Not that it makes a difference. I mean it's happened a lot now.
Zero: rez plz
Topic: Who do you think Ciel should be with?
X or Zero?
Not that it makes a difference. I mean it's happened a lot now.
Zero: rez plz
It Just Bugs Me! - a place to discuss media, real life, and other topics.
Ciel: Zero, hand me the buster gun.
Zero: *hands gun* Why?
Ciel: Because I'd rather be with X... *shoots self*
Zero: Great, just great. Now what'll I do. Hey you, random old git! Yeah, you! Go build a space cannon and I'll kill you on it, then die in the process, so that I can see Ciel again! And I'll use this Ciel cardboard standup to pose for her while I'm gone!
Old Man: What's in it for me?
Zero: All the prune juice yyou could want!
Old Man: Call me Weil! I'm there!
...the moral of this story:
1) love can make you do all sorts of crazy crap.
2) MegaMan plotlines never run normally. Get used to it.
Mach Jentra: I heard you were dead.
Zero: You know me - never say 'die.'
To me X is the coolest but when it comes to Ciel being with someone...I think she should be with Zero
In memory of .hack//Chat I say one last time: "Let's meet again sometime, in that place we love to go. The Root town of Mac Anu!"
.... .hack//kyat....we miss you dearly
Just for that.... You shall now Picture Ciel locked in deep passionate contact with....
..... WEIL's final form in Z4!
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
I say neither...
Cerveau has always been her pimp daddy.
Their coming to take me away, hee hee haw haw hoo hoo
You cannot kill what you did not create
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
I post musings, images and nonsense on Tumblr! I play games on Steam! Add me on either/both, and don't hesitate to ask if you want to play something with me!
"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)