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shadowds exe
ultimate navi
9 posts

i\'m new here and i just want to rank up so this post is for nothing.......not exsactley.....any one who wants to talk just pm me......

i will become king of the undernet....serenade will be deleted..

13th Zodiac Sign: Snake
529 posts

shadowds exe, let me start off by saying that we\'re glad you\'ve decided to join, and that you are so personable and friendly. However, please don\'t create topics which do not (more or less) pertain to the section of the board you post in. for example, this would most likely go in the \"Chit Chat\" section of the board. second, please don\'t post things that don\'t have any true information in them, as this is called spam.

For a full set of the rules, please go to the \"Megaman PC-Dr. Cossack\'s Lab\" section, or click on the hyperlink in my signature below my message. thanks for visiting, start following the rules, and have a great time at Interordi!!!:D


All shall bow to the mad l33t skillz of Tauman.EXE, found on the site above!

Just A-Lurkin' Now
1624 posts

To emphasive the importance f what Serpentarius is saying, I want to tell you that a lot of people once did the same thing in the RP board. The Doc eventually deleted that board. Although this did not effect me since I literally never went there, I don\'t want the same thing to happen to the Fan Work, Chit-Chat, Other Games, or any other section. I know one person won\'t cause this, but if one person starts this, more will follow. It\'s one of the things I hate about humans, we follow each other too much.

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~Dwarven Vow #4~
Don't depend on others. Walk on your own two feet.
^ Apply the above to video game help unless you have no other choice.

"94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature."