Guess what? I got a ten inch tall action figure of X in Magnet Mine armor, and Zero! I was so freaked! What did you get!
Topic: What did you get for christmas?
Guess what? I got a ten inch tall action figure of X in Magnet Mine armor, and Zero! I was so freaked! What did you get!
I got a stupid Dell Laptop that doen\'t even work, man this is making me MAD:madgo::madgo:
~When light and darkness combine the world will see what the apocalypse looks like.~
Join my Spriting Message Board:
I got a stereo and a calendar, haven\'t opened the other stuff yet.
Heres what I got for Christmas
1. Mario Kart : Double Dash
2. Mario & Luigi
3. Mario Advance 4 : Super Mario Bros. 3
4. LEGO model Slave I
5. Some other Star Wars LEGOs
6. A Bionicle figuer
7. LEGO pen
8. Megaman action figuer (Jazwares, Inc)
9. Some animal books
10. A brown leather jacket
11. Some GBA accessories
12. Some shavers
13. Some clothes & some belts
14. A nice wallet
Thats about all for now until I exchange gifts with all my other relatives later on today
I got:
LP records:
Robocop Soundtrack (RARE gem. It was also still in the shrinkwrap, and it came with a poster!)
American Anthem Soundtrack
\"Back to the World\" by Dennis DeYoung
Terminator 3 (PS2)
True Crime:Streets of LA (Gamecube)
Spawn Armageddon (Gamecube)
I also got two gift cards.
Megaman X7, Megaman X6, Megaman Zero 2, Megaman DVD set (the American series), a Megaman comic book, a Megaman X lunch box, Megaman X chopsticks, a Megaman zipper charm, Megaman action figures (Megaman, Protoman, Bass, Megaman X), two Megaman model kits (the American ones), a YugiOh! pin and key charm of Joey and Yugi, some clothes, and... that\'s it. ;^^
I\'m QUITE happy. ^_____^
[quote]Originally posted by Nayus Dante
~When light and darkness combine the world will see what the apocalypse looks like.~
Join my Spriting Message Board:
I got a Electric guitar, with an amp, Soul Caliber II(I just mostly play it in the arcades, so this is pretty good) CD player and thats it...
Usb Gamepad
Gift cards
Video Games
my friend said he got TONS of giftcards, and listed the amounts. I wanted to kill him. I have TONS of relatives, but only my grandparents and aunt and uncle sent me stuff. My dad has six other siblings, 3 older sisters, and 3 younger brothers. NONE of them even sent me a card. We got a family card i think from some of them, but thats it. oh well, big familys dont usually buy everyone stuff. I got my motherboard and processor and im happy. Anyone get any gifts they REALLY hate? list them here.
I\'m got:
Evolution Worlds
Fire Emblem
Sword of Mana
Land/Sea RC 2 (why don\'t they come with batteries?)
A small dragon statue
A dragon puzzle
Sonic Advance 2
Blues Soul model
Metal Soul model
RockMan model
Blues model
Clothes (I actually liked one thing, my new dragon shirt.)
A dragon calender
Tony Hawk\'s Underground (aka THUG )
A miniature planetarium
A Build-Your-Own Door Alarm
Plus MORE!!!
If you couldn\'t tell from the above list, I like dragons.
[Edited on 26-12-2003 by BladeMan.EXE]
The Future of the Net Sprite Comic
My deviantART
~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.
"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."
I got :
Worms 3D for pc
2 T- shirts
something like a light saber
2 gel pens
towel (unexpected)
a lot of foreign fruits
That\'s all.
P. S. the worms cd caused me 2 days of the whole holidays and I still can\'t figure out how to install it. I\'m trying now.
Metabee, Demolition mode now. Get ready electro disks. Aim, FIRE!!
Tyrelbeetle, medacombo now. Ginkai, combo attack.
Starfox Adventures
Mario Party 5
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Gundam: Encounters in Space (really weird)
Sonic Adventure DX: Director\'s Cut
A sketchbook
Colored pencils
DemiKids Light Version
Tenchi Muyo Graphic Novel
Street Fighter comic
Avengers comic
Dragon Ball Graphic Novel
Music Maker for PS2 (unexpected but enjoyed :))
I think maybe some other stuff I can\'t remember...
I got sbout maybe 2 gifts I despise....
A small mini TV, what am I gonna do with this?! I\"ve got a TV for cryin out loud!
And snacks from my uncle, wow, great.....
Join the DevART Megaman Legends Club:
Lucky bastards..... j/k
I got only one measly game.... Yu-Gi-Oh the Sacred Cards... and it\'s also for me and Shiromaru... Meaning we dont get anything else than that... <_<
Lucky me! At Grandpa\'s I got more stuff! And had fun.
I got:
FF Tactics Advanced
Brain Puzzles
RPG Maker... was it 2 or 2000? For the PS2
I got
Final Fantasy X-2
Shaman King 1
Naruto 4
I didn\'t get much
I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.
I play Counter-Strike and 2D fighters.
An off the hook stereo, Medal of Honor Rising Sun(I love it!!!), a punchingbag, lifting weights, punching gloves, the Cow Superheroes calender, Relient K music CD,
a football, an answering machine for my phone,and avest and beanie. I\'m happy. ;D
Once a samurai the heart of sword will always be with you.Trust in it,your instinct,and you will be led down the right path.
lets see here.... uhhhh..
-Megaman Soundtrack (various, its from my friend)
-Megaman Battle Network 3 blue (some reason said its from my cat, LOL, mom wanted to put her name)
-Sketchbooks (mom put to:me from:MegamanZero66)
-a 30$ vest
-a hard drive with 6 gigs on it (now my computer is 9 gigs :D)
-batteries (haha)
i cant remember all the rest, but thats basically it
2 pj\'s. A pen. Hellsing dvd set. A calendar.
Let\'s say my family was broke this christmas.
Edit-- Mainly because of so many bills that had to be paid and the bills\' timing was just horrible. And also, christmas didn\'t feel like christmas for me anymore. I dunno why. o.o
[Edited on 28-12-2003 by Kia_Purity]
--Mod of Ioekaki--
Best quotes from IRC:
* DrCossack hits Evan on the head with Zero's thong.
<Kia_Purity> wat <Kia_Purity> "Queen of Interordi" <Kia_Purity> who did that? XD (from april fools '06)
* DragonBlayde thwacks Mega_X with Kia's thongs <Kia_Purity> NOT MY THONGS
I got clothes and more clothes:(.
[Edited on 27-12-2003 by darkfirex]
The short one:2/4
Me: You suck.
The short one: If I suck, you suck even more.
Me: If suck more, then how come I got a better mark then you?
The short one: (looks down at his paper, then mine.) Uhhhh.
Friend: Burned.
Its a true story. If you don't believe me, ask Zaleon.
You guys did good for Christmas. Man, I wish my family would give me so many presents.
I got a set of nail polish, as some cruel joke:madgo: and most of the stuff, I didn\'t even want! I could have got whatever I wanted from my Aunt, but my dad said he doesn\'t think much of asking people what they want. He made me say anything she wants to get me. I was so tweeked. I wish I lived with familys like yours! Back on topic. What did the rest of you get?
Do I look like I'm joking?
I didn't want to have to do this, but.....
Read Me!
Random Guy: Who are you? What planet are you from? Who is your leader?
Me: Dude, it's Toast...
Random Guy: Oh...Hello, Toast! Take me to your leader!
Quote of the Week... "Butter Toast! Hello Chicken!"
Quote of the Month... "D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Exciting"
I bought a new computer case with some money ive been saving up and built everything last night. Now it works! (had to reinstall windows over my previous installation:madgo: ) Ill probably post a picture soon. Maybe once i save up for a blue cold cathode....
Apparently, not many people are on the board very much. These past several days, this is the ONLY topic ive received email notification for. The board is dying.... I hope we get some more members soon. Im supprised more people havent posted here. Theres about 1200 members and only about 50 active ones. Have we gotten to the point where a board has to be covered with various hacks and modifications to get any users to post? Ive been here about 6 months or so and i really dont want to see this board die. My board never did well and even now that the old one is up i still dont have ANY active members. IM not even active on it anymore. Guys, PLEASE try to get some new members. I got a friend who might want to join. There MUST be more rockman fans than this.
I am sorry for being off topic but I am really serious about this. My board sucked and i really think this board has a lot of potential. General discussion boards are better than RPG and spriting boards.
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
Shit. XD
Not to name names, but some of you seem to be giving off a spoiled attitude. Just be happy that people had the kindness to give you anything.
[Edited on 28-12-2003 by Necro]
I once ruled Interordi with an iron fist.
Interested in the pleasure quarters in premodern Japan? Check out my school project!
I agree with Necro. Some (Maybe a lot) of people didn\'t even get anything. Why? Because not everyone is a Christian (sp?).
o hay
[quote]Originally posted by Dr. Cossack