-Tasmantis world returns for the launch of 1.17
-The following items have been updated both in their locations within science and in the cavern of science:
Combat Training Crossbow, Dragon's Soul, Demon King Scythe, Woodhollow Gourd, Pumpkin Juice, Mace of Sauron, Fairy in a Bottle, Fairy Vigor, Fairy Dust, Fairy Heart, Fairy Mischeif, Prehistoric Barbarian Skull, Prehistoric Barbarian Pelt, Prehistoric Barbarian Cloth, Prehistoric Barbarian Moccasin, Ancient Knight Blade, Ancient Knight Helm, Ancient Knight Plate, Ancient Knight Mail, Ancient Knight Boots, Forest Headpiece, Forest Tunic, Forest Trousers, Forest Boots, Ocean Trencher, Zoranite Plate, Zoranite Bracers, Zoranite Flippers, Goronite Helm, Goronite Plate, Goronite Bracers, Goronite Boots, Sword, White Sword, Magic Sword, Master Sword, Bow of Light, Ahrim's Wand, Ahrim's Tome of Magic, Ahrim's Hood, Ahrim's Top, Ahrim's Leggings, Ahrim's Boots, Dharok's Greataxe, Dharok's Helm, Dharok's Platebody, Dharok's Platelegs, Dhaok's Plateboots, Guthan's Warspear, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Platebody, Guthan's Chainskirt, Guthan's Plateboots, Torag's Hammer, Off-Hand Torag's Hammer, Torag's Helm, Torag's Platebody, Torag's Platelegs, Torag's Sabatons, Akrisae's War Mace, Akrisae's Hood, Akrisae's Top, Akrisae's Leggings, Akrisae's Boots, Linza's Hammer, Linza's Shield, Linza's Helm, Linza's Cuirass, Linza's Greaves, Linza's Sabatons, Verac's Flail, Verac's Helm, Verac's Brassard, Verac's Plateskirt, Verac's Plateboots, Karil's Coif, Karil's Top, Karil's Leggings, Karil's Greaves, Soul Obelisk, Cataphract Greaves of Muspelheim, Frost Tower Shield, Warpriest of Bandos Helm, Warpriest of Bandos Cuirass, Warpriest of Bandos Greaves, Warpriest of Bandos Boots, Warpriest of Bandos Shield, Warpriest of Armadyl Helm, Warpriest of Armadyl Cuirass, Warpriest of Armadyl Greaves, Warpriest of Armadyl Boots, Warpriest of Armadyl Shield, Warpriest of Zamorak Helm, Warpriest of Zamorak Cuirass, Warpriest of Zamorak Greaves, Warpriest of Zamorak Boots, Warpriest of Zamorak Shield, Warpriest of Saradomin Helm, Warpriest of Saradomin Cuirass, Warpriest of Saradomin Greaves, Warpriest of Saradomin Boots, Warpriest of Saradomin Shield, Warpriest of Tuska Helm, Warpriest of Tuska Cuirass, Warpriest of Tuska Greaves, Warpriest of Tuska Boots, Warpriest of Tuska Shield, Saradomin Godsword, Zamorak Godsword, Armadyl Godsword, Bandos Godsword, Zaryte Bow, Pure Diamond, Silver Potion, Golden Warpriest Helm, Golden Warpriest Cuirass, Golden Warpriest Greaves, Golden Warpriest Boots, Shadow Glaive, Off-Hand Shadow Glaive, Life Potion, Anima Core Helm of Zamorak, Anima Core Body of Zamorak, Anima Core Legs of Zamorak, Anima Core Boots of Zamorak, Anima Core Helm of Sliske, Anima Core Body of Sliske, Anima Core Legs of Sliske, Anima Core Boots of Sliske, Anima Core Helm of Seren, Anima Core Body of Seren, Anima Core Legs of Seren, Anima Core Boots of Seren, Anima Core Helm of Zaros, Anima Core Body of Zaros, Anima Core Legs of Zaros, Anima Core Boots of Zaros, Zamorak Godshield, Staff of Sliske, Seren Godbow, Zaros Godsword, Awakened Master Sword, Gem of Power, Maul of Omens, Gungnir, The Spear of Destiny, Anima Core Helm of Apocalypse, Anima Core Body of Apocalypse, Anima Core Legs of Apocalypse, Anima Core Boots of Apocalypse, Dark Realm Keyblade, Dark Realm Hood, Dark Realm Cloak, Dark Realm Leggings, Dark Realm Boots, Light Realm Keyblade, Sting, Forest Spirit Skull, Forest Spirit Chestplate, Forest Spirit Greaves, Forest Spirit Boots, Frostmourne, the Frozen Death, Elder Lich Helmet, Elder Lich Chestplate, Elder Lich Greaves, Elder Lich Boots, Soul Edge, Devourer of Souls, Elder Demon Helmet, Elder Demon Chestplate, Elder Demon Greaves, Elder Demon Boots, Armageddon Blade, Abyssal Helmet, Abyssal Chestplate, Abyssal Greaves, Abyssal Boots, Affliction, Gravesire, White Anguish, Black Mercy, Earth Reaver, Absolution, Mortis, Draught of Starvation, Draught of Subjection, Draught of Conflict, Draught of Lunacy, Light Grey Demon Sheep Plushie, Woodhollow Gourd Replica, Woodhollow Lantern Replica, Pumpkin Juice Replica, Sacred Light Bow, Sword of Totsuka, Yata Mirror, Hephaestus's Labrys, Elder Artifact - The Mirror, Elder Artifact - The Needle, Elder Artifact - The Locator, Elder Artifact - The Hammer, Elder Artifact - The Blade, Elder Artifact - The Siphon, Elder Artifact - The Catalyst, Higher Artifact - Void Spear, Higher Artifact - Light Spear, Soul Mage Staff, Elder Dragon Wings
-The following villagers have been updated both within their science locations and Moosemart to reflect the above changes:
The End - Dragon Merchant, Wychwood - Wicked Witch, Wychwood - Spirit of Ahrim, Wychwood - Spirit of Verac, Wychwood - Spirit of Guthan, Wychwood - Spirit of Akrisae, Wychwood - Spirit of Linza, Wychwood - Spirit of Karil, Wychwood - Spirit of Torag, Wychwood - Spirit of Dharok, Snowhead - Innuit Witch, Snowhead - Emmisary of Armadyl, Snowhead - Emmisary of Bandos, Snowhead - Emmisary of Saradomin, Snowhead - Emmisary of Zamorak, Snowhead - Emmisary of Tuska, Shattered Sands - War's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Sliske's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Zamorak's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Seren's Chosen, Shattered Sands - Zaros's Chosen, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Mej-Kah, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Hur-Zuh, Shattered Sands - TzHaar-Hur-Zed, Shoals of the Departed - Pumpkin Merchant, Shoals of the Departed - The Watcher, Realm of Darkness - D.i.Z., Decorative Heads - Demon Toy Collector, Merit Merchants - Merit Replicas, Merit Merchants - Merit Exclusives
-The following mobs have been updated to reflect the changes in dropped items above, as well as to increase their difficulty in response to the above changes:
Dragon Priest Hevnoraak, Dragon Priest Krosis, Dragon Priest Morokei, Dragon Priest Otar, Dragon Priest Rahgot, Dragon Priest Vokun, Dragon Priest Volsung, Dragon Priest Nahkriin, Dragon Priest Miraak, Elder Dragon Alduin, Darkbeast Ganon, Calamity Ganon, Dark Lord Sauron, Ahrim the Blighted, Guthan the Infested, Verac the Defiled, Akrisae the Doomed, Linza the Disgraced, Karil the Tainted, Torag the Corrupted, Dharok the Wretched, Soul Mage Nomad, Gaunted O'Dimm, Imlerith, Wild Hunt General, Eredin, Wild Hunt King, Caranthir, Wild Hunt General, Geralt of Rivia, Hobgoblin, Sergeant Strongstack, Sergeant Grimspike, Sergeant Steelwill, General Graardor, Bloodveld, Tstanon Karlak, Zakl'n Gritch, Balfrug Kreeyath, Lord K'ril Tsutaroth, Aviansie, Flight Kilisa, Flockleader Geerin, Wingman Skriil, Justice Kree'arra, Knight of Saradomin, Starlight, Bree, Growler, Commander Zilyana, Zealous Heretic, Fumus, Prison Guardian, Umbra, Prison Guardian, Cruor, Prison Guardian, Glacies, Prison Guardian, Nex, the Sealed Hybrid, Avatar of Tuska, The Devourer, Airut, Elite Bloodveld, Chaos Dwarf, Golok Bech, Black Knight, Nymora, the Vengeful, Avaryss the Unceasing, Butcher Lord, Ancient Mage, Ancient Warrior, Ancient Ranger, Elite Heretic, Gorvek, the Outlier, Dragonrider Vindicta, Fire Drake, Seren Mage, Seren Archer, Seren Warrior, Automaton, Shapeshifter Helwyr, Automaton Champion, Elite Skeleton, Wight Ranger, Elite Barrow Wight, Necromancer, Gregorovic, the Faceless One, Fallen Champion, Telos, The Warden, Telos, Enraged, Primordial Titan Surtr, Captain Davy Jones, Vorago, of Omens, Brassica Prime, God of Vegetables, Manbun, Marimbo, God of Fun, Ymir, Primordial Ice Titan, Odin, Allfather, V, God of Heroism, Praefectus Praetorio Sliske, Zamorak, God of Chaos, Saradomin, God of Order, Bandos, God of War, Armadyl, God of Justice, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Chariot of Seren, Seren, Divine of Light, Chariot of Zaros, Zaros, Divine of Darkness, Tendrils of the Squid, 13, Squid God of Tribute, Wings of Death, Angel of Death, Nex, Fallen Elder - Jas of Storm, Amalgamate of Horrors, Elder God Cthulhu, Shadow, Neoshadow, Demon Tower, Darkside, Angel Star, Dark Hide, Behemoth, Invisible, Arch Behemoth, Darkside Omega, Darkling Aqua, Hunter in the Dark, Dark Inferno
-Dominion Tower temporarily closed for post-update balancing
-Lost Woods Hardmode Dungeons temporarily closed for post-update balancing