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AimMan v2.5
2429 posts

I\'ve heard and seen many things about the upcoming game, Megaman Chip Challenge (available March 3rd). I was considering buying it, but I recently heard about Wal-Mart\'s special Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles offer. Buy a game and get a free Game Boy Connecter. That would mean my brother and I could play 2P!:D

My problem lies in that I do not want to buy both games if it\'s not worth the trouble. I\'ve pretty much made up my mind on Crystal Chronicles, but I need to know about Chip Challence. Does anyone have any info on how the game is gonna work?:conf:

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... and 25 more

I was looking forward to it at first, but now I don\'t know: once you chose the chips to use, the battle is all automatic. The best part of the MMBN games is the battle system! Since you don\'t get that in this new title, the gameplay must be somewhat lacking... I\'ll see later if I\'ll get it or not. I\'m waiting for the full reviews to come out first.

The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.

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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)

Just A-Lurkin' Now
1624 posts

I\'m still going to get it, but it will be a longer period after the release of it than I would normally take. Why?
1. I\'m saving up for Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
2. I\'m having some problems getting cash quickly. I normally help my dad load and deliver wood, but it\'s near spring now and getting warmer so my dad\'s delivering less often.

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~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.

"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."

Ultimate Bass SP
698 posts

I am going to Buy MMNBCC on the third right after I get out of school on the third bassically what I heard you can choose to be one of six charecters. Lan, Mayl, Dex, Chaud and two new charcters mary and some other little kid didn\'t get his name though theyre net navis are Ringman and Turboman. You go around places and net battle people.

[Edited on 11/02/87 by Turboman2]

just enjoying the last month in a half of summer, and keepin it real

158 posts

it will be good but not as good as should buy bn4 before BCC(unless you know you can get the money needed for bn4 the day it is out)

Electric V'klun
My Board
thank you Pharoh for the *original* av pic

Ultimate Bass SP
698 posts

I already got MMBN4 Red Sun and Blue moon delivered to my house straight from Japan so I am still going to get Megaman Battle Chip Challenge on the 3rd

just enjoying the last month in a half of summer, and keepin it real

Old School
782 posts

I\'m not happy with the way Battle Chip Challenge turned out. Most of the game is just pressing A until the battle is over. The only strategy involved is building the deck (this actually takes some planning). The rest is just waiting to see how things go.

You have the ability to \'slot-in\' chips at any time but still there\'s not enough strategy in it...

Jack of all trades.
Master of none.

Hello Zombie
995 posts

I liked it, not worth paying £30 for but still fun.
The deck building is quite easy once your used to it, yeah it is just pressing A.. or B if you wanna speed it up a tad.
All the chars do have diffrent storys so that might intrest you in it more.
3.5 out of 5, worth playing just not buying.

#mmpc lurker
I request that Doc bans every single last member of this board, then does a merry little dance in his underwear. Just for the hell of it. Don't copy and paste this into your signiture.
note; I don't post much anymore.

Lead character
237 posts

i played the japanese one my fav part is that you can use forte as a navi but thats really all that was cool the music kinda got old after some time but over all it was fun

the ONLY cure for this rottin world is....IS....not again i hate alltimers

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The Red Comet
1438 posts

Originally posted by Zuppahiko
Originally posted by WindRider~
If your wanting JUST another MMBN game, don\'t buy this. Find a friend who has it and try it out before you buy it. Because it\'s not as much like the original MMBN games as one would think. Remember the pokemon card trading game for GBC? It\'s kinda like that only MUCH better graphics and story.

... or better yet, you can buy both MMBN4 Red Sun and Blue Moon when they come out. :p

But that\'s a longer wait. ;D
Anyhow, we have that much planned out. I think he\'s getting Blue Moon and I\'m getting Red Sun. That\'s how we usually do double-version games.