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1166 posts

Stuck in your Mega Man Zero/ZX game? Post here and tell us about it and we will help you!

Need a Walkthrough? Get a complete Walkthrough here!

The main purpose of this topic is to put an end to these constant \'Help Me\' Topics that you will most likely notice in most Forums.

This topic is basically going to be one big help me topic, with a alot more added!

Rule # 1

NO SPAMMING! Is that so vague to you? We don\'t want a big thread full of SPAM, get it? If your post is SPAM we will delete it and refuse to give you the help you need for your game.

Rule # 2

When requesting game help, please be very specific and detailed about what it is your stuck on. We can\'t help you if we can\'t even understand what it is you\'re trying to say.

Rule # 3

Use proper Grammer. Again, we can\'t help you if we can\'t understand you.

Rule # 4

MEGA MAN ZERO GAME HELP ONLY!! If you post requesting game help here that isn\'t even from a Mega Man Zero game, we will delete your post. That includes if you post here requesting help from a Mega Man game, that is from a different series. MEGA MAN ZERO ONLY!!

Rule # 5

This topic is strictly for Game Help only. No Mega Man Zero disscusion! Just game help! If you want to talk about something that isn\'t Game HELP related, post your own topic about it or something. Just keep it out of here!

Thank you for your time. Now on to the Walkthroughs!

Game Boy Advance Mega Man Zero Games

Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man Zero 4

Nintendo DS Mega Man Zero Games

Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX: Advent

Well that was easy :rolleyes: . But if I\'m missing any Mega Man Zero games anyways, please let me know through PM. Thank You!


MMZX and 4 MMZ4 are up! Sorry for the delay. :(

Edited by Arkane on May 15, 2008 at 22:08:30.

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Deleted account

OK,I need help with Phantom,he\'s the last guy I need to beat,then I can go beat the Hanumachine.

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Deleted account

Post redacted

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Deleted account

Okay,guess what,I\'ve made it to Neo Arcadia!!!:D:D\' I\'m stuck at where the platforms of rock appear and dissappear,please give me a good strategy on how to get past the dissappearing rock platforms.

[Edited on 31-5-2003 by Zero_10]

Lead character
112 posts

What\'s a good way to level up your weapons?

Lil' metool
1 post

To get past the dissapearing platforms, when the next platfrom appears, jump straight for it: If you wait for the next one to appear fully, the platform you are standing on will have disspappeared and you\'ll fall.

A good way to level up your weapons is to stay in an area with a lot of enemies and continually destroy them with the weapon you want to level (if you have a lot of free hours, it\'ll easier ;))

I can\'t find Ne energy crystals :madgo:

Ultimate Maverick
59 posts

...................................................................I have really messed up my game.....
I can\'t beat Fafnir in the desert... :madgo:

MZP x7
21 posts

i can have the last level on my z saber canm i help me anyone?

MZP x7
21 posts

i search a elf but i dont know where is it? can you help me please anyone?:conf:

Pika Pika Chu Chu!
58 posts

I jost got my copy of Megaman Zero today((yay!))anyway....i cant beat the first boss....something Falcon?I have the buster and the saber and 1 cyber elf loaded.It paralizes enemies.How do I activate the cyber elf and how can I defeat the boss((It was a used game so cam with out a guide))

By brother wont stop bugging me about his password.....

MZP x7
21 posts

ok first the boss :level on your weapon please (buster and saber(down and look star (you go on the weapon))) you have the saber level 4 or 5 (prac this ) when you have the charge weapon now you charge your weapon and its so easy shot , when you know the tactic on the enemey now its so very easy (a tips
ok)for the elf you go on the transerver and you go on the download elfe after you choose the elfe and now you use the elfe and the big elfe you can feed then (feed elfe)and the elfe its mature for using the elfe im happy to answer you (its normal i answer not good because im a french person);D

Pika Pika Chu Chu!
58 posts

ok,thanks.But now...I have to get data in a mission and a boss is like the elephant person.How doI dodge his attacks and what would be my best element and weapon((I only have thunder element and the buster and saber))

By brother wont stop bugging me about his password.....

MZP x7
21 posts

first when ha make a tripple with the hand you take the buster and shoot on the head after he stop. now you take the saber (do you have the charge with your saber ...yes charge with the element (its weakness)not at the head its not important and its very easy full ) and know the strategie of the elephant (another tips):)

Pika Pika Chu Chu!
58 posts

Can anyone tell me how to get over that big spike pit in the find hidden base mission?

By brother wont stop bugging me about his password.....

NaviCust Expert
209 posts

okay, for anyone who posts about levelin\' up their weapons there is an easy and sorta quick way to do it. After defeating Aztec Falcon (1st bird like boss) and after being back at the base you must use the Transport thing and go back to where you fought him. Once there you go back a ways until you meet up with 2 X-Drones, and another third a short ways away. Keep dashing between the set of 2 and the third and slash/poke/shoot/reflect them until you level your weapons. This is great for gathering Crystals for cyber-elves.

[Edited on 2-8-2003 by Blayze.EXE]

"It's just me...I Am...Zero."

Hats n' spirals
2437 posts
Become Dr. Cossack's waifu
Acquired on 20 April 2012
Rin Tezuka
Rin Tezuka
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 22 more

Does anyone know how to get past the locked door behind Ciel in the resistance base?I heard there is a rare cyber elf there.

1050 posts

You need an A rank. Good luck!

~ Nothing is foolproof to a truly talented fool.

Ned Flanders
Lost but Seeking
279 posts

No, the door doesn\'t just open to A or S ranks. in the Secrets topic, some people say they got through at C rank. Check the topic to see the whole thing about trying to figure out the door puzzle.

[Edited on 5-8-2003 by Ned Flanders]

Image Fear the Raven Guild!

mmbn series god
149 posts

can any one help me..

i cant reach the last level of my weapons *(z-saber, z-buster, triple rod, and my shield)

how many enemy would i hav to kill to get the last level....

i already waste an hpur and a half but i cant get the last level

repeat this after me

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

To get the (improved spin) Jump-slash on your saber, you have to keep killing enemies with your Jump slash. To get the improved Dash-slash, kill them with the dash-slash

You will die!
134 posts

Well this is a question were does the door behind ceil lead in the data room?

I just want to go home

94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another.

Diru Fan
1091 posts

Originally posted by ElecMan
Well this is a question were does the door behind ceil lead in the data room?

There\'s acyber elf.
um i need to get this cyber elf in the ist stage (golem area)
it says that the spider webs will give you a cyber elf. i can\'t get it any help? (i don\'t have that elf i checked)

I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.

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Deleted account

Post redacted

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

I have trouble understanding how youcouldn\'t get that elf. You sure you checked?

You will die!
134 posts

Yeah I gest t was a elf but the door is locked and I can\'t get in there can someone tell how to get in there please!

I just want to go home

94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another.

Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

You need like an S or A rank.

3 posts

Can someone please help me in Megaman Zero Two. I\'m Stuck at where you must beat the four bosses (Yes I know it\'s the begining.) PLease help me with which boss I should beat first. Also, I\'ve made it to the panther and pheonix bosses. please help. I\'ve tried the items said in the faqs, but they\'re a little complicated. Than you and Pm me with the info if you can.

Additional Info:
What elves did you use on what boss:
What boss did you beat first?:
What level should my wepons be?

Thank you to all those who help me

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Okay. I got a question on Megaman Zero 2, too. I\'m in the Forest of Dysis. You know the pits where you have to use the Chain Rod to get across? I can\'t use my Chain Rod. I try to but it never attaches itself to the blue \"UFO\" objects. (Yes, I am holding the button.) Any tips on how to use the Chain Rod on the ground, jumping, or whatever? Will there be any other times you will need to use the Chain Rod again?

I hope someone answers Zeron\'s and my questions.

Zero EXE
Infected Data
944 posts

Ok, Breakman, I had a hard time with the chain rod too. Jump and shoot the rod at the ufo. It will help if you use the directional pad to aim your chainrod. You can aim it in 8 directions. When attached, hold the down along with the button. Down lowers you so you can swing farther. Let go at the very end of your swing. It also helps if you practice on the first ufo object, since if you fall, there is land below you. But NOT on the second one.
PM me if you need more help. I am more than willing to help you with all the spare time on my hands. Zeron, I will PM you like you suggested. Bye everyone, and don\'t think I won\'t come back to this page!

[Edited on 30-12-2003 by Zero EXE]

Image Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!

Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!

Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"

Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"

future reploid
141 posts

im stuck on the train level in hard mode.I only have proto form (no normal!) its defense is only 1 star and i get killed in 3 hits! pm me if u cn help.Thx!:D