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I’m not explaining my username.
3 posts

So maybe a month or two ago, I was bored and found a server on my serverlist that I had played once or twice, and it was Creeper's Lab. I went into the lobby and my friend called me over discord so I thought I would just run around in the lobby for a bit while we were talking about stuff, because I always end up getting distracted while talking and playing survival. I was minding my own business and clicked a block because I assumed there was no harm done because of WorldGuard and such (still in the lobby) I mined the block, and got banned for about a week I think (for griefing.) Today I decided to go back on the server because my little brother (IGN: Madlad42) was looking for an SMP server to play on, and it let me in. I assumed you had fixed whatever bug that was causing bans in the lobby so I decided to test it by breaking a piece of snow. Guess what happened? I. got. banned. To make matters worse, after I got banned, he tried to log in for the second time (he was on the wrong version of minecraft the first time) it said he got banned for ban evasion, then I tried to log in, worried that since we were on the same wifi the server might think that he was my alt or something. When I tried, I was correct. I am now banned (possibly permanently) from, and so is my little brother (he is 11, and I am 15.) So I am asking for an unban because I did nothing wrong.

Backer LordItachi
Minecraft op
Lord of Insanity
93 posts

Hello, Altf42

There is no 'bug' with the ban system, as it is a completely manual process. The initial 3-Day ban resulted from your continued attempts to break blocks in the lobby after a very visible warning. The second, 1-Month Ban was as you stated. As alternate accounts are not uncommon to try to avoid bans, Madlad42 was banned as well. His ban will be lifted since he has as of yet done nothing wrong, and your ban will be returned to the temporary 1-Month duration.

  • Itachi