Originally posted by Watcher
Originally posted by Sage
lozl, lik i kno tat megman is 4 yrs old, and h iz actully X11 THEY TRSNFORMD HIM IN CPSLE? C? YOU DISZGREE YOU DIE!
They talk like that too?
This one kid... titus4life...what a screen name. Anyway he's pretty close to that.
Lmfao, that's pretty pathetic. We don't get many of those, thankfully.
OH NO! I have started posting without properly introducing myself. I am Aberrant Unit First Class Mega man Strider. I am here to hunt down and kill the system members..one member at a time. Would you like to see a picture of me. WHAT!? NO! Fine then I'm going to show you anyway.
Yea..I am sexy. Also If you haven't noticed I am a huge fan of the Dash (legends in America) series. I find it rather sad that there still hasn't been a sequel yet. It's great game..what da fudge? I blame the Battle Network series for this and that new Starforce thing. *attempts to stab Zero but misses* Darn! We got away again. I'm not sure how I found this website but I did.
I actually know somebody here, which I find is weird because usually that doesn't happen. What's the person's usermane...Aimman.
...Kill system members? lmfao..As for the picture, nah dun wanna see you.
Nu, I dun think yer sexy either.
Anyways, welcome to IO, hope you enjoy it, majority of us try to keep it...civilized, most of us are Dash fans, but I think majority of us are X fans, I myself am.
As for Aimman, he's been semi-missing in action, if you see him, yell at him for us.
Also, at first. I thought you were Strider from SMMD, lawl.