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Topic: The Legend of Zelda: tWIIlight Princess
Which one do you plan to get?
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*ducks the rocks thrown his way*
The admin formerly known as Dr. Cossack.
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"There are only three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and Teej's obsessions." ~ RisingDragon (still true in 2019!)
I'm with Doc, this game just looks like it's trying to be "cool". I know this appeals to the majority of lamers..err, gamers nowadays, but it certainly doesn't to me. I didn't like Ocarina, and this looks like Ocarina. *shrug*
Just like Kingdom Hearts 2, I'll wait until this game goes down to $20. I'll get the Cube version. I don't like fishing or leading a fairy around.
If it's true that if you have the GC version and if you play it on the wii you get the wii features im getting the gc version the first day it comes out! For those who aren't getting either may a million flaming rocks fall upon thy heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edited by Ace Scope on May 12, 2006 at 12:11:15.
I'd get the Gamecube version, but i'd play it on the wii. That is once I get a wii, which will be after I get a PS3.
Edit: I just read the prices for the Ps3, screw that i'll get the wii first.
Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on May 13, 2006 at 12:16:28.
Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.
Whats wrong with paying for a $49.99 game. You'll get to play it earlier if you get it that way. Better yet if your not too old for video game B-Day and X-mus presents ask 4 1. Z.T.P wont come till near x-mus. What a better chance can you ask 4. Or u can ask 4 money to buy it with. I'll get GC.
Edited by Orochimaru on June 19, 2006 at 23:35:40." alt="Image" /
I'll probably get the GC verision, I already pre-ordered anyways. As for the features I just read, I'd rather not have the fairy, and I don't care for virtual fishing all that much. Ever since Ocarina of Time, I've developed a low tolerence to fairies in Zelda games. I just don't feel like the "HEY LISTEN!" over and over again.
I'm probably going to get the Gamecube version. I don't think I'll be able to buy a Wii... But yeah. I loved Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, so I bet I'll like Twilight Princess too.
o hay
I'm probably getting the Wii version when I buy the Wii the first day it comes out. Maybe it'll hold me over till SSMB:B comes out.
"A closed mouth gathers no foot" -This is a fact of life, and I don't know who said it.
94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature.
I don't understand why so many people hate this game, and it hasn't even come out yet.
Oh well, maybe it's just trendy to dislike popular games...
Personaly I'll be getting the Wii version, just as soon as I can get my hands on the Wii. From what I've heard the only features aren't fishing. Apparently playing with the Bow and Arrows using the Wiimote is really freakin' cool. I can imagine swordplay would be neat too, but I'm fine just mashing a button if my arms get tired so I hope that you can switch controll styles on the fly. :hehe:
"I worship the Supreme Comrade Cossack!"