
There is no "standard forum" available anymore to post something or a suggestion bout the board itself. So I'll post it here.

This forum is called "main site" and it is the very first or top forum that is an actual forum for posting. Meanwhile, "chit-chat" is way at the bottom, actually "technically" or comparitively "difficult" to find.

So people have been posting their "general stuff of chat" topics there, because it seems like that's where it would be posted, unless you do carefully remember that the name of the forum was not "main site". However, even with a memory but a less-detailed one, it seems right, because they probably remember that the forum was near the top of the page and was extremely easy to find or notice!

Therefore, it is suggested that you move "chit-chat" back to the top of the page, even if you have to exclude it from a [whatever the opposite of "subheading is] in order to do so. And/or change the name of this one to "Discussing the main website" or something like that.

Certainly the word "site" is already in the forum's name, but it kind of mentally escapes notice, like the word "main" is more prominent in the head, for the people who made their social posts here. So being the very first useable forum in the list as well as seeing nothing else called "main" or "general" or etc. until you look carefully. So it can seem like it says "main chat" instead of "main site". It doesn't seem that way to me, but it can easily seem that way to anyone who is not old, who doesn't have a perfect memory or was 8, or who doesn't feel like doing "work" once they see something a name that "seems right if I don't think about it", because the evil corporation/malware/surveillence websites trained the population to never do "work" while reading a website.

Edit: Actually, looking more carefully, it could be done "more logically" or "more easily then it seems! This "opposite of subheading" section with this forum in it is called "Interordi and community", right? Well, that's where you'd expect "chit-chat" to be! That's the main "activity" of communities!

And then:
-Forum games. We don't need that, right? It's silly single sentences that people don't want to save and doesn't have something useful or interesting to read like a topic. But, it does make sense to be at the bottom, could have its own "opposite of subheading" of "Forum games" because "what if a militia cokes to end the Facebook sites by killing all the CEOs of them, and then there is suddenly 100 daily users and then you decide to start (a) forum RPG(s)?".


-Fan work. There is already the forum for Ioekaki and another forum for drawings/work specifically of Mega Man. These three could be our together in an "artwork and creations" category. At first I was going to say put it as a sub[word] of Ieokaki, but I didn't realize you had a this artwork forum and had also put Iokaki in a "section" of very many not-extremely-related things.