Interordi Menu
252 posts

Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe
Originally posted by megaman x rocks!
Originally posted by Teej
Originally posted by megaman x rocks!
Haha done that already!Even so i did'nt even use Trinity limit on this battle!

Must've taken awhile...and a lot of elixers. o_o I'm currently going to this challenge:

Beat Sephiroth under these terms:

Level 70 or below
Kingdom Key
Cannot press triangle button at start
Only one elixer and the rest potions

I've got him down halfway since yesterday.

Hey!I did'nt even use elixer!Honestly...
Specifically, you must've used gameshark...

Belileve it or not I actually beat Sephy last night after having no sleep for 20 hours, I did it on proud mode. Also, Teej, that combination is impossible, the Triangle is necessary otherwise the first hit would kill you below about level 80...

Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on October 27, 2006 at 13:39:48.
I don't even have gameshark...It all depends on the skill and strategies you have!Useing Reflega was the trick to defeat him...When everytime he attack,use reflega!

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

The problem with that is that MP runs out ANDyou go into MP charge, which takes for fricken ever without Ethers or Elixirs...

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

252 posts

Meh....I used the Hi-potion to heal myself and i used the berserker charge attack at Sephiroth so that thers time for my MP to charge finished.Oh and 1 more thing....I only used 1 ether when i defeated him!

King of the Underdome
40 posts

Here is a great way...
Have your self at Lvl. 85 or higher.
Have Ulitma Weapon.
Put 2 Hi-Potions and Ethers at the L2 menu, along with Cure and Reflect.
Have Trinty Limit on.
Have plenty of powerful abilties equipped, your're alone with no Forms or Summons.

Use Trinty Limit, then run! When he disapears, jump and attack, you catch in mid-attack! When orbs start surrounding you, use Reflect!
Use Glide to fly away from his giant fire attack!
Win, and earn a new drive bar, making a total of 7!

Completely goal-oriented, you do what needs to be done in the most efficient way possible. You never let your emotions cloud your judgement, and you approach any situation with calm, yet strict policy. You're sometimes a bit hasty with your assumptions and this may lead to arguements, but you end up admitting your mistakes and making amends. Almost everything you do is directly linked to your desire to benifit the entire world.

axl z
1059 posts

I beat him with a cheat code cuz i wanted that key blade so bad



-48 post

Well...I beat him at lvl 64. I didn't have glide..I don't think. I had all the elxiers though and used all but one. I had oblivion, it took me alot of tries...but only fifty at the most.

I did pretty well compared to how much you guys complained about him.


King of the Underdome
40 posts

Originally posted by axl z
I beat him with a cheat code cuz i wanted that key blade so bad

1.His Keyblade is,in fact, worse than the Ultimate Weapon. You gain only 1 strengh and lose alot of Magic.(Really, a little strengh isn't worth it.
2.What cheat code?

Completely goal-oriented, you do what needs to be done in the most efficient way possible. You never let your emotions cloud your judgement, and you approach any situation with calm, yet strict policy. You're sometimes a bit hasty with your assumptions and this may lead to arguements, but you end up admitting your mistakes and making amends. Almost everything you do is directly linked to your desire to benifit the entire world.

1166 posts

Originally posted by DarkStar
Originally posted by axl z
I beat him with a cheat code cuz i wanted that key blade so bad

1.His Keyblade is,in fact, worse than the Ultimate Weapon. You gain only 1 strengh and lose alot of Magic.(Really, a little strengh isn't worth it.
2.What cheat code?

But however, it gives you Negative Combo, allowing you to activate the finishing move of a combo right off the bat, destroying many enemys in a small matter of time. Anything else, I just use Magnetga to draw enemies in and attack them while their pinned.

For Sephiroth, I fought him mono-a-mono, without use of the Trinity Limit. Sometimes, I'll purposely let him hit me up in the air so I can Counterattack then follow up with a combo. The Ultima Weapon is a must. I've beaten him at level 63 but, getting to level 99 allows you to learn another MP Haste(or Rage?) Ability. Berserk works well, when trying to fill your MP back up.

He wasn't especially tough, but enjoy the fight while you can since unlike the first game, you can only fight him once. Make a seperate Save File after you defeat him. That's what I did.

Lil' metool
1 post

I was at level 71, had 6 item slots filled with elixer. had 2 shortcut commands for the Elixers and 2 for Cure. When the screen gets dark hit triangle to block his slicing attack. if you are hit into the air use retaliting slash and then attack when you get to the ground use cure or an exliar if needed. when he goes into the air and ays "SIN HEARTLESS ANGEL!" use trinity limit and hit triangle repeadly to keep attacking. When he says "PERISH NOW!" Run away from him he is like a magnet so you should keep jumping away from him. When he is on his last bar of health use trinity limit like you do wth the heartlesds angel attack. you should beat him. I won on my 1st try with this stratagy. P.S. The only growth ability I had was High Jump Level 1 . I used the Ultimate Keyblade. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^