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913 posts

What really annoys you?

Well, what annoys me is when people tell you to get a life. Umm... Don't I already have one? Everyone is born with a life. I mean, you don't have to bring people down either. Everyone has a life.

o hay

1166 posts

I have many pet peeves...

1. When you make a mistake, and you say "Shit!" or make a "Tch" sound to yourself while others around you are like "What?", "What?"

2. I hate people who talk down to me; condescend.

3. People who act so high and mighty, who aren't even that high in the authority chain.

4. People who justify, to get there way/get out of situations, and only change it to suit their needs.

5. People who make a derogatory statement about a certain way someone is, especially having to do with their personality, when they are no different/better themselves.

Edited by Arkane on July 17, 2006 at 9:44:08.

Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I hate people who are super-sensitive emos like the two people that posted above me.


Seriously though Arkane, take a chill pill.

Edit: And maybe change your av sometime, I thought you were Mega X

Edited by HollowTorment on July 17, 2006 at 12:14:23.

The Red Comet
1438 posts

What really annoys me, and this is kind of silly, is when people make fun of you or fuss at you while you're feeling really bad, or are in pain. Particularly, when it's something embaressing but that genuinely hurts.

I mean, maybe people do it to try and take your mind off of it or just to raise your spirits... but honestly, in a matter like that I'd prefer empathy.

Originally posted by Breakman:
Saturdays: The day Protoman comes over. He doesn't do or need anything, but Roll insists Rock to sit down and talk to him. So commences the 12-hour awkward silence treatment until Protoman disappears when everybody's back is turned.

⚠ Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/inter/domains/ on line 275
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Non-Playable Character
203 posts

Err... Little kids usually gets my hot-tempered personality being on trial in annoying, even I know I have been same like as they are when I was a kid too.

Also people who look down their's nose at others and people who hurt somebody's feelings by someway (usually on purpose), they get me annoyed too...

There are more things that annoys me, but now I got only these on my mind. ^^"

Edited by Tikki on July 17, 2006 at 14:30:17.

1166 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
I hate people who are super-sensitive emos like the two people that posted above me.


Seriously though Arkane, take a chill pill.

Edit: And maybe change your av sometime, I thought you were Mega X

Edited by HollowTorment on July 17, 2006 at 12:14:23.

I'm sorry you had to hear that. :hehe:

I due tend to overread things... it must be kind of annoying for other people, huh? ;)

342 posts

Lazy bastards who refuse to SEARCH for existent topics before starting one. ;)

For the record:

804 posts

my little brother

waiting for stuff bought on the internet, like on eBay (i know it is stupid but waiting isnīt one of my strong points)

people who canīt accept anything, think they are the king or queen of the world.


1166 posts

Originally posted by PUNK
Lazy bastards who refuse to SEARCH for existent topics before starting one. ;)

For the record:

Ummm, wow, how about that. I even posted there too. Funny how much can forget in 2-3 years...

As much as it deserves to be revived, I don't think we would be allowed to bump's too old.

Edited by Arkane on July 17, 2006 at 10:31:39.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

We could merge them I guess...

Anyways I have a few:

1. Lamers(Duh)
2. Emo morons
3. Country music (tie)
3. Rapmusic (tie)
4. Spammers that don't know when to shut up
5. The top Thrill Dragster's line (Can you say riot)
6. Reality Shows

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

342 posts

Originally posted by Arkane
As much as it deserves to be revived, I don't think we would be allowed to bump's too old.

You can trust me on this: It is encouraged to bump old topics instead of recreating one. Of course it must be on topic, by the way...

1027 posts

1. The way some girls dress. Dunno why, but this bugs the hell outta me. Sluts and whores are on my top most hated list.
2. How people obsess over the color pink. I mean, it's like pink isn;t even a color anymore. =/
3. People who delibaretly hurt other people.

Okay that's it... I think?

EDIT: Meh I got here before PUNK posted, I was posting this hours ago and forgot about it. XD

Oh yeah and I hate little kids. >>

And Danzer, the line isnt that annoying, although I have only been in it once. ;P I didn't even want the second seat to the front but I got it. D:
And yeah... it was about 45 minute wait.... I went on it a year ago? Or two? A little after it came out.

Edited by Kagome_Sakura on July 17, 2006 at 14:39:37.

1861 posts

Those guys who go to your house and tell you about their religion.
If i wanted to learn about it, i'd go to your social gatherings and what not to expand my knowledge, but i obviously don't, so kindly step off my porch.


913 posts

Sorry, I did search, but I forgot about the phrase Pet Peeve, I instead typed in "Annoy". Ah well...

And, actually, sometimes some new members bump up those OLD topics to say something instead of making a new topic, and people usually get on their case on how they shouldn't bump old topics. Also, don't call me a basterd >_>

o hay

The Helldragon
Inquisitor of Zork
-3258 post
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia
Got all items in the AFD2012 event!
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Shizune Hakamichi
Shizune Hakamichi
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Hisao Nakai
Hisao Nakai
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Lilly Satou
Lilly Satou
Acquired on 1 April 2012
Emi Ibarazaki
Emi Ibarazaki
Acquired on 1 April 2012

... and 18 more

Stupid people piss me off to no end.

Bigots piss me off to no end.

Stuck up morons piss me off to no end.

Actually, a lot of things irk me, but those are my three big things right there.

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Originally posted by Kagome_Sakura
And Danzer, the line isnt that annoying, although I have only been in it once. ;P I didn't even want the second seat to the front but I got it. D:
And yeah... it was about 45 minute wait.... I went on it a year ago? Or two? A little after it came out.

Edited by Kagome_Sakura on July 17, 2006 at 14:39:37.
I went on it the day it was opened, can you say 3 hours from the start?

Edited by Black Dranzer.exe on July 17, 2006 at 15:50:48.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

Hail to the King, baby!
1269 posts

Originally posted by Zera
And, actually, sometimes some new members bump up those OLD topics to say something instead of making a new topic, and people usually get on their case on how they shouldn't bump old topics. Also, don't call me a basterd >_>

In this case it would have been preferable such as PUNK said to bump the old topic(supposing you knew about it when you posted this). You've made a mistake but it's no big deal. It happens. I've seen members do exactly what you've mentioned when others bump old topics, but remember. They are not moderators. They might mean well but some people here are abit to anxious to jump on others at times. Bumping old topics is a-ok as long as what you posted was on topic.

Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe
We could merge them I guess...

Actually, no. The threads cannot be merged.

This topic shall be locked. Anyone who wishes to continue posting about this subject matter may bump the old topic.