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1166 posts

Stuck in your Mega Man Battle Network/Star Force game? Post here and tell us about it and we will help you!

Need a Walkthrough? Get a complete Walkthrough here!

The main purpose of this topic is to put an end to these constant \'Help Me\' Topics that you will most likely notice in most Forums.

This topic is basically going to be one big help me topic, with a alot more added!

Rule # 1

NO SPAMMING! Is that so vague to you? We don\'t want a big thread full of SPAM, get it? If your post is SPAM we will delete it and refuse to give you the help you need for your game.

Rule # 2

When requesting game help, please be very specific and detailed about what it is your stuck on. We can\'t help you if we can\'t even understand what it is you\'re trying to say.

Rule # 3

Use proper Grammer. Again, we can\'t help you if we can\'t understand you.

Rule # 4

MEGA MAN BATTLE NETWORK GAME HELP ONLY!! If you post requesting game help here that isn\'t even from a Mega Man Battle Network game, we will delete your post. That includes if you post here requesting help from a Mega Man game, that is from a different series. MEGA MAN Battle Network ONLY!!

Rule # 5

This topic is strictly for Game Help only. No Mega Man Battle Network disscusion! Just game help! If you want to talk about something that isn\'t Game HELP related, post your own topic about it or something. Just keep it out of here!

Thank you for your time. Now on to the Walkthroughs!

Game Boy Advance Mega Man Battle Network Games

Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Black
Mega Man Battle Network 3 Blue
Mega Man Battle Network 3 White
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun
Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Colonel
Megaman Battle Network 5: Team Protoman
Megaman Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar
Megaman Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge

Nintendo DS Megaman Battle Network Games

Megaman Battle Network 5: Double Team
Mega Man Star Force: Leo
Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus
Meg a Man Star Force: Dragon
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker X Saurian
Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker X Ninja
Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace*Coming Soon*!
Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker*Coming Soon*!

Nintendo Gamecube Mega Man Battle Network Games

Mega Man Battle Network Transmission

If you think I missed a MMBN/MMSF game, please PM me and I'll edit this topic ASAP.

Thank you!


(Thanks to Zero EXE for the notification of MMBN4 Blue Moon and Red Sun :) )

(Thanks to mega alexman for notifying me of MMBN5: Team Colonel and Team Protoman. He also reminded me that I should set up a Ninendo DS Section for the upcoming game that contains both Versions of MMBN5 in MMBN5: Double Team!)

Thanks Dr. Cossack for reminding me of MMBN6! MMBN6 Faltzer and Gregar are now up!

Edited by Arkane on September 6, 2007 at 17:29:04.

Edited by Arkane on May 15, 2008 at 22:13:34.

Edited by Arkane on May 15, 2008 at 22:18:46.

Edited by Arkane on January 22, 2009 at 20:56:53.

Ultimate Bass SP
698 posts

Hi Bass SP I guess i have the honor of being your first custumer or whatever. hers my problem. In the first Megaman Battle Network game i am stuck in this parrt in the internet. there is a cyber gate that says \"Do you have enough?\" and then it says\"Nope go collect some more. What is it talking about? Battle Chips? If so how many do I need to proceed.

just enjoying the last month in a half of summer, and keepin it real

Wily\'s superior
440 posts

Hope this helps:

to get past the gate 9 I had the same problem) you have to colect a certain amount of chips form that part
but note that they all must be different chips, you must collect like 8 or more to get past, i would say fight every virus and get there chip and count untill you get 5 different chips, check at the door, then if it doesn\'t open, go collect more ( but still different chips)

I had a hard time finding out this, good luck

Robots and evil internet virus'.......ah the end of the world

Ultimate Bass SP
698 posts

Thanks I will tell you how it went later

just enjoying the last month in a half of summer, and keepin it real

Rinders Pet
695 posts

It takes ten..

Back for the third time... Or was it the second?

Protoman .ExE
Lil' metool
4 posts

I need so much help i have spent weeks trying to beat protecto 2 and i need help can i be helped please.

1166 posts

Originally posted by Protoman .ExE
I need so much help i have spent weeks trying to beat protecto 2 and i need help can i be helped please.

Try these PA\'s:

TimeBom+ / Time Bomb PLUS | Program Advance #24
TimeBom1-TimeBom2-TimeBom3 G/K/Z
Damage per Hit: 500
Number of Hits: 1
Description: Megaman sets a HUGE TimeBomb in the enemy area. The bomb
explodes after counting down for 3 seconds.
Range of Hit:



UltraBob / Ultra Bomb | Program Advance #18
LilBomb-CrosBomb-BigBomb O/Q/T
Damage per Hit: 400
Number of Hits: 1
Description: Megaman throws a HUGE Bomb 3 Panels ahead of him. This bomb,
with the range of a BigBomb, can also pierce through enemy armors
(HardHeads\' Shells and Dominerds\' insanely high defense, for example) and
crack Panels. Best used against Protecto2\'s in WWW Area 3.
Range of Hit:


Diru Fan
1091 posts

... can someone help me on snakemanv3?
he\'s so annoying i need to get his v3 chip
(also for shadowman and freezeman)

I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.

1166 posts

Originally posted by Bryan
... can someone help me on snakemanv3?
he\'s so annoying i need to get his v3 chip
(also for shadowman and freezeman)

HP: 900
Snakeman is very special; he will hide in his protective \"jar\" when you are
standing in the same row as him, and will only come out when you are on other
rows. Also, the second column in his area is chipped away.
Snakeman attacks by sending small snakes that form in the holes to attack you.
If you are standing in the same row as him, you will NEVER be able to damage
him and you will NEVER defeat him. So move to other rows to make him come out.
After coming out for 5 seconds or so, Snakeman will attack you personally, his
attack is either
a) Tilting to one side to bite you (which has 2 ranges)
B) Firing a series of shots at you

So as you can see, both of them are not hard to avoid, the only problem is the
little snakes that come out from the empty column, they will block your attacks
if you do not destroy them within the time limit.

Just keep trying and you will eventually destroy Snakeman.

Snakeman V2
HP: 1200
Snakeman with 300 more HP, just refer to the Snakeman section for help.

Snakeman V3
HP: 1500
Snakeman with 600 more HP, still no changes, so you should refer to Snakeman

HP: 800
Shadowman is hard, and all of his three attacks have an incredibly high

1.Shadowman will jump up into the air to shoot 3 shadow blades at you. Move as
quickly as you can to move them.
2.Shadowman will create two dummies that move around trying to get you mixed
up. Just shoot them once to make them disappear, and concentrate on beating the
real one.
3.Shadowman will release a fire attack that travels all the way down to the
end. If you haven\'t destroyed the dummies yet, they too, will spit fire.

Special attack: After you\'ve drained 90% of his HP, Shadowman will summon two
statutes in your area. Don\'t be fooled, they are NOT made of stone and they
WILL attack! They follow you around and swipe their swords or poke them at you.
The only thing good here is that they do not block off you attacks so you can
still deal damage to Shadowman.

After a long and hard fight, you should finally be able to destroy Shadowman.

Shadowman V2
HP: 1200
A ditto of the first one with more HP, I think he has now gained the Muramasa
attack. He will teleport to the square before you and give you the damage you
gave him, for example, you drained 1000 HP out of him, then when he hits you,
you take 1000 damage! However, this attack is very easy to avoid. Before he
attacks, he stops at your column for 1 second, so move around continuously at
this time to avoid his deadly attack. Beat him? Good, now get ready for
Shadowman V3.

Shadowman V3
HP: 1600
To put in simple words, the V3 of Shadowman is VERY HARD. First of all, he has
1600 HP, and his attacks all cost more than 200 HP. Do not engage in a fight
with him before getting your HP to 800 or above!
He now does his \"Shadow Blade\" attack more often, and the dummies he summons
regenerate at an incredible speed, that is, you destroy one, and another one
pops out! His Muramasa attack is now the most deadly attack as he only uses
this attack after he\'s lost 1300+ HP, get hit by it once and you are finished
The two statues now move more swiftly and they do more damage as well, they
even seem to know how to restrict your movements and block your attacks. Again,
this is a boss you\'ll want to delete quickly. Navi chips work the best here.

HP: 1000
The battle with Freezeman is annoying and tough. First of all, the terrain is
in full ice and that makes the whole battle \"slippery\". Freezeman will
instantly turn into an ice statue once you get into battle. He cannot be hurt,
and he keeps sending waves and waves of attacks to you. The first thing you
should do is to \"cut open\" the ice statue. It has 100 HP, so it may take a
while, but it isn\'t all that hard. After that, Freezeman will try his best to
blow you into the last row, at the same time, he attacks. He has only two
First attack: Ice spikes will rise from the ground, and they will track your
position. The best way to avoid crashing into them is to stay at the back row,
then when the spikes are nearly at your area, move around quickly to avoid

Second attack: 3 ice spikes will fall randomly onto you area, this attack is
very easy to avoid, just watch out of the shadows they cast and back out of
that area.

Freezeman V2
HP: 1200
Duplicate of the first one except with more HP and the ice statue has 150 HP.
Refer to Freezeman section if you need help.

Freezeman V3
HP: 1400
Upgraded version of the V2. The ice statue has a further increased HP of 200.
This battle is very tough, make sure you pack in a lot of good electrical
chips, and make sure they are piercing!

Lil' metool
10 posts

Excuse me, can you tell me where\'s I must go after defeat Elec man in MMBN1?

Lil' metool
10 posts

I have found BassDelux but I can\'t get the LifeAura3. I could only get Bass v3.:(
Can u tell me the way to defeat Bass with busting level S ?:conf:

1166 posts

Originally posted by Junix
I have found BassDelux but I can\'t get the LifeAura3. I could only get Bass v3.:(
Can u tell me the way to defeat Bass with busting level S ?:conf:

Next time Junix, just use the Edit Button instead of Double Posting.

To answer your first question go to this link and use the Internet Maps to you advantage.

As for Bass Deluxe, I suggest you get the PA BodyGuard.

You must select these chips in the exact order you see them in order for it to work:

DropDown S, AntiDmg S, Shadowman S.

It doesn\'t matter what Version of Shadowman you use.

After you select those chips, You can add Atk+20 and Atk+30 after them to give Bass the beating of his life!

So these are the Chips you NEED to select:

DropDown S, AntiDmg S, ShadowMan S (Any Version), Atk+20 and then Atk+30.

...and that\'ll do.

Lil' metool
11 posts

does anyone know how to beat toadman v3:madgo: he just keeps beating me:mad:

Lil' metool
11 posts

hey does anyone know any good combo\'s to make a good weopon

4037 posts

This isn\'t a chip combo, but an attack combo that I find works well on ProtoMan.

You choose any chip normally, but before you attack them, you use a charged ElecTeam shot to peralise them. It adds 10 HP damage on top of the attack trhat you would\'ve used, anyway and it paralises the enemy making attacks more accurate (e.g., Cannon Ball, Mini Bomb, MagnetMan)

114 posts

Originally posted by greaserman
does anyone know how to beat toadman v3:madgo: he just keeps beating me:mad:


Originally posted by greaserman
hey does anyone know any good combo\'s to make a good weopon

Don\'t double post. I just ran firing insanely while dodging the paralizing attack from toadman and I got busting level S. Oh yeah, use electric chips.

As for good PAs...
(looks in his papers with every PA)
Ah ha! I\'ll list some navi ones!

27) Gater
Wind G
Fan G
Gateman(v1,v2,v3) G
Pops up in front of megaman and megaman hits him and he shoots big cannballs at enemies. VERY useful

29) Big heart
HolyPanl R
Recov300 R
Roll(v1,v2,v3) R
Just Like Roll chips except does 300 damage and fully heals. AWESOME.

There are other good PAs Im just too lazy too type them:)!

I have come to steal all your megaman pics. Prepare to give them to me! Mooo hahahahaha!!!!!

Diru Fan
1091 posts

can someone give me a list of all HP memory?

I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.

1166 posts

Originally posted by Bryan
can someone give me a list of all HP memory?

List of places where you can find all 45 HPMemory Upgrades:

Den Area 1 (Merchant) x2
Den Area 3 (Merchant) x3
Official Square (Merchant) x3
Kotobuki Square (Merchant) x3
Netopia Square (Merchant) x3
Undernet 1 (Merchant) x3
Undernet Square (Merchant) x3
Gas Comp 2
Yai\'s PC
Mayl\'s Piano
Bomb Comp 2
Reward of Job 2
Defeating GateMan V1
Guardian Statue
Reward of Mission 3/Job 5
Mother Comp 1
Hotel Refrigerator
Netopia 3
Castle Comp 1
Curtains (NAL Airplane Business room)
Air Comp 4
Air Comp 2
Reward of Job 12
Defeating HeatMan V1
Undernet 1
Undernet 2
Mansion 2
Mansion 9th Floor leftmost door (Lan\'s world)
Exchange #3
Reward of Quiz #2

Bass GS SP Deluxe
Darkest Navi
607 posts

Someone told me that in MMBN2 after you beat normal mode and start hard mode you might be a zero version of Megaman EXE.

Can someone help me on this, because i\'m getting really mad.:devil::madgo::mad::muha:

After a few years of self exile, I'm BACK BABY, YEAHH!
"When was the last time the wind ever said "HOSTILES!" to you?" "Never." "Exactly!" (G.o.W.)


join the bionicle guild in our fight to protect the weak! join at

My new m-board: Moderators wanted:

I am the ruler of the Undernet, and my home is in Black Earth. I also harness the 5 legendary Evil Chips. All who oppose me......shal die. Muhahahaha!

Diru Fan
1091 posts

Originally posted by Bass SP
Originally posted by Bryan
can someone give me a list of all HP memory?

List of places where you can find all 45 HPMemory Upgrades:

Den Area 1 (Merchant) x2
Den Area 3 (Merchant) x3
Official Square (Merchant) x3
Kotobuki Square (Merchant) x3
Netopia Square (Merchant) x3
Undernet 1 (Merchant) x3
Undernet Square (Merchant) x3
Gas Comp 2
Yai\'s PC
Mayl\'s Piano
Bomb Comp 2
Reward of Job 2
Defeating GateMan V1
Guardian Statue
Reward of Mission 3/Job 5
Mother Comp 1
Hotel Refrigerator
Netopia 3
Castle Comp 1
Curtains (NAL Airplane Business room)
Air Comp 4
Air Comp 2
Reward of Job 12
Defeating HeatMan V1
Undernet 1
Undernet 2
Mansion 2
Mansion 9th Floor leftmost door (Lan\'s world)
Exchange #3
Reward of Quiz #2

thanx , but what is a mansion? do u mean gospel\'s hq?

I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.

1166 posts

Originally posted by Bass GS SP Deluxe
Someone told me that in MMBN2 after you beat normal mode and start hard mode you might be a zero version of Megaman EXE.

Can someone help me on this, because i\'m getting really mad.:devil::madgo::mad::muha:

Nope, you start a new file as just Normal Megaman.EXE. But I beleive you can still upload your old file.

Bryan: Yes, the Mansion is the Gospel HQ.

Diru Fan
1091 posts

ok Bass Sp told me this but i can\'t find it!
i can\'t find the 1st hide and seek thing i looked behind alll the brown houses!

I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.

114 posts

Call me stupid because I restarted my game for the second time. (If I remembered chip traders save your game I wouldn\'t have:madgo: ) So could someone give me a list of all the powerups, hpmemories, subchipups, and regularmems?

[Edited on 3-6-2003 by drako3759]

I have come to steal all your megaman pics. Prepare to give them to me! Mooo hahahahaha!!!!!

1166 posts

Originally posted by Bryan
ok Bass Sp told me this but i can\'t find it!
i can\'t find the 1st hide and seek thing i looked behind alll the brown houses!

Try searching every single nuke and cranny of ACDC Town. Keep taping A all over the place. Behind every house and all around the houses.


Here ya go.
>RegUp Locations

There are 49. List of all RegUp Locations:

Receives Chip Selection System (gives you 4MB)
Gas Comp
Yai\'s Phone
Bear Network
Okuden Valley Path 2 (2)
BLicense Exam
Reward of Job 1
Bear Machine
Bomb Comp 3 (2)
Broken Toy
Mission 1/ Job 3
ALicense Exam (2)
Mother Comp 2
Mother Comp 5 (2)
Reward of Job 9 (2)
Garbage Dump In Netopia alley (2)
Castle Comp 3
Netopia Airport Gift-shop store computer (2)
Air Comp 1
Air Comp 4 (2)
Reward of Job 12 (2)
Undernet 1 (2)
Undernet 6 (2)
Yumland 1
Gospel Network 1
Reward of Quiz #3 (3)
Kotobuki Town Vending Machine (3)
Mansion 1 (2)
Hide and Seek 3
Getting S License
Getting SS License
Getting SSS License

>SubMem Locations

There are 4? These will raise the # of items you can carry of the same.

Netopia Castle 3
Undernet 3, behind a Block
Purple Mystery Data in the WWW-3
Hide and Seek 2

>HPMemory Locations
List of places where you can find all 45 HPMemory Upgrades:

Den Area 1 (Merchant) x2
Den Area 3 (Merchant) x3
Official Square (Merchant) x3
Kotobuki Square (Merchant) x3
Netopia Square (Merchant) x3
Undernet 1 (Merchant) x3
Undernet Square (Merchant) x3
Gas Comp 2
Yai\'s PC
Mayl\'s Piano
Bomb Comp 2
Reward of Job 2
Defeating GateMan V1
Guardian Statue
Reward of Mission 3/Job 5
Mother Comp 1
Hotel Refrigerator
Netopia 3
Castle Comp 1
Curtains (NAL Airplane Business room)
Air Comp 4
Air Comp 2
Reward of Job 12
Defeating HeatMan V1
Undernet 1
Undernet 2
Mansion 2
Mansion 9th Floor leftmost door (Lan\'s world)
Exchange #3
Reward of Quiz #2

>PowerUp Locations

List of places where the 12 PowerUps are: (Missing 2)

Upper Den Area 3 (Merchant)
Kotobuki Square (Merchant)
Netopia Square (Merchant)
Undernet Square (Merchant)
Upper Den Area 3 (Purple Mystery Data)
Bomb Comp 4 (Blue Mystery Data)
Hikari Lab (On your Dad\'s Lab suit)
Castle Comp 4 (In Netopia Castle Dungeon)
Reward of Job 14
Hide and Seek 5
Mansion 3

[Edited on 4-6-2003 by Bass SP]

104 posts

one of the missing ones: Program in REAL LIFE is hiding behind the security door monitor on the top right in the mother comp room

Hmph, they're in lala land now. Made me break a sweat too.

Kaze wo tsukinukete, kimi to!

The price of peace is war.
The price of victory is blood

I left.
1584 posts

I\'ve people talk about drop down s, what does it do and how can I get one?

1166 posts

Originally posted by ELBURITO
I\'ve people talk about drop down s, what does it do and how can I get one?

It makes you invincible until you attack. You can get one in WWW area 2 by finding a very rare Virus in that area called Popper3. When you finally find him, he will usual be in a group with 2 PoisonFaces. The worst part is, you have to get S rank to obtain the DropDown S. I suggest using Zues Hammer combined with Atk+20. That way, when you use this combo, the PoisonFace\'s shields won\'t even save them and will die because you added an extra punch to the Zues Hammer with the Atk+20! Plus the ZuesHammer kills anything that is standing on flat ground, shielded or not! But, remember you have to wait for Popper3 to drop down from the celing before using ZuesHammer! This way, you will kill all of these Virus\' at once. The real challenge is trying to find him. Keep on looking for Popper3 in WWW are 2 and watch out for Napalman.EXE!

I left.
1584 posts
Quote but I havent fought napalman how do i ( i know he is past the 2nd gate; how do u open it?):madgo:

1166 posts

Originally posted by ELBURITO but I havent fought napalman how do i ( i know he is past the 2nd gate; how do u open it?):madgo:

Requirements to meet him: Collect the V3 chips of all Navis
HP: 1400
Yep, this is one of the harder bosses. First of all, some auto-tracking guns
will rise up in the row you are standing in and fire at you, it reaches until
the end of the entire row, this is something you should look out for. After
moving around for 7-8 times, Napalmman will stop and fire 5 napalm bombs at
you. This the time to use your chips/P.A.s on him, and watch out for the bombs,
not only do they smash your panels, they burn for a while after it hits the
panel, very nasty. -_-

After Napalmman only has very very little HP left, he put a large, pink
crosshair into the arena, move to the corners at once! Because after it locks
on to you, Napalmman will fire a 3x3 bomb, luckily, this time, it is neither
panel cracking nor burning.

Napalmman V2
HP: 1700
The same as Napalm except with more HP.

Napalmman V3
HP: 2000
Now this one is really hard. In fact, you might even die a few times before you
can eventually beat him. From this battle and on, you had better use P.A.s
instead of just chips to beat the bosses, because I tell you, it\'s IMPOSSIBLE.

I left.
1584 posts

o not really worried about the battle i just dont wanna get all the v3 chips it will take for ever!!!I\'ll just wait for 3 and then master it insted of 2 because im lazy.:cool: