Is anybody scare of reaverbots i am
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Is anybody scare of reaverbots i am
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- Rinoman
No really i am scare of reaverbots that\'s why i didn\'t complete all maps in the ruins.
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- Rinoman
They are kind of shocking though, they just come out of the ground right behind you then WHAM! they smash into you. Good thing megaman has that glowing thing that changes red there, with out that he would\'nt have stand a chance.
- Rinoman
That\'s what i\'m talking about thats why i am scare of reaverbots and the sounds they make*shudders*really scares me. i\'m going to sleep i hope i don\'t have nightmares.
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- Rinoman
Thanks rinoman now i know what to get for my birthday megaman legends 2 i hope i won\'t be afraid of reaverbots i will be brave mwuahahahahaha!!!:miam:
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- Rinoman
i just have to wait until tomorrow:cool::);D:lol:
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- Rinoman
The reaverbots that are scary are the big ones. MML1 The water ruins.
Nuff said
how do you get a rank:conf:
are you fallowing me:conf:
all right
like what
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There are these reverbots inside the island subtes in Megaman Legends 1 that are so cheap. First the dissapaer this reapear and attack you with waring thats one reason why I stay away from the island subgates as much as possible :devil::muha:
I\'m scared of them but I do get a little edgy when I run into the ones that can cloak, though once you learn how to handle them they\'re pretty easy.
It is creepy though when you\'re going through the ruins and can hear them moving around but don\'t know wher they are, especially in those narrow passages where you can\'t dodge or jump. That\'s usually when a Reaverbot nails you from behind.
Me too
Being sensible, calm, fresh and cool leads to victory-Protoman EXE
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Can we get back on topic? I think Reaverbots are cool. They\'re like robot cave monsters.
I'm older school than you are.
yeah..all Reaverbots looked great..except the first single-handed boss you encounter in MML,,it looked awfully dumb!:D
Is it me or is there something that looks awfully the same between the reaverbots and the x-copies from MMZero? >_x They both have one red eyes... AHHH, THEY MUTATED! *runs*
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