1.17 Science Item Update Changelog
Due to the advent of Netherite in the vanilla game, the core balance of the Challenge Areas had been thrown a bit out of whack. With this update to 1.17, we're correcting the power scaling to include it! Many of our main armor and weapon sets have thus been enhanced, and can be swapped out for their new counterparts.
(If you remember, we had one of these for 1.16 too, here. )
The following are all items changed during this update; if you owned any of these items prior to 1.17, please visit the Science Workshop in the basement of the Post Office (at the Creeper Citadel) and have your items updated!
**NOTE: Please make sure to the include the applicable completion certificates for all areas relating up to the items you are submitting for enhancement. (IE, if you are submitting items from Shattered Sands, you should at least have the Wychwood and Snowhead certificates included with your items.)
Any items that have either been renamed or stripped of original enchantments are not applicable for updating.
Laurasia - Creeper Citadel
Combat Training Crossbow
Laurasia - The End - Dragon Merchant
Dragon's Soul
Laurasia - The End - Dragon Priests
Demon King Scythe
Laurasia - Old Event Items
Woodhollow Gourd
Pumpkin Juice
Laurasia - Lemuria
Mace of Sauron
The Lost Woods - Fairy Fountains
Fairy in a Bottle
Fairy Vigor
Fairy Dust
Fairy Heart
Fairy Mischeif
The Lost Woods - Prehistoric Barbarian Armor
Prehistoric Barbarian Skull
Prehistoric Barbarian Pelt
Prehistoric Barbarian Cloth
Prehistoric Barbarian Moccasin
The Lost Woods - Ancient Knight Armor
Ancient Knight Blade
Ancient Knight Helm
Ancient Knight Plate
Ancient Knight Mail
Ancient Knight Boots
The Lost Woods - Castle Ruins Dungeon
Forest Headpiece
Forest Tunic
Forest Trousers
Forest Boots
The Lost Woods - Drowned Lake Dungeon
Ocean Trencher
Zoranite Plate
Zoranite Bracers
Zoranite Flippers
The Lost Woods - Citadel Ruins Dungeon
Goronite Helm
Goronite Plate
Goronite Bracers
Goronite Boots
The Lost Woods - Legendary Equipment
White Sword
Magic Sword
Master Sword
The Lost Woods - Equipment of the Hero
Bow of Light
The Lost Woods - Hardmode Dungeons*
*Further rebalances to come post 1.17
Wychwood - Ahrim the Blighted
Ahrim's Wand
Ahrim's Tome of Magic
Ahrim's Hood
Ahrim's Top
Ahrim's Leggings
Ahrim's Boots
Wychwood - Dharok the Wretched
Dharok's Greataxe
Dharok's Helm
Dharok's Platebody
Dharok's Platelegs
Dhaok's Plateboots
Wychwood - Guthan the Infested
Guthan's Warspear
Guthan's Helm
Guthan's Platebody
Guthan's Chainskirt
Guthan's Plateboots
Wychwood - Torag the Corrupted
Torag's Hammer
Off-Hand Torag's Hammer
Torag's Helm
Torag's Platebody
Torag's Platelegs
Torag's Sabatons
Wychwood - Akrisae the Doomed
Akrisae's War Mace
Akrisae's Hood
Akrisae's Top
Akrisae's Leggings
Akrisae's Boots
Wychwood - Linza the Disgraced
Linza's Hammer
Linza's Shield
Linza's Helm
Linza's Cuirass
Linza's Greaves
Linza's Sabatons
Wychwood - Verac the Defiled
Verac's Flail
Verac's Helm
Verac's Brassard
Verac's Plateskirt
Verac's Plateboots
Wychwood - Karil the Tainted
Karil's Coif
Karil's Top
Karil's Leggings
Karil's Greaves
Wychwood - Soul Mage Nomad
Soul Obelisk
Wychwood - Kaer Morhen
Cataphract Greaves of Muspelheim
Frost Tower Shield
Snowhead - Bandos Warpriest Armor
Warpriest of Bandos Helm
Warpriest of Bandos Cuirass
Warpriest of Bandos Greaves
Warpriest of Bandos Boots
Warpriest of Bandos Shield
Snowhead - Armadyl Warpriest Armor
Warpriest of Armadyl Helm
Warpriest of Armadyl Cuirass
Warpriest of Armadyl Greaves
Warpriest of Armadyl Boots
Warpriest of Armadyl Shield
Snowhead - Zamorak Warpriest Armor
Warpriest of Zamorak Helm
Warpriest of Zamorak Cuirass
Warpriest of Zamorak Greaves
Warpriest of Zamorak Boots
Warpriest of Zamorak Shield
Snowhead - Saradomin Warpriest Armor
Warpriest of Saradomin Helm
Warpriest of Saradomin Cuirass
Warpriest of Saradomin Greaves
Warpriest of Saradomin Boots
Warpriest of Saradomin Shield
Snowhead - Tuska Warpriest Armor
Warpriest of Tuska Helm
Warpriest of Tuska Cuirass
Warpriest of Tuska Greaves
Warpriest of Tuska Boots
Warpriest of Tuska Shield
Snowhead - Godswords
Saradomin Godsword
Zamorak Godsword
Armadyl Godsword
Bandos Godsword
Zaryte Bow
Shattered Sands - The Fight Kiln*
Pure Diamond
Silver Potion
Golden Warpriest Helm
Golden Warpriest Cuirass
Golden Warpriest Greaves
Golden Warpriest Boots
*Further rebalances to come post 1.17
Shattered Sands - Sliske's Necropolis
Shadow Glaive
Off-Hand Shadow Glaive
Shattered Sands - Seren's Encampment
Life Potion
Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Zamorak
Anima Core Helm of Zamorak
Anima Core Body of Zamorak
Anima Core Legs of Zamorak
Anima Core Boots of Zamorak
Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Sliske
Anima Core Helm of Sliske
Anima Core Body of Sliske
Anima Core Legs of Sliske
Anima Core Boots of Sliske
Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Seren
Anima Core Helm of Seren
Anima Core Body of Seren
Anima Core Legs of Seren
Anima Core Boots of Seren
Shattered Sands - Anima Core of Zaros
Anima Core Helm of Zaros
Anima Core Body of Zaros
Anima Core Legs of Zaros
Anima Core Boots of Zaros
Shattered Sands - God-Forged Anima Weapons
Zamorak Godshield
Staff of Sliske
Seren Godbow
Zaros Godsword
Shattered Sands - Dominion Tower Unique Prizes*
Awakened Master Sword
Gem of Power
*Further rebalances to come post 1.17
Shoals of the Departed - Misc
Maul of Omens
Gungnir, The Spear of Destiny
Shoals of the Departed - Angel of Death
Anima Core Helm of Apocalypse
Anima Core Body of Apocalypse
Anima Core Legs of Apocalypse
Anima Core Boots of Apocalypse
Shoals of the Departed - Realm of Darkness
Dark Realm Keyblade
Dark Realm Hood
Dark Realm Cloak
Dark Realm Leggings
Dark Realm Boots
Light Realm Keyblade
Horsemen Artifacts - Famine
Forest Spirit Skull
Forest Spirit Chestplate
Forest Spirit Greaves
Forest Spirit Boots
Horsemen Artifacts - Conquest
Frostmourne, the Frozen Death
Elder Lich Helmet
Elder Lich Chestplate
Elder Lich Greaves
Elder Lich Boots
Horsemen Artifacts - War
Soul Edge, Devourer of Souls
Elder Demon Helmet
Elder Demon Chestplate
Elder Demon Greaves
Elder Demon Boots
Horsemen Artifacts - Death
Armageddon Blade
Abyssal Helmet
Abyssal Chestplate
Abyssal Greaves
Abyssal Boots
Horseman Artifacts - Grand Abominations of the Nephilim
White Anguish
Black Mercy
Earth Reaver
Draught of Starvation
Draught of Subjection
Draught of Conflict
Draught of Lunacy
Decorative Heads - Demon Toy Collector
Light Grey Demon Sheep Plushie
Merit Items - Replicas
Woodhollow Gourd Replica
Woodhollow Lantern Replica
Pumpkin Juice Replica
Merit Items - Merit Exclusives
Sacred Light Bow
Sword of Totsuka
Yata Mirror
Hephaestus's Labrys
The following items are eligible for only 1 replacement per item per player.
Elder Artifacts
Elder Artifact - The Mirror
Elder Artifact - The Needle
Elder Artifact - The Locator
Elder Artifact - The Hammer
Elder Artifact - The Blade
Elder Artifact - The Siphon
Elder Artifact - The Catalyst
Higher Artifact - Void Spear
Higher Artifact - Light Spear
Wychwood - Soul Mage Nomad
Soul Mage Staff
Laurasia - Overworld Dragon Priests
Elder Dragon Wings