All previously banned usernames are now banned globally across Laurasia and Rodinia.
The following is a list of names which have also been banned, as they are name changes applied to users previously removed from the server.
noahgebert - TheBromie
lalaoderso - lalaoderso_
walkingdeadzet - FireFighter_Zach
nealpm1245 - Neal_Plays_MC
jrjava - Youtubers
obsidianofdoom - TehObsidianDino
jmanraylee - BeatzAudio918
danielxjacobs - L0ckn3ss1830
xxxdarkassianxxx - XxBlackFazexX
goopler56 - Wolfallseeing
__m1ke__ - medimen
elliot0300 - ElliotPVP
_toons_ - Packataka
manavthegt - OMGitsMANAV
joeyiscoolio - J_The_Great
dar712 - GiantWaffle712
novatom10 - ChilledDemon123
jaxluca - TweedieMcTweedie
goldirox - wizardzzz
NightGlideCX - AmadPVP
truecowboys - _GabrieelPVP
xx_daspolo_xx - M3rkMu51c
jalicraft - Jali25
kev525 - tittiemcgee2000
ninjadragon921 - Jakesploder921
hotwing321 - PuffNPass_
zvazzu - LiftedVazzu
freemaster5 - FaZe_Rain360
streakah - TDH
johnnyboy384885 - Johnnyboy141
fleece9 - Volcanosheep
distinctemerald - TemptHD
fletchyfletch - NimbleWhiskers
zero11447 - negative_Zer0
s1lvan - S1lvanGaming
arctrooper98x - SyntaaX
firesmack - Pizza_Chica
omgitsstan - Heartz66
xronaldmcdonald - Console_
b00m5h07 - James93
misterbrandon10 - MysteriousMister
mlgsupergamer - Tom7653
brokenguardians - iDreamer
shredded_dildo - Ron_Jeremy
smartguy200 - L4MB0RGH1N1_AV3N
yunnypro - __Minecraft__
calebcreep - ProGamersUnited
Topic: Wall of Shame
Banned users listed here