Rather hard this battle...I do have Guard and Counterguard but still no use!
And Why hasen't anyone make a topic of this??
Topic: How to beat Sephiroth in KH2?
How hard...
Rather hard this battle...I do have Guard and Counterguard but still no use!
And Why hasen't anyone make a topic of this??
Here is how you beat Sephiroth of Kingdom Hearts II:
Very carefully.
There is a strategy I used, but it depends on a lot of luck. You'll want Trinity Limit and Ultima Weapon, and you'll also want to max out Final Form, so you can have the fastest possible Glide ability. Also, max out your Limit time. Carry as many elixers as possible.
Once the battle starts, block that sword strike, then turn and hit him with Trinity. You should be able to nail him. You can continue with your own normal combo, but be warned as he WILL recover quickly. And he'll tear you apart. Basically, use a Trinity Limit, glide away, and get a chance to use an Elixer if needed.
When he floats up to the top, he's using Heartless Angel. There's more of a delay time than in the first game, but not much. You MUST use Trinity Limit there, and make sure you're locked onto him at all times. If you're locked and you use it, you'll automatically warp and begin the combo, thus cancelling the Heartless Angel attack.
Also, make sure you rapidly hit the Triangle button whenever he's about to do his dash-strike attack. That thing hurts, and if you get caught, you're pretty much screwed because he'll get a chance to attack before you can retaliate or heal almost EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Basically, with luck, you can keep up the cycle of Trinity, Glide, and Elixer/MP regeneration, and he'll eventually go down. He's got more HP than the final boss, even.
That strategy is what I used against the NORMAL difficulty level of Sephiroth. Not the Proud Mode. Remember, luck is the key. You'll have to do it many times before you get it down right.
And just so you know, Fenrir is DEFINITELY worth it.
Ohh Thx for helping me there!You are great person ther
Triangle button, trinity limit, elixer or ether, repeat. This actually disappointed me. >.O
I still haven't gotten the spine to go after him on Proud Mode.
Getting defeated exactly 73 times in a row before winning was enough for me.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
>.> And I thought *I* was a KH fanboy...
So, do we raise some sort of fund to put Teej in rehab? O.o
This morning again i played KH2 and again got defeated by Sephiroth....Totally I cant pawned him...Well i got the Ultima Weapon and only 1 elixer :huh:!Totally hard when it comes to the balls,fire and the thing that me only 1 life and no more MP.
And anyone want a How to get the Ultima Weapon guide?
Edited by megaman x rocks! on October 22, 2006 at 3:09:20.
The 1 HP/No MP thing is Heartless Angel, when he floats up into the air. That you have to lock onto him and use Trinity.
And max out your item slots for Sora with Elixers. One just won't cut it.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Whichever one brings in more money...I can spend the extra on KH2 Final Mix.
Oh, we're not giving the money to you. It goes towards the fund. You can't touch that. XP
That was -not- part of the agreement.
LOL!Anyways I finally beat him last night :D!I almost got killed by pawned him finally!
Good job! Now go find Cloud and head back to Sephiroth!
Haha done that already!Even so i did'nt even use Trinity limit on this battle!
This are the growth things i got:
Glide-Lvl 1
High Jump-Lvl 2
Quick Run-Lvl 2
Aeriel Dodge-Lvl 3
And If you wanna know how to get the all the Keyblades here it is:
<KeyBlade List>
Name: Kingdom Chain/Kingdom Key
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Defender
Effect: Defense up in a pinch/crisis
Obtaining It: Default
Name: Amulet Of Promise/Oath Keeper
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 3
Ability: Form Boost
Effect: Longer time for Drive transformation
Obtaining It: At the end of the 2nd visit of Twilight Town
Name: Memories Past/Oblivion
Atk: 6
Mag Atk: 2
Ability: Drive Boost
Effect: Faster Drive Gauge recovery during MP Charge
Obtaining It: In The World That Never Was, shortly after you beat Xigbar then
meet up with Riku
Name: Star Seeker
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Air Combo Plus
Effect: Add 1 to the Maximum number of Air Combo
Obtaining It: Near the end of the Mysterious Tower, when you obtain Brave Form
Name: Hidden Dragon
Atk: 2
Mag Atk: 2
Ability: Damage Aspir
Effect: Recovers MP whenever you receive damage
Obtaining It: In The Land Of Dragons, after beating Shan Yu
Name: Hero's Crest
Atk: 4
Mag Atk: 0
Ability: Air Combo Up
Effect: Damage up for Air Finisher with great number of combo
Obtaining It: In the Olympus Coliseum, after beating the Hydra
Name: Monochrome
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 2
Ability: Item Up
Effect: Effect Up when using an Item on the field
Obtaining It: In the Timeless River, after beating Pete and when you obtain the
Wisdom Form
Name: Follow The Wind
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Draw
Effect: Draw near the Prizes that are fallen nearby
Obtaining It: In the Port Royal, after you beat Barbossa
Name: Circle Of Life
Atk: 4
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: MP Haste
Effect: MP Recovery Speed up after using MPs
Obtaining It: In the Pride Land, after speaking with Simba in the Oasis
Name: Photon Debugger
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 2
Ability: Thunder Up
Effect: Thunder based Damage up to enemies
Obtaining It: In the Space Paranoids, shortly after you beat Dangerous Program
Name: Gullwing
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 0
Ability: EXP Chance
Effect: EXP up when you defeat enemy in a pinch/crisis
Obtaining It: After the 1000 Heartlesses fight, head to the Postern to speak
with Yuna
Name: Rambling Rose
Atk: 5
Mag Atk: 0
Ability: Finish Plus
Effect: Combo Finishers appear consecutively
Obtaining It: After the 1000 Heartlesses fight,, go revisit Beast's Castle and
head to Beast's Room. Speak with him to get it
Name: Guardian Soul
Atk: 5
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Reaction Up
Effect: Damage up with Reaction Command
Obtaining It: At the 2nd visit of Olympus Coliseum, after beating Hades
Name: Wishes Lamp
Atk: 4
Mag Atk: 3
Ability: Prize Up
Effect: A lot of Munny/HP/MP Prizes appear
Obtaining It: At the 2nd visit of Agrabah, after beating Jafar
Name: Holy Pumpkin
Atk: 6
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Combo Up
Effect: Damage up for Ground Finisher with great number of combo
Obtaining It: At the 2nd visit of Halloween Town, after beating the Test Object
Name: Sweet Memory
Atk: 0
Mag Atk: 0
Ability: Luck Up
Effect: A lot of Prize Box appear
Obtaining It: In the 100 Acre Wood, clear the Spookey Cave
Name: Wonder Of Abyss
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 3
Ability: Blizzard Up
Effect: Blizzard based Damage up to enemies
Obtaining It: In the Atlantica, after clearing Chapter 4
Name: Sleeping Lion
Atk: 5
Mag Atk: 3
Ability: Combo Plus
Effect: Add 1 to the Maximum number of Ground Combo
Obtaining It: When you need to go back to Hollow Bastion and head to Ansem's
Name: Bond Of Flame
Atk: 4
Mag Atk: 4
Ability: Fire Up
Effect: Fire based Damage up to enemies
Obtaining It: When you are going to the World Of Darkness, you get it after
the events with Axel
Name: Fatal Crest
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 5
Ability: Charge Berserk
Effect: Atk Up and the combo continues forever during MP Charge
Obtaining It: Clear the Goddess Of Fate Cup in Olympus Coliseum
Name: Fenrir
Atk: 7
Mag Atk: 1
Ability: Combo Minus
Effect: Minus 1 to the Maximum number of Air/Ground Combo
Obtaining It: Defeat Sephiroth in the Dark Depths of Radiant Garden(Hollow
Bastion). After that, go to speak with Cloud in the Market Place
of Radiant Garden. Go back to speak with Sephiroth and watch the
Showdown Of Fate 2. Tifa will give this to you afterward
Name: Ultima Weapon
Atk: 6
Mag Atk: 4
Ability: MP Hastega
Effect: MP Recovery Speed up remarkably after using MPs
Obtaining It: Check the next section
*This one below belongs to Riku*
Name: Way To The Dawn
Atk: 3
Mag Atk: 0
Ability: None
Effect: Able to do various attacks
Obtaining It: Default
<Sora's Ultima Weapon>
First of all, you need the Ultima Recipe. It's within the Mansion: Basement
Corridor of Twilight Town. You get there at the later part of the game. If you
still don't know where that is, it's the area JUST BEFORE the Pod Room(which
got the Pod that Sora slept in).
Once you have that, speak with a Moogle Shop for Item Synthesis. The items you
need to make Ultima Weapon are:
- 13 Orichalcums (You only need 7 in the end)
- 1 Orichal
- 1 Mythril Crystal
- 1 Ravine Crystal
- 1 Twilight Crystal
- 7 Mystery Crystals (You only need 4 in the end)
Where to get them:
- Orichal: Item boxes in various Worlds, such as Twilight Town, The Land Of
Dragons, 100 Acre Wood, Port Royal and The World That Never Was
- Mythril Crystal: Item boxes in various Worlds, such as Twilight Town, Hollow
Bastion/Radiant Garden, Agrabah, 100 Acre Wood, Pride Land,
Halloween Town, Port Royal, Space Paranoids and The World
That Never Was; Also, you can make it. First, Moogle must be
at Level 8, then you can make Mythril Gem. When you make an
Mythril Gem, put in a Mystery Gem to make it become Mythril
- Ravine Crystal: Berserker drops this. Berserker shows up in Twilight Town(at
later half of the game), Mysterious Tower and The World That
Never Was
- Twilight Crystal: Sorcerer drops this. Sorcerer shows up in The World That
Never Was
- Mystery Crystal: Berserker, Sorcerer and Samurai drop this. Berserker and
Sorcerer I just mentioned above, for Samurai, he shows up in
Mysterious Tower and The World That Never Was
Lastly, for the 13 Orichalcums, well, that can't be done. There are just about
seven of them in the game. Guess what? That's JUST ENOUGH. Here are where the
7 Orichalcums are:
- Clear Atlantica
- Clear 100 Acre Wood
- Item Box in The World That Never Was
- The Brink Of Despair (by the second save point of this World)
- Clear Goddess of Destiny Cup in the UnderWorld Tournament in Olympus Coliseum
- Item Box in Twilight Town
- Sunset Terrace (need to jump on the bar/train to spot it)
- Item Box in Sapce Paranoids
- Central Computer Area (before the fight with Sark and MCP)
- A Collect List Bonus, you MUST obtain ALL kinds of materials to get this
Once you got 7 Orichalcums, 1 Orichal, 1 Mythril Crystal, 1 Ravine Crystal, 1
Twilight Crystal and 4 Mystery Crystals, when you try to make it, apply the
Minagiru Kesshou(Suffusive Crystal). The Suffusive Crystal halve the materials
you need.
The Minagiru Kesshou(Suffusive Crystal) is dropped from Shaman in Pride Land
and Book Master in Space Paranoids.
And that's all you need. Once you made it, have the Ultima Weapon and Fenrir,
for the best Dual Wielding!!!
Woah and 1 more thing,Please think that the Mysterious Crystal is the Serienty Crystal
Edited by megaman x rocks! on October 26, 2006 at 8:09:03.
Edited by megaman x rocks! on October 26, 2006 at 8:10:35.
I've already got a 100% completion, so... yeah. Don't need the list.
Haha its ok...could help those who doesen't have it :D!
That's going to take a while, seeing how I'd have to start a new game to do so.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
He's got a point, Sephiroth I stayed the heck away from until I reached level 86. He still owned me, though.
Edited by RisingDragon on October 27, 2006 at 13:56:36.
[quote]i]Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe[/i]
[quote]Originally posted by megaman x rocks!
[quote]Originally posted by Teej
I've done that too. And you know what?
Masamune pretty much raped me when I did. Doesn't really work.
Then you phail. I use it, have like, a sliver of HP left, then shortcut elixer.
I don't have the sliver of HP left, and there is no Mickey to save one's ass against Sephiroth.
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here." comes to mind.
Meh, let's drop the matter, then.
On another note. You notice that before you fight him, Donald and Goofy are right behind you, ready to fight. Well, when he actually starts, where the !##@ did they go?
Probably a matter of honor. Sephiroth challenged Sora to the battle, and Sora has his pride to worry about.
Though I was kinda miffed that I actually beat that monstrosity, and he just shrugged the whole thing off at the end of it.
And STILL had the energy to go mono-e-mono with Cloud.
Edited by Teej on October 28, 2006 at 19:42:51.