Topic: UFO report on my street. I think you've been had, dear boy.
Good thing you haven't received one of those e-mails from the foreign people with secret bank accounts who want to "split it" with you after y...
Topic: UFO report on my street. I...uh...can't decipher this.
If you wanna talk about crap, trust me, I've had many strange encounters of the sexy kind.
Topic: Mega Man Impact Sounds enterprising!
I'll look into it when I have access to an actual computer and not some crappy little PSP that makes typing more difficult than successfully performing open heart surgery...
Topic: Bettas and Other Fish.. [quote][i]Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe[/i]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Smirnoff[/i]
And even if it doesn't work out, you can at least have some sort of "Ultimate Fish Fighting Arena" sh...
Topic: Is your house haunted? Shortly after my grandmother on my father's side passed away, I noticed strange sounds emanating from the former's house. She had been a recluse a few years leading to her death, partly due ...
Topic: Chat and IM quotes *back in history class, several months ago*
*student's name may or may not have been changed depending on my laziness, I'll leave it a surprise*
Disruptive Student: Why do we have a cl...
Topic: Bettas and Other Fish.. Yeah, I'd advise looking up Bettas in one of those fish encyclopedias. Look for information somewhere other than Wikipedia as well, to get an accurate perspective of things.
And even if it doe...
Topic: Super Smash Brothers Brawl OH! But first he has to shoot him with the tranquilizer gun and stab him with the survival knife!
Ah...a guy can dream...
Topic: 1UP poll to bring back megaman legends Somehow this topic turned into an discussion concerning axl z's typing skills.
In any case, it's good to know that there are some people out there trying to keep the Legends series afloat...
Topic: Super Smash Brothers Brawl How come the SSBB site doesn't have any information on Snake?
I bet they're keeping all his moves secret...he can probably disguise himself as a box, sneak up to characters, and slit thei...
Topic: Bad Movies A G.I. Joe movie?
That's it, I'm building a reinforced bunker underneath my home for the inevitable armageddon that will unfold within the next five years.
Topic: There goes the Price is Right Drew Carrey is pretty funny in my opinion. Whose Line is hilarious. Every time I TiVo it I end up rewinding and watching parts over and over again.
Topic: The Nyko Party Station I bet it would make a great conversation piece.
Mmmyes, I found that in a smoking crater after subduing a group of all-star freelance terrorists...
Topic: Who are you? Well you also have to take into account the fact that the board is going through a bit of a dry spell.
Although, this is the most severe dry spell I've encountered in my four years of being he...
Topic: Chat and IM quotes [01:06:46] The Helldragon: I'm gonna sign off, too.
[01:06:58] Smirnoff: No way!
[01:07:00] HighMaxOmega: *yawn*'
[01:07:01] RisingDragon: Same here.
[01:07:07] HighMaxOmega: I guess I better get ...
Topic: Bad Movies [quote][i]Originally posted by SPT Layzner[/i]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Smirnoff[/i]
My entire childhood is being raped in front of my very eyes! By John Goodman, no less, and ...
Topic: Your DVD collection I just got Dogma, Clerks II, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Also...
To spite you I actually went out and bought a Citizen Kane DVD!
Whatchu gonna do about that? HUH? HUH?!