Ok, first of all I\'ll get to the heart of the message: I\'m going to draw a big picture with 40 different servbots themed after Interordi members as a tribute to the site. But then I realized, \"People would get angry if I generalized.\" So, I thought of something even better: YOU tell me how to do your servbot!
Simply post to request you want a servbot and give me one distinguishing characteristic to put on your servbot in the pic. I need 38 members, and I encourage everybody: not just veterans, but new members, old members just now returning, even moderators, Legends fans or not! Post with your desired characteristic (an article of clothing, a particular expression, etc.), and once I\'ve checked back I\'ll edit this post and add you to a list. Once I get 40, I\'ll draw the pic!
Reasons I\'m doing this:
1. I\'d like to find a way to show my appreciation for the board.
2. I also consider it a tribute to The Misadventures of Tron Bonne. :cool:
3.I want to practice drawing a bunch of characters at once.
Extra rules:
1. No obscene requests. Come on guys, these are Servbots. :rolleyes:
2. No requests too general. If you say a \"wizard hat\", for instance, I wouldn\'t know whether you wanted a RPG type wizard hat or a Mickey Mouse one.
3. No requests too specific (contradicting?). I can\'t give your servbot a specific article of clothing of a lesser known character from a game I\'ve never played.
4. If I see a problem with your request, I will sort it out over PM.
5. One servbot per person.
6. PLEASE don\'t gripe if it takes a while or it doesn\'t come out exactly the way you want it! I don\'t claim to be an expert, just to have some experience.
7. I will not ask you to draw anything in return.
8. First come first serve. Do not ask for a number, I will work down the list.
9. I CAN draw a servbot designed like a character of your own (example: with a similar helmet or costume) IF you can provide me with a decent concept picture.
Thank you all! Keep in mind that designing your servbot is what I want to do, don\'t think of it as making me do work.
Please join!
List so far:
1. Heatman.EXE: Red Head Parts
2. AimMan v.2.5: Paper Bag on Head
3. ELBURITO : Avi Character Resemblance with Burrito
4. Breakman : Black Shades, Yellow Scarf (corner if)
5.MorphMan : Sword Right Hand, Crossbow Left, Cape, Shady, Bass Cross
6.Gutter : Avi-modeled (assassination preferred)
7.Sephiroth XX : Cloud sword and outfit
8.Beastman.SP : Purple Beastman Armor
9.Zero EXE : MMZ\'s Helmet and Saber
10.HollowTorment : White suit, shirt, black tie, golden gun option
11.SuperGoku4 : Tail, CD, Ninja garb
12.Dr. Cossack : Labcoat, facial hair
13.Mega X.exe : X Style
14.Mr. Mettaur : Met Hat over Lampshade
15.J_Hibiki : Yellow Headband (design confirmed), Red Paper Umbrella
16.Megaman Masta : Green Beret, Army Medals, (Sword, Glasses, Pose) if Possible
17.Zero the saber master : GO Avi Slippers and Scarf
18.Kagome_Sakura : Temari Modeled
19.Nayus Dante : Original Character
20.Necro : Necro... Style... ? Okay.
21.Net Hunter : Jin Style (Pose if Possible)
22.BladeMan.EXE : Dark-Green Visor-Sunglasses, Katana, Cool Expression, Dark Blue Jacket Optional
23.Zaleon : Revolver and Eastwood Pancho
24.Pocket : Avi modeled
25.~entropy : Full Black
26.Rush152 : X (pic) with Metool Helmet
27.Ray : X (White/Blue) with Katanas
28.PsychoGiga : Brown Spiky Hair, Ninja Outfit, Red Katana, Fighting Stance
29.KayChan : Goth Girl?
30.HJ : Katamari Damacy (sp?)
31.Shadow.exe : Spiky Virus, Black Armor, Extra Spikes
32.BassGospel : Avi modeled
33.Juno : Army Boots, Backward Cap, Buster, Sunglasses
34.Electric Mouse : Pikachu Style, Ninja Outfit, Sword, Evil Eyes
35.cactuar.EXE: Cactuar-Style
36.BlueSilver: Original Character
37.ribitta: Ribitta Style
38.Phatman_Dover: Spike Style
39.slash beast: Elpizo (sp?) style
40.Bluewolf: Greiga style
8/27/05 UPDATE! Thanks for the interest shown in my project so far. I might have to see if I can get some entries from Oekaki board and chat members, seeing as I\'m starting to realize 40 might take a while...
... by the way! I started drawing basic concepts of the servbots 1-4. It\' harder than I thought, but at least the first bunch look ok.
I\'m about to enter the trickier stuff, though...
Thanks for 20 so far.
UPDATE 8/31/05 : Thought I\'d mention that not much progress has been made due to lack of computer time.
Also, I\'m not exactly sure how the final product will be set up. Poses should be easy enough; it\'s placement that may become difficult. I\'ll try to work your servbot into where you request, just keep in mind that it might not be possible depending on what layout I choose.
By the way, this was longer when I first did it. An italic tag killed the first post.
UPDATE 9/12/05: By your powers combined, I am updating Heatman! Servbots 5-7 concepts done. I\'ll post 1-10\'s basic designs when I get those done, so watch this space.
UPDATE 9/29/05: #11 done.
UPDATE 9/30/05: #12-15 done.
UPDATE 10/23/05: #16 done, #17 tentative
UPDATE 11/27/05: #21-23 done.
UPDATE 11/30/05: Finally reached 40 requests! Servbot request line is now closed.
[Edited on 30-11-2005 by Heatman.EXE]
Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.