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Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

6/7/2021: 1.17 Rebalancing Preparations
-Edited Dark Beast Ganon fight to require player to have the Master Sword in inv.
-Edited Ganon's Loot Sack to remove Lost Woods Certificate
-Edited Ganon (2nd Phase) fight and bossroom to trigger Lost Woods Certificate if not already received.
-Edited Soul Mage Nomad fight and bossroom to trigger Wychwood Certificate if not already received.
-Edited Nex, Sealed Prisoner fight and bossroom to trigger Snowhead Certificate if not already received.
-Edited Telos, The Warden fight and bossroom to trigger Shattered Sands Certificate if not already received.
-Edited The Hurricane God fights and bossrooms to trigger Shoals of the Departed Certificate if not already received.
-Restricted Temple of Ancients (Snowhead) dungeon to require obtaining the Wychwood Certificate
-Restricted The Heart (Shattered Sands) dungeon to require obtaining the Snowhead Certificate
-Restricted Vorago, Of Omens (Shoals of the Departed) dungeon to require obtaining the Shattered Sands Certificate
-Restricted The Divine Tempest (Shoals of the Departed) dungeon to require obtaining the Shattered Sands Certificate
-Restricted Hardmode Dungeons (The Lost Woods) to require obtaining the Lost Woods Certificate
-Restricted Kaer Morhen (Wychwood) dungeon to require obtaining the Snowhead Certificate
-Restricted Snowpeak Ruins (Snowhead) dungeon to require obtaining the Shattered Sands Certificate
-Restricted Dominion Tower (Shattered Sands) dungeon to require obtaining the Shoals of the Departed Certificate
-Restricted Elder God Sanctums (Shoals of the Departed) dungeons to require obtaining the Shoals of the Departed Certificate
-Restricted Overworld Dragon Priests (Laurasia) dungeons and Elder Dragon Alduin fight to require obtaining the Shoals of the Departed Certificate, and require a Wooden Mask for entry (Priests only); 5 fights possible per mask.
-Restricted Apocalyptic (Fight Kiln) mode to require obtaining Elder Artifact: The Mirror
-Restricted Emerald City (Fight Kiln) mode to require obtaining the Shattered Sands Certificate
-Restricted Gold Rush (Fight Kiln) mode to require obtaining the Shoals of the Departed Certificate
-Restricted Gemocide (Fight Kiln) mode to require obtaining Elder Artifact: The Mirror
-Restricted access to Gaunter 'Odimm (Wychwood) fight to require obtaining Wychwood Certificate
-Restricted access to Avatar of Tuska (Snowhead) fight to require obtaining Snowhead Certificate
-Restricted access to Surtr, Primordial Titan (Shattered Sands) fight to require obtaining Shattered Sands Certificate
-Restricted access to Angel of Death, Nex (Shoals of the Departed) fight to require obtaining the Shoals of the Departed Certificate
-Restricted access to Elder God Cthulhu (Shoals of the Departed) fight to require obtaining Shattered Sands Certificate
-Moved Warden's Wandering Eye stands to outside The Heart dungeon and The Dominion Tower
-Added Progress Tracker and Progress Clear buttons before The Hurricane entrance
-Certificate Stamping/Recovery stand setup at Citadel, replacing vendor tent at entrance
-Food Vendor, Potion Vendor, Arrow Vendor moved to Moosemart Bays 140-142
-Citadel Spawn Set crystal replaced with button to provide all completion certs to anyone who legitimately obtained Elder Artifact: The Mirror, once

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Laurasia - Completion Certificates added to Cavern of Science, groups completion certificates with requirement items.
-Ganon Phase 2 fight renamed Calamity Ganon, new boss mask drop added; Dark Beast Ganon mask droprate changed.
-Lost Woods Certification requirement updated to use Mask of Calamity Ganon.
-Sanctum of Blood entry requirement updated to Mask of Calamity Ganon.
-Mask of Calamity Ganon added to Cavern of Science - The Lost Woods - Misc
-Calamity Ganon bossroom edited to enable Keepinv.
-Soul Mage Nomad bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Nex, Sealed Prisoner bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Telos, The Warden bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Brassica bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Golden Apple, Enchanted Golden Apple droprates, amounts adjusted
-Bunny Pit bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Golden Carrot droprates, amounts adjusted.
--Bunny Mask drops decreased from 3 to 1.
-Marimbo bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Ymir bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Odin bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-V bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Sliske bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Zamorak bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Lord K'ril Tsutaroth, Tstanon Karlak, Zakl'n Gritch, Balfrug Kreeyath, Nymora the Vengeful, Avaryss, the Unceasing added to bossroom.
-Saradomin bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Starlight, Bree, Growler added to bossroom.
-Bandos bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Darknut, Royal Iron Knuckle, Champion Iron Knuckle added to bossroom.
--Champion Iron Knuckle Armor, Axe, Shield added to Cavern of Science - Lost Woods - Champion Iron Knuckle Armor
-Armadyl bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
--Justice Kree'arra, Flight Kilisa, Flockleader Geerin, Wingman Skriil added to bossroom.
-Ansem bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Seren bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Zaros bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-13 bossroom edited to enable Keepinv, switched to needing respawning on death.
-Cthulhu bossroom edited:
--pre-boss fight phase added
--keepinv enabled in bossroom
--5 deaths possible before removal from bossroom
--re-fighting cthulhu may result in different drops
-Elder God Effigy added to Cavern of Science - Shoals of the Departed - Elder Sanctums

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Warlock, Uncle Sam
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-Gondwana Guildhall now accessible
-Keepinv enabled for entirety of Wychwood, Snowhead, Shattered Sands, Shoals of the Departed

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Tasmantis world returns for the launch of 1.17
-The following items have been updated both in their locations within science and in the cavern of science:
Combat Training Crossbow, Dragon's Soul, Demon King Scythe, Woodhollow Gourd, Pumpkin Juice, Mace of Sauron, Fairy in a Bottle, Fairy Vigor, Fairy Dust, Fairy Heart, Fairy Mischeif, Prehistoric Barbarian Skull, Prehistoric Barbarian Pelt, Prehistoric Barbarian Cloth, Prehistoric Barbarian Moccasin, Ancient Knight Blade, Ancient Knight Helm, Ancient Knight Plate, Ancient Knight Mail, Ancient Knight Boots, Forest Headpiece, Forest Tunic, Forest Trousers, Forest Boots, Ocean Trencher, Zoranite Plate, Zoranite Bracers, Zoranite Flippers, Goronite Helm, Goronite Plate, Goronite Bracers, Goronite Boots, Sword, White Sword, Magic Sword, Master Sword, Bow of Light, Ahrim's Wand, Ahrim's Tome of Magic, Ahrim's Hood, Ahrim's Top, Ahrim's Leggings, Ahrim's Boots, Dharok's Greataxe, Dharok's Helm, Dharok's Platebody, Dharok's Platelegs, Dhaok's Plateboots, Guthan's Warspear, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Platebody, Guthan's Chainskirt, Guthan's Plateboots, Torag's Hammer, Off-Hand Torag's Hammer, Torag's Helm, Torag's Platebody, Torag's Platelegs, Torag's Sabatons, Akrisae's War Mace, Akrisae's Hood, Akrisae's Top, Akrisae's Leggings, Akrisae's Boots, Linza's Hammer, Linza's Shield, Linza's Helm, Linza's Cuirass, Linza's Greaves, Linza's Sabatons, Verac's Flail, Verac's Helm, Verac's Brassard, Verac's Plateskirt, Verac's Plateboots, Karil's Coif, Karil's Top, Karil's Leggings, Karil's Greaves, Soul Obelisk, Cataphract Greaves of Muspelheim, Frost Tower Shield, Warpriest of Bandos Helm, Warpriest of Bandos Cuirass, Warpriest of Bandos Greaves, Warpriest of Bandos Boots, Warpriest of Bandos Shield, Warpriest of Armadyl Helm, Warpriest of Armadyl Cuirass, Warpriest of Armadyl Greaves, Warpriest of Armadyl Boots, Warpriest of Armadyl Shield, Warpriest of Zamorak Helm, Warpriest of Zamorak Cuirass, Warpriest of Zamorak Greaves, Warpriest of Zamorak Boots, Warpriest of Zamorak Shield, Warpriest of Saradomin Helm, Warpriest of Saradomin Cuirass, Warpriest of Saradomin Greaves, Warpriest of Saradomin Boots, Warpriest of Saradomin Shield, Warpriest of Tuska Helm, Warpriest of Tuska Cuirass, Warpriest of Tuska Greaves, Warpriest of Tuska Boots, Warpriest of Tuska Shield, Saradomin Godsword, Zamorak Godsword, Armadyl Godsword, Bandos Godsword, Zaryte Bow, Pure Diamond, Silver Potion, Golden Warpriest Helm, Golden Warpriest Cuirass, Golden Warpriest Greaves, Golden Warpriest Boots, Shadow Glaive, Off-Hand Shadow Glaive, Life Potion, Anima Core Helm of Zamorak, Anima Core Body of Zamorak, Anima Core Legs of Zamorak, Anima Core Boots of Zamorak, Anima Core Helm of Sliske, Anima Core Body of Sliske, Anima Core Legs of Sliske, Anima Core Boots of Sliske, Anima Core Helm of Seren, Anima Core Body of Seren, Anima Core Legs of Seren, Anima Core Boots of Seren, Anima Core Helm of Zaros, Anima Core Body of Zaros, Anima Core Legs of Zaros, Anima Core Boots of Zaros, Zamorak Godshield, Staff of Sliske, Seren Godbow, Zaros Godsword, Awakened Master Sword, Gem of Power, Maul of Omens, Gungnir, The Spear of Destiny, Anima Core Helm of Apocalypse, Anima Core Body of Apocalypse, Anima Core Legs of Apocalypse, Anima Core Boots of Apocalypse, Dark Realm Keyblade, Dark Realm Hood, Dark Realm Cloak, Dark Realm Leggings, Dark Realm Boots, Light Realm Keyblade, Sting, Forest Spirit Skull, Forest Spirit Chestplate, Forest Spirit Greaves, Forest Spirit Boots, Frostmourne, the Frozen Death, Elder Lich Helmet, Elder Lich Chestplate, Elder Lich Greaves, Elder Lich Boots, Soul Edge, Devourer of Souls, Elder Demon Helmet, Elder Demon Chestplate, Elder Demon Greaves, Elder Demon Boots, Armageddon Blade, Abyssal Helmet, Abyssal Chestplate, Abyssal Greaves, Abyssal Boots, Affliction, Gravesire, White Anguish, Black Mercy, Earth Reaver, Absolution, Mortis, Draught of Starvation, Draught of Subjection, Draught of Conflict, Draught of Lunacy, Light Grey Demon Sheep Plushie, Woodhollow Gourd Replica, Woodhollow Lantern Replica, Pumpkin Juice Replica, Sacred Light Bow, Sword of Totsuka, Yata Mirror, Hephaestus's Labrys, Elder Artifact - The Mirror, Elder Artifact - The Needle, Elder Artifact - The Locator, Elder Artifact - The Hammer, Elder Artifact - The Blade, Elder Artifact - The Siphon, Elder Artifact - The Catalyst, Higher Artifact - Void Spear, Higher Artifact - Light Spear, Soul Mage Staff, Elder Dragon Wings

-The following villagers have been updated both within their science locations and Moosemart to reflect the above changes:
The End - Dragon Merchant, Wychwood - Wicked Witch, Wychwood - Spirit of Ahrim, Wychwood - Spirit of Verac, Wychwood - Spirit of Guthan, Wychwood - Spirit of Akrisae, Wychwood - Spirit of Linza, Wychwood - Spirit of Karil, Wychwood - Spirit of Torag, Wychwood - Spirit of Dharok, Snowhead - Innuit Witch, Snowhead - Emmisary of Armadyl, Snowhead - Emmisary of Bandos, Snowhead - Emmisary of Saradomin, Snowhead - Emmisary of Zamorak, Snowhead - Emmisary of Tuska, Shattered Sands - War's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Sliske's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Zamorak's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Seren's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Zaros's Chosen, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Mej-Kah, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Hur-Zuh, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Hur-Zed, Shoals of the Departed - Pumpkin Merchant, Shoals of the Departed - The Watcher, Realm of Darkness - D.i.Z., Decorative Heads - Demon Toy Collector, Merit Merchants - Merit Replicas, Merit Merchants - Merit Exclusives

-The following mobs have been updated to reflect the changes in dropped items above, as well as to increase their difficulty in response to the above changes:
Dragon Priest Hevnoraak, Dragon Priest Krosis, Dragon Priest Morokei, Dragon Priest Otar, Dragon Priest Rahgot, Dragon Priest Vokun, Dragon Priest Volsung, Dragon Priest Nahkriin, Dragon Priest Miraak, Elder Dragon Alduin, Darkbeast Ganon, Calamity Ganon, Dark Lord Sauron, Ahrim the Blighted, Guthan the Infested, Verac the Defiled, Akrisae the Doomed, Linza the Disgraced, Karil the Tainted, Torag the Corrupted, Dharok the Wretched, Soul Mage Nomad, Gaunted O'Dimm, Imlerith, Wild Hunt General, Eredin, Wild Hunt King, Caranthir, Wild Hunt General, Geralt of Rivia, Hobgoblin, Sergeant Strongstack, Sergeant Grimspike, Sergeant Steelwill, General Graardor, Bloodveld, Tstanon Karlak, Zakl'n Gritch, Balfrug Kreeyath, Lord K'ril Tsutaroth, Aviansie, Flight Kilisa, Flockleader Geerin, Wingman Skriil, Justice Kree'arra, Knight of Saradomin, Starlight, Bree, Growler, Commander Zilyana, Zealous Heretic, Fumus, Prison Guardian, Umbra, Prison Guardian, Cruor, Prison Guardian, Glacies, Prison Guardian, Nex, the Sealed Hybrid, Avatar of Tuska, The Devourer, Airut, Elite Bloodveld, Chaos Dwarf, Golok Bech, Black Knight, Nymora, the Vengeful, Avaryss the Unceasing, Butcher Lord, Ancient Mage, Ancient Warrior, Ancient Ranger, Elite Heretic, Gorvek, the Outlier, Dragonrider Vindicta, Fire Drake, Seren Mage, Seren Archer, Seren Warrior, Automaton, Shapeshifter Helwyr, Automaton Champion, Elite Skeleton, Wight Ranger, Elite Barrow Wight, Necromancer, Gregorovic, the Faceless One, Fallen Champion, Telos, The Warden, Telos, Enraged, Primordial Titan Surtr, Captain Davy Jones, Vorago, of Omens, Brassica Prime, God of Vegetables, Manbun, Marimbo, God of Fun, Ymir, Primordial Ice Titan, Odin, Allfather, V, God of Heroism, Praefectus Praetorio Sliske, Zamorak, God of Chaos, Saradomin, God of Order, Bandos, God of War, Armadyl, God of Justice, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Chariot of Seren, Seren, Divine of Light, Chariot of Zaros, Zaros, Divine of Darkness, Tendrils of the Squid, 13, Squid God of Tribute, Wings of Death, Angel of Death, Nex, Fallen Elder - Jas of Storm, Amalgamate of Horrors, Elder God Cthulhu, Shadow, Neoshadow, Demon Tower, Darkside, Angel Star, Dark Hide, Behemoth, Invisible, Arch Behemoth, Darkside Omega, Darkling Aqua, Hunter in the Dark, Dark Inferno

-Dominion Tower temporarily closed for post-update balancing
-Lost Woods Hardmode Dungeons temporarily closed for post-update balancing

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Mini Mart Instruction Guide added to Cavern of Science - Laurasia - Guidebooks
-Added Skullfish to the cave behind Outset island
-Challenge Areas forum topic updated to reflect changes in science items, as well as now listing all completion requirements for areas.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Cavern of Science updated with new event items under category: The Guilds of Creeper's Lab - Interior Decorator's Guild:

Interior Decorator's Guild Token, Apprentice Interior Decorator Insignia, Journeyman Interior Decorator Insignia, Expert Interior Decorator Insignia, Master Interior Decorator Insignia, Interior Decorator's Potion I, Interior Decorator's Potion II, Interior Decorator's Potion III, Interior Decorator's Potion IV, Box of Bricks, Dye Pack, Decorator's Torch, Log Stripping Axe, Brick Helmet

-Grandmaster Guild reward items and replicas updated in Cavern of Science with the final lore of the event winners.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Cavern of Science - Laurasia - Statue of the Moose added. Following items added:

Moose Statue T-Shirt (s), Wax On, Wax Off, Statue of the Moose.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Rancor, Captain Underpants
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-The Fight Kiln has re-opened after rebalancing
-The following items have been updated both in their locations within science and in the cavern of science:

TokHaar-Vek Champion Blade, TokHaar-Vek Battle Axe, TokHaar-MejKot Fire Wand, TokHaar-Vek Champion Shield, TokHaar-Vek-Xil Bow, TokHaar-Vek-Viz Crossbow, TokHaar-Hok Platinum Pick, Crown of Bethmoora, Elder Artifact - The Kiln

-Moosemart BAY 328 - Shattered Sands - The Fight Cave Merchant updated with the above changes

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Tasmantis has been retired again post 1.17.
-The following NPCs have been updated to include 1.17 material trades:

BAY 000 - Moosemart - Exchange Counter, BAY 101 - Moosemart - Farmer NPC, BAY 104 - Moosemart - Fisherman NPC, BAY 105 - Moosemart - Leatherworker NPC, BAY 106 - Moosemart - Priest NPC, BAY 111 - Moosemart - Mason NPC, BAY 112 - Moosemart - Wandering Gardener NPC, BAY 113 - Moosemart - Wandering Trader NPC, BAY 115 - Moosemart - Toolsmith NPC, BAY 116 - Moosemart - Armorer NPC, BAY 122 - Moosemart - Passive Mob Head Trader, BAY 123 - Moosemart - Hostile Mob Head Trader, BAY 126 - Moosemart - Geologist NPC, BAY 128 - Moosemart - Piglin Barterer NPC, BAY 130 - Moosemart - Oxiclean NPC

-BAY 121 - Moosemart - Metallurgist NPC has replaced BAY 121 - Moosemart - Crafting NPC, and the latter's trades have been distributed to the above villagers.

-The following NPCs have been added alongside the Exchange Counter as a preview of the new structure, in preparation for the retirement of the single exchange counter NPC:

BAY 001 - Moosemart - Exchange Counter – Plants, BAY 002 - Moosemart - Exchange Counter - Not Plants

-Laurasia - The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Guild Council Leader has had slight stat increases to follow along with the 1.17 item rebalancing.

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Gothmog, Nicholas Cage
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Ancient Pharoah, Monster Mash Boss(es)
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-Horsemen Acolyte launched, newslink for details
-Fright Night seasonal world launched for Kenorland; science items within event to be cataloged after world inventory syncs at end of event.
-Frankenstein's Monster Mask added to Cavern of Science - Hunter's Lodge - Special Event Items
-Orange Trick-or-Treat Bucket added to Cavern of Science - Hunter's Lodge - Special Event Items

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Horseman Acolyte Guide added to Laurasia - Guidebooks in the Cavern of Science
-Overflow Horsemen Artifacts - Grand Abominations of the Nephilim chest turned into Horsemen Artifacts - Horsemen Guild in Cavern of Science
-Token Application: ###, Acolyte Token, and Acolyte ID Badge: #### added to Horsemen Artifacts - Horsemen Guild in Cavern of Science

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-2021 Halloween Event added to Cavern of Science
-The Lost Woods - Hardmode Dungeons chest split out to The Lost Woods - Hardmode Forest Shrine, The Lost Woods - Hardmode Dark Shrine, The Lost Woods - Hardmode Phantom Shrine, The Lost Woods - Hardmode Drowned Shrine

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Colossus of Rhodes, Pilgrim, Turkey, Cold Turkey
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month (Mirrored to October to take advantage of Seasonal inv sync)
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-Cooked Turkey Mask added to Cavern of Science - Special Event Items

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Cossack, God of Syrup, Sandy Claws, Krampus, E.L.F.
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-2021 Advent Calendar and Advent Loyalty shop launched

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Lost Woods Hardmode Dungeons and Dominion Tower 1.17 rebalancing completed, all structures re-opened.
-The Lost Woods - Dark Shrine Monk, The Lost Woods - Forest Shrine Monk, The Lost Woods - Drowned Shrine Monk, The Lost Woods - Phantom Shrine Monk added to Moosemart - Unlisted NPCs
-BAY 329 - Shattered Sands - The Dominion Tower Merchant updated
-The following Cavern chests updated with new and rebalanced items:
--Shattered Sands - Dominion Tower Unique Prizes updated
--The Lost Woods - Equipment of the Hero
--The Lost Woods - Hardmode Forest Shrine
--The Lost Woods - Hardmode Dark Shrine
--The Lost Woods - Hardmode Phantom Shrine
--The Lost Woods - Hardmode Drowned Shrine
-The following new items added into the above Cavern of Science chests:
--Dark Shrine Orb
--Forest Shrine Orb
--Drowned Shrine Orb
--Phantom Shrine Orb
--Moblin Mask (Red)
--Moblin Mask (Blue)
--Moblin Mask (Black)

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-2021 Advent Calendar added to the Cavern of Science
-2021 Loyalty Rewards added to the Cavern of Science

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Jack Torrance, Red Rum, John Madden, Bagel Man
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
--Gondwana Master Specialty Guild upgrades launched
--The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Master Upgrades added to Cavern of Science:
-Isle of Insanity launch
--Scion of Maddness, Archfiend, Fire Tick added to Isle of Insanity
--Frank's Colliseum PVP Arena opened
--Frank Forge opened, head replacements and diamond dragon claw upgrades
--Gaunter O'Dimm added to Frank's Forge hut
--New room created for Isle of Insanity in the Cavern of Science
--Frank's Forge, Isle of Insanity Misc added to Cavern of Science
--Frank Horsemen Quests launched, added to Horseman Island
--Horseman Point trades re-balanced to account for increase in quests
--BAY 302 - Wychwood - Wicked Witch, BAY 313 - Snowhead - Innuit Witch, BAY 321 - Shattered Sands - War's Chosen, BAY 333 - Departed Shoals - Pumpkin Merchant updated within Moosemart
-Science Isles Launch
--Sky Pillar, Ivaldi's Dragon Forge opened
--Ivaldi, Master Craftsman added to Ivaldi's Dragon Forge
--Iron Dragon Claw, Golden Dragon Claw, Netherite Dragon Claw upgrades released
--Sealed Chamber, Iron Ruins, Rockpeak Ruins, Iceberg Ruins, Snowstorm Temple opened
--Ancient Golem Regirock, Ancient Golem Regice, Ancient Golem Registeel, Ancient Titan Regigigas bosses added
--Ivaldi's Dragon Forge, Sealed Chamber Artifacts, Iron Ruins, Rockpeak Ruins, Iceberg Ruins, Snowstorm Temple added to Cavern of Science
-Bay 113 Wandering Trader and Bay 203 Odd Salesman shulker trades discounted
-Bay 205 Island Elder updated with Island Telescope trade
--The Lost Woods - Outset Island updated in the Cavern of Science

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Nyx, Cupid
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-Chinese New Year Event launched
-Soul Mage Nomad, Sealed Hybrid Nex updated with guaranteed head drop for first time kills

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Chinese New Year added to Cavern of Science:
Chinese New Year - Black Market, Chinese New Year - Tohru Honda, Chinese New Year - Wigs & Sunglasses, Chinese New Year - Plushies, Chinese New Year - Lucky Items, Chinese New Year - Ramen & Food, Chinese New Year - Etiquette Books, Chinese New Year - Chess Master, Chinese New Year - Masks, Chinese New Year - Masks & Hats, Chinese New Year - Hats, Chinese New Year - Zodiac Books, Chinese New Year - Zodiac Drops, Chinese New Year - Fireworks, Chinese New Year - Chess & Fireworks

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Yba'sokug, Cat in the Hat, Evil Leprechauns
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month
-Horsemen Guildhall opened
--Frank and shortcut Abomination villagers moved to Horsemen Reception Hall
--Acolyte Lounge opened in Reception Hall
--Acolyte Token Quest Board, sign-ups moved to Acolyte Lounge
--Acolyte Token Applications NPC added to Acolyte Lounge
--Horsemen Point Guide, Horsemen Acolyte Guide, Horsemen Guild Perks and Features, Horsemen Guild Request Board guides added to Acolyte Lounge
--Merit Point/Merit Voucher converter added to Acolyte Lounge
--Acolyte ID Badge machine added to Acolyte Lounge
--Horsemen PVP Arena opened
--Horsemen Event Area opened
--Discounted Frank villager added to Horsemen Guildhall
--Acolyte Points Trader, Acolyte Armorer, Horsemen Event Trader, Frank (Famine), Frank (Conquest), Frank (War), Frank (Death), Frank (Frank) added to Guildhall
--Cosmetic Upgrades for Acolyte Armor, Anima Core Armor of Apocalypse added to each Horsemen Guildhall Office.
--Acolyte Armaments, Guildhall Misc, Grand Abominations, Grand Abominations+, Famine Acolyte Armor, Conquest Acolyte Armor, War Acolyte Armor, Death Acolyte Armor, Frank Acolyte Armor, Anima Core Armor of Famine, Anima Core Armor of Conquest, Anima Core Armor of War, Anima Core Armor of Death, Anima Core Armor of Frank added to the Cavern of Science
-New Cavern of Science rooms created for Horsemen Guildhall and Past Event items

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Levansk Building Contest Launched

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-St Patrick's Ded event launched in the Hunters Lodge
--Added Laurasia - Hunter's Lodge - St Patrick's Ded to Cavern of Science
--Added Hunter's Lodge - Leprechaun Slayer to Unlisted NPCs in Moosemart post

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Added 2 Shulker Drop Zones to floor 2 in Moosemart
-Added 2 Shulker Drop Zones to floor 3 in Moosemart
-Added 2 Shulker Drop Zones to floor 4 in Moosemart
-Updated BAY 312 - Snowhead - The Watcher in Moosemart with new trades

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Horsemen Guild Promo Event launch: Gather Stars and Eggs
-New Acolyte Quests added for voting and social media; Event quest reward increased
-Moosemart thread edited to split floors by sides, added cont. unlisted post
-Renamed Moosemart 3rd floor to Horsemen Areas
-Renamed Moosemart 4th floor to P.C.C.A. (Player Created Challenge Areas)
-Moved Carnival Island NPCs to 4th floor
-New posts made for Science Isles, The Horsemen Guild, P.C.C.A. (Player Created Challenge Areas), and Past Event Items in the Cavern of Science page
-Horsemen Artifacts moved to The Horsemen Guild, Carnival Island & Decorative Heads moved to P.C.C.A., Event entries under Laurasia moved to Past Event Items
-Added Laurasia - 2017 Halloween Event, Laurasia - 2018 Halloween Event, Laurasia - 2019 Halloween Event to the Cavern of Science - Past Events
-Added Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Acolyte Lounge - Acolyte Token Applications, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Frank, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Wicked Witch, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Innuit Witch, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - War's Chosen, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Pumpkin Merchant, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Reception Hall - Gaunter O'Dimm, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Frank, Creeper Citadel - Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Armorer, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Horsemen Event Trader, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Acolyte Points Trader, Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Famine Office - Frank (Famine), Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Conquest Office - Frank (Conquest), Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - War Office - Frank (War), Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Death Office - Frank (Death), Creeper Citadel - Horsemen Guildhall - Frank Office - Frank (Frank), Science Isles - Ivaldi's Dragon Forge - Ivaldi, Master Craftsman, Isle of Insanity - Gaunter O'Dimm, Hunter's Lodge - Leprechaun Slayer to Moosemart - Unlisted NPCs page
-Updated BAY 105 - Moosemart - Leatherworker NPC, BAY 116 - Moosemart - Armorer NPC, BAY 127 - Moosemart - Fireworks NPC, BAY 504 - Merit Merchants - Merit Exclusives on Moosemart page.
-Added Isle of Insanity - Misc, Isle of Insanity - Frank's Forge, Science Isles - Sky Pillar - Ivaldi's Dragon Forge, Science Isles - Sky Pillar - Sealed Chamber Artifacts, Science Isles - Rockpeak Ruins, Science Isles - Iceberg Ruins, Science Isles - Iron Ruins, Snowhead - Snowstorm Temple, Horsemen Guild - Misc, Horsemen Guild - Acolyte Armaments, Horsemen Guild - Grand Abominations, Horsemen Guild - Grand Abominations+, Horsemen Guild - Famine Acolyte Armor, Horsemen Guild - Conquest Acolyte Armor, Horsemen Guild - War Acolyte Armor, Horsemen Guild - Death Acolyte Armor, Horsemen Guild - Frank Acolyte Armor, Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Famine, Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Conquest, Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of War, Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Death, Horsemen Guild - Anima Core Armor of Frank, Horsemen Artifacts - Frank, The Guilds of Creepers Lab - Master Upgrades, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Black Market, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Etiquette Books, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Misc, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Tohru Honda, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Masks, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Books, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Zodiac Drops, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Fireworks, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Hats, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Masks & Hats, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Wigs & Sunglasses, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Plushies, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Lucky Items, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Ramen & Food, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Chess Master, Seasonal - Chinese New Year - Chess & Firework, Laurasia - 2021 Advent Calendar, Seasonal - 2017 Halloween Event, Seasonal - 2018 Halloween Event, Seasonal - 2019 Halloween Event to the Cavern of Science page
-Updated Laurasia - Advent Loyalty Rewards in the Cavern of Science
-Challenges Post updated with Science Isles and Isle of Insanity
-End Dragon Priests moved beneath the End Arena, setup with spawners for easier grinding

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Added Dragon Claw, Golden Dragon Claw, Diamond Dragon Claw trades to Ivaldi, Master Craftsman on Science Isles
-Updated Moosemart Unlisted Cont. to reflect trade updates to Ivaldi, Master Craftsman on Science Isles
-End Dragon Priest Miraak moved beneath the End Arena
-Miraak Summon (Wooden Mask Mechanism) updated from hopper to button in the End

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-Hunters Lodge Raid Boss swapped: Sæhrímnir, Predatory Teddy Bear, Scared Children
-Horseman Quests cycled for the new month
-Guild Tasks cycled for the new month

Staff SorathePumpking
Minecraft op
305 posts
Squid beaker
Squid beaker
Earned all 150 original CL achievements
Acquired on 17 January 2016

-2022 Easter event launch: The Last Easter