Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Great Ocean[/i]
Syn's brow furrowed as she gave that thought. Did Bekka have any actual allegiances? --Not that she knew of. But then, Syn was first to admit she knew nothing of this g...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i]
Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Several days after he'd left Elle'n in the crowd, Larent knew his time in Stamarian intelligence was done. Fortunately the day after ...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
He heard her words, and took several moments to ponder them before nodding to her. "I'd wish you good luck, but that would bely the n...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i][b]Tsuminar[/b][/i]
Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent tensed slightly, his smile not so much disappearing as solidifying. Annoyance coursing through his body. He took a calming breath, not ...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent managed a bare hint of a smile. "Come now, tell me how you really feel?" He took the ticket, giving it a once over before sli...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i][b]Tsuminar[/b][/i]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
It was the day after the rather frustrating venture into the hub. He'd managed to weasel his way out of the situation, though the lack of ...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i][b]Tsuminar[/b][/i]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent smiled simply, "Maybe. Next time. Could you try not to screw up the plan so much by giving me a passionate idiot to work with?&quo...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
There. A feint sound from the door just down the hall. Energy, a touch of magic. He moved to the door swiftly, pressing himself against the w...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
In the revolving, on-and-off lit hallways of the facility. The sound of the gunshot, muffled as it was. Was still unmistakable.
The guard t...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
As the emergency lighting bathed the hallways in alternating patterns of orange and yellow lights. Larent noticed the distinct lack of his part...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent grimaced internally. She was going to make this difficult. But then--wasn't that the entire point of this exercise? He took a bre...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
Tsuminar Proper
Larent read the message blithely, looking at his clipboard and checking off several small, nondescript boxes. Aleina clearly had thought of som...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i][b]Tsuminar[/b][/i]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent flipped his ident coin lazily to the guard, causing the big man to fumble for it and send a hateful glare at the arrogant, and much short...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
The two men looked between one another, sharing an awkward glance before finally nodding. "Right this way." One of them ducked his h...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
The two guards stiffened, their minds racing. Larent paced next to Aleina. Staying in her shadow, eyes glinting with small-minded, predatory g...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent pushed forward, though somehow managing to seem like he was always trailing Aleina. "We'll be inspecting the outer grounds. If...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent inclined his head as their vehicle rumbled forward. Moments later there was a thump on the door as someone wrapped their knuckles agains...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent shrugged. If he was offended by her words, he didn't show. Returning to the measured sneer and haughty expression as though flippi...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
Tsuminar Proper[/i]
"A few minutes out." He replied simply, slipping a pair of thickrimmed plastic glasses onto his nose, giving him a distinctly nerdy l...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Larent handed her one of the clipboards. Carefully weighted in their construction. "What they think of as weapons won't be allowed i...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
Something seemed to have clicked, Larent nodded once. "Twenty-five minutes. thirty-five if things go bad. Past forty--the ladies and gen...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [b][i]Tsuminar[/i][/b]
[i]Tsuminar Proper[/i]
"ID badges we have. Not traditional, but amusing nonetheless." He scrabbled his hand to a small container bolted to the wall, hoverin...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Tsuminar[/i]
"If you turn out to be a raging psychopath, I'd rather you didn't kill my men as well." Larent explained simply, flicking the overlay off with a swipe of his ...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Tsuminar[/i]
Larent faltered for a moment, caught off guard by a residual ping showing a message in his inbox. "I . . ." He trailed for a moment, stalling for time. A quick swipe of...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Rogueport[/i]
The hug was a welcome surprise, and Sera leaned into it gratefully. Taking the precious moments of solace Fille had offered. "That's the plan." She murmured, ...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Rogueport[/i]
Sera shook Audra's hand, nodding with the words. "It has. Been fun. I mean." She stammered a bit. Goodbyes had taken on a different feeling, since she'd...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Tsuminar[/i]
Larent fought the urge to crack a wolfish, predatory grin at her sudden backpedal. His features twitching in what he hoped was more a expression that said in polite, neutral term...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Rogueport[/i]
Sera shook her head, a tinge of fear needling in her gut. Not the fear of being killed. No. She was dead already, her brain just hadn't caught up to the fact. No, fear...
Topic: Interordi RPG - Project Theta [i]Rogueport[/i]
"Well . . ." Sera faltered a moment, unsure of how to speak next. "Good luck in your fight? Or war? Assassination mission? Whatever you plan to do." Sh...