boots [Mending, Protection 4, Soul Speed 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Golden Boots)
1 Ice Helm [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Ice Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Ice Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Ice Boots [Frost Walker 2, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Boots)
1 Earth Helm [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Iron Helmet)
1 Earth Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Earth Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Earth Boots [Feather Falling 2, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Night Helm [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Night Chestplate [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Night Leggings [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Night Boots [Depth Strider 2, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)
1 Fire Shard (Raw Gold)
1 Ice Shard (Quartz)
1 Earth Shard (Raw Copper)
1 Night Shard (Amethyst Shard)
1 Fire Brand [Fire Aspect 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage] (Golden Sword)
1 Ice Scythe [Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +4 Attack Speed, +1 Attack Damage] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Earth Edge [Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage] (Iron Axe)
1 Night Shot [Flame, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 10] (Bow)

Hunter's Lodge - A Rank Equipment
1 Flame Helm [Fire Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Helmet)
1 Flame Chestplate [Fire Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Flame Leggings [Fire Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Leggings)
1 Flame Boots [Fire Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 3] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Boots)
1 Frost Helm [Protection 6, Thorns 4] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Frost Chestplate [Protection 6, Thorns 4] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Frost Leggings [Protection 6, Thorns 4] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Frost Boots [Frost Walker 3, Protection 6, Thorns 4] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Boots)
1 Mountain Helm [Blast Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Iron Helmet)
1 Mountain Chestplate [Blast Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Mountain Leggings [Blast Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Mountain Boots [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Ender Helm [Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Ender Chestplate [Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Ender Leggings [Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Ender Boots [Depth Strider 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Flame Shard (Raw Gold)
1 Frost Shard (Nether Quartz)
1 Mountain Shard (Raw Copper)
1 End Shard (Amethyst Shard)
1 Flame Brand [Fire Aspect 4, Mending, Sharpness 8, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Sword)
1 Frost Scythe [Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +6 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Mountain Edge [Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +12 Attacl Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Axe)
1 Ender Shot [Flame, Infinity, Mending, Power 6, Punch 4, Unbreaking 10] (Bow)

Hunter's Lodge - S Rank Equipment
1 Wildfire Helm [Fire Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Helmet)
1 Wildfire Chestplate [Fire Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Wildfire Leggings [Fire Protection 6, Protection 7, Swift Sneak 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Leggings)
1 Wildfire Boots [Fire Protection 6, Protection 7, Soul Speed 4] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Boots)
1 Glacier Helm [Aqua Affinity, Protection 8, Respiration 255, Thorns 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Glacier Chestplate [Protection 8, Thorns 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Glacier Leggings [Protection 8, Thorns 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Glacier Boots [Frost Walker 4, Protection 8, Thorns 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Diamond Boots)
1 Earthquake Helm [Blast Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Iron Helmet)
1 Earthquake Chestplate [Blast Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Earthquake Leggings [Blast Protection 6, Protection 7, Swift Sneak 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Earthquake Boots [Blast Protection 6, Feather Falling 4, Protection 7] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Void Helm [Projectile Protection 6, Protection 7, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Void Chestplate [Projectile Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on body: +8 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Void Leggings [Projectile Protection 6, Protection 7, Swift Sneak 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Void Boots [Depth Strider 4, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 7] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Wildfire Shard (Raw Gold)
1 Glacier Shard (Nether Quartz)
1 Earthquake Shard (Raw Copper)
1 Null Shard (Amethyst Shard)
1 Wildfire Brand [Fire Aspect 1, Sharpness 15, Sweeping Edge 7] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +16 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Golden Sword)
1 Glacier Scythe [Looting 4, Sharpness 12] [When in main hand: +8 Attack Speed, +14 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Earthquake Edge [Knockback 6, Sharpness 17] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +18 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Void Shot [Flame, Infinity, Looting 3, Power 6, Punch 4] [Unbreakable] (Bow)

Hunter's Lodge - Raid Boss Equipment
1 Totem of the Undead [Infinity, Thorns 7] [When in off hand: +2 Attack Speed, +7 Luck, +0.08 Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Totem of Undying)
1 Poseidon Boots [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Luck of the Sea 10, Protection 5, Respiration 255, Soul Speed 10] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Wings of Hades [Fire Protection 5, Protection 5] [When on body: +9 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Elytra)
1 Helm of Sæhrímnir [Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Mythical Lake Gourd [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Luck of the Sea 5, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Bone Greaves [Impaling 5, Lure 1, Multishot, Piercing 5, Protection 5, Swift Sneak 5, Thorns 7] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Pants)
1 Evil Mage Wand [Blast Protection 10, Fire Aspect 5, Fire Protection 10, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Projectile Protection 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (End Rod)
1 Woodsman's Axe [Efficiency 7, Sharpness 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed, +7 Luck, +12 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Elder Dragon Fang [Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 2, Sharpness 8, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor, +7 Luck, +10 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Sword)
1 Pharaoh's Khopesh [Efficiency 7, Fortune 4, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Sharpness 8] [When in main hand: +6 Attack Speed, +8 Attack Damage, +50 Mob Follow Range, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Bronze Armor [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 10, Thorns 10] [When on body: +10 Armor, -0.65 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Divine Poutine Fork [Channeling, Fire Aspect 3, Impaling 6, Knockback 3, Looting 4, Loyalty 1, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Soul Speed 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, +0.08 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Trident)

Hunter's Lodge - Raid Boss Drops
1 Wood Shard (Sugar Cane)
1 Ocean Shard (Lapis Lazuli)
1 Underworld Shard (Fire Charge)
1 Scrap Shard (Charcoal)
1 Lake Shard (Cyan Dye)
1 Bone Shard (Bone Meal)
1 Magic Shard (Glowstone Dust)
1 Swamp Shard (Nether Wart)
1 Elder Dragon Shard (Blaze Rod)
1 Sand Shard (Pumpkin Seeds)
1 Bronze Shard (Brown Dye)
1 Syrup Shard (Honeycomb)

Hunter's Lodge - Raid Boss Masks
1 Jack Torrance Mask (Player Head)
1 RED RUM Mask (Player Head)
1 Nyx Mask (Player Head)
1 Yab'sokug Mask (Player Head)
1 Skull Mask of Sæhrímnir (Player Head)
1 FUN Tower Mask (Player Head)
1 BONE Tower Mask (Player Head)
1 BONE Tower Mask (Player Head)
1 Warlock Mask (Player Head)
1 Rancor Mask (Player Head)
1 Balrog Skull (Player Head)
1 Ancient Pharaoh Mask (Player Head)
1 Colossus of Rhodes Mask (Player Head)
1 Mask of Syrup (Player Head)

Hunter’s Lodge - Special Event Items
1 Santa’s Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 You Better Watch Out (Coal)
1 You Better Not Cry (Coal)
1 Krampus Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Candy Cane of DEATH [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 2] (Dried Kelp)
1 E.L.F. Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Christmas Cod [Knockback 5] (Cod)
1 Santa’s Robe [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Santa’s Pants [When on legs: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Santa’s Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Zombie Jesus Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Predatory Teddy Bear Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Heat Miser Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Teddy Bear Costume (Leather Chestplate)
1 Teddy Bear Costume (Leather Leggings)
1 Teddy Bear Costume (Leather Boots)
1 CANDY (Nether Wart)
1 Scared Child Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Sugar Skull [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Captain Underpants Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Diaper (Leather Pants)
1 Uncle Sam Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Nicolas Cage Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Declaration of Independence (Paper)
1 Chainsaw [Looting 3, Sharpness 2] (Chain)
1 Leatherface Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
2 Claws [Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 2] (Iron Bars)
1 Freddy Krueger Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Vines (Vine)
1 Pumpkin King Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Axe (Iron Axe)
1 Jason Voorhees Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Knife (Iron Sword)
1 Michael Myers Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Beetlejuice Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Nosferatu Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Pennywise Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Boogie Man Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Covid-19 Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Frankenstein's Monster Mask (Player Head)
1 Orange Trick-or-Treat Bucket (Player Head)
1 Pilgrim Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Turkey Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 John Madden Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Bagel Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Cupid Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Cupid's Bow [Flame 2, Infinity, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)
1 Cat in the Hat Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Evil Leprechaun Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Pot of Gold (Player Head)
1 Evil Leprechaun Mask..? [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)
1 Pot of Gold..? (Player Head)
1 Frankenstein's Monster Mask (Player Head)
1 Orange Trick-or-Treat Bucket (Player Head)
1 Cooked Turkey Mask [Curse of Binding, Thorns 4] (Player Head)

Hunter's Lodge - St. Patrick's Ded
1 Odd Leprechaun Gold Coin (Sunflower)
1 Leprechaun Gold Coin (Sunflower)
1 Bag of 4-Leaf Clovers [Sharpness 7, Fire Aspect 7] [When in main hand: +7 Luck] (Player Head)
1 Golden Bag of 4-Leaf Clovers [Sharpness 7, Smite 1, Fire Aspect 7] [When in main hand: +17 Luck] (Player Head)
1 Leprechaun's Demise [Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Knockback 3, Fire Aspect 3, Looting 1, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +777 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Iron Sword)
1 Odd Leprechaun's Demise [Sharpness 4, Smite 4, Knockback 4, Fire Aspect 4, Looting 2, Sweeping Edge 4, Unbreaking 4, Mending] [When in main hand: +777 Luck, +0.01 Speed, +0.07 Attack Speed, +0.05 Attack Damage] (Golden Sword)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Wychwood - Misc
1 Clown Nose (Fermented Spider Eye)
1 Charred Soul Fragment (Melon Seeds)
1 Bounty of the Soulless [Fire Aspect 3, Fortune 6, Infinity, Knockback 3, Looting 3] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Skeleton Skull)
1 Leviathan Axe [Frost Walker 1, Knockback 4, Loyalty 1, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 6, Thorns 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: -0.5 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, -5 Armor Toughness, -5 Armor] (Iron Axe)
1 Mask of Kratos (Player Head)
1 Mask of Atreus (Player Head)
1 Gold Piece (Player Head)
1 Gold Pieces (Player Head)
1 Barrows Icon [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Totem of Undying)
1 Leshen Totem [When in off hand: +100 Mob Follow Range] (Totem of Undying)
1 Leshen Mask (Player Head)
1 Elder Leshen Mask (Player Head)
1 Wildwood Caretaker Mask (Player Head)
1 Undertaker's Spade [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 3] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Obsidian Skull (Player Head)
1 Hellhound Steak (Cooked Beef)
1 Witcher's Silver Sword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Fire Aspect 2, Looting 4, Mending, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: ???] (Iron Sword)
1 Witcher's Steel Sword [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: ???] (Iron Sword)

Wychwood - Ahrim the Blighted
1 Shard of Ahrim (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Ahrim (Player Head)
1 Ahrim's Wand [Fire Aspect 7, Knockback 5, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed] (Blaze Rod)
1 Ahrim's Tome of Magic [Infinity, Fire Protection 5] [When in off hand: +6 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck] (Book)
1 Ahrim's Hood [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Ahrim's Top [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Ahrim's Leggings [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Ahrim's Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece (Leather Chestplate)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings (Leather Leggings)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots (Leather Boots)

Wychwood - Dharok the Wretched
1 Shard of Dharok (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Dharok (Player Head)
1 Dharok's Greataxe [Knockback 3, Mending, Sharpness 10, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.03 Speed, -0.6 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Dharok's Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Dharok's Platebody [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Dharok's Platelegs [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Dharok's Plateboots [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 7, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)

Wychwood - Guthan the Infested
1 Shard of Guthan (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Guthan (Player Head)
1 Guthan's Warspear [Mending, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.2 Attack Speed] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Guthan's Helm [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Guthan's Platebody [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.2 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Guthan's Chainskirt [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Guthan's Plateboots [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +0.1 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)

Wychwood - Torag the Corrupted
1 Shard of Torag (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Torag (Player Head)
1 Torag's Hammer [Mending, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +0.5 Attack Speed, +5 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Off-Hand Torag's Hammer [Mending, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 5] [When in off hand: +5 Attack Damage, +0.5 Attack Speed, +5 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Torag's Helm [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Torag's Platebody [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Torag's Platelegs [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Torag's Sabatons [Blast Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)

Wychwood - Akrisae the Doomed
1 Shard of Akrisae (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Akrisae (Player Head)
1 Akrisae's War Mace [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Akrisae's Hood [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Akrisae's Top [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Akrisae's Leggings [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness](Netherite Leggings)
1 Akrisae's Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Mending, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece (Leather Chestplate)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings (Leather Leggings)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots (Leather Boots)

Wychwood - Linza the Disgraced
1 Shard of Linza (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Linza (Player Head)
1 Linza's Hammer [Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 9, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.02 Speed, +0.8 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Linza's Shield [Mending, Protection 5, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in off hand: -0.02 Speed, +3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Shield)
1 Linza's Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Linza's Cuirass [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Linza's Greaves [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Linza's Sabatons [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +2.5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)

Wychwood - Verac the Defiled
1 Shard of Verac (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Verac (Player Head)
1 Verac's Flail [Knockback 7, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, -0.04 Speed, +3.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Verac's Helm [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Verac's Brassard [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +1 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Verac's Plateskirt [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on legs: +1 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Verac's Plateboots [Mending, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Unbreaking 5] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)

Wychwood - Karil the Tainted
1 Shard of Karil (Popped Chorus Fruit)
1 Mask of Karil (Player Head)
1 Karil's Crossbow [Infinity, Mending, Multishot, Piercing 5, Quick Charge 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +0.02 Speed, +7 Luck, +3 Attack Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Crossbow)
1 Karil's Coif [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Karil's Top [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Karil's Greaves [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Karil's Boots [Fire Protection 3, Mending, Protection 4, Thorns 2, Unbreaking 10] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Netherite Boots)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Chestpiece (Leather Chestplate)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Leggings (Leather Leggings)
1 Cosmetic Barrows Boots (Leather Boots)

Wychwood - Soul Mage Nomad
1 Dungeon Key - Fury (Tripwire Hook)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Sigma (Iron Ingot)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Omega (Iron Ingot)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Alpha (Iron Nugget)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Beta (Iron Nugget)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Delta (Iron Nugget)
1 Dungeon Key Fragment Gamma (Iron Nugget)
1 Soul Mage Staff [Infinity, Knockback 9, Looting 5, Sharpness 9, Unbreaking 9] [When in main hand: +12 Attack Damage, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, -0.5 Attack Speed] (Stone Shovel)
1 Soul Obelisk [Infinity, Thorns 13, Soul Speed 5] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +13 Mob Follow Range, -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (End Rod)
1 Siphoned Essence (Pumpkin Seeds)
1 Nomad Mask (Player Head)
1 Banner of Nomad (Red Banner)

Wychwood - Kaer Morhen
1 Witcher's Steel Sword [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: ???] (Iron Sword)
1 Geralt of Rivia Mask (Player Head)
1 Witcher Coin (Sunflower)
1 Eredin Soul Sliver (Amethyst Shard)
1 Mask of Eredin (Player Head)
1 Frost Broadsword [Bane of Arthropods 8, Knockback 8, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 8, Sweeping Edge 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: -0.01 Speed, +5 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Sword)
1 Obsidian Skull (Player Head)
1 Frost Tower Shield [Blast Protection 10, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 5, Protection 10, Thorns 8] [When in off hand: -0.04 Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, -10 Knockback Resistance, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Frost Mace [Bane of Arthropods 7, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 8, Smite 7, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +5 Attack Speed, +10 Attack Damage, +3 Armor Toughness, -10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Mask of Imlerith (Player Head)
1 Imlerith Soul Sliver (Amethyst Shard)
1 Caranthir Soul Sliver (Amethyst Shard)
1 Mask of Caranthir (Player Head)
1 Frost Staff [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 6, Frost Walker 6, Knockback 6, Mending, Smite 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance] (End Rod)
1 Wychwood Shard (Beetroot Seeds)
1 Wilderness Emerald (Player Head)
1 Cataphract Helm of Asgard [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, -5 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Iron Helmet)
1 Cataphract Body of Jötunheimr [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: -0.01 Speed, +2 Max Health, +3 Armor Toughness, +9 Armor, -5 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Cataphract Greaves of Muspelheim [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, -5 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Cataphract Boots of Niflheim [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor, -5 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Wild Hunt Lieutenant Mask (Player Head)
1 Dimeritium Bomb [Slowness 2 (0:07), Fire Resistance 2 (0:07), Weakness 2 (0:07), Poison 2 (0:07), Glowing 2 (0:07)] (Lingering Potion)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Snowhead - Misc
1 Divining Rod [Smite 7, Infinity] [When in main hand: +0.15 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Lightning Rod)
1 Runed Golden Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Runed Golden Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Runed Golden Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Golden Leggings)
1 Runed Golden Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Golden Boots)

Snowhead - Bandos Warpriest Armor
1 Warpriest of Bandos Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Warpriest of Bandos Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Warpriest of Bandos Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Warpriest of Bandos Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Warpriest of Bandos Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Runed Bandos Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 7] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Runed Bandos Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 7] [When on body: +8 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Runed Bandos Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 7] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Runed Bandos Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 7] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Runed Bandos Warpriest Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 7] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Bandos Stronghold
1 Banner of Bandos (Brown Banner)
1 War Hammer (Stone Axe)
1 Fragment of War (Rabbit Foot)
1 Key to the Stronghold (Tripwire Hook)
1 General Graardor Mask (Player Head)
1 Spiritual Bandos Hood (Player Head)
1 Goblin Mask (Player Head)
1 Hobgoblin Mask (Player Head)
1 Ork Mask (Player Head)
1 Ogre Mask (Player Head)
1 Jogre Mask (Player Head)
1 Cyclops Mask (Player Head)
1 Sergeant Strongstack Mask (Player Head)
1 Sergeant Grimspike Mask (Player Head)
1 Sergeant Steelwill Mask (Player Head)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Bandos) (Prismarine Shard)

Snowhead - Armadyl Warpriest Armor
1 Warpriest of Armadyl Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Warpriest of Armadyl Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Warpriest of Armadyl Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Warpriest of Armadyl Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Warpriest of Armadyl Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Runed Armadyl Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Runed Armadyl Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Runed Armadyl Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Runed Armadyl Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +0.5 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Runed Armadyl Warpriest Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Armadyl Eyrie
1 Banner of Armadyl (White Banner)
1 War Bow (Bow)
1 Fragment of Justice (Rabbit Foot)
1 Key to the Eyrie (Tripwire Hook)
1 Justice Kree'arra Mask (Player Head)
1 Spiritual Armadyl Hood (Player Head)
1 Aviansie Mask (Player Head)
1 Aviansie Mask (Player Head)
1 Flight Kilisa Mask (Player Head)
1 Flockleader Geerin Mask (Player Head)
1 Wingman Skrill Mask (Player Head)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Armadyl) (Prismarine Shard)

Snowhead - Zamorak Warpriest Armor
1 Warpriest of Zamorak Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Warpriest of Zamorak Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Warpriest of Zamorak Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Warpriest of Zamorak Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Warpriest of Zamorak Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Runed Zamorak Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Runed Zamorak Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Runed Zamorak Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Runed Zamorak Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Runed Zamorak Warpriest Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Zamorak Fortress
1 Banner of Zamorak (Red Banner)
1 War Blade (Stone Sword)
1 Fragment of Chaos (Rabbit Foot)
1 Key to the Fortress (Tripwire Hook)
1 Lord K'ril Tsutaroth Mask (Player Head)
1 Spiritual Zamorak Hood (Player Head)
1 Imp Mask (Player Head)
1 Bloodveld Mask (Player Head)
1 Hellhound Mask (Player Head)
1 Male Vampire Mask (Player Head)
1 Female Vampire Mask (Player Head)
1 Vampyre Mask (Player Head)
1 Werewolf Mask (Player Head)
1 Werewolf Mask (Player Head)
1 Werewolf Mask (Player Head)
1 Pyrefiend Mask (Player Head)
1 Icefiend Mask (Player Head)
1 Tstanon Karlak Mask (Player Head)
1 Zakl'n Gritch Mask (Player Head)
1 Balfrug Kreeyath Mask (Player Head)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Zamorak) (Prismarine Shard)

Snowhead - Saradomin Warpriest Armor
1 Warpriest of Saradomin Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Warpriest of Saradomin Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Warpriest of Saradomin Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Warpriest of Saradomin Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Warpriest of Saradomin Shield [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Runed Saradomin Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Runed Saradomin Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Runed Saradomin Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Runed Saradomin Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Runed Saradomin Warpriest Shield [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Saradomin Encampment
1 Banner of Saradomin (Light Blue Banner)
1 War Spear (Stone Shovel)
1 Fragment of Order (Rabbit Foot)
1 Key to the Encampment (Tripwire Hook)
1 Commander Zilyana Mask (Player Head)
1 Spiritual Saradomin Hood (Player Head)
1 Knight of Saradomin Helm (Player Head)
1 Saradomin Priest Hood (Player Head)
1 Starlight Mask (Player Head)
1 Bree Mask (Player Head)
1 Growler Mask (Player Head)
1 Frozen Key Piece (Saradomin) (Prismarine Shard)

Snowhead - Tuska Warpriest Armor
1 Warpriest of Tuska Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Warpriest of Tuska Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +2 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Warpriest of Tuska Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +2 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Warpriest of Tuska Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Warpriest of Tuska Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Runed Tuska Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Runed Tuska Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on body: +2 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Runed Tuska Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on legs: +2 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Runed Tuska Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Runed Tuska Warpriest Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Tuska's Corpse
1 Tuska Hide (Rabbit Hide)
1 Tuska Shard (Flint)
1 Tuska Tusk (Goat Horn)
1 Tuska Mask (Player Head)
1 Banner of Tuska (Cyan Banner)

Snowhead - Ancient Prison
1 Frozen Key Half (Order and Chaos) (Iron Nugget)
1 Frozen Key Half (Justice and War) (Iron Nugget)
1 Frozen Prison Key (Prismarine Crystals)
1 Key to the Ancient Prison (Amethyst Cluster)
1 Mace [Sharpness 3] (Iron Shovel)
1 Banner of Zaros (Black Banner)
1 Fragment of Fate (Amethyst Shard)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Mask (Player Head)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Top (Leahter Chestplate)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Legs (Leather Leggings)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Boots (Leather Boots)
4 Smoke Arrow [Blindness (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
4 Blood Arrow [Instant Damage] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Zaryte Shard (Echo Shard)
1 Nex, the Sealed Hybrid Mask (Player Head)
1 Ancient Mage Hood (Player Head)
1 Ancient Ranger Coif (Player Head)
1 Ancient Warrior Helm (Player Head)
1 Blood Reaver Mask (Player Head)
1 Fumus Mask (Player Head)
1 Umbra Mask (Player Head)
1 Cruor Mask (Player Head)
1 Glacies Mask (Player Head)

Snowhead - Godsword Fragments
1 Godsword Pommel (Iron Nugget)
1 Godsword Grip (Stick)
1 Godsword Blade (Iron Ingot)
1 Godsword Handle (Wooden Sword)
1 Saradomin Godsword Hilt (Blaze Rod)
1 Zamorak Godsword Hilt (Blaze Rod)
1 Bandos Godsword Hilt (Blaze Rod)
1 Armadyl Godsword Hilt (Blaze Rod)
1 Saradomin Godsword Blade (Stone Sword)
1 Zamorak Godsword Blade (Stone Sword)
1 Bandos Godsword Blade (Stone Sword)
1 Armadyl Godsword Blade (Stone Sword)
1 Tuska Godspear Blade (Stone Sword)

Snowhead - Godswords
1 Armadyl Godsword [Bane of Arthropods 5, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -0.01 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Sword)
1 Bandos Godsword [Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -0.02 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Sword)
1 Saradomin Godsword [Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 7, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Zamorak Godsword [Fire Aspect 7, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Zaryte Bow [Infinity, Mending, Power 7, Punch 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in off hand: +5 Attack Damage, +0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed] (Bow)
1 Tuska Godspear [Sharpness 8, Smite 7, Unbreaking 5, Impaling 7, Loyalty 5, Mending] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, -0.02 Speed] (Trident)

Snowhead - Snowpeak Ruins
1 Simple Soup (Mushroom Stew)
1 Good Soup (Rabbit Stew)
1 Superb Soup (Suspicious Stew)
1 Ancient Pumpkin (Pumpkin)
1 Ancient Goat Cheese (End Stone)
1 Tower Bedroom Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Twilight Mirror Shard (Prismarine Shard)
1 Yeto Mask (Player Head)
1 Yeta Mask (Player Head)
1 Ball and Chain [Bane of Arthropods 5, Knockback 5, Loyalty 1, Sharpness 8, Smite 5] [When in main hand: -0.07 Speed, -3 Attack Speed, +12 Attack Damage, Unbreakable] (Fishing Rod)
1 Mirror of Twilight [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When in off hand: +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Snowhead - Snowstorm Temple
1 Raw Platinum (Player Head)
1 Ancient Titan Regigigas Bust (Player Head)
1 Ancient Titan Regigigas Bust (Shiny) (Player Head)
1 Platinum Ingot (Iron Ingot)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Shattered Sands - Misc
1 Bottled Eternal Fire (Honey Bottle)
1 Mask of Surtr (Player Head)
1 Blade of Muspelheim [Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, -10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Sword)
1 Dragon Lance [Efficiency 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, +2 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Golden Shovel)
1 Dragon Sword [Efficiency 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, +2 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Golden Sword)
1 Dragon Axe [Efficiency 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, +2 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Golden Axe)
1 Golden Army Blade [Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed, +6 Attack Damage] (Shield)
1 Offhand Golden Army Blade [Fire Aspect 3, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 5, Thorns 3, Unbreaking 3] [When in off hand: +2 Armor Toughness, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Shield)
1 Golden Army Helm (Player Head)

Shattered Sands - The Fight Kiln
1 Inferno Adze [Fire Aspect 7, Flame 7, Infinity, Knockback 3] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Flint and Steel)
1 Golden Shears [Efficiency 5] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shears)
1 Pure Emerald (Player Head)
1 Pure Diamond (Player Head)
1 Pure Golden Ingot (Player Head)
1 Silver Potion [Haste 5 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Gold Potion [Fire Resistance 5 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Golden Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Golden Pickaxe)
1 Golden Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Golden Pickaxe)
1 Golden Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Golden Shovel)
1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 7, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Golden Axe)
1 Golden Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck] (Golden Hoe)
1 Pure Golden Ore (Player Head)
1 Golden Warpriest Helm [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Golden Warpriest Cuirass [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Golden Warpriest Greaves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Golden Warpriest Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Shattered Sands - The Fight Cave
1 TokHaar-Vek Champion Blade [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 2, Looting 4, Mending 10, Sharpness 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +2 Attack Speed] (Golden Sword)
1 TokHaar-Vek Battle Axe [Efficiency 10, Mending 10, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Axe)
1 TokHaar-MejKot Fire Wand [Fire Aspect 20, Knockback 7, Mending 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage] (Blaze Rod)
1 TokHaar-Vek Champion Shield [Fire Protection 7, Mending 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in off-hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Shield)
1 TokHaar-Vek-Xil Bow [Flame 6, Infinity, Looting 4, Mending 10, Power 6, Punch 4, Unbreaking 10] [When in off-hand: +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Bow)
1 TokHaar-Vek-Viz Crossbow [Fire Aspect 5, Flame 5, Mending 10, Multishot, Piercing 5, Quick Charge 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Crossbow)
1 TokHaar-Hok Obsidian Pick [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 7, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Mending 10, Sharpness 8, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +1 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Pick)
1 TokHaar-Hok (Player Head)
1 Crown of Bethmoora [Fire Protection 20, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck] (Player Head)

Shattered Sands - Zamorak's Rampart
1 Banner of Zamorak (Red Banner)
1 Chaos Potion [Speed (20:00), Haste (20:00), Fire Resistance 2 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Black Knight Helmet (Player Head)
1 Daedric Helm [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 2, Protection 3] [When on head: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Black Knight Sword [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Iron Sword)
1 Rampart Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Crest of Zamorak (Player Head)
1 Shard of Zamorak (Clay Ball)
1 Nymora Mask (Player Head)
1 Avaryss Mask (Player Head)
1 Blade of Nymora [Fire Aspect 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Unbreaking 6] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +6 Attack Damage] (Golden Sword)
1 Blade of Avaryss [Knockback 6, Mending, Sharpness 6, Sweeping Edge 6] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +6 Attack Damage] (Diamond Sword)

Shattered Sands - Sliske's Necropolis
1 Banner of Sliske (Black Banner)
1 Serpent Potion [Invisibility (20:00), Night Vision (20:00), Conduit Power (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Necromancer Hood (Player Head)
1 Champion Helm [Projectile Protection 2, Protection 3] [When on head: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Staff [Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 3, Thorns 2] (Wooden Shovel)
1 Necropolis Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Crest of Sliske (Player Head)
1 Shard of Sliske (Clay Ball)
1 Gregorovic Mask (Player Head)
1 Shadow Glaive [Sharpness 2, Knockback 2, Power 6, Punch 2, Infinity 1, Lure 1, Mending] [When in main hand: +2 Attack Speed] (Bow)
1 Off-Hand Shadow Glaive [Sharpness 2, Knockback 2, Power 6, Punch 2, Infinity 1, Lure 1, Mending] [When in off hand: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Bow)

Shattered Sands - Seren's Encampment
1 Banner of Seren (White Banner)
1 Life Potion [Regeneration (20:00), Absorption (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Mechanical Visor (Player Head)
1 Automaton Helm [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 2, Protection 3] [When on head: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Automaton Spine [Knockback 2] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +5 Attack Damage] (Iron Bars)
1 Encampment Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Crest of Seren (Player Head)
1 Shard of Seren (Clay Ball)
1 Helwyr Mask (Player Head)
1 Wand of the Cywir Elders [Fire Aspect 5, Infinity, Knockback 4, Luck of the Sea 1, Mending] [When in main hand: +5 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +5 Attack Damage] (Dead Bush)

Shattered Sands - Zaros's Bastion
1 Banner of Zaros (Black Banner)
1 Void Potion [Slowness (20:00), Strength 2 (20:00), Resistance (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Dragon Skull Helm [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 2, Protection 3] [When on head: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Ancient Ceremonial Mask (Player Head)
1 Mace [Knockback 2, Sharpness 4] (Iron Shovel)
1 Bastion Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Crest of Zaros (Player Head)
1 Shard of Zaros (Clay Ball)
1 Vindicta Mask (Player Head)
1 Gorvek Mask (Player Head)
1 Dragon Rider Lance [Efficiency 7, Knockback 7, Mending 7, Sharpness 7, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +1 Attack Speed, +9 Attack Damage, +2 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Golden Shovel)

Shattered Sands - The Heart
1 Banner of the Elder Gods (Black Banner)
1 Upper Door Carving (Ender Pearl)
1 Lower Door Carving (Ender Pearl)
1 Priw Mundi Carving (Ender Eye)
1 Anima Fragment (Scute)
1 Enraged Key (Iron Nugget)
1 Telos Mask (Player Head)
1 Dormant Anima Core Helm (Leather Helmet)
1 Dormant Anima Core Body (Leather Chestplate)
1 Dormant Anima Core Legs (Leather Leggings)
1 Dormant Anima Core Boots (Leather Boots)
1 Dormant Armor Fragment (Phantom Membrane)
1 Dormant Zaros Godsword (Stone Sword)
1 Dormant Seren Godbow (Bow)
1 Dormant Staff of Sliske (Stone Shovel)
1 Dormant Zamorak Godshield (Shield)

Shattered Sands - Anima Mundi
1 Raw Anima (Player Head)
1 Volcanic Anima (Player Head)
1 Corrupted Anima (Player Head)
1 Pure Anima (Player Head)
1 Void Anima (Player Head)
1 Unholy Anima (Player Head)

Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Zamorak
1 Anima Core Helm of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Anima Core Body of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on body: +1 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Anima Core Legs of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +1 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Anima Core Boots of Zamorak [Fire Protection 7, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Sliske
1 Anima Core Helm of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Anima Core Body of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on body: +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Anima Core Legs of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Anima Core Boots of Sliske [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 6] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Seren
1 Anima Core Helm of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on head: +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Anima Core Body of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on body: +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Anima Core Legs of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Anima Core Boots of Seren [Blast Protection 7, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.5 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness] (Leather Boots)

Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Zaros
1 Anima Core Helm of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on head: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Anima Core Body of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on body: +2 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Anima Core Legs of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on legs: +2 Attack Damage, +8 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Anima Core Boots of Zaros [Fire Protection 6, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 9] [When on feet: +1 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Shattered Sands - God-Forged Anima Weapons
1 Zamorak Godshield [Blast Protection 6, Fire Protection 6, Infinity, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Staff of Sliske [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 10, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 7, Silk Touch, Smite 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +1.5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck] [When in off hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Seren Godbow [Flame 7, Infinity, Mending, Power 7, Punch 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +4 Max Health, +0.05 Speed, +5 Attack Damage, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Bow)
1 Zaros Godsword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 7, Sweeping Edge 7, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +4 Max Health, +21 Attack Damage, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)

Shattered Sands - Dominion Tower Unique Prizes
1 Demon King Demise Mask (Player Head)
1 Demon Sword Ghirahim [Bane of Arthropods 9, Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 9, Smite 9, Sweeping Edge 9, Unbreaking 9] [When in main hand: -0.05 Speed, -66 Luck, -4 Max Health, +6 Attack Speed, +16 Attack Damage, -66 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Sword)
1 Herobrine Mask (Player Head)
1 Notch Apple [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed] (Enchanted Golden Apple)
1 Merit Voucher (Paper)
1 Refined Hylian Shield [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Heavy Iron Boots [Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Protection 10] [When on feet: -0.07 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Iron Boots)
1 Gem of Courage [Infinity] [When in off hand: +10 Attack Speed] (Emerald)
1 Gem of Wisdom [Infinity] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed] (Emerald)
1 Gem of Power [Infinity] [When in off hand: +20 Attack Damage] (Emerald)
1 Awakened Master Sword [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 7, Looting 4, Sharpness 7, Smite 7, Sweeping 7] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Diamond Sword)

Shattered Sands - Dominion Tower Wave Keys
1 Wave 1 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 2 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 3 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 4 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 5 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 6 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 7 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 8 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 9 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 10 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 11 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 12 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 13 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 14 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 15 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 16 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 17 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 18 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 19 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 20 Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Wave 20 Completion Key (Tripwire Hook)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Shoals of the Departed - Misc
1 Abyssal Gourd [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 3, Depth Strider, Feather Falling 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5, Respiration 3, Thorns 5] [When on head: +0.05 Speed, +2 Armor Toughness, +4 Armor] (Carved Pumpkin)
1 V's Treasure Token (Gold Nugget)
1 Potion of Ice [Slowness 5 (0:09), Nausea (0:01), Weakness 5 (0:07)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Bandos Sanctum Key (Tripwire Hook)
1 Super Jump Potion [Jump Boost 5 (0:30)] (Potion)
1 Bottle of Darkness [Slowness 5 (0:07), Blindness 5 (0:07), Weakness 5 (0:07)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Potion of the Beast [Strength 5 (0:15), Jump Boost 5 (0:15)] (Lingering Potion)
1 Golden Steve Idol (Player Head)
1 Heart of the World [Protection 6, Thorns 1] (Heart of the Sea)
1 Gunginr, the Spear of Destiny [Bane of Arthropods 10, Channeling, Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 10, Smite 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +0.05 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +10 Attack Speed] (Diamond Shovel)

Shoals of the Departed - Laputa
1 Laputian Artifact (Player Head)
1 Ancient Laputian Sigil (Light Blue Banner)
1 Ancient Guide Stone [Channeling, Feather Falling 10, Luck of the Sea 7] (Ghast Tear)
1 Archaic War Engine Mask (Player Head)
1 Ancient Automaton Mask (Player Head) {Iron Giant Version}
1 Ancient Automaton Mask (Player Head) {Castle in the Sky Version}
1 Light Titan Mask (Player Head)
1 Shadow Titan Mask (Player Head)
1 Maul of Omens [Knockback 3, Mending 10, Sharpness 10, Unbreaking 100] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +0.05 Speed, +30 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Attack Speed] (Golden Axe)
1 Vorago Mask (Player Head)

Shoals of the Departed - God Trophies
1 13, Squid God of Tribute Mask (Player Head)
1 Zaros, Divine of Darkness Mask (Player Head)
1 Seren, Divine of Light Mask (Player Head)
1 Saradomin, God of Order Mask (Player Head)
1 Zamorak, God of Chaos Mask (Player Head)
1 Armadyl, God of Justice Mask (Player Head)
1 Bandos, God of War Mask (Player Head)
1 Praefectus Praetorio Sliske Mask (Player Head)
1 Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Mask (Player Head)
1 Odin, Allfather Mask (Player Head)
1 V, God of Heroism Mask (Player Head)
1 Ymir, Primordial Ice Titan Mask (Player Head)
1 Brassica Prime, God of Vegetables Mask (Player Head)
1 Marimbo, God of Fun Mask (Player Head)
1 Bunny Mask (Player Head)

Shoals of the Departed - Ocean Masks
1 Orcaman Mask (Player Head)
1 Ender Pirate Mask (Player Head)
1 Captain Davy Jones Mask (Player Head)
1 Abyss Walker Mask (Player Head)
1 Relic Sentinel Mask (Player Head)
1 Abyssal Wraith Mask (Player Head)
1 Pumpking Knight Mask (Player Head)
1 Relic Walker Mask (Player Head)
1 Magma Elemental Mask (Player Head)
1 Agent of the Elders Mask (Player Head)
1 Depth Elemental Mask (Player Head)
1 Deep One Mask (Player Head)
1 Drowned Priest Mask (Player Head)
1 Elder God Cultist Mask (Player Head)

Shoals of the Departed - Ruin Keys
1 Ruin Key A (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key B (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key Γ (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key Δ (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key E (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key Z (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key H (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key Θ (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key I (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key K (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key Λ (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key M (Tripwire Hook)
1 Ruin Key N (Tripwire Hook)

Shoals of the Departed - Angel of Death
1 Lump of Horror (Player Head)
1 Nex, Angel of Death Mask (Player Head)
1 Diamond Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Diamond Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Diamond Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Timber [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Axe)
1 Diamond Dragon’s Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Anima Core Helm of Apocalypse [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +5 Armor, +4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Anima Core Body of Apocalypse [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +12 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Anima Core Legs of Apocalypse [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +4 Attack Damage, +10 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Anima Core Boots of Apocalypse [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +5 Armor, +2 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Shoals of the Departed - Elder Sanctums
1 Bloody Stone of Mah (Nether Wart Block)
1 Rotting Stone of Bik (Brown Mushroom Block)
1 Frozen Stone of Wen (Blue Ice)
1 Ashen Stone of Ful (Andesite)
1 Fractured Stone of Jas (Chiseled Quartz Block)
1 Shugnahoth ot Orr'enah (Soul Sand)
1 Shugnahoth ot Ph'nilgh'ri (Lapis Block)
1 Shugnahoth ot Eons (Chorus Plant)
1 Ot uln Cthulhu (Light Gray Glazed Terracotta)
1 Elder God Effigy (Nautilus Shell)
1 Elder God Idol (Player Head)
1 Mask of Horror [Aqua Affinity, Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 10, Depth Strider 5, Fire Protection 10, Infinity, Luck of the Sea 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Respiration 5, Thorns 5] [When on head: +0.05 Speed, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +5 Armor] (Player Head)

Shoals of the Departed - Ansem Reports
1 Ansem Report 1 (Paper)
1 Ansem Report 2 (Paper)
1 Ansem Report 3 (Paper)
1 Ansem Report 4 (Paper)
1 Ansem Report 5 (Paper)
1 Ansem Report 6 (Paper)
1 Encoded Reports 1 (Book)
1 Encoded Reports 2 (Book)
1 Encoded Reports 3 (Book)
1 Encoded Reports 4 (Book)
1 Encoded Ansem Report Vol.1 (Book)

Shoals of the Departed - Heartless
1 Shadow Mask (Player Head)
1 Demon Tower Mask (Player Head)
1 Neoshadow Mask (Player Head)
1 Darkside Mask (Player Head)
1 Shadow Carrion Mask (Player Head)
1 Shadow Stalker Mask (Player Head)
1 Dark Automaton Mask (Player Head)
1 Angel Star Mask (Player Head)
1 Dark Hide Mask (Player Head)
1 Invisible Mask (Player Head)
1 Behemoth Mask (Player Head)
1 Arch Behemoth Mask (Player Head)
1 Darkling Aqua Mask (Player Head)
1 Darkside Ω Mask (Player Head)
1 Hunter in the Dark Mask (Player Head)
1 Dark Inferno Mask (Player Head)

Shoals of the Departed - Realm of Darkness
1 Abyssal Crystal (Player Head)
1 Radiant Gem (Player Head)
1 Abyss Berry (Player Head)
1 Heartstone (Player Head)
1 Dusk Gem (Player Head)
1 Abyssal Basin Crystal (Player Head)
1 Realm Fragment (Player Head)
1 Umbra Jewel (Player Head)
1 Dusk Crystal (Player Head)
1 Iðunn Apple [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed] (Enchanted Golden Apple)
1 Dark Realm Keyblade [Bane of Arthropods 13, Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Knockback 5, Mending, Protection 7, Sharpness 13, Smite 13, Unbreaking 13] [When in main hand: +20 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, +0.1 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +130 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor Toughness] [When in off hand: +22 Attack Damage, +460 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Dark Realm Hood [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 10, Protection 7, Respiration 66, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Dark Realm Cloak [Blast Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +10 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Dark Realm Leggings [Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +8 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Dark Realm Boots [Depth Strider 10, Feather Falling 10, Protection 7, Soul Speed 5, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, -130 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Light Realm Keyblade [Bane of Arthropods 13, Efficiency 10, Fire Aspect 5, Looting 4, Protection 7, Sharpness 13, Smite 13] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, +0.15 Speed, +3 Attack Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +20 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +4 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Golden Axe)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Isle of Insanity - Misc
1 Scion of Madness Mask (Player Head)
1 Madness Shard (Potato)
1 Insanity Orb (Magma Cream)
1 Archfiend Mask (Player Head)

Isle of Insanity - Frank's Forge
1 Berserk Armor Helmet [Curse of Binding, Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
1 Berserk Armor Chestplate [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +9 Armor, -4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Berserk Armor Greaves [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +7 Armor, -3 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Berserk Armor Boots [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Boots)
1 Dragon Slayer [Bane of Arthropods 6, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, -3 Max Health, +0.06 Speed, +2.6 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)
1 Insanity Crystal (Player Head)
1 Netherite Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.1 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Netherite Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.1 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Netherite Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.1 Speed] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Netherite Dragon's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Axe)
1 Netherite Dragon's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.1 Speed] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Netherite Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.1 Speed] (Netherite Hoe)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Elder Artifacts
1 Elder Artifact - The Mirror [Curse of Binding, Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Infinity, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 10, Thorns 44] [When in off hand: +15 Attack Damage, +7 Armor, +4 Max Health, +0.1 Speed, +420 Knockback Resistance, +7 Attack Speed, +7 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Elder Artifact - The Locator [Blast Protection 10, Feather Falling 10, Fire Protection 10, Infinity, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 10, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +14 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, +0.1 Speed, -10 Mob Follow Range, +70 Knockback Resistance, +6 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Elder Artifact - The Needle [Bane of Arthropods 10, Channeling, Depth Strider 10, Impaling 10, Infinity, Knockback 10, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +26 Attack Damage, +4 Max Health, +70 Knockback Resistance, +6 Attack Speed] (Trident)
1 Elder Artifact - The Siphon [Bane of Arthropods 10, Fire Aspect 7, Infinity, Knockback 7, Looting 4, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +24 Attack Damage, +0.15 Speed, +7 Attack Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance] [When in off hand: +6 Armor, +0.1 Speed, +7 Attack Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +6 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Elder Artifact - The Blade [Bane of Arthropods 10, Infinity, Knockback 6, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Sweeping Edge 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +28 Attack Damage, +70 Knockback Resistance, +8 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Elder Artifact - The Hammer [Bane of Arthropods 10, Infinity, Knockback 5, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +35 Attack Damage, -0.05 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, -1.5 Attack Speed] (Diamond Axe)
1 Elder Artifact - The Catalyst [Channeling, Infinity] [When in off hand: +15 Attack Damage, +6 Armor, +4 Max Health, +0.1 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed, +6 Armor Toughness] (Nether Quartz)
1 Elder Artifact - The Horn (Pillager Spawn Egg)
1 Elder Artifact - The Kiln [Blast Protection 10, Fire Aspect 10, Knockback 10, Fire Protection 10, Infinity] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed] [When in off hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed] (Blast Furnace)
1 Elder Artifact - The Measure [Infinity] [Unbreakable] (Wooden Shovel)
1 Elder Artifact - The Template (The Living) [Slowness 9 (10:24), Instant Damage 9 (10:24), Invisibility 9 (10:24), Blindness 9 (10:24), Glowing 2 (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Elder Artifact - The Template (The Dead) [Slowness 9 (10:24), Instant Health 9 (10:24), Invisibility 9 (10:24), Blindness 9 (10:24), Glowing 2 (0:03)] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Higher Artifact - Void Spear [Bane of Arthropods 10, Infinity, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +22 Attack Damage, +4 Max Health, +70 Knockback Resistance, +3 Attack Speed] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Higher Artifact - Light Spear [Bane of Arthropods 10, Infinity, Knockback 4, Mending, Sharpness 15, Smite 10, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +22 Attack Damage, +4 Max Health, +70 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed] (Diamond Shovel)

Codex Temples
1 Ancient Book (Incomplete) (Knowledge Book)
1 Missing Page Ω (Paper)
1 Missing Page α (Paper)
1 Mask of Naminkah (Player Head)
1 Apostle Skull (Player Head)
1 Papyrus of the Pharoah (Sugar Cane)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Science Isles - Sky Pillar - Ivaldi's Dragon Forge
1 Platinum Pickaxe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Platinum Shovel [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Shovel)
1 Platinum Axe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Platinum Hoe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Hoe)
1 Platinum Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Platinum Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 10, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Platinum Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Shovel)
1 Platinum Dragon's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 10, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.015 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Platinum Dragon's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Hoe)
1 Platinum Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 10, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Hoe)
1 Obsidian Dragon's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 12, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Obsidian Dragon's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 12, Fortune 5, Mending, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Obsidian Dragon's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 12, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Obsidian Dragon's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 12, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.015 Speed] (Netherite Axe)
1 Obsidian Dragon's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 12, Fortune 5, Mending, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Obsidian Void Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 12, Silk Touch, Mending, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +0.15 Speed] (Netherite Hoe)

Science Isles - Sky Pillar - Sealed Chamber Artifacts
1 Glyph Artifact ⠁ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠃ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠉ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠙ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠑ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠋ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠛ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠓ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠊ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠚ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠅ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠇ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠍ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠝ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠕ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠏ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠟ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠗ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠎ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠞ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠥ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠧ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠺ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠭ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠽ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠵ (Player Head)
1 ⠞ ⠓ ⠑ ⠀ ⠇ ⠑ ⠛ ⠑ ⠝ ⠙ ⠀ ⠕ ⠋ ⠀ ⠁ ⠀ ⠞ ⠊ ⠞ ⠁ ⠝ (Written Book)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠂ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠲ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠖ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠦ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠤ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠀ (Player Head)
1 Glyph Artifact ⠼ (Player Head)

Science Isles - Rockpeak Ruins
1 Ancient Golem Regirock Totem (Player Head)
1 Raw Platinum (Player Head)
1 Ancient Golem Regirock Totem (Shiny) (Player Head)

Science Isles - Iceberg Ruins
1 Ancient Golem Regice Totem (Player Head)
1 Raw Platinum (Player Head)
1 Ancient Golem Regice Totem (Shiny) (Player Head)

Science Isles - Iron Ruins
1 Ancient Golem Registeel Totem (Player Head)
1 Raw Platinum (Player Head)
1 Ancient Golem Registeel Totem (Shiny) (Player Head)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Merit Items - Replicas
1 WiverStik Replica [Sharpness 3] (Stick)
1 Cookie Slapper Replica [Knockback 2] (Cookie)
1 Tunaslap Replica [Knockback 50] (Cod)
1 *Letter Scramble* Replica (Pumpkin)
1 Desecration Replica [Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Pumpkin Splitter Replica [Bane of Arthropods 3, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Axe)
1 Pumpkin Carver Replica [Bane of Arthropods 3, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Sword)
1 Pumpkin Juice Replica [Speed 3 (80:00), Haste 3 (80:00), Night Vision 3 (80:00), Glowing 3 (80:00)] (Potion)
1 Pumpkin Spoon Replica [Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Pumpkin Candle Replica [Frost Walker 1, Infinity, Luck of the Sea 1, Mending] (Soul Lantern)
1 Matt Damon's Spatula Replica [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [Unbreakable] (Iron Shovel)
1 Woodhollow Gourd Replica [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Protection 4, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
1 Woodhollow Lantern Replica [Flame, Infinity] [When in off hand: +100 Mob Follow Range, +0.05 Speed, +0.05 Attack Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Lantern)
1 Arsonist's Toolkit Replica [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Flint and Steel)
1 Jousting Pole Replica [Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3] (Carrot on a Stick)

Merit Items - Merit Food
1 Merit Meat Bundle (Chest)
64 Merit Apple (Golden Apple)
64 Enchanted Merit Apple (Enchanted Golden Apple)

Merit Items - Merit Exclusives
1 Sacred Light Bow [Flame 5, Infinity, Mending, Power 5, Punch 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +3 Attack Damage, +0.02 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Bow)
64 Ancient Arrow [Flight: 10, Burst: x10] (Firework Rocket)
1 Yata Mirror [Blast Protection 4, Fire Aspect 10, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4] [When in off hand: +3 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Shield)
1 Sword of Totsuka [Fire Aspect 10, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 3, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +9 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Golden Sword)
1 Yasakani no Magatama [Infinity] [When in main hand: +0.07 Speed] (Emerald)
64 Silver Arrow [Instant Damage 2, Weakness 2 (0:01), Glowing 2 (10:00)] (Tipped Arrow)
1 Hephaestus's Labrys [Efficiency 5, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Golden Axe)

Merit Items - Replica Famine and Conquest
1 Banner of Famine (Black Banner)
1 Replica Famine Helm (Player Head)
1 Replica Famine Chestplate [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Famine Leggings [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Famine Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Barbs of Scorn [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage] (Lead)
1 Banner of Conquest (Light Blue Banner)
1 Replica Conquest Helm (Player Head)
1 Replica Conquest Chestplate [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Conquest Leggings [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Conquest Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Redemption and Mercy [Flame, Infinity, Power 5, Punch 2] [Unbreakable] (Bow)

Merit Items - Replica War and Death
1 Banner of War (Red Banner)
1 Replica War Helm (Player Head)
1 Replica War Chestplate [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica War Leggings [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica War Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Chaoseater [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, Unbreakable] (Stone Sword)
1 Banner of Death (Black Banner)
1 Replica Death Helm (Player Head)
1 Replica Death Chestplate [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Death Leggings [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Death Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Harvester [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +1.6 Attack Speed, +7 Attack Damage, Unbreakable] (Iron Hoe)

Merit Items - Replica Frank and Boss Mobs
1 Banner of Frank (Light Gray Banner)
1 Replica Frank Helm (Player Head)
1 Replica Frank Chestplate [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Frank Leggings [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Frank Boots [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Nex Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Nex Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Nex Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Nomad Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Telos Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Telos Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Telos Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Vorago Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Vorago Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Vorago Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Replica Elder God Robes
1 Replica Mah Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Mah Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Mah Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Mah Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Ful Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Ful Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Ful Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Ful Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Wen Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Wen Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Wen Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Wen Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Bik Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Bik Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Bik Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Bik Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Jas Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Jas Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Jas Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Jas Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Cthulhu Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Replica High God Robes
1 Replica Zaros Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Zaros Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Zaros Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Seren Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Seren Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Seren Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica 13 Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Replica 13 Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Replica 13 Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Diamond Boots)
1 Replica Brassica Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Brassica Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Brassica Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Guthix Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Guthix Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Guthix Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Guthix Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Replica Greater Gods
1 Replica Zamorak Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Zamorak Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Zamorak Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Saradomin Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Saradomin Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Saradomin Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Bandos Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Bandos Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Bandos Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Armadyl Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Armadyl Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Armadyl Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Sliske Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Sliske Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Sliske Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Replica Lesser Gods
1 Replica Marimbo Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Marimbo Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Marimbo Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Odin Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Replica Odin Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Golden Leggings)
1 Replica Odin Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Iron Boots)
1 Replica Ansem Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Ansem Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Ansem Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Ymir Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Ymir Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Ymir Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica V Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Replica V Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica V Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Iron Boots)
1 Replica Manbun Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Manbun Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Manbun Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Replica Secret Boss Robes
1 Replica Gaunter Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Gaunter Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Gaunter Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Gaunter Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Tuska Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Tuska Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Tuska Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Replica Surtr Robes [When on body: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Replica Surtr Robes [When on body: +2 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Leggings)
1 Replica Surtr Robes [When on feet: +1 Armor, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)

Merit Items - Assorted Mob Heads
1 Replica Wild Hunt Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Caretaker Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Plague Vampyre Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Nyx Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Yett@ Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Yetti Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Gunter Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Ghost Child Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica HONK Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Dragonkin Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Demon Knight Mask (Player Head)
1 Replica Elder Demon Mask (Player Head)
10 Golden Skulltula #X (Player Head)

Merit Items - Notable Banned Players
1 muffins303 (Player Head)
1 Hammertoe_1 (Player Head)
1 CMHOCKEY34 (Player Head)
1 kevysteph (Player Head)
1 FaceplantHebu (Player Head)
1 DainR13 (Player Head)

Merit Items - Notable Players
1 TopHatLayton (Player Head)
1 Exodio (Player Head)
1 doorgunnerjgs (Player Head)
1 Hankapotamus (Player Head)
1 FigsNewton (Player Head)
1 itsthesherf (Player Head)

Merit Items - Staff of the Ages
1 Doctacosa (Player Head)
1 Windrider739 (Player Head)
1 ADeadlyFish (Player Head)
1 Anonymous_SoFar (Player Head)
1 Kusorai (Player Head)
1 iKatze (Player Head)
1 UnknownEntity634 (Player Head)
1 Kagato (Player Head)
1 SoraThePumpking (Player Head)
1 MediaKlepto (Player Head)
1 MineshaftBob (Player Head)
1 Skreelink (Player Head)
1 xLordItachix (Player Head)
1 Raegal (Player Head)
1 MagicMarker101 (Player Head)
1 BiGsTiVo (Player Head)
1 Twixxi_ (Player Head)
1 AleXxXfry (Player Head)
1 Phrogie (Player Head)
1 Inflammo (Player Head)
1 Ashalina (Player Head)
1 MaximumRose (Player Head)
1 DayLightNightMar (Player Head)
1 MormonMoo (Player Head)
1 Septina (Player Head)
1 Primagen (Player Head)
1 BioZombieActive (Player Head)
1 BroitsTAG (Player Head)
1 Kimonellos (Player Head)
1 Rebbica007 (Player Head)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Horsemen Guild - Misc
1 Horseman Point (Paper)
1 Acolyte Token (Amethyst Shard)
1 Acolyte Banner (Banner)
1 Token Application: ### (Paper)
1 Acolyte ID Badge: #### (Mojang Banner Pattern)
1 2021 Halloween Event Chest (Orange Shulker Box)
1 Ravaiim Blood (Player Head)
1 2020 Halloween Event Chest (Orange Shulker Box)
1 Banner of Famine (Banner)
1 Banner of Conquest (Banner)
1 Banner of War (Banner)
1 Banner of Death (Banner)
1 Banner of Frank (Banner)
1 Transmogrification Token (Amethyst Shard)
1 Famine's Personal Candy Stash [Nausea (0:30), Blindness (0:30), Hunger (0:30), Bad Luck (833:19)] [When Applied: -9 Luck, +180% Speed] (Potion)
1 Conquest's Mushroom Soup [When in off hand: +1 Armor Toughness, +2 Armor] (Mushroom Soup)
1 Bob of War [When in main hand: Unbreakable, -6 Attack Speed, -6 Attack Damage] (Stone Sword)
1 Seeds of Time [Curse of Binding 6, Thorns 6] [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed] (Clock)
1 Syrup of the Moose [Slowness (4:00), Slowness 4 (4:00), Glowing (4:00)] [When Applied: -15% Speed, -60% Speed, Blast Protection 7, Fire Protection 7, Projectile Protection 7, Protection 7, Thorns 10] [When in off hand: +7 Armor Toughness, +70 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor] (Splash Potion)
1 Watcher Skull [Curse of Binding, Infinity, Soul Speed 6] [When on head: -0.08 Speed, -18 Max Health, -5 Attack Speed, -30 Attack Damage, -100 Knockback Resistance, -20 Armor Toughness, -50 Armor] (Player Head)
1 Apple of the Nephilim [When in off hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed] (Enchanted Golden Apple)
1 Draught of Starvation [Invisibility 6 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Hunger 3 (1666:39), Absorption 5 (1666:39)] (Potion)
1 Draught of Subjugation [Haste 3 (1666:39), Resistance 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Glowing 6 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +30% Attack Speed] (Potion)
1 Draught of Conflict [Strength 3 (1666:39), Fire Resistance 6 (1666:39), Nausea (1666:39), Luck 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +3 Luck, +9 Attack Damage] (Potion)
1 Draught of Oblivion [Water Breathing 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Bad Luck 6 (1666:39), Conduit Power 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: -6 Luck] (Potion)
1 Draught of Lunacy [Speed 6 (1666:39), Blindness 3 (1666:39), Night Vision 6 (1666:39), Dolphin's Grace 3 (1666:39)] [When Applied: +120% Speed] (Potion)

Horsemen Guild - Acolyte Armaments
1 Horsemen Acolyte Whip [Knockback 10, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Lead)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Bow [Infinity, Power 5, Punch 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Bow)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Sword [Fire Aspect 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Scythe [Looting 3, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +5 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Trident [Channeling, Impaling 5, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 6, Smite 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +8 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Horsemen Acolyte Shield [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +666 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Horsemen Guild - Grand Abominations
1 Affliction [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1.7 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 White Anguish [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +5 Attack Speed, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Black Mercy [Flame 3, Infinity, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Power 6, Punch 4, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Bow)
1 Absolution [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 3, Looting 3, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +18 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Lamentation [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 5, Impaling 12, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -6 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.5 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Gravesire [Efficiency 7, Knockback 4, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Bleak Tranquility [Slowness 2, Blindness 2, Wither 2, Glowing 2, Levitation 2] [Knockback 5] (Arrow)
1 Earth Reaver [Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 3, Looting 3, Protection 7, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +4 Armor Toughness, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Mortis [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +1 Attack Speed, +0.02 Speed] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, -4 Max Health, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.02 Speed, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Anathema [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Loyalty 5, Riptide 5, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +13 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.02 Speed, +1.3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Luck, Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Malediction [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Detestation [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 7, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Execration [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Desecration+ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 7, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed] (Diamond Axe)
1 Revulsion [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 7, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +9 Luck, -0.02 Speed] (Diamond Hoe)

Horsemen Guild - Grand Abominations+
1 Affliction+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.7 Attack Speed, +66 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 White Anguish+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +60 Knockback Resistance, +6 Attack Speed, +66 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Black Mercy+ [Flame 4, Infinity, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Power 6, Punch 5, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +2 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +66 Luck, Unbreakable] (Bow)
1 Absolution+ [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 4, Knockback 4, Looting 4, Sharpness 13, Smite 6, Thorns 6] [When in main hand: +21 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Lamentation+ [Bane of Arthropods 7, Channeling, Fire Aspect 6, Impaling 12, Knockback 6, Looting 4, Loyalty 6, Sharpness 13, Smite 7, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +17 Attack Damage, -4 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.5 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Gravesire+ [Efficiency 8, Knockback 5, Looting 3, Protection 8, Sharpness 10, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +70 Knockback Resistance, +2 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, +66 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Bleak Tranquility+ [Slowness 3, Blindness 3, Wither 3, Glowing 3, Levitation 3] [Knockback 6] (Arrow)
1 Earth Reaver+ [Efficiency 8, Fire Aspect 10, Fortune 4, Looting 3, Protection 8, Sharpness 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +1 Attack Speed, +5 Armor Toughness, +66 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Mortis+ [Blast Protection 6, Fire Protection 6, Knockback 6, Looting 3, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Sharpness 10, Thorns 10] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +0.04 Speed, +2 Attack Speed] [When in off hand: +5 Armor, -2 Max Health, +5 Armor Toughness, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Anathema+ [Bane of Arthropods 7, Fire Aspect 10, Impaling 10, Knockback 6, Looting 3, Loyalty 6, Riptide 6, Sharpness 10, Smite 7] [When in main hand: +15 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, +66 Luck, +0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2.3 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Malediction+ [Curse of Binding 6, Blast Protection 10, Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Detestation+ [Curse of Binding 6, Efficiency 8, Frost Walker 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Execration+ [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 8, Fire Aspect 10, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +11 Luck] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Desecration++ [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 10, Efficiency 8, Infinity, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +11 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Revulsion+ [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Infinity, Soul Speed 10] [When in main hand: +11 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)

Horsemen Guild - Famine Acolyte Armor
Famine Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
Famine Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Famine Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +6 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Famine Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Conquest Acolyte Armor
Conquest Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
Conquest Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Conquest Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +6 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Conquest Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - War Acolyte Armor
War Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
War Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
War Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +6 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
War Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Death Acolyte Armor
Death Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
Death Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Death Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +6 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Death Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Frank Acolyte Armor
Frank Acolyte Helm [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Player Head)
Frank Acolyte Plate [Blast Protection 4, Feather Falling 5, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +8 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Frank Acolyte Grieves [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +6 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Frank Acolyte Boots [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +666 Luck, +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Famine
Anima Core Helm of Famine [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Player Head)
Anima Core Body of Famine [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness. +10 Knockback Resistance, +12 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Anima Core Legs of Famine [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Attack Damage, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Anima Core Boots of Famine [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Conquest
Anima Core Helm of Conquest [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Player Head)
Anima Core Body of Conquest [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness. +10 Knockback Resistance, +12 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Anima Core Legs of Conquest [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Attack Damage, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Anima Core Boots of Conquest [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of War
Anima Core Helm of War [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Player Head)
Anima Core Body of War [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness. +10 Knockback Resistance, +12 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Anima Core Legs of War [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Attack Damage, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Anima Core Boots of War [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Death
Anima Core Helm of Death [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Player Head)
Anima Core Body of Death [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness. +10 Knockback Resistance, +12 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Anima Core Legs of Death [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Attack Damage, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Anima Core Boots of Death [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Frank
Anima Core Helm of Frank [Aqua Affinity 5, Depth Strider 5, Protection 7, Respiration 50, Thorns 5] [When on head: +4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor] (Player Head)
Anima Core Body of Frank [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on body: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness. +10 Knockback Resistance, +12 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
Anima Core Legs of Frank [Protection 7, Thorns 5] [When on legs: +2 Max Health, +4 Attack Speed, +4 Attack Damage, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
Anima Core Boots of Frank [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 8, Protection 7, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 5] [When on feet: +2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Armor, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)

Horsemen Artifacts - Famine
1 Wildwood Orb (Ender Pearl)
1 Wychwood Shard (Beetroot Seeds)
1 Wilderness Emerald (Player Head)
1 Sting [Bane of Arthropods 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpnes 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +12 Attack Damage, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Forest Spirit Skull [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Forest Spirit Chestplate [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Forest Spirit Greaves [Blast Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Leggings)
1 Forest Spirit Boots [Blast Protection 10, Soul Speed 6, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Boots)

Horsemen Artifacts - Conquest
1 Frost Orb (Snowball)
1 Lich Shard (Iron Nugget)
1 Glacial Diamond (Player Head)
1 Frostmourne, the Frozen Death [Frost Walker 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +12 Attack Damage, +3 Armor, -2 Max Health, +1.6 Attack Speed, +3 Armor Toughness] (Diamond Sword)
1 Elder Lich Helmet [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Elder Lich Chestplate [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.04 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Elder Lich Greaves [Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.03 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Leggings)
1 Elder Lich Boots [Frost Walker 6, Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -0.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Boots)

Horsemen Artifacts - War
1 Draconic Orb (Fire Charge)
1 Demon Shard (Charcoal)
1 Draconic Ruby (Player Head)
1 Soul Edge, Devourer of Souls [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -3 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +2 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Elder Demon Helmet [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Elder Demon Chestplate [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Elder Demon Greaves [Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Leggings)
1 Elder Demon Boots [Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 10, Mending, Protection 6, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -1.5 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Boots)

Horsemen Artifacts - Death
1 Abyssal Orb (Ghast Tear)
1 Abyssal Shard (Black Dye)
1 Abyssal Pearl (Player Head)
1 Armageddon Blade [Depth Strider 5, Infinity, Knockback 5, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Thorns 5] [When in main hand: +14 Attack Damage, -2 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Diamond Sword)
1 Abyssal Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 6, Respiration 66, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on head: +3 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Player Head)
1 Abyssal Chestplate [Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on body: +7 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Abyssal Greaves [Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on legs: +6 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Leggings)
1 Abyssal Boots [Depth Strider 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 10, Unbreaking 66] [When on feet: +3 Armor, -1 Max Health, -0.01 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Leather Boots)

Horsemen Artifacts - Frank
1 Insanity Orb (Magma Cream)
1 Madness Shard (Potato)
1 Insanity Crystal (Player Head)
Berserk Armor Helmet [Curse of Binding, Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
Berserk Armor Chestplate [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +9 Armor, -4 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Chestplate)
Berserk Armor Greaves [Curse of Binding, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +7 Armor, -3 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Leggings)
Berserk Armor Boots [Curse of Binding, Depth Strider 6, Fire Protection 6, Mending, Protection 6, Soul Speed 6, Thorns 6, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +4 Armor, -2 Max Health, +4 Armor Toughness, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Boots)
Dragon Slayer [Bane of Arthropods 6, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 6, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +16 Attack Damage, -3 Max Health, +0.06 Speed, +2.6 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Miner's Guild
1 Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Shovel)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Pickaxe)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Pickaxe)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Shovel)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Pickaxe)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Apprentice Miner Insignia (White Banner)
1 Journeyman Miner Insignia (White Banner)
1 Expert Miner Insignia (White Banner)
1 Master Miner Insignia (White Banner)
1 Miner's Potion I [Haste (10:00), Night Vision (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Miner's Potion II [Haste 2 (20:00), Night Vision (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Miner's Potion III [Haste 3 (30:00), Night Vision (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Miner's Potion IV [Haste 4 (40:00), Night Vision (40:00)] (Potion)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Builder's Guild
1 Icarus Wings I [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +0.01 Speed] (Elytra)
1 Tetrominoes Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Iron Boots)
1 Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Axe)
1 Icarus Wings II [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 5] [When on body: +0.02 Speed] (Elytra)
1 Tetrominoes Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 5, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Gold Boots)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Axe)
1 Icarus Wings III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +0.03 Speed] (Elytra)
1 Tetrominoes Boots III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 8, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 9] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed] (Diamond Boots)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Axe)
1 Icarus Wings IV [Protection 4] [When on body: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed] (Elytra)
1 Tetrominoes Boots IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 10, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed] (Netherite Boots)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Apprentice Builder Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Journeyman Builder Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Expert Builder Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Master Builder Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Builder's Potion I [Jump Boost (10:00), Saturation 4 (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Builder's Potion II [Jump Boost 2 (20:00), Saturation 5 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Builder's Potion III [Jump Boost 3 (30:00), Saturation 6 (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Builder's Potion IV [Jump Boost 4 (40:00), Saturation 6 (40:00)] (Potion)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Fisher's Guild
1 Nat Pagle's Hat I [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +0.01 Speed] (Turtle Helmet)
1 Ecco Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Iron Boots)
1 Training Rod [Luck of the Sea 3, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When in main hand: +3 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Fishing Rod)
1 Nat Pagle's Hat II [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 20, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +0.01 Speed] (Turtle Helmet)
1 Ecco Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.01 Speed] (Iron Boots)
1 Bamboo Pole [Luck of the Sea 4, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When in main hand: +6 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Fishing Rod)
1 Nat Pagle's Hat III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 40, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +0.03 Speed] (Turtle Helmet)
1 Ecco Boots III [Depth Strider 4, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 9] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.03 Speed] (Diamond Boots)
1 Fiberglass Rod [Luck of the Sea 5, Lure 3, Mending, Unbreaking 12] [When in main hand: +9 Luck ,+0.03 Speed] (Fishing Rod)
1 Nat Pagle's Hat IV [Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 1000] [When on head: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed] (Turtle Helmet)
1 Ecco Boots IV [Depth Strider 5, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed] (Netherite Boots)
1 Iridium Rod [Infinity, Luck of the Sea 6, Lure 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +12 Luck, +0.05 Speed] (Fishing Rod)
1 Apprentice Fisher Insignia (White Banner)
1 Journeyman Fisher Insignia (White Banner)
1 Expert Fisher Insignia (White Banner)
1 Master Fisher Insignia (White Banner)
1 Fisher's Potion I [Luck 4 (10:00), Conduit Power (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Fisher's Potion II [Luck 5 (20:00), Conduit Power 2 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Fisher's Potion III [Luck 6 (30:00), Conduit Power 3 (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Fisher's Potion IV [Luck 6 (40:00), Conduit Power 4 (40:00)] (Potion)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Farmer's Guild
1 Espeon Wand [Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Carrot on a Stick)
1 Wellington Boots I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.01 Speed] (Leather Boots)
1 Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Hoe)
1 Wyvern's Claw - Organic [Efficiency 8, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Iron Hoe)
1 Flareon Wand [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Flint and Steel)
1 Wellington Boots II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 4] [When on feet: +0.02 Speed] (Leather Boots)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 8, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Golden Hoe)
1 Golden Wyvern's Claw - Organic [Efficiency 8, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Golden Hoe)
1 Umbreon Wand [Infinity] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Warped Fungus on a Stick)
1 Wellington Boots III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +0.03 Speed] (Leather Boots)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Diamond Wyvern's Claw - Organic [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Diamond Hoe)
1 Leafeon Wand [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Shears)
1 Wellington Boots IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Protection 4, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +0.05 Speed] (Leather Boots)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 11, Fortune 4, Mending, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Netherite Wyvern's Claw - Organic [Efficiency 11, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Apprentice Farmer Insignia (Light Blue Banner)
1 Journeyman Farmer Insignia (Light Blue Banner)
1 Expert Farmer Insignia (Light Blue Banner)
1 Master Farmer Insignia (Light Blue Banner)
1 Farmer's Potion I [Saturation 4 (10:00), Slow Falling 4 (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Farmer's Potion II [Saturation 5 (20:00), Slow Falling 5 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Farmer's Potion III [Saturation 6 (30:00), Slow Falling 6 (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Farmer's Potion IV [Saturation 6 (40:00), Slow Falling 6 (40:00)] (Potion)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Hunter's Guild
1 Nora Longshot Bow [Infinity, Looting 1, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 3] (Bow)
1 Lao-Shan Lung Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +0.02 Speed] (Iron Boots)
1 Cryptstalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 1, Unbreaking 3] (Shield)
1 Carja Mighty Bow [Infinity, Looting 2, Mending, Power 5, Punch 2, Unbreaking 4] (Bow)
1 Kulve Taroth Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +0.05 Speed] (Golden Boots)
1 Gronnstalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 2, Unbreaking 4] (Shield)
1 Banuk Culling Bow [Infinity, Looting 3, Mending, Power 5, Punch 3, Unbreaking 5] (Bow)
1 Safi'jiiva Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 12] [When on feet: +0.08 Speed] (Diamond Boots)
1 Scourgestalker's Shield [Mending, Protection 3, Unbreaking 6] (Shield)
1 Banuk Striker Bow [Looting 4, Mending, Power 5, Punch 4, Unbreaking 6] (Bow)
1 Zorah Magdaros Boots [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 4, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +0.12 Speed] (Netherite Boots)
1 Wyrmstalker's Shield [Protection 4] [Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Apprentice Hunter Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Journeyman Hunter Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Expert Hunter Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Master Hunter Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Hunter's Potion I [Speed (10:00), Strength (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Hunter's Potion II [Speed (20:00), Strength (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Hunter's Potion III [Speed 2 (30:00), Strength 2 (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Hunter's Potion IV [Speed 3 (40:00), Strength 3 (40:00)] (Potion)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Blacksmith's Guild
1 Helmet of the Creeper I [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Boots of the Creeper I [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)
1 Helmet of the Stray I [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Chainmail Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Stray I [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Stray I [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +4 Armor] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Boots of the Stray I [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Apprentice Blacksmith Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Journeyman Blacksmith Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Expert Blacksmith Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Master Blacksmith Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Blacksmith's Potion I [Resistance (10:00), Fire Resistance 3 (10:00)] (Potion)
1 Blacksmith's Potion II [Resistance (20:00), Fire Resistance 4 (20:00)] (Potion)
1 Blacksmith's Potion III [Resistance 2 (30:00), Fire Resistance 5 (30:00)] (Potion)
1 Blacksmith's Potion IV [Resistance 3 (40:00), Fire Resistance 6 (40:00)] (Potion)
1 Helmet of the Creeper II [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Boots of the Creeper II [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)
1 Helmet of the Stray II [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Chainmail Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Stray II [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Stray II [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +4 Armor] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Boots of the Stray II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Helmet of the Blaze II [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 3] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Golden Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Blaze II [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on body: +5 Armor] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Blaze II [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on legs: +3 Armor] (Golden Leggings)
1 Boots of the Blaze II [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 3] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Golden Boots)
1 Helmet of the Creeper III [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Boots of the Creeper III [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)
1 Helmet of the Stray III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Chainmail Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Stray III [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +5 Armor] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Stray III [Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +4 Armor] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Boots of the Stray III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Helmet of the Blaze III [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 6] [When on head: +2 Armor] (Golden Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Blaze III [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +5 Armor] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Blaze III [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +3 Armor] (Golden Leggings)
1 Boots of the Blaze III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +1 Armor] (Golden Boots)
1 Helmet of the Piglin III [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 4] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Piglin III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Piglin III [Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Boots of the Piglin III [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 6] [When on feet: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Boots)
1 Helmet of the Creeper IV [Aqua Affinity, Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor] (Iron Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +6 Armor] (Iron Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +5 Armor] (Iron Leggings)
1 Boots of the Creeper IV [Blast Protection 4, Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +2 Armor] (Iron Boots)
1 Helmet of the Stray IV [Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor] (Chainmail Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Stray IV [Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +5 Armor] (Chainmail Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Stray IV [Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +4 Armor] (Chainmail Leggings)
1 Boots of the Stray IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Projectile Protection 4, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [when on feet: Unbreakable, +1 Armor] (Chainmail Boots)
1 Helmet of the Blaze IV [Aqua Affinity, Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Respiration 3, Thorns 3] [When on head: Unbreakable, +2 Armor] (Golden Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Blaze IV [Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +5 Armor] (Golden Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Blaze IV [Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Thorns 3] [When on legs: Unbreakable, +3 Armor] (Golden Leggings)
1 Boots of the Blaze IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 4, Infinity, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +1 Armor] (Golden Boots)
1 Helmet of the Piglin IV [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Piglin IV [Blast Protection 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +2 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor] (Diamond Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Piglin IV [Fire Protection 4, Mending, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +2 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor] (Diamond Leggings)
1 Boots of the Piglin IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 4, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +2 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Diamond Boots)
1 Helmet of the Ravager IV [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 5, Respiration 3, Unbreaking 10] [When on head: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Ravager IV [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +8 Armor] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Ravager IV [Mending, Protection 5, Unbreaking 10] [When on legs: +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +6 Armor] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Boots of the Ravager IV [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 5, Soul Speed 3, Thorns 3] [When on feet: Unbreakable, +1 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +3 Armor] (Netherite Boots)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Interior Decorator's Guild (Event Guild)
1 Apprentice Interior Decorator Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Journeyman Interior Decorator Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Expert Interior Decorator Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Master Interior Decorator Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Interior Decorator's Potion I (Potion)
1 Interior Decorator's Potion II (Potion)
1 Interior Decorator's Potion III (Potion)
1 Interior Decorator's Potion IV (Potion)
1 Box of Bricks (Orange Shulker Box)
1 Dye Pack (Pink Shulker Box)
1 Decorator's Torch [Infinity] [When in off hand: +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed, Unbreakable] (Blaze Rod)
1 Log Stripping Axe [Infinity] [When in main hand: -0.09 Speed, Unbreakable] (Stone Axe)
1 Brick Helmet [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Protection 4, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Player Head)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Explorer's Guild (Event Guild)
1 Zombie Horse Spawn Egg (Spawn Egg)
1 Soundtrack of the Explorer [Infinity, Funky Dance Moves 5, Unbreaking 3] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed] (Music Disc 5)
1 Explorer's Trident [Riptide 10] [Unbreakable] (Trident)
1 Explorer's Horse Armor [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 3] [When on body: +0.1 Speed] (Leather Horse Armor)
1 Explorer's Leggings [Protection 4, Swift Sneak 5] [When on legs: +3 Armor, Unbreakable] (Golden Leggings)
1 Apprentice Explorer Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Journeyman Explorer Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Expert Explorer Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Master Explorer Insignia (Black Banner)
1 Explorer's Potion I [Speed (10:00), Night Vision (10:00), Conduit Power (10:00)]
1 Explorer's Potion II [Speed 2 (20:00), Night Vision 2 (20:00), Conduit Power 2 (20:00)]
1 Explorer's Potion III [Speed 3 (30:00), Night Vision 3 (30:00), Conduit Power 3 (30:00)]
1 Explorer's Potion IV [Speed 4 (40:00), Night Vision 4 (40:00), Conduit Power 4 (40:00)]

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Tokens
1 Miner's Guild Token (Charcoal)
1 Miner's Guild Beta Token (Charcoal)
1 Builder's Guild Token (Brick)
1 Builder's Guild Beta Token (Brick)
1 Farmer's Guild Token (Honeycomb)
1 Farmer's Guild Beta Token (Honeycomb)
1 Blacksmith's Guild Token (Iron Nugget)
1 Blacksmith's Guild Beta Token (Iron Nugget)
1 Fisher's Guild Token (Prismarine Shard)
1 Fisher's Guild Beta Token (Prismarine Shard)
1 Hunter's Guild Token (Rabbit Hide)
1 Hunter's Guild Beta Token (Rabbit Hide)
1 Interior Decorator's Guild Token (Ghast Tear)
1 Explorer's Guild Token (Echo Shard)
1 Multidisciplinary Guild Token (Clock)
1 Miner's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Builder's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Farmer's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Blacksmith's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Fisher's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Hunter's Council Token (Glowstone Dust)
1 Guild Leader Token 1 (Iron Ingot)
1 Guild Leader Token 2 (Gold Ingot)
1 Guild Leader Token 3 (Emerald)
1 Guild Leader Token 4 (Diamond)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Grand Master
1 Grand Master's Shovel [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +12 Attack Damage] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Replica Grand Master's Shovel [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +12 Attack Damage] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Grand Master's Axe [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +12 Attack Damage] (Netherite Axe)
1 Replica Grand Master's Axe [Efficiency 10, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Sharpness 5, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +12 Attack Damage] (Netherite Axe)
1 Grand Master's Hoe [Efficiency 10, Fortune 6, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +4 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +8 Attack Damage] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Replica Grand Master's Hoe [Efficiency 10, Fortune 6, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +4 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +8 Attack Damage] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Grand Master's Rod [Knockback 2, Looting 3, Luck of the Sea 7, Lure 3, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +15 Luck, +1.8 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Fishing Rod)
1 Replica Grand Master's Rod [Knockback 2, Looting 3, Luck of the Sea 7, Lure 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +15 Luck, +1.8 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +9 Attack Damage] (Fishing Rod)
1 Grand Master's Bow [Fire Aspect 1, Infinity, Knockback 2, Looting 4, Power 6, Punch 6, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +8 Attack Damage] (Bow)
1 Replica Grand Master's Bow [Fire Aspect 1, Infinity, Knockback 2, Looting 4, Mending, Power 6, Punch 6, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 10] [When in main hand: +7 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed, +0.05 Speed, +8 Attack Damage] (Bow)
1 Replica TerrorDactyl Blade [Knockback 2, Looting 4, Sharpness 7, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed, +0.1 Speed, +14 Attack Damage] (Netherite Sword)
1 Grand Master's Chestplate [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Thorns 3] [When on body: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.1 Speed, +9 Armor] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Replica Grand Master's Chestplate [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Mending, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4, Unbreaking 10] [When on body: +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed, +9 Armor] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Crest of the Guilds [Blast Protection 6, Feather Falling 6, Fire Protection 6, Infinity 6, Projectile Protection 6, Protection 6, Thorns 22] [When in off hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +5 Armor Toughness, +240 Knockback Resistance, +0.05 Speed, +7 Armor] (Shield)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Certificates
1 Journeyman Miner's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Miner's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Miner's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Journeyman Builder's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Builder's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Builder's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Journeyman Fisher's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Fisher's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Fisher's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Journeyman Farmer's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Farmer's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Farmer's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Journeyman Blacksmith's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Blacksmith's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Blacksmith's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)
1 Journeyman Hunter's Certificate (Globe Banner Pattern)
1 Expert Hunter's Certificate (Piglin Banner Pattern)
1 Master Hunter's Certificate (Creeper Banner Pattern)

The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Master Upgrades
1 Platinum Blacksmith's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Platinum Farmer's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Platinum Fisher's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Platinum Hunter's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Platinum Builder's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Platinum Miner's Coin (Music Disc)
1 Helmet of the Axolotl [Aqua Affinity, Mending, Protection 5, Respiration 10, Unbreaking 15] [When on head: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Chestplate of the Axolotl [Mending, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 15] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +8 Armor] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Leggings of the Axolotl [Mending, Blast Protection 5, Protection 5, Unbreaking 15] [When on legs: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +6 Armor] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Boots of the Axolotl [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Fire Protection 5, Infinity, Protection 5, Soul Speed 3] [When on feet: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Netherite Boots)
1 Banuk Powershot Bow [Infinity, Looting 4, Mending, Power 6, Punch 5, Unbreaking 10] (Bow)
1 Rylakstalker's Shield [Blast Protection 5, Fire Protection 5, Projectile Protection 5, Protection 5] [Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Platinum Plated Wellies [Depth Strider 3, Feather Falling 4, Protection 5, Soul Speed 5] [When on feet: +0.1 Speed, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Obsidian Wyvern's Claw - Harvest [Efficiency 15, Fortune 5, Mending, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Obsidian Wyvern's Claw - Timber [Efficiency 15, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Axe)
1 Obsidian Wyvern's Claw - Earth [Efficiency 15, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Obsidian Wyvern's Claw - Treasure [Efficiency 15, Fortune 5, Mending, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Obsidian Wyvern's Claw - Stone [Efficiency 15, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 20] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Platinum Tipped Icarus Wings [Feather Falling 4, Infinity, Protection 5] [When on body: +0.05 Speed, +1 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +9 Armor, Unbreakable] (Elytra)
1 Platinum Rod [Infinity, Luck of the Sea 10, Lure 5] [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed, +15 Luck, Unbreakable] (Fishing Rod)
1 Nat Pagle's Platinum Hat [Aqua Affinity, Infinity, Projectile Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, Unbreakable] (Turtle Helmet)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Rodinia - Demon Vendors


Decorative Heads - Demon Toy Collector
1 White Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Light Grey Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Grey Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Black Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Red Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Orange Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Yellow Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Green Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Blue Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Purple Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Magenta Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Pink Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Brown Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Cyan Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Lime Demon Sheep Plushie (Player Head)
1 Wooloo Demon Plushie (Player Head)
1 Wooly Cow Demon Plushie (Player Head)
1 Goat Demon Plushie (Player Head)

Decorative Heads - Demon Seamstress
1 White Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Light Grey Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Grey Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Black Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Red Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Orange Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Yellow Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Green Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Blue Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Purple Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Magenta Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Pink Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Brown Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Cyan Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Lime Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Gold Spool of Demon Thread (Player Head)
1 Red Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)
1 Yellow Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)
1 Green Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)
1 Blue Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)
1 Lilac Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)
1 Brown Bolt of Demon Cloth (Player Head)

Decorative Heads - Demon Shepard
1 White Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Light Grey Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Grey Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Black Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Red Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Orange Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Yellow Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Green Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Blue Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Purple Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Magenta Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Pink Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Brown Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Cyan Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Lime Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Dark Red Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Lilac Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Pastel Rainbow Demon Wool (Player Head)
1 Rainbow Demon Wool (Player Head)

Decorative Heads - Demon Yarn Supplier
1 White Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Light Grey Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Grey Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Black Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Red Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Orange Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Yellow Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Green Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Blue Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Purple Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Magenta Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Pink Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Brown Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Cyan Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Lime Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Gold Demon Yarn (Player Head)
1 Demon Yarn Holder (Player Head)

Laurasia - Statue of the Moose


Laurasia - Statue of the Moose
4 Moose Statue T-Shirt (Leather Chestplate)
1 Wax On [Infinity] (Honeycomb)
1 Wax Off [Infinity] (Golden Axe)
1 Statue of the Moose (Light Blue Banner)

Laurasia - Carnival island


Carnival Island - Misc
1 Carnival Play Pass (Paper)
1 Carnival Cash (Player Head)
1 Gachapon Token (Player Head)
1 Exotic Butters (Player Head)
1 Limited Gachapon Token (Player Head)
1 Heart Cake (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Item Bowling
1 Lion Plushie (Player Head)
1 Tiger Plushie (Player Head)
1 Bear Plushie (Player Head)
1 Panda Plushie (Player Head)
1 Fox Plushie (Player Head)
1 Cheetah Plushie (Player Head)
1 Snake Plushie (Player Head)
1 Turtle Plushie (Player Head)
1 Item Bowling Ball (Player Head)
1 Bowling Prize Token (Iron Nugget)

Carnival Island - Goldfish Toss
1 Goldfish Toss Ball (Player Head)
1 Goldfish Prize Token (Tropical Fish)
1 Goldfish (Tropical Fish Bucket)
1 Toy Fish (Player Head)
1 Toy Cod (Player Head)
1 Toy Salmon (Player Head)
1 Toy Clownfish (Player Head)
1 Toy Pufferfish (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Chicken Bucket Darts
1 Chicken Plushie (Player Head)
1 Chick Plushie (Player Head)
1 Egg Plushie (Player Head)
1 Chicken Stick (Arrow)
1 Dart Prize Token (Gold Nugget)
1 Bronze Medal (Player Head)
1 Silver Medal (Player Head)
1 Gold Medal (Player Head)
1 Rainbow Medal (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Food Vendors
1 Chicken Ramen (Player Head)
1 Beef Ramen (Player Head)
1 Vegetable Ramen (Player Head)
1 Avocado Roll (Player Head)
1 Spicy Roll (Player Head)
1 California Roll (Player Head)
1 Salmon Roll (Player Head)
1 Tamago Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Tuna Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Salmon Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Mackerel Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Shrimp Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Ikura Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Uni Nigiri (Player Head)
1 Hard-Shell Taco (Player Head)
1 Soft-Shell Taco (Player Head)
1 Dorito Taco (Player Head)
1 Burrito (Player Head)
1 Funnel Cake (Player Head)
1 Pink Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Blue Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Pink & Blue Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Yellow Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Green Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Multicolor Cotton Candy (Player Head)
1 Hot Dog (Player Head)
1 Hot Dog with Mustard (Player Head)
1 Hot Dog with Ketchup (Player Head)
1 Popcorn (Player Head)
1 Fountain Drink (Player Head)
1 Vanilla Milkshake (Player Head)
1 Chocolate Milkshake (Player Head)
1 Strawberry Milkshake (Player Head)
1 Mint-Chocolate Milkshake (Player Head)
1 Cherry-Topped Sundae (Player Head)
1 Banana Split (Player Head)
1 Cookie Dough Sundae (Player Head)
1 Strawberry Sundae (Player Head)
1 Mint Chocolate Sundae (Player Head)
1 Citrus Sorbet (Player Head)
1 Cherry Shaved Ice (Player Head)
1 Orange Shaved Ice (Player Head)
1 Lemon Shaved Ice (Player Head)
1 Lime Shaved Ice (Player Head)
1 Grape Shaved Ice (Player Head)
1 Fried Chicken (Player Head)
1 French Fries (Player Head)
1 Bottle of Bear (Player Head)
1 Cheese Pizza (Player Head)
1 Pepperoni Pizza (Player Head)
1 Sausage Pizza (Player Head)
1 Pepperoni + Sausage Pizza (Player Head)
1 Salami Pizza (Player Head)
1 Bacon Pizza (Player Head)
1 Meat Lovers Pizza (Player Head)
1 Hawaiian Pizza (Player Head)
1 Supreme Pizza (Player Head)
1 Anchovy Pizza (Player Head)
1 Olive Pizza (Player Head)
1 Mushroom Pizza (Player Head)
1 Green Pepper Pizza (Player Head)
1 Veggie Lovers Pizza (Player Head)
1 Margherita Pizza (Player Head)
1 Vegan Pizza (Player Head)
1 Cheeseburger (Player Head)
1 Veggie Burger (Player Head)
1 Sloppy Joe (Player Head)
1 Ham & Cheese Sandwich (Player Head)
1 BLT (Player Head)
1 Classic Lays (Player Head)
1 Nacho Cheese Doritos (Player Head)
1 Taro Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Coffee Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Matcha Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Strawberry Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Blueberry Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Raspberry Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Mango Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Coconut Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Jasmine Bubble Tea (Player Head)
1 Pea Flower Bubble Tea (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Balloon Vendor
1 Red Balloon (Player Head)
1 Orange Balloon (Player Head)
1 Yellow Balloon (Player Head)
1 Lime Balloon (Player Head)
1 Green Balloon (Player Head)
1 Cyan Balloon (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Balloon (Player Head)
1 Blue Balloon (Player Head)
1 Purple Balloon (Player Head)
1 Magenta Balloon (Player Head)
1 Pink Balloon (Player Head)
1 White Balloon (Player Head)
1 Black Balloon (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Gift Shop
1 Garden Gnome (Player Head)
1 Seashell (Player Head)
1 Maneki-neko (Player Head)
1 Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Jewelry Box (Player Head)
1 Teddy Bear (Player Head)
1 Unicorn Plushie (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Gacha Prizes
1 Best Friends (Player Head)
1 Steve Plushie (Player Head)
1 Alex Plushie (Player Head)
1 Creeper Plushie (Player Head)
1 Zombie Plushie (Player Head)
1 Skeleton Plushie (Player Head)
1 Enderman Plushie (Player Head)
1 Herobrine Plushie (Player Head)
1 Metroid Plushie (Player Head)
1 Varia Suit Helmet (Player Head)
1 Mr. Saturn Plushie (Player Head)
1 Navi Plushie (Player Head)
1 Pac-Man Plushie (Player Head)
1 Inky Plushie (Player Head)
1 Blinky Plushie (Player Head)
1 Pinky Plushie (Player Head)
1 Clyde Plushie (Player Head)
1 Totoro Plushie (Player Head)
1 Turnip-Head Mask (Player Head)
1 Saitama Doll (Player Head)
1 Genos Doll (Player Head)
1 Hatsune Miku Mask (Player Head)
1 Popuko Mask (Player Head)
1 Pipimi Mask (Player Head)
1 Appa Plushie (Player Head)
1 Goomba Plushie (Player Head)
1 Bullet Bill Plushie (Player Head)
1 Chain Chomp Plushie (Player Head)
1 Bob-Omb Plushie (Player Head)
1 Boo Plushie (Player Head)
1 Smash Ball (Player Head)
1 Companion Cube (Player Head)
1 Turret Figurine (Player Head)
1 Health Pack (Player Head)
1 Flowey Mask (Player Head)
1 Trico Plushie (Player Head)
1 1-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 2-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 3-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 4-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 5-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 6-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 7-Star Dragon Ball (Player Head)
1 Can of Slurm (Player Head)
1 Steven’s Lion Plushie (Player Head)
1 Captain Rex’s Helmet (Player Head)
1 Boba Fett’s Helmet (Player Head)
1 Model of the Great Eye (Player Head)
1 Wilson (Player Head)
1 The Plant (Player Head)
1 Jar of Dirt (Player Head)
1 Infinity Gauntlet (Player Head)
1 (#133) Eevee (Player Head)
1 (#134) Vaporeon (Player Head)
1 (#135) Jolteon (Player Head)
1 (#136) Flareon (Player Head)
1 (#196) Espeon (Player Head)
1 (#197) Umbreon (Player Head)
1 (#470) Leafeon (Player Head)
1 (#471) Glaceon (Player Head)
1 (#700) Sylveon (Player Head)
1 PokéBall (Player Head)
1 Great Ball (Player Head)
1 Ultra Ball (Player Head)
1 Master Ball (Player Head)
1 Premier Ball (Player Head)
1 Safari Ball (Player Head)

Carnival Island - Limited Gacha Prizes
1 (#133) Eevee * (Player Head)
1 (#134) Vaporeon * (Player Head)
1 (#135) Jolteon * (Player Head)
1 (#136) Flareon * (Player Head)
1 (#196) Espeon * (Player Head)
1 (#197) Umbreon * (Player Head)
1 (#470) Leafeon * (Player Head)
1 (#471) Glaceon * (Player Head)
1 (#700) Sylveon * (Player Head)
1 Sailor Moon Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Mercury Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Mars Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Jupiter Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Venus Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Mini Moon Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Pluto Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Uranus Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Neptune Mask (Player Head)
1 Sailor Saturn Mask (Player Head)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

Assorted Events

Laurasia - Old Event Items
1 Cookie Slapper [Knockback 2] (Cookie)
1 Tunaslap [Knockback 50] (Cod)
1 WiverStik [Sharpness 3] (Stick)
1 Golden Bat (Gold Nugget)
1 Jousting Pole [Sharpness 4, Unbreaking 3] (Carrot on a Stick)
1 Desecration [Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 *Letter Scramble* (Pumpkin)
1 Matt Damon's Spatula [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Sharpness 5] [Unbreakable] (Iron Shovel)
1 Pumpkin Carver [Bane of Arthropods 3, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Sword)
1 Pumpkin Splitter [Bane of Arthropods 3, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Axe)
1 Pumpkin Spoon [Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Pumpkin Candle [Frost Walker 1, Infinity, Luck of the Sea 1, Mending] (Soul Lantern)
1 Woodhollow Gourd [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Protection 4, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
1 Arsonist's Toolkit [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Flint and steel)
1 Woodhollow Lantern [Flame, Infinity] [When in off hand: +100 Mob Follow Range, +0.05 Speed, +0.05 Attack Speed, +1 Knockback Resistance] (Lantern)
1 Pumpkin Juice [Speed 3 (80:00), Haste 3 (80:00), Night Vision 3 (80:00), Glowing 3 (80:00)] (Potion)
1 2020 Easter Basket (Chest)
1 Ethan's Left Hand (Rabbit Foot)
1 Ethan's Right Arm (Rabbit Foot)
1 Lockpick (Stick)
1 Family Photo (Paper)
1 Cadou [When in off hand: +8 Attack Damage, -8 Max Health, +0.08 Speed] (Totem of Undying)

Laurasia - The Watcher’s Lost Eye Event
1 Clue Key 1 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 2 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 3 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 4 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 5 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 6 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 7 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 8 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 9 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 10 (Emerald)
1 Clue Key 11 (Emerald)
1 Clue Series: Clue 1 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 2 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 3 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 4 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 5 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 6 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 7 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 8 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 9 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 10 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 11 (Written Book)
1 Clue Series: Clue 12 (Written Book)
1 Mysterious Letter (Written Book)
1 Apple of the Nephilim [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Enchanted Golden Apple)
1 Lens of the Watcher [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 50, Looting 3] [When in main hand:+5 Attack Damage, +0.1 Speed] [When in off hand: +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Clock)
1 Dormin’s Sword of Light [Fire Aspect 5, Knockback 5, Looting 4, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5] [When in main hand: +10 Attack Damage, +0.08 Speed, +1.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Golden Sword)

Laurasia - 2021 Easter Maze
1 Easter Ticket (Paper)
1 2021 Easter Basket (Chest)
1 My Pirate Adventure (Written Book)
1 Bella (Player Head)
1 Snowball (Player Head)
1 Dawn (Player Head)
1 Peep (Player Head)
1 Sunshine (Player Head)
1 Diamond (Player Head)
1 Winter (Player Head)
1 Opal (Player Head)
1 Emerald (Player Head)
1 Dusk (Player Head)
1 Lilly (Player Head)
1 Pirate's Treasure Chest (Chest)

Laurasia - 2022 Easter Island
1 Nantes carrots (Carrot)
1 Toothpick [Efficiency 6, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Wooden Pickaxe)
1 Wooden Spoon [Efficiency 6, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Wooden Shovel)
1 Pie Slicer [Efficiency 6, Fortune 3] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Wooden Hoe)
1 Dessert Fork [Efficiency 6, Loyalty 1] (Trident)
1 [Efficiency 6, Silk Touch] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Golden Sword)
1 Tongs [Efficiency 6] (Shears)
1 Bowl of Cookies (Player Head)
1 Crunchy Cookie Plate (Player Head)
1 Vanilla Cake (Player Head)
1 Strawberry Shortcake (Player Head)
1 Twinkie (Player Head)
1 Blackberry Lattice Pie (Player Head)
1 Blueberry Pie (Player Head)
1 Key Lime Pie (Player Head)
1 Pumpkin Pie (Player Head)
1 Carrot Minion Mask (Player Head)


Laurasia - 2017 Halloween Event
1 Pumpkin Carver [Bane of Arthropods 3, Knockback 2, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Sword)
1 Pumpkin Splitter [Bane of Arthropods 3, Mending, Sharpness 3, Smite 3, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Axe)
1 Pumpkin Spoon [Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 2, Mending, Unbreaking 3] (Diamond Shovel)
1 Pumpkin Candle [Frost Walker 1, Infinity, Luck of the Sea 1, Mending] (Soul Lantern)

Laurasia - 2018 Halloween Event
1 Woodhollow Gourd [Aqua Affinity, Depth Strider 3, Protection 4, Respiration 255] [When on head: +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Player Head)
1 Woodhollow Lantern [Flame, Infinity] [When in off hand: +0.05 Speed, +0.05 Attack Speed, +100 Mob Follow Range, +10 Knockback Resistance] (Lantern)
1 Arsonist's Toolkit [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Flint and Steel)
1 Pumpkin Juice [Speed 3 (80:00), Haste 3 (80:00), Night Vision 3 (80:00), Glowing 3 (80:00)] [When applied: +60% Speed, +30% Attack Speed] (Potion)

Laurasia - 2019 Halloween Event
1 Halloween Pumpkin (Carved Pumpkin)
1 2019 Halloween Rewards (Orange Shulker Box)

Seasonal - 2020 Halloween Event
1 Event Guide (Written Book)
1 Apocalypse Pumpkin (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Starting Chest (Chest)
1 Dreadnought Helm [When on head: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Dreadnought Chestplate [When on body: +9 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Dreadnought Grieves [When on legs: +7 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Dreadnought Boots [When on feet: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Dreadnought Axe [When in main hand: +11 Attack Damage, +3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Dreadnought Shield [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Shield)

Seasonal - 2021 Halloween Event
1 2021 Event Guide (Written Book)
1 Beginner Token (Amethyst Shard)
1 Armageddon Pumpkin (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Starting Chest (Chest)
1 Dreadnought Helm [When on head: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Dreadnought Chestplate [When on body: +9 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Dreadnought Grieves [When on legs: +7 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Dreadnought Boots [When on feet: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Dreadnought Axe [When in main hand: +11 Attack Damage, +3 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Dreadnought Shield [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Tengu Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Tengu Wings [Unbreaking 1] (Elytra)
1 Masamune [Unbreaking 1, Mending] (Iron Sword)
1 King Tut Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Platinum Pickaxe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Platinum Axe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Axe)
1 Platinum Shovel [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Shovel)
1 Platinum Hoe [When in main hand: -0.02 Speed, -0.02 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Iron Hoe)

Cimmeria - 2022 Halloween Event
1 Cataclysm Pumpkin (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Sigil of the Blazing Sun [Infinity] (Gold Ingot)
1 Sigil of the Encroaching Nether [Infinity] (Nether Brick)
1 Sigil of the Rabid Animal [Infinity] (Iron Ingot)
1 Sigil of the Boiling Ocean [Infinity] (Copper Ingot)
1 Sigil of the Rioting Illager [Infinity] (Brick)
1 Seal of War [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of Conquest [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of Famine [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of Death [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of the Martyr [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of Cataclysm [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Seal of Heaven [Infinity] (Nether Star)
1 Sigil of the Boiling Nether [Infinity] (Raw Copper)
1 Sigil of the Rabid Sun [Infinity] (Raw Gold)
1 Sigil of the Shrinking Border [Infinity] (Raw Iron)
1 Vestige of the Imploded Cimmeria [Blast Protection 4, Fire Protection 4, Projectile Protection 4, Protection 4] [When on body: +8 Armor, +0.1 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +2 Armor Toughness, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)

Seasonal - 2023 Halloween Event
1 Pioneer Helm [Aqua Affinity, Respiration 1] [When on head: +2 Armor, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Luck, Unbreakable] (Leather Cap)
1 Pioneer Tunic [Blast Protection 3, Fire Protection 3, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 4] [When on body: +8 Armor, +0.01 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Luck, 1 Unbreakable] (Leather Tunic)
1 Pioneer Brush [Mending, Unbreaking 4] (Brush)
1 Pioneer Trowel [Efficiency 3, Fortune 1] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Stone Shovel)
1 Pioneer Mattock [Efficiency 3, Fortune 1] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Stone Pickaxe)
1 Pioneer Denticulate [Efficiency 3, Fortune 1] [When in main hand: Unbreakable] (Stone Hoe)
1 Pioneer Pants [Blast Protection 2, Fire Protection 2, Projectile Protection 3, Protection 3, Swift Sneak 2] [When on legs: +6 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Luck, Unbreakable] (Leather Pants)
1 Pioneer Boots [Depth Strider 2, Feather Falling 3, Protection 4] [When on feet: +2 Armor, +0.01 Speed, +2 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +5 Luck, Unbreakable] (Leather Boots)
1 Nebu-shat (Gold Nugget)
1 Nefer-nub (Raw Gold)
1 Nebu-deben (Gold Ingot)
1 Horseman Point (Paper)
1 Acolyte Token (Amethyst Shard)
1 2023 Halloween Event Guide (Written Book)
1 Starter Pack (Orange Shulker Box)
1 Desolation Pumpkin (Carved Pumpkin)
1 Replica Skull A Fragment (Phantom Membrane)
1 Replica Jade Fragment (Prismarine Shard)
1 Replica Small Stone Fragment (Melon Seeds)
1 Replica Bone Fragment (White Dye)
1 Replica Gold Fragment (Gold Nugget)
1 Replica Large Bone (Bone)
1 Replica Large Stone Fragment (Clay Ball)
1 Replica Ancient Metal Piece (Netherite Scrap)
1 Replica Ancient Bone Piece (Nether Quartz)
1 Replica Ancient Skull Piece (Bone Meal)
1 Replica Ancient Reaper Piece (Black Dye)
1 Replica Ancient Gourd Piece (Orange Dye)
1 Replica Archaic Helm Relic (Skull Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Archaic Chestplate Relic (Arms Up Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Archaic Grieves Relic (Explorer Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Archaic Boot Relic (Brewer Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Archaic Axe Relic (Blade Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Archaic Shield Relic (Danger Pottery Sherd)
1 Replica Nebu-shat (Gold Nugget)
1 Dreadnought Helm [When on head: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helm)
1 Dreadnought Chestplate [When on body: +9 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Dreadnought Axe [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +11 Attack Damage, +7 Luck, +3 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Dreadnought Shield [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Dreadnought Grieves [When on legs: +7 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Dreadnought Boots [When on feet: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots)
1 Archaic Helm Relic (Skull Pottery Sherd)
1 Archaic Chestplate Relic (Arms Up Pottery Sherd)
1 Archaic Axe Relic (Blade Pottery Sherd)
1 Dreadnought Sword [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +9 Attack Damage, +7 Luck, +3.6 attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 Archaic Shield Relic (Danger Pottery Sherd)
1 Archaic Grieves Relic (Explorer Pottery Sherd)
1 Archaic Boot Relic (Brewer Pottery Sherd)
1 Relic Dreadnought Helm [Projectile Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on head: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Helm - Trimmed)
1 Relic Dreadnought Chestplate [Blast Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on body: +9 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Chestplate - Trimmed)
1 Relic Dreadnought Axe [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Sharpness 5] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +11 Attack Damage, +7 Luck, +3 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Axe)
1 Relic Dreadnought Shield [Protection 5, Respiration 255] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Shield)
1 Relic Dreadnought Grieves [Fire Protection 3, Protection 5] [When on legs: +7 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Leggings - Trimmed)
1 Relic Dreadnought Boots [Feather Falling 3, Fire Protection 5] [When on feet: +4 Armor, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Boots - Trimmed)
1 Skull A Fragment (Phantom Membrane)
1 Jade Fragment (Prismarine Shard)
1 Small Stone Fragment (Melon Seeds)
1 Bone Fragment (White Dye)
1 Gold Fragment (Gold Nugget)
1 Large Bone (Bone)
1 Large Stone Fragment (Clay Ball)
1 History Of Famine (Written Book)
1 History Of Conquest (Written Book)
1 History Of War (Written Book)
1 History Of Death (Written Book)
1 History Of Frank (Written Book)
1 Ancient Metal Piece (Netherite Scrap)
1 Ancient Bone Piece (Nether Quartz)
1 Ancient Skull Piece (Bone Meal)
1 Ancient Reaper Piece (Black Dye)
1 Ancient Gourd Piece (Orange Dye)
1 Skull Fossil (Written Book)
1 Sniffer Fossil (Written Book)
1 T-Rex Fossil (Written Book)
1 Brachiosaurus Fossil (Written Book)
1 Pterodactyl Fossil (Written Book)
1 Liopleurodon Fossil (Written Book)
1 Archelon & Dunkleosteus Fossil (Written Book)
1 Ichthyosaur Fossil (Written Book)
1 Axolotl Statue (Written Book)
1 Dragon Statue (Written Book)
1 Fox Statue (Written Book)
1 Sphinx Statue (Written Book)
1 Pyramid Statue (Written Book)
1 Boat Statue (Written Book)
1 Seated Anubis Statue (Written Book)
1 Obelisk Protection (Written Book)
1 Dinner of Gods (Written Book)
1 Aztec Statue (Written Book)
1 Buddha Statue (Written Book)
1 Coal Chest (Player Head)
1 Iron Chest (Player Head)
1 Copper Chest (Player Head)
1 Redstone Chest (Player Head)
1 Lapis Lazuli Chest (Player Head)
1 Gold Chest (Player Head)
1 Emerald Chest (Player Head)
1 Nether Quartz Chest (Player Head)
1 Glowstone Chest (Player Head)
1 Blaze Chest (Player Head)
1 Amethyst Chest (Player Head)
1 Diamond Chest (Player Head)
1 Netherite Chest (Player Head)
1 Burial Sand (Glowstone Dust)
1 King Tut Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Tengu Feather (Feather)
1 Tengu 天狗 Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Masamune [Mending, Unbreaking 1] (Iron Sword)
1 Tengu 天狗 Wings [Unbreaking 1] (Elytra)


Laurasia - 2019 Advent Calendar
1 Gingerbread House (Player Head)
1 Christmas Stocking (Player Head)
1 Plate of Cookies (Player Head)
1 Brown Banner (Brown Banner)
1 Christmas Dinner Prep (Chest)
1 Jingle Bell (Bell)
1 Christmas Decorations (Chest)
1 Block of Coal (Coal Block)
1 Mistletoe (Player Head)
1 Red Banner (Red Banner)
1 Holly Berries (Sweet Berries)
1 Santa Creeper (Player Head)
1 Rudolph's Nose (Fermented Spider Eye)
1 Reindeer Fish (Chest)
1 Spiced Eggnog (Potion)
1 Christmas Tree (Spruce Sapling)
1 Christmas Figurines (Chest)
1 Snowman Head (Player Head)
1 Snow Block (Snow Block)
1 Green Banner (Green Banner)
1 Penguin Doll (Player Head)
1 Christmas Story (Written Book)
1 Reindeer Food (Golden Carrot)
1 Wrapped Gifts (Chest)
1 Christmas Gifts (Chest)

Laurasia - 2020 Advent Calendar
1 White Banner Wreath (White Banner)
1 Gingerbread House (Player Head)
1 Plate of Cookies (Player Head)
1 Block of... Coal??? (Netherite Ingot)
1 Jingle Bell (Bell)
1 Menorah Set (Chest)
1 White Banner Tree (White Banner)
1 Decorated Log (Player Head)
1 Mistletoe (Player Head)
1 Christmas Decorations (Chest)
1 Holly Berries (Sweet Berries)
1 Santa Zombified Pigman (Player Head)
1 Flat Pack Igloo (Chest)
1 Christmas Dinner Prep (Chest)
1 Spiced Eggnog (Potion)
1 Christmas Tree (Spruce Sapling)
1 Snowier Snow (Water Bucket)
1 Snowman Head (Player Head)
1 Christmas Figurines (Chest)
1 Brown Banner Reindeer (Brown Banner)
1 Penguin Doll (Player Head)
1 Christmas Book (Player Head)
1 Reindeer Food (Golden Carrot)
1 Wrapped Gifts (Chest)
1 Unwrapped Gifts (Chest)

Laurasia - 2021 Advent Calendar
1 White Banner (Banner)
1 Gingerbread House (Player Head)
1 Collection of Wreath Hats (Chest)
1 Deepslate Coal Ore (Deepslate Coal Ore)
1 Jingle Bell (Bell)
1 Menorah Set (Chest)
1 Frosty the Snowman (Player Head)
1 Decorated Log (Player Head)
1 Sunset over Snowy Mountain (Banner)
1 Christmas Decorations (Chest)
1 Holly Berries (Sweet Berries)
1 Axolotl with Santa Hat (Player Head)
1 Build-a-Snowman Kit (Chest)
1 Christmas Dinner Prep (Chest)
1 Snowier Snow (Powder Snow Bucket)
1 Christmas Tree (Spruce Sapling)
1 Maple Syrup (Honey Bottle)
1 White Banner (Banner)
1 Christmas Figurines (Chest)
1 Reindeer (Player Head)
1 Penguin Banner (Banner)
1 Decorated Christmas Tree Book (Player Head)
1 New Fancy Reindeer Food (Glow Berries)
1 Wrapped Gifts (Chest)
1 Unwrapped Gifts (Chest)

Laurasia - 2022 Advent Calendar
1 New Christmas Decorations (Chest)
1 Gingerbread House (Player Head)
1 Frosty the Snowman (Player Head)
1 Charcoal (Charcoal)
1 Holiday Food Prep (Chest)
1 Christmas Squid in a Bottle (Player Head)
1 Red Wreath Banner (Red Banner)
1 Pre-built Snowman (Panda Spawn Egg)
1 Sunset over Snowy Mountain (Orange Banner)
1 Collection of Wreath Hats (Chest)
1 Rascal's Pickaxe [Efficiency 5, Curse of Vanishing] (Iron Pickaxe)
1 Santa Allay (Player Head)
1 Winter Stew (Suspicious Stew)
1 Shulker of Bamboo (Player Head)
1 Christmas Snowglobe (Player Head)
1 Gold Llama (Player Head)
1 Maple Syrup (Honey Bottle)
1 Advent Calendar Souvenir T-Shirt [When on body: +42 Festive Spirit, Unbreakable] (Leather Chestplate)
1 Mrs. Claus Plushie (Player Head)
1 Reindeer (Player Head)
1 Penguin King (Player Head)
1 Frosty the Snowman Books (Player Head)
1 Leave Out for Santa (Chest)
1 Wrapped Presents (Chest)
1 Wrapped Presents (Chest)

Laurasia - 2023 Advent Calendar
1 Black Market Guild Token (Recovery Compass)
1 New Christmas Decorations (Chest)
1 Decorative Oxidised Copper Bulb (Player Head)
1 Musical Camel Plushie (Player Head)
1 Holiday Food Prep (Chest)
1 Christmas Squid in a Bottle (Player Head)
1 Read Wreath Banner (Red Banner)
1 Pre-built Snowman (Panda Spawn Egg)
1 Winter Strider (Player Head)
1 Snowy Pumpkin (Player Head)
1 Gingerbread Creeper (Player Head)
1 Santa Breeze (Player Head)
1 Gingerbread House (Player Head)
1 Portable Coal (Polar Bear Spawn Egg)
1 Christmas Snowglobe (Player Head)
1 Gold Llama (Player Head)
1 Santa Outfit (Chest)
1 Christmas Tree Hat (Player Head)
1 Mrs. Claus Plushie (Player Head)
1 Snow Cabin (Player Head)
1 Penguin King (Player Head)
1 Unwrapped Presents (Chest)
1 Wrapped Presents (Chest)
1 Leave Out For Santa (Chest)
1 Frozen Books (Player Head)

Laurasia - Advent Loyalty Rewards
1 Advent Loyalty Bauble (Magma Cream)
1 Advent Pickaxe of Fortune [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Advent Pickaxe of Silk Touch [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Pickaxe)
1 Advent Shovel [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Shovel)
1 Advent Axe [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Axe)
1 Advent Hoe [Efficiency 5, Fortune 3, Mending, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Advent Shears [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Shears)
1 Advent Fire [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +0.01 Speed] (Flint and Steel)
1 Advent Hoe of Silk Touch [Efficiency 5, Mending, Silk Touch, Unbreaking 7] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Advent Carrot on a Stick [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Carrot on a Stick)
1 Advent Warped Fungus on a Stick [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Warped Fungus on a Stick)
1 Advent Brush [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Brush)

Seasonal - 2020 Christmas Event
1 Angry Gingerbread Man Mask (Player Head)
1 Candy Cane Mask (Player Head)
1 Toy Rubik's Cube (Player Head)
1 Toy Train (Player Head)
1 Toy Tank (Player Head)
1 Green Present (Player Head)
1 Red Present (Player Head)
1 Blue Present (Player Head)
1 Participation Certificate (Green Banner)
4 Grandma's Cookies (Cookie)
1 Christmas Turkey (Cooked Chicken)
2 Coal (Coal)
1 Santa's Hat (Leather Helmet)
1 Christmas Point (Paper)
1 Dreadnought Helm [When on head: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor] (Netherite Helmet)
1 Dreadnought Chestplate [When on body: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +9 Armor] (Netherite Chestplate)
1 Dreadnought Grieves [When on legs: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +7 Armor] (Netherite Leggings)
1 Dreadnought Boots [When on feet: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor] (Netherite Boots)
1 Dreadnought Axe [When in main hand: Unbreakable, +7 Luck, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Attack Speed, +11 Attack Damage] (Netherite Axe)

Seasonal - 2022 Christmas Event
1 Famine Present (Player Head)
1 Conquest Present (Player Head)
1 War Present (Player Head)
1 Death Present (Player Head)
1 Frank Present (Player Head)
1 Head of the Grinch (Player Head)
1 Black Market Guild Token (Recovery Compass)
1 Black Market Horseman Token (Recovery Compass)
1 Ho-Ho Hoe [Knockback 3, Looting 3, Sharpness 5, Smite 3] [When in main hand: +0.01 Speed, +4 Attack Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +10 Attack Damage, -7 Luck, Unbreakable] (Netherite Hoe)
1 Rallying Horn of the Grand Masters [Loyalty 10] [When in off hand: +4 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor Toughness] (Goat Horn)
1 2022 Christmas Shulker (White Shulker Box)
1 Christmas Town Guard Mask (Player Head)

Chinese New Year

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Etiquette Books
1 Table Etiquette (Written Book)
1 How to Eat (Written Book)
1 Chopstick Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Restaurant Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Sitting Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Indoor Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Street Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Train Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Shrine & Temple Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Greeting & Name Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Smoking Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Bathroom Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Business Card Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Garbage Etiquette (Written Book)
1 Gift Etiquette (Written Book)
1 COVID Etiquette (Written Book)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Books
1 Sohma Akito (Written Book)
1 Sohma Yuki (Written Book)
1 Sohma Hatsuharu (Written Book)
1 Sohma Kisa (Written Book)
1 Sohma Momiji (Written Book)
1 Sohma Hatori (Written Book)
1 Sohma Ayame (Written Book)
1 Sohma Isuzu (Written Book)
1 Sohma Hiro (Written Book)
1 Sohma Ritsu (Written Book)
1 Sohma Kureno (Written Book)
1 Sohma Shigure (Written Book)
1 Sohma Kagura (Written Book)
1 Sohma Kyo (Written Book)
1 Honda Tohru (Written Book)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Year Book
1 Year of the Tiger (Written Book)
1 Year of the Rabbit (Written Book)
1 Year of the Dragon (Written Book)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Drops
1 Zodiac Year 1: The Rat (Player Head)
1 Rat Tail (Lead)
1 Zodiac Year 2: The Ox (Player Head)
1 Ox Fur (Dried Kelp)
1 Zodiac Year 3: The Tiger (Player Head)
1 Tiger Meat (Raw Beef)
1 Zodiac Year 4: The Rabbit (Player Head)
1 Lucky Rabbit's Foot (Rabbit Foot)
1 Zodiac Year 5: The Dragon (Player Head)
1 Dragon Scales (Prismarine Crystals)
1 Zodiac Year 6: The Snake (Player Head)
1 Snake Venom (Fermented Spider's Eye)
1 Zodiac Year 7: The Horse (Player Head)
1 Horse Hair (Stick)
1 Zodiac Year 8: The Sheep (Player Head)
1 Sheep Wool (White Wool)
1 Zodiac Year 9: The Monkey (Player Head)
1 Monkey Droppings (Cocoa Beans)
1 Zodiac Year 10: The Rooster (Player Head)
1 Rooster Feather (Feather)
1 Zodiac Year 11: The Dog (Player Head)
1 Dog Treat (Bone)
1 Zodiac Year 12: The Boar (Player Head)
1 Boar Grub (Carrot)
1 The Cat (Player Head)
1 Cat Toy (String)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Tohru Honda
1 Sigil of The Rat (White Banner)
1 Sigil of The Ox (White Banner)
1 Sigil of The Tiger (Orange Banner)
1 Sigil of The Rabbit (White Banner)
1 Sigil of The Dragon (Black Banner)
1 Sigil of The Snake (Black Banner)
1 Sigil of The Horse (Light Gray Banner)
1 Sigil of The Sheep (Black Banner)
1 Sigil of The Monkey (Gray Banner)
1 Sigil of The Rooster (White Banner)
1 Sigil of The Dog (Gray Banner)
1 Sigil of The Boar (Black Banner)
1 Sigil of The Cat (Orange Banner)
1 Sohma Yuki (Player Head)
1 Sohma Hatsuharu (Player Head)
1 Sohma Kisa (Player Head)
1 Sohma Momiji (Player Head)
1 Sohma Hatori (Player Head)
1 Sohma Ayame (Player Head)
1 Sohma Isuzu (Player Head)
1 Sohma Hiro (Player Head)
1 Sohma Ritsu (Player Head)
1 Sohma Kureno (Player Head)
1 Sohma Shigure (Player Head)
1 Sohma Kagura (Player Head)
1 Sohma Kyo (Player Head)
1 Honda Tohru (Player Head)
1 Uotani Arisa (Player Head)
1 Hanajima Saki (Player Head)
1 Sohma Head Maid (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Lucky Items
1 Lucky Cat Gift (Player Head)
1 White Lucky Cat (Leftie) (Player Head)
1 Gold Lucky Cat (Leftie) (Player Head)
1 Black Lucky Cat (Leftie) (Player Head)
1 White Lucky Cat (Rightie) (Player Head)
1 Gold Lucky Cat (Rightie) (Player Head)
1 Black Lucky Cat (Rightie) (Player Head)
1 Aqua Lucky Cat (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Plushies
1 Black Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Pink Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Purple Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Aqua Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Green Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Yellow Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Orange Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Lime Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Red Party Crab Plushie (Player Head)
1 Totoro Plushie (Player Head)
1 Totoro Face Plushie (Player Head)
1 Retsuko Plushie (Player Head)
1 Pink Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Orange Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Green Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Blue Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Purple Geisha Doll (Player Head)
1 Tanooki Doll (Player Head)
1 Daruma Doll (Both Eyes) (Player Head)
1 Daruma Doll (Left Eye) (Player Head)
1 Daruma Doll (Right Eye) (Player Head)
1 Daruma Doll (No Eyes) (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Ramen & Food
1 Pork Ramen (Player Head)
1 Beef Ramen (Player Head)
1 Vegetable Ramen (Player Head)
1 Bento Box (Player Head)
1 Narutomaki (Player Head)
1 Kagami-Mochi (Player Head)
1 Hot Chocolate (Player Head)
1 Takoyaki with Cheese (Player Head)
1 Takoyaki (Player Head)
1 Bowl of Takoyaki with Cheese (Player Head)
1 Fries (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Police Station
1 Booking Records (Written Book)
1 Tea Cup [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2] [When in off hand: +1 Attack Speed] (Flower Pot)
1 Sukuna's Finger [Curse of Binding, Efficiency 2, Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Punch 1, Curse of Vanishing] [When in main hand: -1 Max Health] [When in off hand: -1 Max Health] (Rabbit Foot)
1 Death Note [Fire Aspect 5, Sharpness 5, Smite 5] [When in off hand: +10 Mob Follow Range] (Written Book)
1 Ryuk's Death Note (Written Book)
1 Kuro shinigami no Ōgama [Fire Aspect 2, Knockback 2, Looting 3, Mending, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3] (Netherite Hoe)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Compasses
1 Zodiac 0: Tohru Honda (Compass)
1 Zodiac 1: Rat (Compass)
1 Zodiac 2: Ox (Compass)
1 Zodiac 3: Tiger (Compass)
1 Zodiac 4: Rabbit (Compass)
1 Zodiac 5: Dragon (Compass)
1 Zodiac 6: Snake (Compass)
1 Zodiac 7: Horse (Compass)
1 Zodiac 8: Sheep (Compass)
1 Zodiac 9: Monkey (Compass)
1 Zodiac 10: Rooster (Compass)
1 Zodiac 11: Dog (Compass)
1 Zodiac 12: Boar (Compass)
1 Zodiac 13: Cat (Compass)
1 Zodiac God (Compass)
1 Zodiac Calendar (Compass)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Compasses
1 Current Year Merchant (Compass)
1 Starter House (Compass)
1 Public Storage (Compass)
1 Bank (Compass)
1 Visitor Center (Compass)
1 Convenience Store (Compass)
1 Ramen Shop (Compass)
1 Festival Food (Compass)
1 Weaponsmith (Compass)
1 Armorer (Compass)
1 Enchanted Weaponsmith (Compass)
1 Boss & Secret Boss Drop Trade-Ins (Compass)
1 Enchanted Armorer (Compass)
1 Horse Armorer (Compass)
1 Library (Compass)
1 Potion Shop (Compass)
1 Fireworks (Compass)
1 Police Station (Compass)
1 General Etiquette (Compass)
1 Public Etiquette (Compass)
1 Food Etiquette (Compass)
1 Chess Hall (Compass)
1 Kimono Shop (Compass)
1 Shephard (Compass)
1 Candle Maker (Compass)
1 Festival Plushie (Compass)
1 Luck Shop (Compass)
1 Wigs & Sunglasses (Compass)
1 Hat Shop (Compass)
1 Festival Masks (Compass)
1 Demon Vendors (Compass)
1 DJ (Compass)
1 Romany Merchant (Compass)
1 Merit Shrine (Compass)
1 Upgrade Shrine (Compass)
1 Black Market (Compass)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Wigs
1 Male Blue Wig (Player Head)
1 Black Wig (Player Head)
1 Blond Wig (Player Head)
1 Cinnamon Wig (Player Head)
1 Steve Wig (Player Head)
1 Ginger Wig (Player Head)
1 Male Brown Wig (Player Head)
1 Auburn Wig (Player Head)
1 Alex Wig (Player Head)
1 Female Blue Wig (Player Head)
1 Rainbow Wig (Player Head)
1 Female Brown Wig (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Sunglasses
1 3D Glasses (Player Head)
1 Blue Sunglasses (Player Head)
1 Purple Sunglasses (Player Head)
1 Orange Sunglasses (Player Head)
1 Black Sunglasses (Player Head)
1 Rainbow Sunglasses (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Hats
1 White Cap (Player Head)
1 Black Cap (Player Head)
1 Grey Cap (Player Head)
1 Light Grey Cap (Player Head)
1 Light Blue Cap (Player Head)
1 Blue Cap (Player Head)
1 Purple Cap (Player Head)
1 Magenta Cap (Player Head)
1 Pink Cap (Player Head)
1 Lilac Cap (Player Head)
1 Green Cap (Player Head)
1 Brown Cap (Player Head)
1 Cyan Cap (Player Head)
1 Lime Cap (Player Head)
1 Yellow-Orange Cap (Player Head)
1 Orange Cap (Player Head)
1 Red Cap (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Black & White) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Black & Gold) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Green & Brown) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Green & Gold) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Red & Black) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Red & Gold) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Blue & White) (Player Head)
1 Graduation Cap (Blue & Gold) (Player Head)
1 Witch Hat (Player Head)
1 Frog Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & White Striped Hat (Player Head)
1 Purple Hood (Player Head)
1 Fedora (Player Head)
1 Irish Bonnet (Player Head)
1 Flower Crown (Player Head)
1 Flower Ribbon (Player Head)
1 Bunny Ears (Player Head)
1 Black & White Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & Purple Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & Cyan Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & Green Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & Red Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Black & Gold Top Hat (Player Head)
1 Leprechaun Hat (Player Head)
1 Uncle Sam's Hat (Player Head)
1 Polka Dot Party Hat (Player Head)
1 Purple Striped Party Hat (Player Head)
1 Police Hat (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Masks
1 Zombie Pigman Mask (Player Head)
1 Magma Cube Mask (Player Head)
1 Ghast Mask (Player Head)
1 Blaze Mask (Player Head)
1 Shulker Mask (Player Head)
1 Pufferfish Mask (Player Head)
1 Salmon Mask (Player Head)
1 Cod Mask (Player Head)
1 Tropical Fish Mask (Player Head)
1 Pig Mask (Player Head)
1 Ravager Mask (Player Head)
1 Sheep Mask (Player Head)
1 Llama Mask (Player Head)
1 Cow Mask (Player Head)
1 Mooshroom Mask (Player Head)
1 Brown Mooshroom Mask (Player Head)
1 Dog Mask (Player Head)
1 Panda Mask (Player Head)
1 Ocelot Mask (Player Head)
1 Cat Mask (Player Head)
1 Creeper Mask (Player Head)
1 Zombie Mask (Player Head)
1 Drowned Mask (Player Head)
1 Husk Mask (Player Head)
1 Skeleton Mask (Player Head)
1 Stray Mask (Player Head)
1 Enderman Mask (Player Head)
1 Vex Mask (Player Head)
1 Slime Mask (Player Head)
1 Guardian Mask (Player Head)
1 Elder Guardian Mask (Player Head)
1 Wither Mask (Player Head)
1 Kitsune Girl Mask (Player Head)
1 Kitsune Boy Mask (Player Head)
1 Fox Mask (Player Head)
1 Snow Fox Mask (Player Head)
1 Steve Mask (Player Head)
1 Alex Mask (Player Head)
1 Herobrine Mask (Player Head)
1 Wandering Trader Mask (Player Head)
1 Villager Mask (Player Head)
1 Zombie Villager Mask (Player Head)
1 Witch Mask (Player Head)
1 Illager Mask (Player Head)
1 Blue Oni Mask (Player Head)
1 Red Oni Mask (Player Head)
1 White Oni Mask (Player Head)
1 No-Face Mask (Player Head)
1 Pumpkin Mask (Player Head)
1 Spider Mask (Player Head)
1 Cave Spider Mask (Player Head)
1 Phantom Mask (Player Head)
1 Bat Mask (Player Head)
1 Parrot Mask (Player Head)
1 Bee Mask (Player Head)
1 Squid Mask (Player Head)
1 Wither Skeleton Mask (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Upgrade Shrine
1 Replica Archaic Sword Relic (Blade Pottery Sherd)
1 Dreadnought Pommel (Iron Nugget)
1 Dreadnought Grip (Stick)
1 Dreadnought Blade (Netherite Scrap)
1 Dreadnought Sword Hilt (Blaze Rod)
1 Archaic Sword Relic (Blade Pottery Sherd)
1 Dreadnought Sword [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +9 Attack Damage, +7 Luck, +3.6 attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 Cursed Sword Myōhō Muramasa [Bane of Arthropods 6, Fire Aspect 6, Looting 4, Menidng, Sharpness 6, Smite 6, Sweeping Edge 6, Unbreaking 255] [When in main hand: -0.05 Speed, -6 Max Health, -660 Knockback Resistance, +16 Attack Damage, -66 Luck, +1.6 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)
1 Dai-Tengu Wings [Protection 4] [When on body: +0.05 Speed, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Elytra)
1 Relic Dreadnought Sword [Efficiency 5, Sharpness 5, Sweeping Edge 4] [When in main hand: +10 Knockback Resistance, +9 Attack Damage, +7 Luck, +3.6 Attack Speed, Unbreakable] (Netherite Sword)
1 Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi [Fire Aspect 7, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 7, Smite 7, Sweeping Edge 7, Unbreaking 255] [When in main hand: +4 Armor, +4 Armor Toughness, +16 Attack Damage, +1.8 Attack Speed] (Netherite Sword)
1 Seraphim Wings [Protection 5, Thorns 7] [When on body: +5 Armor, +0.05 Speed, +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, Unbreakable] (Elytra)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Misc.
1 Starting Currency (Glow Berries)
1 Japanese yen (Sunflower)
1 Bag of Yen (Player Head)
1 Chest of Yen (Player Head)
1 Shrine Offering (Player Head)
1 The Tale of the Zodiac (Written Book)
1 Masamune History (Written Book)
1 Transverse Token (Disc Fragment 5)
1 Starter Pack (Shulker Box)
1 Cursed Sword Myōhō Muramasa History (Written Book)
1 Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi History (Written Book)
1 Sohma Akito (Player Head)
1 Angelic Flaming Sword [Fire Aspect 7, Looting 4, Mending, Sharpness 5, Smite 5, Sweeping Edge 5, Unbreaking 255] [When in main hand: +2 Amror Toughness, +2 Armor, -0.02 Speed, +9 Attack Damage, +1.5 Attack Speed] (Iron Sword)
1 Sigil of God (White Banner)
1 Angel Wings [Mending, Thorns 7, Unbreaking 255] [When on body: +3 Armor Toughness, +10 Knockback Resistance, +3 Armor] (Elytra)
1 Holy Shield [Blast Protection 10, Fire Protection 10, Mending, Projectile Protection 10, Protection 10, Thorns 5, Unbreaking 255] [When in off hand: +4 Armor Toughness, +100 Knockback Resistance, +4 Armor, +7 Luck] (Shield)
1 Coal Chest (Player Head)
1 Iron Chest (Player Head)
1 Copper Chest (Player Head)
1 Redstone Chest (Player Head)
1 Lapis Lazuli Chest (Player Head)
1 Blaze Chest (Player Head)
1 Nether Quartz Chest (Player Head)
1 Glowstone Chest (Player Head)
1 Gold Chest (Player Head)
1 Amethyst Chest (Player Head)
1 Emerald Chest (Player Head)
1 Diamond Chest (Player Head)
1 Netherite Chest (Player Head)
1 King Tut Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Burial Sand (Glowstone Dust)
1 Masamune [Mending, Unbreaking 1] (Iron Sword)
1 Tengu 天狗 Mask [Curse of Binding] (Player Head)
1 Tengu 天狗 Wings [Unbreaking 3] (Elytra)
1 Tengu Feather (Feather)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Chess Master
1 Iron Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Iron King Piece (Player Head)
1 Iron Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Iron Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Iron Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Iron Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Iron Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Gold Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Gold King Piece (Player Head)
1 Gold Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Gold Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Gold Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Gold Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Gold Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Diamond Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Diamond King Piece (Player Head)
1 Diamond Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Diamond Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Diamond Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Diamond Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Diamond Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Netherite Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Netherite King Piece (Player Head)
1 Netherite Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Netherite Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Netherite Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Netherite Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Netherite Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Crying Obsidian Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Crying Obsidian King Piece (Player Head)
1 Crying Obsidian Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Crying Obsidian Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Crying Obsidian Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Crying Obsidian Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Crying Obsidian Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Emerald Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Emerald King Piece (Player Head)
1 Emerald Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Emerald Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Emerald Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Emerald Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Emerald Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Glass Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Glass King (White) Piece (Player Head)
1 Glass Queen (White) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Bishop (White) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Knight (White) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Rook (White) Piece (Player Head)
8 Glass Pawn (White) Piece (Player Head)
1 Glass King (Black) Piece (Player Head)
1 Glass Queen (Black) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Bishop (Black) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Knight (Black) Piece (Player Head)
2 Glass Rook (Black) Piece (Player Head)
8 Glass Pawn (Black) Piece (Player Head)
1 Chess Board (Player Head)
1 White King Piece (Player Head)
1 White Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 White Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 White Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 White Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 White Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Black King Piece (Player Head)
1 Black Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Black Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Black Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Black Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Black Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Lapis Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Lapis King Piece (Player Head)
1 Lapis Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Lapis Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Lapis Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Lapis Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Lapis Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Endstone Chess Board (Player Head)
1 Endstone King Piece (Player Head)
1 Endstone Queen Piece (Player Head)
2 Endstone Bishop Piece (Player Head)
2 Endstone Knight Piece (Player Head)
2 Endstone Rook Piece (Player Head)
8 Endstone Pawn Piece (Player Head)
1 Yin-Yang (White & Black) (Player Head)
1 Yin-Yang (Aqua & Green) (Player Head)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Fireworks
16 Lime Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 Red-Orange Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Gold Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Purple Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Orange Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Combo Light Yellow Star (Firework Rocket)
16 Combo Red-Orange Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Combo Red-Yellow Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 5-Colour Red/Yellow/Orange Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 Yellow Large & Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Gold Star (Firework Rocket)
16 Pink Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Yellow-Pink Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 5 Colour Yellow-Pink Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 Gold Large & Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Light Yellow Star (Firework Rocket)
16 Purple Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Red Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 Orange Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Cyan Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 White Star (Firework Rocket)
16 Red Small Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Lime Creeper (Firework Rocket)
16 Aqua Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Purple Burst (Firework Rocket)
16 Red/White/Blue Star (Firework Rocket)
16 Aqua/Blue/Lime Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Lime Large Ball (Firework Rocket)
16 Pink/Purple Burst (Firework Rocket)

Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Black Market
1 Vex Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Elder Guardian Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Cod Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Tropical Fish Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Donkey Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Cat Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Mule Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Zombie Horse Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Pillager Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Blaze Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Cave Spider Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Dinosaur Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Enderman Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Ghast Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Guardian Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Magma Cube Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Silverfish Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Skeleton Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Spider Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Zombie Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Zombie Pigman Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Vindicator Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Polar Bear Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Evoker Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Zombie Villager Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Turtle Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Shulker Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Salmon Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Pufferfish Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Parrot Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Panda Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Drowned Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Dolphin Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Stray Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Husk Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Bat Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Chicken Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Cow Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Pig Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Rabbit Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Sheep Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Creeper Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Slime Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Witch Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Phantom Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Horse Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Mooshroom Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Ocelot Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Squid Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Villager Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Wolf Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Endermite Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Ravager Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 NPC Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Pyro Horse Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Llama Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Goat Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Axolotl Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Warden Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Wandering Trader Llama Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Wandering Trader Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Strider Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Piglin Brute Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Piglin Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Zoglin Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Hoglin Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Glow Squid Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Fox Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Bee Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Brown Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Cracked Chicken Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Spyware Spawn Egg (Player Head)
1 Quartz Geode (Player Head)
1 Rose-Quartz Geode (Player Head)
1 Amethyst Geode (Player Head)
1 Ruby Geode (Player Head)
1 Emerald Geode (Player Head)
1 Sapphire Geode (Player Head)
1 Diamond Geode (Player Head)
1 White Pearl (Player Head)
1 Colourful Pearl (Player Head)
1 Yellow Pearl (Player Head)
1 Green Pearl (Player Head)
1 Pink Pearl (Player Head)
1 Dinosaur Skull (Player Head)
1 Liquid Luck [Luck (5:00)] [When applied: +1 Luck] (Potion)
1 Grandma's Ashes [Curse of Vanishing] [When in main hand: +0.1 Speed] [When on head: +0.1 Speed] (Player Head)
1 Empty Spawner (Player Head)
1 Command Block (Player Head)
1 Chain Command Block (Player Head)
1 Black Market Guild Token (Recovery Compass)
1 Black Market Horseman Token (Recovery Compass)