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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I don't care what the hell people think, they shouldn't be attacking military folk for just doing what they're told.

And yes, I do have the right to hate someone over opinion. :lol:

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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

You said they had good reason to not support the troops, yet you then failed to follow up by elaborating.

Out of curiousity, what are the good reasons that people have for not trying to support the people who are giving their lives for what our country has asked them to do (justification aside)? If you're simply saying they have good reason not to support what it is they're out there to do, then I understand fully. Otherwise, I don't.

I mean yes, they don't belong there. But our country had told them to go there. And they responded without question because it was their duty. Shouldn't they be supported for that sort of loyalty and self-sacrifice?

And for the record, our speech isn't exactly Free. We can't say anything that causes a panic, and I think there's a few more restrictions too.

Oh, and since I do have the right to bitch, I'm going to take the opportunity to tell the whole of MySpace to fuck off and die under some rock somewhere, sine I've always wanted to do that.

Edited by Mega X.exe on July 14, 2006 at 10:49:24.

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
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... and 18 more

X, you assume morons like F*** Our Troops NEED a reason.


No? That's what I thought. Screw the politics, screw public opinion-for the love of God, pray these people get home safely to their families.

Rioni Riishu
729 posts

You know, life really is all about opinions, agreeing and disagreeing... You have some really good points there. Frankly, I very often don't agree with you, but there's nothing wrong with that. And I REALLY agree about the Bush bashing. Um... Why is it that EVERYTHING that goes wrong is his fault? This isn't a monarchy... The government is made up of a LOT of people... Okay, I'll stop ranting about it now.

I do continue to support our troops, just because, and I know this because I have friend who have gone to the military, they often have no control over what they're doing. I just hope they come back safe.


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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Hey Wind that was great and all, but that didn't have a whole lot to do with the point I raised.

Sure, you have the right to not support the troops. I have the right to ask why, and--you didn't mention this--If I wish, I have the right to tell you to shut up.

I never said there were WMDs in Iraq, and I very much doubt that there were, so your irrational assumption didn't help much. Secondly, our men and women probably don't join the military thinking that we'll be waging war like Iraq, and they were lied to as much as we were. And that's a pretty stupid attitude. "Only support our troops when they're actually doing something to protect us."

And about that little mock-quote you have there, that is also not what I have advocated, slitting a soldier in their sleep. And furthermore, I never said I approved of the war, I only think that the troops who are fulfilling that duty deserve some measure of respect that they aren't getting.

And we "hate fellow Americans because they're different"? Is that a fact, or a rash generalization? Because it's certainly not fact over where I am.

And I'm not denying the freedoms they fight for. If you have the right to bitch about our troops, then I have the right to bitch about you, to deny that right would be hypocracy.

Look, I respect that people have the right not to support or respect the soldiers, but I have the right to think they are fucktards and I also have the right to tell them that.

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Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Of course not.

913 posts

I don't support our troops. I really don't support any war actually.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Expecially on the internet... If they wish to hate them, let them.

o hay

The Third Commander
653 posts

If people living in America hate it so much, why don't they just move the hell out?


4037 posts

Errm, Wind, the UK has a military, and it is a military forced into the same shit as yours because our Prime Minister is so worried about having US support and being friends with the President that he will follow him into any war, no matter how suidical or how crappy the reasons are.

However, now US and European forces have created this power vacuum and crippled this country, leaving now would not be good. I didn't think that there was sufficient reason to go to war, but since we have put the country into this state, it must be fixed now. The bed's been made.

On a slightly different note, though, Wind, which side are you on? You seem to support the fuck-the-troops's, but the title seems quite derogitory o.0

Chris Ray Gun is still cool
844 posts

Originally posted by NewWindRider~
proceeds to clit the russian's throat,

Now was that a "Freudian slip?"

Are you thinking about the wrong things too much ;)?

Edited by God on July 14, 2006 at 17:10:11.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Originally posted by Shadowfire
If people living in America hate it so much, why don't they just move the hell out?

It's not that easy, infact I'm sure alot of people wish it was easy to "get the hell out", but it isn't.

I for one would love to get to Canada. I would only have to worry about drunk hockey fans and angry French.

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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

But that's just the thing.. When people say they don't support our troops, they are saying they don't support the men and women who are out there just doing their jobs.

A friend of mine on DA, he signed up to the army, to be a photographer for them. He's a rookie, but they sent him to Iraq anyway. Did he want to go? No. He wanted more training first. Can he say "hey guys I don't think I'll go to Iraq I'm just gonna stay here"? No. Am I going to support him and hope he comes back alive and well? Yes. Am I going to support the US governments decisions and plans of military action? Not all of them. Am I going to blame the troops for something the US government/military officials decided on? No.

I still see no logic whatsoever in blindly hating US troops.

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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I bring this up to show that circumstance changes opinions.


I was never against the military, well after I understood what they were for back in history class.

Village Idiot
534 posts

Alright, truely, this is about opinions. It's been stated, we ARE hated by everyone. But comparing us to Hitler is just not right. We are, by no means, trying to kill an entire race, in fact, just the opposite, we are trying to protect millions of Americans from death, and to do so, we are pulling the weeds from the roots. You seem to forget, because of the peice of shizzle beliefs they have, it's a straight shot to Heaven if they can kill an American. So they might not have had WMDs, it doesn't mean they don't wanna kill us. Would you rather the troops stay in their happy little bunkers, where they STILL will only see their families every once in a while, or would it be better if we took the problems by the horns, and insured a better life for our women and children? Our military is very corrupt, but it doesn't matter. If a bully pushes you around(A.K.A. Twin towers), are you just gonna take it and give him you lunch money(A.K.A. your life), or are you gonna stand up to him and insure a better school experiance for yourself(A.K.A. send troops to Iraq). I have a family member who is being sent to Iraq in September. Guess what, he's got the suckiest job yet, he gets to be the one searching for mines. If he misses one, deaths will be on his hand, or perhaps he might find one the hard way. I'm not happy about it, but he understands that it must be done. My brother (not the same guy being sent) is a bit wierd, but you know what? He actually kinda WANTS to go to Iraq, he was a marine for 4 years, then went into reserves. You have to think about the soldiers, and how they feel about this. Some of them probably wanna be there, some don't, and some just do what they are told. When you join the military, you must be ready to kill someone, and/or go to war. What will happen if we pull out now, the Iraqies and what not will think that we're just a bunch of wussies, then they'll plan another attack, and cause even MORE bloodshed. The thing you guys don't take to consideration is, nomatter what we do now, there's GONNA be more bloodshed. Why not just try to finish what we started? Bush bashing is just ignorant, c'mon, don't you think the guy's got enough on his plate? If any of you think you'd make such a better leader, let's see it. But you won't run for yourself, so quite complaining. Bush is doing the best he can, while still trying to maintain our own issues.

And a closing note to one of my longest rants ever, most wars are started with jealousy as a leading factor.
Sorry 'bout the length, but I needed that off my chest. If you don't agree, I don't care, it's my opinion. I don't fully agree with Wind, either, but I'll let him have his.

Edited by PsychoGiga on July 15, 2006 at 0:04:51.

"A closed mouth gathers no foot" -This is a fact of life, and I don't know who said it.

94% of all teenagers have tried drugs at one time or another. If you are one of the 6% that haven't, put this message in your signature.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

I feel like Dorothy in Liberal Land. Look, I want the troops to come out of there soon, but I want them to make sure that there is no Weapons there whatsoever; they havae found some of them, I've read about it, but that's not enough. WE can'thave them do a slipshot job, and let them leave out a nuke tha could threaten National Security. But not supporting the troops is absurd, they should no damn well those soldiers are only doing what they're told.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Off Topic: Wind (and to anybody else), do I have to crack down on cursing or what? If you have the need to type F---, D---, or whatever, censor it. I know this topic must have it (since the group is called that) and it's okay once and a while to have one slip in a post, but seesh... It burns my eyes and I've been getting complaints from members, man!

It's one of the board rules you know.

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835 posts

Originally posted by NewWindRider~
The world may never know JUST how many licks it takes to get to the chocolaty center of a tootsieroll WindPop.

Off Topic, and I appologize but...
I don't think I'll ever be able to sleep properly again.

"I worship the Supreme Comrade Cossack!"

Chris Ray Gun is still cool
844 posts

The government, who controls the military, is as of now doing little to protect most first amendment or other ideas that the country was founded on (Federal Reserve Bank being one major one... ).

This is what my mother and I agreed on concerning support or lack of support for American soldiers. First of all the soldiers joined the army in the first place knowing they may fight a war, which, in general, is usually not for a good reason. However, as there has not been any sort of war in a long time, many of those soldiers may have joined for money. Even if they did join just for money, if it was AFTER America invaded Iraq, they knew they were likely to be sent there for a war that has no purpose and was provoked by our own governemt staging attacks. Those soldiers deserve no support if you don't agree with the war. However, if they joined BEFORE the war, and had no will to ever go to war, they can be supported as they were thrust into something they did not want to do.

Originally posted by Mega X.exe
And we "hate fellow Americans because they're different"? Is that a fact, or a rash generalization? Because it's certainly not fact over where I am.

You may think that, but leave and come back, go to a place where you will learn something new and change yourself, and see if you are still accepted. I have never been to Washington, so I don't know for sure that it's NOT as accepting as you say there. But I used to think Illinois was perfectly accepting (for the most part) of all types of other people. We have pletny of Christians, Pagans, Muslims, Busshists and Hindus, all of whom find others to hang out with and can get along in "daily conversation" with everyone around them. We have black, white, Indian, and Arab, homsexual, bisexual, hermaphrodites, all of whom also can get along on a daily basis with most anyone.

However, as I learned after being in an area where things were different (this area being highly prejudiced and much more so then my area looks at first glance, but also where different groups, though often only able to associate with their own kind, can fully spread out their ideas to their kind without problem), that my area has many very hateful people. Many are just as accepting as I am of other's differences (which may or may not be apparent from my internet personality and participation in debates), however many will quickly throw hatred at those not of their kind, whether religious, sexual orientation, or race-wise (race is usually only against Arabs in this area). But they still get along daily and would not complain about the fact that an Arab or a Satanist was ringing up their groceries or doing their mortgage loan. It is my belief that while acceptance does exist in many people, and in a few areas though those are usually small areas, that it is much more common to see hatred in miodern day, starting with a certain "revolution" in Europe a while back that sparked the hatred even when not dealing death.

Originally posted by Mega X.exe
Far as I know Wind was only trying to say these people are stupid for trying to get the group shut down. Not that other people couldn't send the group angry messages.

Originally posted by Samsarai]
On a slightly different note, though, Wind, which side are you on? You seem to support the fuck-the-troops's, but the title seems quite derogitory o.0

I believe the "Whiners" Wind is referring to in the title are the ones who posted and support the attempt to shut down the group.

On a side note, I've seen many people be against the military until someone they know goes into it. Then it becomes a bias. Which is cool. I bring this up to show that circumstance changes opinions.

If someone I loved wnanted to join the military (which one them does, in order to "support" his country (this meaning not-to-support, of course ;P), I would then support THEM and hope for a safe return. I would not dupport the military in general and I would not support the random bullitens about "Pray for our soldiers blah blah blah blah." Most people do have someone who loves them and as far as returning safe I think most people agree they want that (even some of the mebers of this group except those who make a point of stating they only care for themselves. Though I do realize many people are not as unbased as that and will jump to supporting the military just as they will refuse to acknowledge if teir own baby is ugly.

[quote][i]Originally posted by PsychoGiga

in fact, just the opposite, we are trying to protect millions of Americans from death, and to do so, we are pulling the weeds from the roots[/quote]
If you believe that I think you need to do a bit more research on the subject.

Originally posted by PsychoGiga
. What will happen if we pull out now, the Iraqies and what not will think that we're just a bunch of wussies,

Again, do more research, and don't believe everything you see on T.V... or a President's lips. The "war" is over now just as it was a year ago when this was posted. I believe this was shortly after the time we were hearing reports of "citizens' love" all over the news for this.

And why is she posting in this topic now? Well, that very same bulliten is apparently still circulating... remeber the pre-MySpace days, when chain letters used to eventually DIE??

Off Topic: Wind (and to anybody else), do I have to crack down on cursing or what? If you have the need to type F---, D---, or whatever, censor it. I know this topic must have it (since the group is called that) and it's okay once and a while to have one slip in a post, but seesh... It burns my eyes and I've been getting complaints from members, man!

It's one of the board rules you know.

You know I see posts about this from the moderators every once in a while, but if you read the rules it actually says swearing is allowed, as long as you don't do something along the lines of, "F*** this f****** s***-a** b****...".

Shlorpian in disguise
1786 posts

Man, why did you bump this?! It's almost 2 years old! And only to pick fights with people. *groans*

Don't bother PMing me. This topic is locked.
