Interordi Menu
913 posts

I was just wondering if any of you have. I, of course, have. I am quite young, and I am not full of wisdom. I have some knowledge, but not as much as some have. I can be easily fooled, or made fun of. "The internet isn't for small idiots like you"... I understand I might be to young to be on the internet. But I enjoy being around community's I have been around for some time. When I am said something to that makes me feel bad, or put down, I feel bad enough to do something to myself, physically. However, I don't. I have a life. I can move on, and not let it affect me too much. Sometimes I leave, and complain to someone about it, or something like that. Then when those people talk to the people who put me down, they get over me about it, and make me feel like a "tattle teller", as some told me when I was kindergarten. Of course, I have some friends around me that make me feel good while I'm on the internet, but when they're not around, I'm alone again, with a bunch of people who don't like me. I deal with it. Sometimes I leave, or I just don't say much, until someone I am confortable to talk to, comes. Some people tell me they put me down because I can be annoying. What can I do? I can't help it that I can be irratating sometimes. The reason I made me irratating might be because I try to be funny, or I just want some attention. I'm young, it's in my nature. Maybe one day I'll be accepted by some to a point where I am liked by many, like a lot of the people here. I don't think I will be leaving any time soon, either. You might not want me here, but I will be here for as long as I am not banned, and I don't plan to be as long as I'm not doing anything bad, which I haven't done. Thanks for listening to me complaining. What about you?

o hay

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Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

I just thought of you in drag, Wind. Don't overdo it on purple eyeshadow.

Okay Zera, so now you've gone from tattler (waaa Doc they banned me for being annoying) to Carrot Top-esque comedy, and now you're emo?

Yeah, I just WONDER why no one gets along with you.

Rioni Riishu
729 posts

You know what? I wouldn't worry about it, Zera. Most people aren't liked by a lot of people. I don't know that many people care for me, and heck... it really doesn't matter. When you try too hard to be liked, it usually backfires. Just remember to enjoy the company of your true friends, and forget the rest.


Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

ERm, this is somewhat of a useless topic. Yes, Trolls, spammers, and such h ave put me down. Do I care?: No. Why you might ask? I have a mentality set up that most people on the internet have brains the equivalent of chalk dust, and can generally be disregarded as idiots. Although there are some exceptions to the idiots rule. Most of you know who you are.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

1166 posts

You're too hard on yourself. You're expecting too much of yourself, based on some half-wit people that think they can tell you who you are. You simply are what you are. If someone who you don't even know insults you, just think " Is this really going to matter to me in the long run?". Of course not.

Sometimes, even if someone is being a complete ass to you, you still want their acceptence. Do you really want to be friends with someone who doesn't want to be friends with you? It's not you, it's most likely them. They think, in order to make themselves look better, they have to do it at someone else's exspense. Don't let them bring you down.

Anyways, don't dwell too much on it. I'm sure whatever you have to say, people will listen. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

590 posts

Basicly I dont care what others think of me, if you like me then cool but if ya dont then screw yer *** and just dont talk to me. I for one will give any one a chance, I wont be mean, I wont call them names. Heck the only thing I'd do is be nice but if someone is mean and is being an *** then I would definatly have to start yelling at'em. But yea you seem like a good kid just dont worry about what anyone thinks of ya and you'll be ok.

In memory of .hack//Chat I say one last time: "Let's meet again sometime, in that place we love to go. The Root town of Mac Anu!"
.... .hack//kyat....we miss you dearly

-48 post

Of course I have. As some of you know, my first imprestions are terrible. During that period I am yelled at, cursed at, heck even beaten. Though that doesn't stop me from coming back as someone much more mature.

Of course they don't care how I feel, they just want me gone. I respect that.


Interordi's Lovable Jerk
4811 posts

Of course they don't care how I feel, they just want me gone. I respect that.

Very good! At least you understand how the other side feels.

And most of the time, if you have people yelling at you and cursing, that means you either have to shut up, or get some maturity. At least you don't use the lame excuse of "I'm young so this is why I'm annoying".

Black Dranzer.exe
World Traveler
2834 posts

Originally posted by Blazen
Of course I have. As some of you know, my first imprestions are terrible. During that period I am yelled at, cursed at, heck even beaten. .

How can people beat you over the internet? This topic is asking about have you ever been put down over the internet.

Hey beautiful people, you're better off trying to e-mail me than message me on here.

-48 post

Originally posted by Black Dranzer.exe
Originally posted by Blazen
Of course I have. As some of you know, my first imprestions are terrible. During that period I am yelled at, cursed at, heck even beaten. .

How can people beat you over the internet? This topic is asking about have you ever been put down over the internet.

Yes, verbly beaten!

Edited by Blazen on July 23, 2006 at 21:41:01.


Mega X.exe
Forum Ghost
6445 posts

Originally posted by HollowTorment
Of course they don't care how I feel, they just want me gone. I respect that.

Very good! At least you understand how the other side feels.

And most of the time, if you have people yelling at you and cursing, that means you either have to shut up, or get some maturity. At least you don't use the lame excuse of "I'm young so this is why I'm annoying".

As a teenager, it's my job to defy all forms of established authority and accepted behavior! It's not my fault, it's my civic duty.

Of course, now someone's going try and actually use that.

Edited by Mega X.exe on July 25, 2006 at 1:50:13.

913 posts

Actually, I'm not even a teen yet... >_>

Oh, and thanks for the help guys :)

o hay

DMN #007
1176 posts

Pfft, fun thing about the internet... It's a lot easier to ignore people. :P

If someone doesn't like me, I know that I'm a great enough person that they must be TOTALLY WRONG. So I just ignore them. Xp

Back from another thousand-year hibernation.

Pronounced Ee-vih-trahn
650 posts

Over the Internet?


I probably have, but I don't specifically remember so.

Or, the poster formerly known as Pri- I mean, rockmaniskool.